
66% Shirted at the mini Murph

FNGs:  Welcome Strat-eee-gery

Warm Up: Good Mornings, Windmills, SSH, Goofballs, Frankensteins, Squats

The Workout:  Murph.  Well… whatever we can squeeze into a 45 min workout.

Started with the traditional 1 mile run by completing the figure 8 around Womble.

Paired off into accountability partners.  YHC cut the normal count of 100 pull-ups, 200 merkins, and 300 squats in half.  Each PAX aimed to complete half of the normal Murph.  The count was done OYO with YHC supplying headlocks and mumblechatter throughout.

I regailed the PAX with a memory of one of my first Cletus workouts where a Murph was declared as the workout.  It was intimidating and so hard back then.  This wasnt easy today but it was certainly easier than it was on one of my first workouts.  Keep coming back, get stronger, beat yesterday, <enter your cliche inspirational message here>

Did you know that YHC is now the site Q at Disney?  Do you have a birthday, anniversary, or other memorable event to celebrate?  Celebrate it at Disney!

Reserve your spot on the Disney Q-Sheet today before its too late!!!

Once PAX completed their reps – we mozy’d around the soccer field and back around to the playground.  The TBD tribe then mozy’d back to the main lot for Mary.

Mary:  Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders, (these brought cheers from the non-F3 onlookers in the lot), Good Mornings

Announcements:  Welcome Plunger (PAX relocating from Charlotte) – dropped some intel about an F3 campout coming this summer.  I cant find the link on Slack but keep an eye out for this HIM.  Good dude moving into town very soon.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer:  Prayers for the country, Stra-tee-gery sought prayers for his 2.0s looking for college placement

Cletus – Who’s Got the Q?

Doc: “If I’d known that you were the Q, I would have skipped and saved this tight leg from your sprints.” Me: “I’m not Q’ing today.” But, after no Q showed, …looks like it I AM Q’ing! This was a great opportunity to Q on the fly. Benefits: Didn’t lose any sleep the night before while planning the perfect Q

Warm-up: Mosey to upper end of Ivan lot. SSH 25x, GMs 10x, Arm circles 10F/10B, Merkins 15x.

Thang 1: Mosey to amphitheater

Round 1: Dips 20x; BTW each Pax count 15

Round 2: Step ups 15x; People’s Chair each Pax count 15

Round 3: Jump ups 15x; BTW each Pax count 10


Thang 2: Mosey to playground & monkey bars

Two rounds: Pax popcorn ab/core exercises while one pax completes 5-10 pull-ups


Thang 3: Mosey back to Ivan lot for some railroads. Starting at top, each Pax occupies a parking stripe.

Round 1: Starting at top, Pax 1 jumps over planking Pax to first open stripe. Continue Indian run/Railroad style to end of parking lot. Mosey back.

Round 2: Same with 5x Derkins on curb and plank hold

Round 3: Same with 5x WWIIs and Low slow flutter


Thang 4: Run to end of parking lot, step ups on curb 10x in cadence, run back

Run to end of parking lot, 5 burpees, run back


Mary: Mosey to tennis courts

Popcorn ab work at least two rounds, maybe three

T-Claps (Recognition): HaxMat’s third F3 workout

Prayer requests: The Natural’s brother – hip surgery. Our world – stop spread of Coronavirus

Announcements: Census 2020 is here. Town of Holly Springs and all communities rely on Federal funding for hospitals, libraries, schools, roads, fire stations, and emergency  services. When applying for such funding, an important criteria is, How many folks does would the project serve? Thus, it is very important to have an accurate head count of the community. So, please complete your Census 2020 as soon as you receive your code in the mail.

Coronavirus is here too. Two staff in Doc’s NCSU Dept. of Applied Ecology are on a team of modelers on a nationwide team that is predicting (modeling) the spread of the virus. Numbers are astounding if the current pace continues. Each one of us must do our part to slow the spread and “flatten the curve.” Among other things, practice social distancing!

Looking for Some Normalcy at TBD

FNGs:  None

EC:  Deadbolt, others?

Rolled into Womble with a ton of weight in the back of my SUV, ok actually about 300lbs of iron.  Planted the flag and secretly set up the dumbbells and kettlebells at the other end of the parking lot opposite from the gathering of PAX.  Fog was thicker than pea soup.  @Deadbolt grabbed an epic picture of Old Glory.  I had a game plan in place for contingencies of 2-12 PAX showing up.  I personally was in a fog from the recent social post form the G.O.A.T. saying his goodbyes to all New England Patriots fans.  It had to come to an end at some time. I would honor him during the warmup.


