
Backblast thingamajig

QIC: Sliderule

FNG in attendance, so disclaimer was given, prompt start at 5:45

Warm Up
Reverse Indian Run w/ Burpees to start. We’ve done this several times at Cletus. Apparently Brony and Peak Week never managed to attend when it happened, though. Therefore, there was much mumble chatter and complaining. The exercise itself is straightforward. Pax runs in a line, front man sprints to back. When he reaches the back, he calls “DOWN” and entire Pax drops for a burpee. Repeat. Apparently, this extended beyond the capabilities of some of our veteran pax.

So, Audible ⅔ of the way around the soccer fields to do:
Fence work: 10 Derkins on each rung alternating with 10 count BTTW or People’s Chair.
Partner Carry back to parking lot (~ 80 yards), then switch partners to fence across street

Thang Pt 1
Typewriter on the wooden fence, alternating height, derkins, side to side.

Thang Pt 2
11’s on the hill. 10x Burpees at the bottom, run up the hill backwards, 1x Derkin at the top. Go until Lucky Charms finished. I think I made it to 4 burpees. This was the pinnacle of “You vs. You”. Lucky lapped me (and pretty much everyone else) before I made it up the hill twice.

Bear Crawl the parking lot back to the gate. Speedsters went to go get a “curling rock” and meet us at the playground. Slower guys did an Indian Run the long way around the soccer fields.

Thang Pt 3
Split into groups of 4 for 3 rounds of the following:
Pax 1: AMRAP pullups
Pax 2: AMRAP curls
Pax 3: AMRAP triceps extensions
Pax 4 (timer): 10x merkins
Rotate through the exercises 3x each.

Some guys return the rocks, others head to tennis courts. First ones to the courts do wheelbarrows & everyone bear crawls in the six.

Freddy Mercury, 10x forward, 10x backward. 6 inch / 45 degree / 6 inch leg hold.

Our Six in COT was Crosby. Dude came out this winter for the first time and got named for his love of the Capitals (was rocking a Caps sweatshirt). He quickly got his comeuppance with them winning the Cup this year, much to the chagrin of a half dozen Pens fans who named him. After attending 1x/week for a couple months, Crosby has been killing it lately and even attended the pre-Cletus Murph. It’s awesome to see him get involved and invite his friends. Might be time for him to step up and Q soon! We’re better because you’re here, Crosby, keep it up, dude!!!

1776 Workout July 4th @ Disney. Ugh.
Ongoing prayers for Crab Legs

CHiPs is Riding Solo

PAX: Slide Rule, 187, Pablo, Ramsey, Kid Cracker, Lip Stick, Doc, Fog Horn, Lucky Charms, Breach, The Dawg Pound, Vlasic, UTI, Peeping Tom, Axe, CHiPs.

EC: CHiPs, UTI, The Dawg Pound, Peeping Tom (2 miles)

Warm-Up: One lap around the four corners, then one lap around with exercises on the corners. (20 SSH; 10X10 Imperial Walker/Hillbillies; 10X10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles; 25 Mtn Climbers; 25 Sumo Squats)

The Thang: 1) Divide into two groups and perform Triple 7’s on the Ramp. (Down and back=1, 7-Wide-grip Merkins on the top and 7-Standard Merkins on the bottom X7).  2) Bear crawl parking area with some mogul jumps, then lunge walk back with sumo squats.

Head to the Birth Canal with a partner for some Ballz2Wall and Preacher’s Chair while the other partner runs to where the sidewalk ends.

Mosey back to the court for Mary led by Breach

Announcements: July 4th Convergence at Disney for 1776 reps of goodness.

Prayers: Ramsey’s grandmother passed away last week, pray for the family and for Ramsey’s safe travels to the funeral in CA.  Praying for Crab Legs always, and the unspoken prayers that are needed.  Also, CHiPs M lost her grandmother last week also, pray for peace and comfort for the family.

CHiPs Word of the Day:  Realize how important your role as a father can be in your child’s life.  A lot of people, especially women, have daddy issues that result from father’s not fulfilling their role as a Dad the way that they should.  Strive to be the best DAD that you can be everyday and remember that regardless of your situation, you have a Good, Good Father in Heaven that loves you unconditionally.

Verse: Psalm 36:7, How precious is your unfailing love, O God!


U-Turn with Kotters and BRR

Good number for U-Turn.

Ranges from 5 – 9.5

Welcome FNG Whiteout


It’s a Long Road Ahead


So, after 2 years of being with F3 I finally got the balls to lead a workout. Thanks, Double D for going on vacation and giving me a chance to lead the men through the grind.

Warm Up:

Jog around the tennis court

15 Side Straddle Hop

15 Hillbillies

15 Imperial Walkers

10 Fozzy Arm Circles Regular

10 Fozzy Arm Circles Reverse

10 Good Mornings

10 Copperhead Squat


The Thang: Ten station workout all the way down the Possum Trot road

Station 1              Burpee x 10

Station 2              Rock Curls x 20

Station 3              Merkins x 15

Station 4              American Hammer with Rocks x 20

Station 5              Bobby Hurley x 20

Station 6              World War II x 20

Station 7              Plank Jacks x 20

Station 8              Morning Wood 10 Left / 10 Right

Station 9              Mountain Climbers x 20

Station 10            Monkey Humpers x 20

Sprint Back to the start (Station 1)

THANG ROUND 2 with adding 5 more reps to each station

No Man was left behind!!!!! Everyone picked up the six!


