
Holy Humidity Batman! 6/12/21

This was about as humid of a morning I’ve experienced running so far this year.  I figured it would be bad because it rained all day Friday and as the sun came up it felt like a steam room.  The only relief was a little bit of sporadic drizzling rain that hit us on the rain.  I’m truly amazed at anyone who’s running in this type of weather without some type of hydration pack, or water bottle, or hydrating gel pack, or whatever else may be out there that I don’t know about.

FNGs: none

Warm Up: quick parking lot mosey, 10x Good Mornings, 10x Daisy Pickers, 30-35 Merkins OYO

The Workout: 6mi, 3.5mi, or ruck.  6mi route included a search for the albino deer, which eluded me this morning as usual

Mary: no time

Announcements: Warbucks collecting baby, preemie, and newborn items at AO’s to donate to the Newborn Critical Care Center at UNC Children’s Hospital to celebrate and honor his lost 5-week old son every year.

T-Claps (Recognition): Elton for coming all the way out to Holly Springs from Wake Forest to celebrate his 1yr anniversary.

Prayer: Axe father getting knee replacement surgery, Alpine travelling with family to Switzerland, safety for all those running the Grasshopper 5k

They’re Coming From All Directions

YHC did not sleep well last night nor is in perfect operating condition (hammy/knee). Shocker right… Truth be told, seems like most pax are banged up a bit at most times. but we keep pushing… for ourselves and each other to become a better version of ourselves each day. The bar for Paradise City is set high. It’s supposed to be high intensity with a goal of getting 3 miles. We just don’t stop for too long in the City.  YHC challenged himself with putting together this Q and also going on a 5 day Q tour this week with EC each day. Get the ice bags ready! 15 determined pax attended stop 1 at Paradise City.

EC: Dawgpound, Dumbo, Pablo, Skidmark, Pikachu, Cupid, Boy George, Fanny Pack

FNG’s: nope
Warm Up: Loop mosey around the soccer fields and tennis courts and down the ramp stopping for Good Mornings, Frankenstein’s, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, and Seal Claps all IC.
The Workout: YHC pre- blasted a rounding the bases theme, so that’s what we did. Home plate was bottom of the ramp… 5 burpees. First base was at the b-ball court… 10 merkins. 2nd base was at the top of the hill… 15 squats. 3rd base was by the ticket booth at the top of the ramp… 20 mountain climbers.  Back to home plate was 25 Freedom Hammers IC.  Pax travelled to each base and back home again, before going to the next base.  Pax stopped to do exercises on the way out AND on the way back in. In all, 25 burpees, 70 merkins, 75 squats, 60 mountain climbers, and 25 Freedom Hammers with just a tad under 3 miles running. Toward the end, there was some confusion among the pax as to where to wait/how to bring in the six.  This guy went this way…that guy went that way. When in doubt, circle up for some Mary exercises.  YHC knew we needed about .3 more miles. I had a plan!
Mary: LSF’s IC, Dying Cockroach IC. With all pax back, we “emptied the tank” as Yogurt calls it and ran hard up the ramp to the top.  Stopped for some H2M, then mosey back to the flag.  Finished up with some trash pickup and some Pickle Pounders.
Announcements: July 4th workout.  Womble Park. 0600. 1776 exercises with 7.4 miles.  Sign up to mulch at Bass Lake.

T-Claps(Recognition): Moped for coming a long way in a short few weeks of AO’s. That guy is coming to get it! All pax determined to finish today’s challenge.
Prayer: All those struggling with addiction.  The Jensen family…a young boy battling cancer.

Yogurt and the Steel Curtain

Most PAX seem to put there own flare into workouts when they Q, and as I am approaching my 1 year anniversary, I have to say I enjoy inserting some competition into the workout. Nothing pushes men more than winning and earning the right to talk some good ole fashion SMACK.

FNGs: Nada

Warm Up:

Frankensteins  X10

Daisy Pickers X12

Then Mosey to the parking lot located halfway around soccer fields for:

5 burpees

SF Arm circles X10

SSH X 20

Then mosey the rest of the way around soccer fields and down to the pit.

