
Charmander, the lizard Pokemon

After moving back a week in the Q schedule for Crazy Ivan to support Steamboat’s V Q YHC found himself with three Qs in one week. It lined up close enough to Pokemon’s 25 year anniversary so it only made sense to coordinate the workouts around the original three starters.


Today’s workout celebrated Charmander, the Lizard Pokemon. Charmander is easily the most popular of the original three starters and is the one that YHC likes the least. Therefore there were no Charmander references during the workout – this guy has had enough love over the years, trust me.


Word was received the day before that CarPex was going to arrive in force as they were considering starting a steel mace workout. YHC made sure that we hit the highlight tour of exercises for them to learn from – was great to have the company (even if it did come with an excessive amount of mumble chatter – that’s what burpees are for!).


None today – would’ve been great, we could have named them after a Pokemon.
Warm Up:

SSH x20

Hips in a barrel x5 each direction

Burpees x5 – the mumble chatter was already over the top

Good morning x11 IC

Still too much chit chat so we grabbed our maces and moseyed to the top of the deck

The Workout:

We moseyed to just past the entrance to the upper deck and circled up for a demonstration of the death march. We then performed 1 in cadence.


Moseying the short distance across the deck pax were given a demonstration of the 360. We then did 10 on YHC’s swing.


We gravediggered back to where we started up top for 2 death marches. Mosey back to the other side for 9 360s – Dawgpound figured out what we were doing. Repeato for 11s all the way through.


After finishing the 11s we moseyed back down to the bottom level. Circling up at start YHC demonstrated the ballistic curl – we did 10 and then moseyed halfway down the deck. There we demonstrated the mace deadlift – two legged first then one legged. 1 IC and then a new exercise – we bunny hopped with the mace back to the start. 9 ballistic curls kept our 11s going. Getting short on time we dropped the mosey/bunny hop and did our 11s stationary after the 5 / 6 set.


In the circle pax were instructed to hold their mace vertically overhead. After taking a knee, putting a hand down, and swinging the leg through they realized they were getting a very detailed Turkish Getup demonstration. Following the one getup we performed 5x Side Plank tucks – these were supposed to be the star of another set of 11s but 10 of those wasn’t going to happen and the clock was not being kind at this point. We did another Turkish Getup on the other side followed by 5 more side plank tucks and we moved onto mary.


We grabbed some call for preacher’s chair with the mace out front horizontally – 10x IC was followed by 10x Homer to Marge IC two legged then 10x IC one legged. We repeated all of those again on the other side.


American hammer w/mace – 20x IC


Freddie Mercury x10 IC


Yoga – downward dog, knee down crescent lunge, pigeon pose


YHC’s TED talk tonight – “So you want to be a runner?”

Long ass run January 30th – sign up form is online

T-Claps (Recognition):

CarPex pax for making the trip to learn the ways of the mace


Saddique for wisdom, Mike for COVID recovery, Fumunga for surgery recovery, our country for a smooth transition this week.

All Upper body at Ivan

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Circled up at the top of the parking deck.

Foot Trace
Tootsie Rolls
Hip Barrels
Spinal Twist
Shoulder Shrug
Neck Stretch

The Workout:

5 Rounds of the following Exercises. 30 Seconds Reps 10 seconds rest

Kneeling Clean and Press
Push up On Bell
Bobbity to Bbbity
Shoulder Press
KB raises
Midget Cookie Pouches


Onnit 6 minute abs – Up to 6 minutes or 30 rounds. No stop keep ongoing
10 Second Plank
10 Second Plank knees to Elbows – Nice and Slow
10 Seconds Mountain Climbers – Nice and Slow
20 Seconds Situps Hug your knees
20 Second Bicycle nice and slow
20 Seconds Russian Twist
20 Seconds Bowl


Mulch Sign Up

T-Claps (Recognition):


Doubling Down With QIC Triple Lindy

Ground Pounder. Triple Lindy wrapped up a successful Q-Swap week with a solid beatdown at South Wake’s only Saturday bootcamp workout. Here’s his account:


-No fng’s and no flag planted at our 7:30 start time so 5 penalty burpees were called to start the morning. Found out there was a flag in the trunk so got it planted and quick mosey around the parking lot. This was the extent of running for the morning.

-Circle up for some south wake style good mornings, side straddle hops, calf stretch, and daisy pickers.

The Thang:

-Mosey over time playground and find a section of bench or concrete wall for Aiken Legs. This is 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges, and 20 split jacks.

-circle up for Air-squared. I know how much SW likes clapping, so hold people’s chair with a 20 count seal clap.

-spread out around the circle around the playground. Time for Apple Turnover. Pax to bear crawl halfway around the circle. Once halfway switch to crab walk until complete the circle.

-Partner up. Partner 1 does 10 reps of No Surrender while partner 2 holds back planks. Flip flop.

-still in partners, 1 does 5 pull-ups while 2 does Mike Tysons, which is plank hold against the wall, do a horizontal squat to a merkin. 5 rounds were called.

-empty wheelbarrows were called. Not the best idea at this point of the morning. Pax only made it quarter way around the circle before the Q called an audible.

-Global warming- circle up and side shuffle around the circle with every single pax calling out a 10 count exercise. With 19 Pax in attendance, this sufficiently sucked.


Homer to Marge, American hammers, and gas pumpers to bring us to an end.


Count off, name-o-rama, prayers spoken and unspoken


One More Round!

