
F3 Dad’s Camp_8_18_2018

Warm Up:

SSH, Imperial Walkers some other stuff I can’t remember

The Workout:

5 different stations led by 5 different PAX.  Two stations included the PAX’s 2.0


Circle up in smaller groups to name the 2.0 FNG’s




See CHiPS video when he posts it.

Questions Answered

Pax of 17 came out on a drizzly Monday morning to answer one question – was Pikachu done using his new job as an excuse?

~7 Pax got in EC at 5:15. Wescott grabbed another FNG so disclaimers were read and we were off.

Warm Up:

Run to the top of the ramp:

SSH x20 IC

Daisy Pickers x10 IC

Run to corner by tennis courts doing kareoke, backwards run, and butt kickers on the way.


The Workout:

Run back to bathroom trailers to get Midget. Stop at the first island – bear crawl to the 2nd island. Crab walk back.

Now that everyone was accounted for the main event could start. Run to the bottom of the ramp for some shortened 21s:

10 Burpees at the bottom

Run to the top

11 LBCs

Repeated down to 6 burpees and 15 pickle pounders since they’re our favorite. Threw in some backwards running, a bear crawl (that got audibled to 2/3 of the way – that’s a long ramp) and some runs all the way down to the stop sign off the entrance road.

Did one more quality burpee at the bottom and then went to the basketball courts for the grand finale.

Given the storms the night before it only seemed appropriate to do Thunderstruck – nearly 5 minutes of SSH with some more burpees mixed in.

5 year anniversary convergence – last Wednesday in August

9/11 stair climb – 5:30AM start, will be finished before 7.

Verse of the day – Psalm 102:25-28. “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God”

Crab legs.

Doug at Hope who is recovering from a broken neck.


Always a privilege men – thank you for the honor.

And yeah Dog Pound – I’m back.

PS – Welcome FNG Sharapova.

Bricks and Bullfrogs

Warm Up:

Jog around parking lot.  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Merkins

The Workout:

2 Men posted to Nut Cracker today for a Dora (100 merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Squats split between partners). Man running held bricks overhead while his partner did the exercises and vice versa. One round of bullfrogs since Emeril posted and its his favorite exercise. Once the bullfrogs had no more hop in them we wheel barrowed the rest of the way. Finished up with four laps of broke back derkins. Partners carried bricks and exchanged them every time they met in the middle along with each man doing 15 derkins on his partners back.


Mary consisted of ukrainian hammers, LBC, low slow flutter, and homer to marge to close it out.


CSAUP, 5 Year Anniversary


Brandon from Hope Community.

10 PAX at Ivan Got Stronger Without Missing a Beat

Pax: Emeril, Java, Nemo, Peeping Tom, Pipe Dream, Double D, M4L, OCR, Dauber, Mookie

Warm Up:

SSH x20, GM x10, Imperial Walkers x10, Hillbillies x10, Fazio Arm Circles x10 F\B, Legs\Arms- R over L\L over R, Tricep stretches-L and R

The Workout:

For the 2nd Q in a row at Ivan, Mookie forgot to hit play on the Ivan playlist, which may have been a blessing for those PAX with an aversion to 90’s Old School Rap.

PAX grabbed kettlebells and John Cusack’d to the far section of the back parking lot, each occupying their own parking space for the following:

3 Rounds of 8 Kettlebell Swings- after each round PAX bear crawled to the opposite parking space in front of them and waited for the 6th and grabbed the curb for sets of 10 curb Merkins (both hands on curb, R hand on curb, Left hand on curb). At the end of each curb Merkin Round, PAX Lunge and Frankenstein walked back to Kettlebells for swings.

Mosey’d Cusack style to the end of the lot for a series of Kettlebell squats

Goblet Squats X10, Squat Thrusters X5 R\L, Goblet Squats w\ delayed down\up cadence X10

Mosey’d Cusack style across to the back of lot for Kettlebell Arm exercises

Hammer Curls x10 R\L, Curl Presses x10 R\L, Tricep Presses x20

Mosey’d Cusack style to middle of back lot for Rounds of Upright Rows, Bear Crawls to opposite parking space, and curb Shoulder\Tricep Work

3 Rounds Upright Rows x10

Derkins  x12 (In honor of Tom Brady’s Birthday)

Shoulder Tap Derkins x12

Dips x33 (for Larry Bird- drawing inspiration from earlier Murph mumble chatter about Lightning and Legends)

Mosey’d to playground varying Kettlebell Farmer’s carries R\L, Midget Love Handle bends R\L, and Tricep extensions.

