Backblast thingamajig
QIC: Sliderule
FNG in attendance, so disclaimer was given, prompt start at 5:45
Warm Up
Reverse Indian Run w/ Burpees to start. We’ve done this several times at Cletus. Apparently Brony and Peak Week never managed to attend when it happened, though. Therefore, there was much mumble chatter and complaining. The exercise itself is straightforward. Pax runs in a line, front man sprints to back. When he reaches the back, he calls “DOWN” and entire Pax drops for a burpee. Repeat. Apparently, this extended beyond the capabilities of some of our veteran pax.
So, Audible ⅔ of the way around the soccer fields to do:
Fence work: 10 Derkins on each rung alternating with 10 count BTTW or People’s Chair.
Partner Carry back to parking lot (~ 80 yards), then switch partners to fence across street
Thang Pt 1
Typewriter on the wooden fence, alternating height, derkins, side to side.
Thang Pt 2
11’s on the hill. 10x Burpees at the bottom, run up the hill backwards, 1x Derkin at the top. Go until Lucky Charms finished. I think I made it to 4 burpees. This was the pinnacle of “You vs. You”. Lucky lapped me (and pretty much everyone else) before I made it up the hill twice.
Bear Crawl the parking lot back to the gate. Speedsters went to go get a “curling rock” and meet us at the playground. Slower guys did an Indian Run the long way around the soccer fields.
Thang Pt 3
Split into groups of 4 for 3 rounds of the following:
Pax 1: AMRAP pullups
Pax 2: AMRAP curls
Pax 3: AMRAP triceps extensions
Pax 4 (timer): 10x merkins
Rotate through the exercises 3x each.
Some guys return the rocks, others head to tennis courts. First ones to the courts do wheelbarrows & everyone bear crawls in the six.
Freddy Mercury, 10x forward, 10x backward. 6 inch / 45 degree / 6 inch leg hold.
Our Six in COT was Crosby. Dude came out this winter for the first time and got named for his love of the Capitals (was rocking a Caps sweatshirt). He quickly got his comeuppance with them winning the Cup this year, much to the chagrin of a half dozen Pens fans who named him. After attending 1x/week for a couple months, Crosby has been killing it lately and even attended the pre-Cletus Murph. It’s awesome to see him get involved and invite his friends. Might be time for him to step up and Q soon! We’re better because you’re here, Crosby, keep it up, dude!!!
1776 Workout July 4th @ Disney. Ugh.
Ongoing prayers for Crab Legs