Holy Humidity Batman! 6/12/21
This was about as humid of a morning I’ve experienced running so far this year. I figured it would be bad because it rained all day Friday and as the sun came up it felt like a steam room. The only relief was a little bit of sporadic drizzling rain that hit us on the rain. I’m truly amazed at anyone who’s running in this type of weather without some type of hydration pack, or water bottle, or hydrating gel pack, or whatever else may be out there that I don’t know about.
FNGs: none
Warm Up: quick parking lot mosey, 10x Good Mornings, 10x Daisy Pickers, 30-35 Merkins OYO
The Workout: 6mi, 3.5mi, or ruck. 6mi route included a search for the albino deer, which eluded me this morning as usual
Mary: no time
Announcements: Warbucks collecting baby, preemie, and newborn items at AO’s to donate to the Newborn Critical Care Center at UNC Children’s Hospital to celebrate and honor his lost 5-week old son every year.
T-Claps (Recognition): Elton for coming all the way out to Holly Springs from Wake Forest to celebrate his 1yr anniversary.
Prayer: Axe father getting knee replacement surgery, Alpine travelling with family to Switzerland, safety for all those running the Grasshopper 5k