
Getting Back into the Woods

FNGs: None
Warm Up: None
The Workout: A nice 10 mile ride through the woods including some of Kubota’s favorites…. The Steeplechase and the Tower Downhill
Mary: None
Announcements: Refer to Slack
T-Claps (Recognition): None
Prayer: Forceps Best Friend’s father, Walter, that is going into Hospice Care

Got some!!

Warm Up:6 Pax for Ec. Started with 21 SSH where all pax needed to stop on 21 after count stopped at 5.  Not Surprised, these HIMs were ready to go.  Continued with windmills, Dazio Arm circles, merkins, and squats.
The Workout: 7s of squats and absolutions Squats at bottom of hill absolutions at top.  Made way to school wall did 20-15-10 count Erkins, Derkins, and dips and then a second round  reverse exercises dips, Derkins , and Erkins.  Mosey to field and did stacking 4-corners 10-SSH, 20-BBSitups, 30-Bonnie Blair’s, 40-calf raises.
Mary:Finished off workout with protractors hello dollies, single leg v-ups, pickle pounders and some stretching
Announcements: picnic June 26th, bed build June 12th,
T-Claps (Recognition):16-bits wife for picking up the flag I left
Prayer:Norm and his process of going to deployment, Swisher Sweet house search, Finkle and all pax’s injury recoveries

Birthday Q 7/10


Still none!
Warm Up:

Grab bells and walk to amphitheater

Bounce while Jump by Van Halen plays – fitting huh?

Staggered Hinge, Sir Fazio forward/backward x10 IC
The Workout:

Tabata style. I said 50s on 10s off but the app got set to 60s/15s – c’est la vie.

Run through the following 8 exercises:

Figure 8
Turkish get up
Clean & jerk
Kettlebell swing
Balls to the wall
Midget love handles


Low slow flutter, pickle pounders, LBCs x20 IC

Picnic sign up
T-Claps (Recognition):

Dawgpound and Emeril for completing the Pikachu 5-pack

Skidmark and family

Emeril’s friend with cancer

YHC took us out praying over the men in the circle

Birthday Q 5/10


Still nope
Warm Up:

SSH, spinal rotation, daisy pickers, staggered hinge , sir fazio forward/backward- all 10x IC
The Workout:

Mosey over to the middle parking lot

Grab a rock – bearly curling across the entire parking lot

10x IC curls for the girls, rurow, overhead press at end. Plus some bonus 5x burpees amidst the rock rotation.

Bearly curling back, repeato rock exercises plus burpees.

Mosey to the playground – 2x10x pull up sets with LBCs and low slow flutters after each x10 IC

Mosey to the amphitheater – 10x preachers chair and BTTW down the line

Mosey to the white fence for typewriters – 3x derkins, shuffle, 3x derkins, go up a wrung, 4x derkins, shuffle, 4x derkins, up a wrung 5x derkins, shuffle 5x derkins

Mosey to the tennis court – crab walk suicides

Mary around the horn x10 IC

Upcoming 5ks, picnic at Harris Lake on June 26th


Skidmark and family

A Good Artist Copies, A Great Artist Steals


None today
Warm Up:

Warmed up w/Mutiny – SSH, Good Morning, Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazios courtesy of Martini
The Workout:

Shamelessly borrowed from a Skidmark Q at Ivan. For each set of exercises YHC went through a quick progression going over form. Pax then went through the set and ran a loop around the nearest parking lot island, noting what order they finished in. They then competed with their nearest partner with the “winner” adding 1x burpee or 1x turkish getup to try and even the field.

