
Rock the Body

7 Rocked-the-body at Ground Pounder. Grateful for the cool mist.
warm up: GM, WMH, Windmill, Frankenstein, Arm Circles,

large rock & 2 small 

3 rounds w large rock – curls, triceps, rows, wonder bra, rock-the-body.
3 rounds w small rocks: hallelujahs, lateral raises, goof-balls, L-raises

2 rounds standing core large rock : halos, MLH, around the world (small), figure 8 (small), rock chop.

Mary: 5 minutes of stretching

Good work @Flip Phone @Mr. Terrific @HazMat @Lube @Socrates Noah’s Ark and YHC.

Praise and prayers for Socrates daughter and new granddaughter. Prayers for all PAX recovering from illness or injury.

T-claps day 74 for several 75Hard PAX.

Ground Pounder 2/15/2025

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Always start with some good mornings and stretching exercises to keep this Respectful bunch loose so we don’t pull something. 

The Workout: Rock exercises, wall exercises, disc golf exercises and finished with some picnic table dirkins, merkins and irkins.

Mary: Round the circle with your core exercise of choice. 

Announcements: Socrates will step up and be the co-Q for Ground Pounder!  Many thanks for Pumpkin Spice for co-Q’ing Ground Pounder for the last 1-2 years!

Ended with prayer.

Ground Pounder 2/8/2025: Dual Q with Socrates & Norm!

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Led by Socrates! Plenty of stretching and mumblechatter.

The Workout: Led by Norm!  Team work with multiple rock reps with the other member moseying to the bleachers to perform another exercise.  

Mary: Led by Socrates!

Finished with prayer.

Ground Pounder 2/1/2025

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lots of stretches, good mornings and Sir Fozio Arm Circles

The Workout:  Two rounds of rock work followed by tall wall exercises and then on to the shorter 2-foot wall for more exercises.

Mary: Low Slow Flutters in honor or Motor Boatin’ and several other core exercises to finish it all off. 

Hopscotch Fun

Warm ups included good mornings, arm circles, side straddle hops, daisy pickers, Willy Mays Hayes, hillbillies.  
Upper body consisted of 10 variations of pushups. Seal claps, overhead claps and raise the roof. 
Lower body 1 pax would go to the end and back of the hopscotch board while the rest of the pax performed monkey humpers. When they returned the next pax went and everyone would continue exercising until everyone had a turn at hopscotch. Rest and repeat doing squats, alternating lunges and 1/2 squats. 
Core we did LBC’s, heels to heaven, box cutters, heel taps and Homer to Marge. 
Finished with an all around stretch. 

Dead Last

Dead @$$ Last

FNGs: Bill, age 81, joined us for COT.  May come next week.

Warm Up: Slow mosey with four coupons (slam ball, weighted ball, 2 basketballs) to the basketball court while doing frankensteins, high knees, butt kicks, lunges, John Cusack and paused for some good mornings.

The Workout: 5 Rounds of Knock Out. PAX who were “knocked out” completed four pain stations before getting the chance to jump back in the game. 

Pain Stations Rounds 1,3,5: 5xMerkins, 5xJump Squats, 5xBall Slams, 5xGround Pounders

Pain Stations Rounds 2,4:5xCDD, 3xLunges (each leg),3xHalos (each direction), 5xGP. 

Noah’s Ark won 2 rounds, Woody, Gump and YHC each won one round and Hazmat was Dead @$$ Last

Mosey back to the flag. 

Mary: Box Cutters, American Hammer, Homer to Marge, Good Mornings. 

Announcements: Patriot Games coming up.  Lots of opportunities to serve, check 3rd F channel.  Volunteers needed for HS 4th celebration. 

Prayer: PAX recovering from injury and looking for work. Those going through difficult relationships right now. 

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 2.49.09 PM

52nd Birthday Q

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, Arm Circles, GM, WMH

The Workout: Choose a coupon (#15 to #45 kettlebell or ball) and added one rock from the rock pile.  

Two columns of exercises. 52 cards + 2 jokers; Cadence given number on card; face cards 10; Ace BTTW 11 count in cadence; Joker Wall Sit each PAX 10 count and change exercises to other column 

Diamonds: Wonder Bra | Rows

Hearts: Ground Pounder | Squats

Clubs: American Hammer | Windshield Wiper over the KB/rock

Spades: Curls | Triceps 

Mary: This one came down to the wire. Return coupons

Announcements: Picnic , Memorial Day Murph, Check slack

Prayer: PAX traveling, recovering from injury, looking for work

Apollo Creed Tribute

FNGs: None

Warm Up: arm Circles, GM, WMH, SSH.

 The Workout: 2 cycles of 12 Rounds 40 seconds on, 20 second rest.

  1. Jump Rope w or w/o rope
  2. Offset basketball merkin
  3. Heavy bag punching
  4. Pull Ups / TRX rows
  5. Punching w small weights
  6. Quick feet (curb)
  7. Slam ball
  8. KB squat,bob & step
  9. Wonder bra
  10. American Hammer
  11. Bent over row
  12. Mike Tyson’s off curb

Mary: each PAX selected an an exercise 10 count or in cadence

Announcements: Dauber’s Super Bowl Squares. Check slack. Donations go to HS Food Cupboard

Prayer: Stub’s dad’s best friend passed away. 

Cinder Blocks are heavy

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, GM, WMH, Arm Circles.  The PAX did a great job reciting core values and F3 mission. No penalty burpees.

The Workout:

Grab a Cinder Block, Cusack for a bit. 10x Ground Pounder, 10x Rows. Cusack. Did 3 rounds.

Curls and Triceps as we walked to bathroom building w blocks.

Dora : 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBC (single count). Partner farmer carry both cinder blocks 50M and back.

return blocks.

Mary : Stretches and circle of ab exercises called out by each PAX. Final set of Good Mornings.

Announcements: Trash pick up today 9AM Walmart FV.  My Way anniversary party today 5:30PM My Way in Holly Springs

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Motor Boatin’s sister to ER last night . Uncertain. All PAX dealing with injuries and illness.

Cold cold morning at Ground Pounder

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Hill billies, Imperial walkers, Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward and backward, Willy Mays Hayes, Side Straddle Hops, some merkins

The Workout: Large rock and rotate to the left after each exercise: Curls for the girls, Wonde, Rut rows, Overhead tricep press, Shoulder press, Ground Pounder. Move to the wall. Balls to the wall with counts of 10 by each PAX, people’s chair 10 second counts, individual calf raises cadence x 11. Repeated large rock work rotating to the right, and then the wall exercises. Played 2 holes of frisbee golf with squats before each throw on the first hole and monkey humpers on the 2nd hole. Breach also added a missed putt penalty for 5 merkins for each missed putt. Nice finish. Time’s up so brought it back to COT.

Announcements: Road cleanup scheduled for Saturday February 3rd at 9AM at the Walmart in FQ.