Playground: Back\Lat Work

3 Rotating Rounds of TRX front rows x10, Pull Ups x10, Kettlebell plank rows x5 L\R

Mosey’d Cusack style toward picnic table shelter, dropped bells and performed 15 standard Merkins, picked up bells and proceed toward tennis court side shelter where we encountered a FIA workout. There were no ‘Gun Show’ comments this week. I have to assume Dauber was focused on what the Q would call next..Q proceeded with instruction to perform Kettlebell presses on the walk and alternated with various kettlebell exercises (tricep extensions in cadence, presses, farmer carries, Cusacks) on return to back lot for Mary.


LBC x15, Freddy Mercury x15, Low\Slow Flutter x20, Plank-Standard, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up. 1 Merkin w\hold for 30 seconds


U-turn\Ground Pounder tomorrow, Big Shout out to OCR for completing 5-Pack this week, Dauber for EC Murph


“Two are better than one, for if they fall, one will lift up the other” – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

OCR’s co-worker who recently passed. Prayers to his family

Continued Prayer’s to Double D’s father.

Nutcracker 7/2

Pax of 20

Warm Up: Jog around the parking lot and circle up for 22 counts of merkins, imperial walkers, windmills and LBC’s

The Workout: Pax to get bricks and cinderblocks.  Station to Station: Cones marked by exercises, 50 mountain climbers, 40 squats, 30 LBC’s, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Curls,

2nd station in front of school 9, 8 Homer to Marge, 7 Burpees, 6.  2 laps and finish as a pax.

Mary: 22 counts exercise called out by pax, big boy sit-ups, Freddie mercuries, merkins, low slow flutter

Announcements: 4th of July convergence

Prayer: Ended in circle of trust

U-Turn sponsored by Shoes & Brews

Ask and you shall receive! 21 men posted at U-Turn. Warm up include IW, Hilbilies, good mornings, fozio arm circles.

Nice run with turn backs

Prayers for Bufors, those injured a d recovering Draper, Doible D, 187

Plan for more stretching next week and some organized training and scout runs


Cletus. Java’s First Year F3 Anniversary. Crab inspired workout.

Q: Java

Pax of 25 this morning at Cletus with seven joining at the last few minutes from Ivan.

EC Murph was done by a few locos prior to Cletus.


Indian reverse run around the soccer fields and over the bridge to the Southwest parking lot

Side Straddle Hop x30 IC

Imperial Walkers x 15

Hilly Billy x 15

Good Mornings x 10

Fazio arm circles x 15 IC Forward

Fazio arm circles x 15 IC Backward

Arms and chest stretch

Standard merkins x 30

Main Workout:

Run backward to the middle of the parking lot: 20 merkins

Run backward to the end of the parking lot: 20 squats

Repeated for 4 trips

Crabwalk to mid lot: 20 LBCs

Crabwalk to end lot: 20 Freddy Merc

Repeated for 2 trips

Bearcrawl to the middle of the parking lot: 20 LBCs

Bearcrawl to the middle of the parking lot: 20 Freddy Merc

Repeated for 2 trips

Indian run around the south loop and back to the southwest parking lot.

Dips on the cement parking bars x 20

Erkins with hands over the cement parking barks x 10

Squats x10

Dips on the cement parking bars x 20

Erkins with hands over the cement parking barks x 10

Squats x 10

Mosey to the tennis courts.

Cool down: Circle up for core exercises; flutter kicks, windshield wipers, LBCs.

Announcements and prayer requests:

Support the Healing Transitions AO on Fridays at 2 PM.

Banana Seat is having a CT Scan; pray for positive results.

Tofu requested prayer so Java finds a job 😉

COT and closing prayer:

Prayed so we may be the light and salt of this earth, that we may leave everything and everyone better than before in order to be men of high impact.