The Workout:


Partner up for a quick Dora. Completing 100 merkins, 200 dips, 300 squats while partner runs backwards up the paved hill and around the corner to the picnic tables at very top of hill, then stop and runs back down the hill.


YHC had just enough time to lay out some cones and a beach frisbee for a 10 minute lightning round of ultimate frisbee. When a turnover occurred, the team that made the turnover does 1 burpee. All PAX do 10 merkins for each score.

Team Yogurt: Yogurt, Hardy, Florence, Nemo, Cupid

Team Fanny Pack: Fanny Pack, Tetanus, Vaseline, Elton, Katniss

The game started with Team Yogurt getting on the board quickly, but Team Fanny Pack answered to knot it at 1 a piece. And then Team Yogurt brought the pain. At times they showed flashes of the greatest team to ever take the field, the 79 Steelers. Flo Joe/Florence showed great command of the field and precision passing much like Bradshaw. Hardy and Cupid were running past defenders and finding ways to make plays much like Lynn Swann and John Stallworth. Team Yogurt quickly notched 5 more scores to just 1 additional score by Team Fanny Pack. The Steel curtain lead by Nemo (Mel Blount) and Yogurt (Jack Lambert) left Team Fanny Pack frustrated and winded at times. 10 minutes Ultimate Frisbee = 6-2 Team Yogurt.

NFL – 1979 – Special – World Champion Pittsburgh Steelers – A Cut ...


With 5 minutes to go it was time to mosey back to Mary. With it being Friday YHC felt it appropriate to wrap things up with “Heartache Medication” by Jon Pardi. PAX held plank and performed a Catalina Wine Mixer whenever the word “Drink” appeared in the song. Song ended promptly at 615.


Volunteers to spread mulch at Bass Lake still needed. Check Slack.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Elton, Yogurt, Nemo, Fanny Pack for EC. Team Yogurt for their dominating win.


Military and their families and for the healing of our country through all of the recent adversities

Welcome to the Rock

FNGs: Nil
Warm Up: Moseyed to Stinson-side parking lot to avoid anyone getting ‘possumed, and circled up.

SSH x 20

Imperial Walkers x 10

Hillbillies x 10

Fazio arm circles x 10 (forward and backerds)

Overhead claps x 10

Seal claps x 10

The Workout: Mosey over to the pit and line up on the ghost of what was once the sideline for some 11’s: merkins and star jumps, squat holding for the 6 after each leg. Good work by all PAX keeping it tight.

Next was an Indian run from the pit to the rock pile. YHC instructed everyone to grab a medium sized rock. Lined up along the lines of the parking space where YHC called rock pushes. For those not familiar, it’s basically a bear crawl but you also push a rock. Did the length of the parking lot, then did 10 low slow flutters. Did the rock push back to start where we did box cutters.

We circled up and did some popcorn rock work and pretty much heard all the greatest hits. Returned the rocks to their homes.

Moseyed to the picnic shelter for some irking durkins and dips: 15 each.

numbered off, with 1’s on the wall and 2’s holding plank. Did 2 rounds. Moseyed to the tennis courts mary.

Mary: Circled up, YHC called for Windshield wipers. Called out some random PAX to give us an exercise for quasi-popcorn Mary.

YHC closed is out with good mornings

Announcements: Bass Lake mulch. Check the signup sheet if interested.
T-Claps (Recognition): everyone for sticking with it.

Fanny pack for beating the fart sack

me for rhyming

Prayer: Everybody. But especially those on the front lines, first responders and our service members


No case of the Monday’s at Paradise City!