Warm Up:  Nice and easy lap around Womble tennis courts and soccer pitch.  POTS was moving like a HSHS XC kid.  Nice speed!  Circled up in the parking lot for the following 12 count cadence exercises in honor of Tom Brady:

SSH, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps, Good am, Fozio Arm Circles (F/B), Ospreys (F/B), Daisy Pickers, Michael Phelps, Karaoke (alternating) to the opposite end of the parking lot.

The Workout:

PAX found the surprise of 7 sets of dumbbells and two Kettlebells on the sidewalk with index cards listing three exercises.  The exercises were broken down in 3-4 main areas:  legs, arms, abs and back/lats.

8lbs:  seal claps, overhead claps, straight front arm curls – palms down

10lbs:  American hammers, WWIIs, Straight arm Tricep extensions

15lbs:  Bus drivers, Tricep curls, Ground pounders

20lbs: Lunges, step-ups, 2 arm overhead squats

25lbs:  Curls for the girls, single arm lawn mowers, Upright rows

30lbs:  Goblet squats, while on your six, hold dumbbell over your chest while holding 6”, hello dollies

40lbs:  PAX Choice – 1 Arm, 1 ABs and 1 Leg exercise

16lb KB:  Lunges, Goblet squat, midget love handles

20lbs:  thrusters, swings, halos

Two PAX with no weights – TIME Keepers – Run around the parking lot twice.

Once the PAX completed their run, the remaining PAX rotated two positions.  EachPAX member got to do each exercise card at least once while running two separate times.

After last PAX finished running, PAX helped Dauber load his car up.

Mary:  Mosey to the tennis courts for 12 counts of pickle pounders, homer to marge and box cutters.  It appeared we had an audience of some “Golden Seniors” getting their cardio on next to us under the pavilion.  Thought those three exercises brought some of the best moves from F3 to the non-indoctrined.

Announcements:  I honestly do not remember any with all of the cancellations.

T-Claps (Recognition):  All the PAX who came out for some normalcy in the fog this morning.  And special recognition to Fanny Pack for earning a free breakfast beverage (compliments of YHC) for reading yesterday’s BB and following up with my request.

Prayer:  All of our families, especially those traveling (Pumpkin Spice’s kid flying from Chicago today).  We will get through this COVID-19 stuff.


Honor to lead – Dauber.

They Don’t Have This on the Elliptical

FNGs: Welcome HazMat, transportation manager for an industrial gas company.

On Sunday, Banana Seat noted the opportunities on the Q sheet so I jumped on it. Been almost 2 weeks since I Q’d and my fellow Masters had been killing the Q’s. My turn! I grabbed TBD with, “This will be a high-tempo workout, so you might want to rest up.” Later that day, I saw FNG HazMat and asked him which day he wanted to debut F3. His response, “Wednesday.” No I did not kill him.


Mosey around Hunt Center. Circle up at back corner, strategically near the top of the hill.

SSH 25x, GMs, 15x, Fozio arm circles 15x, Seal claps 15x, Overhead claps 15x.

Thang 1: Hill repeats 11s with WWIIs at bottom, Derkins at the top.

A couple of surprises along the way. Out of nowhere, POTS sprints and races Snap up the hill. Amazing! That’s what posting 5 days a week will do. Also, surprising, I got the count (mostly) right. Da Business would have been impressed!

FNG HazMat, who has been working out at Planet Fitness, notes, “they don’t have this on the elliptical.” Later, Mookie concurs that no equipment at Planet fitness can simulate hill repeats w/11’s and chasing Snap around the parking lot (or up the hill).

Thang 2: Modified Sevens at Ivan Parking Lot

Because we were well over halfway in the workout, I reduced this to two corners. PAX completed reps in multiples of seven on two corners: 7 burpees OYO; 14 low slow flutter in cadence; 21 merkins, 28 squats. Just as we got started on burpees, in roll the R4TJ crowd. Several joined us for 7 burpees (Lipstick, Banana Seat, others?, can’t remember).

Mary: Mosey back to tennis courts.

American Hammers 15x (POTS wanted 30 like he led at Purple Cobra), windshield wipers 15x, pickle pounders 15x.

Announcements: F3 Raleigh Mule Saturday

Prayer Requests: Forceps and family, protect everyone from the virus.

T-Claps: HazMat for posting and being ready to return

Java took us out with a nice prayer.