Exercise Group 1
5 burpees
10 Kettlebell Squats – Kettlebell held overhead in arm
15 Presses
20 Kettlebell Swings

Exercise Group 2
5 Turkish Get ups
10 Snatches
15 Overhead Press (two hands)
20 Squats

We went through each grouping 3 total times

Moseyed to the tennis courts for 20x Low Slow Flutter and LBCs

Mutiny pax joined us and we also stole M4Life’s Q from the recent JocoGa CSAUP – we played B-Sides (aka Bring Sally Up) with pax in plank hold going from chill cut to regular and back as told to bring sally up/down.
Breach offering up $10 per pax wearing red on Friday, doubled if >75% participate. Funds go to Travis Manion foundation.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Woody – brand new to F3 and is on a roll!
YHC took us out

1 Fire Alarm, 2 Kettle Bells, 5 Maces, and 6 Pax

EC: Pikachu, Deadbolt, Shredder



Warm Up:

  • Ran a Lap around the parking lot
  • OYO Burpees x 5
  • SSH IC x 20
  • Good Morning IC x 10
  • Daisy Pickers IC x 10
  • Fozzio Arm Circles IC x 10 FWD and IC X 10 REV
  • Seal Claps IC x 10
  • Overhead Claps IC x 10

The Workout:

Time Keeper: Farmers Carry with 50lb Kettle Bell in each hand, Remaining PAX switch exercise every time a PAX completes a lap around the traffic circle

  • Exercise 1: Offset Curl
  • Exercise 2: Offset Row
  • Exercise 3: Offset Shoulder Press
  • Exercise 4: Reverse Lunge
  • Exercise 5: Switch Squat
  • Exercise 6: Ab row

We did this for 4.5 cycles through the exercise list.  During the first round of exercises the Holy Ridge Middle School Fire alarm went off, and had us all hopeful that Caveman doesn’t get evicted.


Completed 2 rounds of random Ab Exercises called by PAX


  • Brandon will be getting his new chair delivered this Friday and Lipsync will be taking him to BlackDog on Friday at 5:30 PM.  Would be great for as many PAX as possible to make it out there.
  • Memorial Day Murph on 31-May, consider donating money to First Aid Kits for HSPD


  • Deadbolt’s daughter is turning 23.  Congrats to her and the Deadbolt family.

Are you bad listeners or am I a bad leader?

FNGs: Not today
Warm Up: Mosey to a wall for BTW and a count off of PAX… It took us about 6 times to actually get a count off. The precedence was set for a chatty workout with nobody listening to YHC.  We began to mosey to other side of lot for SSH x15. PAX was surprised by the x15 on SSH, as YHC is known for his x50 or even x100 to begin workouts.  YHC threw a curveball on the SSH, as he called them again, but this time as 21’s.  Q calls out 2 count SSH for the first 1-5 and then 6-21 are silent. If the PAX don’t finish all at the same time in cadence on 21, repeato….Lets just say we repeated quite a few times.  We even had some OYO Peeping Lipsticks when the PAX struck out 3x for not being quiet.   We continued the mosey to another lot and did more warmups.

The Workout: Partner up and suicides across lot with peeping lipsticks.  6 suicide stops- Pax 1 goes to first and back while Pax 2 does peeping lipsticks, rotate partners after each suicide stop, until we got to the end.  Pax had a hard time understanding and also questioned the legitimacy of a peeping lipstick (turkesh getup with a star jump)  It’s in the exicon!   Next we mosey to the bus stop where YHC had coupon pain stations setup.  Partner 1 worked with coupon while partner 2 ran out and back. Switch roles and then switch stations as we rotated through 7 stations.  Stations as followed: Merkin Jack Webb with Cinderblock (2 stations) Weighted jump rope, grave diggers with 20lb mace, death march with 10lb mace, kettlebell swings 35lb, kettlebell tricep extensions 15lb. Closed out with 21s again to test our progress. It only took 3 times to nail it, Pots even turned his back to the Pax!
Mary:  Mary caught the bus and we kept the heartrate up until the end!
Announcements: June 26th Picnic at Harris Lake, Families invited, Emeril is smoking 32 Pork Butts
T-Claps (Recognition): All Pax for showing up during this challenge. The engagement, fellowship, accountability, etc has been awesome. Let’s keep this going through the summer!
Prayer: Heidi, Emeril’s family friend with Cancer