I don’t know how you started your Monday but 9 HIM set their week up for success by starting at Paradise City. We got our 3 mile minimum in. We got wet (humidity was at 105%). We got stronger. We got through it all without Dawgpound messing up my Q! Lets go…

FNGs: nope

EC: Dawgpound, Dumbo, Emeril, Pablo, Pikachu

Warm Up: SSH, Good Morning, Windmill, Fazio Arm circle F/R, Merkins, Squats

The Workout: Today we took a field trip to the green way across the street. PAX traveled to and from in a scout run. Once through the first section of the green way, PAX started in the cul de sac at the top of the hill with 10 LBC (in cadence). Run to the bottom of the hill and do 5 star jumps on the bridge then back to the top of the hill. Rinse and repeat as many times as you can. Scout run back to the flag for Mary. You could tell the legs were tired…the return pace was considerably slower than the outbound pace.

Mary: Merkin, Big Boy Sit Ups, Homer to Marge, Low Slow Flutter, Box Cutters

Announcements: Mulch Bass Lake (because we lead out front and not from behind)

T-Claps (Recognition): Runners are RUNEing. Stay healthy!!!

Prayer: Skidmark, Natty Ice, Martini

YHC took us out. It is always a pleasure to lead you men. I feel strongest in the middle of that circle surrounded by you HIM! I’ll try to do better next time.

Covid-Delayed Abe 1 Year Anniversary

FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH x 15, Hillbillies x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10, Fazio arm circles – 10 front, 10 back, Overhead claps x 10
The Workout: We started with a couple of the exercises I remember from my first post. Moseyed over to the pit. Bear crawl up the steps, stopping at each platform for three Murkins. Squat hold at the top for the 6. Rinse and repeat for a total of three rounds.
Next, moseyed over to the grassy hill at the back of the pit. Run up to the top, exercise, run to the bottom, exercise. Repeat. Top had 10 dips, 10 Urkins and 10 Durkins. Bottom had 10 WWIIs, 10 LBCs.
Moseyed around to the other side of the Hunt Center for a train. Pax took up plank in a parking spot. The first Pax on the end did 10 murkins and then ran down to the end of the group. The next Pax then did 10 murkins, etc. 3 rounds of this and we moved on.
Moseyed over to the rock pile for curls, chest presses and tricep extensions. Round of 15, then 10 and then 5. Returned rocks.
On our way back for Mary, we stopped at the picnic area for some more urkins, durkins and dips.
Mary: Back at the tennis courts for Mary, we did two rounds of popcorn Mary. At least two calls for burpees.
Announcements: Sign up to help spread mulch at Bass Lake. 2 hour time slots on Saturday mornings for the next few months.
T-Claps (Recognition): Special T-Claps to Yogurt for getting me out for my first post and Elton, one of our newest Pax (started last Friday), for joining and going strong!
Prayer: Martini, Pablo and Oboe for losses in their families. The nation for perseverance and wisdom.

Foggy U-turn

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Good morning, SSH x 20, Merkins x 20, IW’s x 10, Hillibillies x 10, various stretching
The Workout: PAX of 20 for 5+ miles this Saturday morning through the fog.  Numerous PAX picking up the 6 along the way, nice work!
Mary: none
Announcements: sign up for mulch at Bass Lake
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Martini, Skidmark and M healthy baby and for Natty Ice’s M.

Silent But Deadly

Not a whole lot of mumble chatter today at TBD as  we kept everyone moving and working hard on a drizzly Wednesday morning.

PAX: Snap, Oboe, Elton, Buford, Florence, and Hardy

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the soccer field followed by karaoke, high knees, butt kickers, Good Mornings, Windmills, and Fazio arm circles.
The Workout:

Mosey over to the pavillion for a descending ladder:

4 exercises done 10 times, then 9 times… all the way to 1 – merkins, jump squats, dips, and WW2s

Indian Run to the shelter by the pone for a round of tabata

4 exercises done 30 seconds on, 10 seconds rest for 3 sets – Shoulder Taps, Forward/Backward Jump Lunges, Balls to the Wall, and Alternating Side Lunges

Mosey over to the rock pile:

One person called out an exercise with the rock and ran around the parking lot while the group performed the exercise.  Made it around the circle twice.