10 Donkey Kicks

15 count – People’s Chair arms out

10 count – Balls to Wall

15 count – People’s Chair arms up


20 LBCs (I know we only had time for 1)


Prayer Request – Pikachu has a job interview and pray for F3 vets to get back out. Let’s reach back out to the guys and get them back in the grind.

Yogurt get out of the Street

24 Pax made their way down to the Paradise City.

EC: Pikachu, UTI, Roger Roger, Pablo, Crosby, Nemo, Deadbolt, Skidmark

Fartsacks: Breach

Warm-up: One lap around the complex with 25 merkins, 15 SSH, 10 IW, 10 Hillbillies, and 10 Cotton/Daisey Pickers

The Thing: Mosey across Main St for 11’s. Burpees at the top and Jack Webbs at the bottom. Run to first tree do 1 burpee, back to start for 10 merkins/30 overhead presses. Run to second tree for 2 burpees and back to start for 9 merkins/27 overhead presses. So on and so forth.

Mosey back to the complex for Brokebacks with a partner. 10 each and then run up the hill by the ticket booth. 10 each at the top. Run back down and 10 each at the bottom.

Mary: 22 WWII for missing Breach, 10 Peter Parkers

Welcome FNG Axe (Like the body spray)

185 total Merkins and 2.85 Miles along with 55 Burpees

Announcements: 4th of July South Wake Convergence 0630 Disney

Prayers: Roger Roger’s grandfather, Forceps’ son, Crablegs, unspoken

Nemo – My #1 Fan

Pax of 17 showed up in the stifling late week heat as the summer solstice was taking place at Middle Creek as Nemo was back on the Q. Not sure it counts as FNG but the Nemo fan made an appearance to stress the message of importance about hydration and exercising responsibly during the summer heat.  EC credit to 187 (check that pace), Skidmark and Crosby.

Warm Up: On the jog we headed around the main fields but veered off down the greenway and circled up along the main road for SSH ICx15, Good Mornings ICx10, Fazio Arm Circles ICx10 front and reverse, and a series of arms/shoulders/chest stretch.

The Workout: On the jog we headed to the wood rails along the entrance to the start and set up shop for a round of assisted deep squats offset with merkins.  10 count of each and we went 5 rounds. Included a bonus 5 burpees in the middle as H1N1 rolled up a couple minutes late.  On the jog around to what I like to call the lower lot, we set up on the benches for a round of dips offset with squat jumps and merkins. 10 count of each and we went 4 rounds with a recover jog around the lot between rounds 2 and 3. On the jog back to the main field we set up for SSH ICx30 then a round of Jack Webbs at a 1:3 ratio (1 merkin then 3 air press). We pushed this to a 10:30 count.

Mary: Plank-o-rama with plenty of time to work in some tough exercises, each man on a 10 count or IC.

Announcements: Nemo will be out the next 2 weeks so Tha Natural has your Q next week and Yogurt has your Q the week after. July 4th convergence will be at Disney.  Plenty of great options Fri so post (EC Murph at Womble, Crazy Ivan, Cletus, Sheepdog all in play).  Reminder to exercise smart in this heat – be aware of your condition and rest as needed, hydrate throughout the day.

Prayers: A reminder to take time to listen to others and see any signs.  Praise for how F3 guys step up as needed, for each other and for the community.  Plenty of unspoken.  YHC took us out in prayer.

Cletus. Java’s First Year F3 Anniversary. Crab inspired workout.

Q: Java

Pax of 25 this morning at Cletus with seven joining at the last few minutes from Ivan.

EC Murph was done by a few locos prior to Cletus.


Indian reverse run around the soccer fields and over the bridge to the Southwest parking lot

Side Straddle Hop x30 IC

Imperial Walkers x 15

Hilly Billy x 15

Good Mornings x 10

Fazio arm circles x 15 IC Forward

Fazio arm circles x 15 IC Backward

Arms and chest stretch

Standard merkins x 30

Main Workout:

Run backward to the middle of the parking lot: 20 merkins

Run backward to the end of the parking lot: 20 squats

Repeated for 4 trips

Crabwalk to mid lot: 20 LBCs

Crabwalk to end lot: 20 Freddy Merc

Repeated for 2 trips

Bearcrawl to the middle of the parking lot: 20 LBCs

Bearcrawl to the middle of the parking lot: 20 Freddy Merc

Repeated for 2 trips

Indian run around the south loop and back to the southwest parking lot.

Dips on the cement parking bars x 20

Erkins with hands over the cement parking barks x 10

Squats x10

Dips on the cement parking bars x 20

Erkins with hands over the cement parking barks x 10

Squats x 10

Mosey to the tennis courts.

Cool down: Circle up for core exercises; flutter kicks, windshield wipers, LBCs.

Announcements and prayer requests:

Support the Healing Transitions AO on Fridays at 2 PM.

Banana Seat is having a CT Scan; pray for positive results.

Tofu requested prayer so Java finds a job 😉

COT and closing prayer:

Prayed so we may be the light and salt of this earth, that we may leave everything and everyone better than before in order to be men of high impact.