Thunder YOGA w/ 19 PAX

FNGs:  Welcome Jukebox, future patrolman who loves to sing.  Thanks for bringing this young man out Pumpkin Spice.  Good to see your college basketball playing, former HS Hawk XC star, Cobbler, out to the gloom too.
Warm Up:  many PAX participated in VC.  Bike ride +10 miles.  PAX moist.
The Workout:  YOGA, much needed.  Look, I will simply attach a pic of the movements we executed.  Special thanks to Cancun who provided the play by play and color commentary of all the moves attempted.  I tried finding the prisoner terminology he used on this sheet I downloaded from the internet but was unable to locate the verbiage.  I will defer to Cancun for his intimate experiences.  Quite flexible for a 6’4” 260 pound dude.  Awesome.  The much anticipated spread Eagle was executed flawlessly by many.  Only a few PAX let out some flatulence.
Mary:  lots of stretching, balance stuff.  Full 45 mins of pure awesomeness IMO.
Announcements:  CSAUP, Murph, bed build, 5Ks, see Slack/FB
T-Claps (Recognition):  Happy Birthday Cancun!  All PAX killing it during May challenge.  Remember to listen to your body and REST.
Prayer:  Interrupted by geese, goslings and churlish children, YHC chided them and finished up in thoughtful, loving prayers only a seasoned parent could pull off.

Honored to lead – Dauber.

Did you used to work at dairy queen too?


None today 🙁
Warm Up:

SSH x20 while Lipsync tied his shoes.

Good morning x10

The Workout:

Mosey to Rovisys – stops along the way for Sir Fazio x10 forward and backward, Monkey Humpers (towards the road of course), and standard merkins.

At Rovisys – go up the ramp, 10x star jumps, run to the corner at the top of the hill for 20x LBCs, run down the hill back to the bottom of the ramp. Methods of going up the ramp were rail spider mans and wheelbarrel twice (once per pax).

Mosey back to Rovisys with the same exercises as on the way swapping out Fazios for Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies.

Back at the school plank hold with merkins to the tune of Thunder by Imagine Dragons.

Yoga and stretching.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace sign up is live

June picnic at Harris Lake sign up is live
T-Claps (Recognition):

Maybelline for posting a lot of days in a row

Full House for putting this Q up for grabs 😛

India and the rest of the world dealing with the ongoing pandemic

Spartan 500 at Paradise City

YHC made my triumphant return as the Q at Paradise City this 55 degree comfortable morning.  About 7-8 showed for Extra Credit with Pikachu and Skidmark leaving early to get in the extra mile (nice work).  great pick ups on the EC run of this 6.  Returned after EC to see a large gathering in the parking lot which looked great!  We had a visitor from F3 Chartlotte in town – more on that at the COT

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  A quick lap around the parking lot and then circled up

  • Windmills x 10 🙂
  • Wide Grip Merkins x 10
  • Side Strattle Hops x 20
  • Fazio 10F and 10R
  • Seal Claps x 10
  • Right over left and left over right stretches
  • Pax instructed to find an accountability partner of equal speed to put him

The Workout:

We did the Spartan 500 with running a 0.25 mile in between each sets.  Partner up with a man of similar speed but that can push you.  Do the set of 50 exercises at opposite corners with your partner.  See image below for details.

Goal was to do this 10 times or 5 laps.  T claps to (at least) Pikachu, Skidmark and 187 for finishing all 10!  I think most of the rest got 8 so a spartan 400!


The lead pair got back to the Basketball courts a little early and led group in ab exercises.  YHC arrived and closed out mary with a 5 count around the horn holding 6 inch leg lifts.


  • JoCo CSAUP
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace (check slack)
  • Cookout (check slack)

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Mookie for running a 2:08 half marathon yesterday and still posting
  • Visitor from Charlotte (Greyhound) – his step daughter is having a baby today


  • Greyhounds Daughter and doctors
  • unspoken