Just to make sure nobody was going to walk away with an ounce of energy, we sprinted the long way around the soccer field from the rock pile to the tennis court for some Mary.

Mary: Low slow flutter, Freddy Mercury, Box Cutters, and LBCs
Announcements: Get signed up for mulching around Bass Lake
Prayer: Pablo’s family

Bounds & Strides


Warm Up:

Warm up lap with SSH x20 IC, 5x burpees, 10x Daisy Pickers IC, 10x Merkins, and 10x Frankensteins.

The Workout:

We moseyed over to the large parking lot where YHC lead the group through a lap with some cone markings. Pax did an exercise of their choosing x10 in the far corner from the cones – exercises repeated each lap.

After the first lap the next three laps had pax bounding through the first half of the cone runway. The following three laps were counterclockwise and had pax striding through the entire length of the cone runway.

Pax took a cooldown around the course and then met at the bottom of the road coming off the ramp. After a squat hold it was a jailbreak to the basketball court via the road.


We circled up on the courts for a little yoga – runner’s pose and pidgeon pose.



T-Claps (Recognition):

These Stones are Different!

YHC had pre-blasted the possibility of a field trip plus with RUNE going on, I knew this would play well into the pax need for miles as well. YHC ran into Emeril and Vasoline during EC and they made an audible to go ahead and head over to Cletus. Emeril said he needed only 1.6 miles during the workout and he would stop there.  Thank God his watch died out, otherwise Emeril would still be standing in the middle of Grigsby Ave. but YHC recorded 2.07 miles for the workout.  Mission accomplished! We even had an FNG along for the ride.  Welcome FNG Elton!

FNG’s: Welcome Elton! Respect.
Warm Up: SSH x 30, Good Mornings and Frankenstein’s.
The Workout: It was all about the mosey field trip today.  We stopped along the way down to the Bass Lake trail several times. Stop 1: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 20 squats. Stop 2: Repeato but add also Sir Fazio Arm Circles (F/R).   Stop 3: Half the group does People’s Chair on the dugout while other half does 20 Mountain Climbers in cadence.  Switch.  Stop 4: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 20 squats.   Continue mosey to a new and different rock pile. It’s about .8 miles from the flag to this rock pile for any future Q curiosity.  These rocks…are NOT Womble rocks!  Somehow they are all bigger and more dense, therefore heavier! YHC initially grabbed a bit smaller rock until Doc questioned the move and so I upgraded.  Accountability (or rock shaming) this is what F3 is all about… we make each other stronger!

Rocks were used in a descending ladder of 15,10, and 5 counts of the following exercises: Curls for the girls, shoulder press, rock spanks, toe taps, Tricep presses.  Each series was interrupted by 5 burpees OYO.  Finished all exercises with 30 ct. Rut Rows.  Return of rocks and mosey back up the hill toward Womble again.

Stop 5: 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 20 squats. Stop 6: two groups again. 1 group holds BTTW’s while other group did a dozen hand-release merkins.  We then moseyed back to the tennis court.

We then did a series of 1:4 ratio Jack Webb sprints across the court.  We went up to a five count and circled up for Mary.
Mary: Box Cutters And Pickle Pounders closed us out.
Announcements: Sign up genius is live for 3rd F Town of HS mulch project. Our community needs our help.
T-Claps (Recognition): FNG Elton putting in a solid first F3 appearance. Good amount of EC from Emeril, Vasoline, Yogurt, Abe, YHC, and Go-Gurt. Great to see Crablegs out there today!
Prayer: Pablo and Martini and their families in this time of grief.  Our Nation, those that are exhausted by life’s going on’s right now. Whether we know it or not, there’s a lot hanging over all our heads these days. Don’t be afraid to tell your fellow pax how you really feel or what you really need.  Just because a pax keeps posting doesn’t always mean everything’s ok.  It’s great to post, but there are more facets to life than just the first F.  Be a 2nd or 3rd F to a fellow pax.  Always an honor to lead men!