3 Qs Are Better Than 1
We had some lines cross as we geared up for the Dads workout. ShamWow! was volunteered following the last one but it was never documented on the Q-Sheet. Warbucks jumped on it the night before since it was blank on the Q-sheet and I volunteered to assist since I wasn’t planning on running U-Turn. We all had a quick chat the night before once the crossed lines were understood and we all took a piece to “Q”. Good times were had by all and the weather was glorious. Read below 🙂
FNGs: 0
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Bear Crawls, Wheel Barrows, Random Ball Chasing, SSH
The Workout:
Thang 1 – ShamWow! Says – The only time that anyone listens to what ShamWow! says… YHC got out first, point made (I never listen to ShamWow!)
Thang 2 – Zombie Dodgeball – Started with YHC. He hit people with the ball until they were all hitting the other people with the ball. We lost track of who was a Zombie and who wasnt until it was just chaos. But fun chaos anyway.
Thang 3 – Dads vs Kids Dodgeball – At the core Dads were on one side of the tennis courts and the kids were on the other. Get hit, sit on the fence and watch until all Dads or all kids are cleared from the game. We played 3-4 variations of this where Dads were one-handed, Dads could only catch, and just normal Dodgeball. It was fun, everyone won.
Thang 4 – Freeze Tag – Dads vs kids, get tagged and stop in your tracks with your legs shoulder-width apart. If someone from your team passed under your legs you were unfrozen and back in the game. We played this more than a few times. Swish was a monster in this game, juking all over the place.
Mary: Animal Crawls – Animals were called, we crawled like that animal from one side of the courts to the other.
Announcements: 2nd F at Dunkin’
T-Claps (Recognition): Swish – Nice jukes.
Prayer: The defending South Wake Beer Mile Champions. The kids were all very worried about you… Heard that Pikachu, Skidmark, Lipstick, and UTI were running against you this year :-O