YHC has been commuting all week to CarPex and this would be the final round. No one had signed up to Q Phoenix as of last Sunday so Sliderule and I decided to co-q it. However, he could not make it happen with a new baby not cooperating. YHC knew of a fellow HIM that wanted a piece of the action so we were covered. YHC arrived at 0545 to scope out what Phoenix looked like in the gloom. Quickly set up tokens at community center and went to the gathering spot. After a 2+ mile trail run in the dark (stupid), we arrived to a lot filled with PAX ready to work. 1 FNG was present so the disclaimer was given and we were off.

Lobsta (Boston native, navy guy, water, accent from Boston and a lobster…you had to be there)

Warm Up:
Warm up over to community center parking lot where YHC set up floor agility ladders and cones. Two lines went through 3 times for some feet work with hops at the end.
Circle up
Frankensteins x15IC
Bat Wings x20IC (4 exercises)
Imperial Squat Walkers x20IC
Reverse Carolina Dry Docks x10 on Q’s up/down

The Workout:
Mosey to rock pile and grab a token. Head to large field at bottom of THE HILL.
Prisoner get ups with lunges across with rock. Rinse and repeat back across.
WWI’s with rocks x10
Broad jump brockees back across field (broad jump then burpee with rock) Squat hold for 6. R&R back across.
Mosey back to rock pile to return tokens.

Head to back side of community center for some wall work.
BTTW with half way down holds on Q’s call x5. Recover
BTTW with shoulder taps. x15IC
Wall chair with hallelujah’s x20IC
Pass the torch to Lipstick.

Mosey back over to THE HILL
Blackjacks 21’s on the hill with peeping lipsticks (Turkish roll on back then up with a star jump at the bottom, diamond merkins at the top) made it to 10×11 then Q called 20 PL’s at bottom then to top for 1 diamond. No merlot but faintness feelings were strong. Mosey back to flag.

Boat Canoes aka Crunchy Frog x15IC
LSF with hands raised to sky x20IC
Pickle pounders x20IC

Qswap week continues next week in SouthWake

T-Claps (Recognition):
Joker with a vest, 3 SW crazies running 8 miles to commute to A, All who posted on a Saturday, 4 Ruckers

Skipper’s ruck bday, HowHow mother passed and PAX support for that event, New baby coming soon, Unspoken

YHC thought on the commute this morning about how fast time goes by. The Bible tell’s us that no one knows when the lord will return but he will come quickly. Let’s live in the now and not for what the future holds. Love those around you. Give a hug to those you care about each day. It’s such a blessing to have loved ones in our lives.

Thanks CarPex for hosting such an awesome week with 7 AO’s we all could come together to get stronger. We look forward to having the favor returned next week. And don’t worry about UTI’s comment during the pray Friday. I know you’ll bring it.

BS Out!

Q-Swap Week – Disturbing the Peace

YHC hasn’t Q’d in a while and was eager to knock the dust off for Q-Swap. A workout was planned to handle a large crowd and to minimize the mumblechatter. Carpex is a difficult group to slow down. 13 for EC (of course SW PAX went for a run), 38 for the main event.

FNGs: Nope

ECP: Wahoo, Hamm, The Joker

EC: 2 milers: Warbucks, UTI, Slide Rule, Full House, Kosher, Redenbacher, Lipstick, 187

7.5 miles: Revere, Hanson

Warm Up:
YHC decided to start off on a high note with the slaughter starter (20 burpees OYO) to kill the mumblechatter before it really started. It slowed them for a bit before they were begging for a pledge and some good mornings.

A quick pledge of allegiance at the shovel flag and we were off on a mosey for carioca, side shuffles, butt kickers, etc. Circled up in the lot beside CC Jones park for:

Good mornings (SW style of course)
Sir fazio arm circles
Seal claps

Mosey back to shovel flag.

The Workout:
Thang 1:
Partnered up with PAX from rival territory for Flat tires across long parking lot with each partner working from 4:1 to 40:10 (wheelbarrow steps:merkins). When form broke down, YHC called recover and we mosey’d around to the other side of the church.

Thang 2:
Circled up for Howling Monkeys. 2 rounds were performed with each PAX doing 10 monkey humpers while other PAX held monkey humper starting position. Big circle, so we spawned off 2 active PAX. Slide Rule had enough and tried to stop the howling, but we continued for round 2. PAX then tried to mosey around to the other side of the building. It was at this point that Burt admired YHC’s pants and suggested I went shopping with M4L.

Thang 3:
Evolution of man (crawl, walk, run) x2 rounds

Line up on end of parking lot
Bear crawl to first island
15 merkins
Lunge walk to light pole
15 squats
Sprint to other side of lot
15 shoulder taps
15 WWIIs

Alphabet soup (CAPITAL LETTERS)
American hammers

Mosey back to shovel flag for COT.

Q swap continues at Rush Hour tonight at 1800 (6pm).
New Carpex AO launches tomorrow at Waverly with 3rd F to follow

T-Claps (Recognition):
Carpex PAX for maintaining such a strong level of mumblechatter and living up their reputation.

No prayer requests, YHC took us out.

Thanks for the hospitality Carpex! It was an honor (and a challenge) to lead such a large and chatty group.

How hard can it be? This is a limited run AO

Q: Peeping Tom & Lipstick went down range to Tortoise in Carpex.  Thanks to Banana Seat, Straight Cash, UTI, LED and Pikachu for making the trip.

Warm Up: Circle the lot and circle up for SSH x40, Good Mornings x15, Fazio Arm Circles Fwd/Rev x15, Imperial Walkers/Hillbillies x15, Mountain Climbers x15, Merkins x20
The Workout: Count off and partner up: 1st exercise partner wheelbarrows across lot with nipplers x10 at mid point.  YHC looked out in the distance and called out Red Ryder’s FJ Cruiser as the end point (150ft); Repeat with partner swap on the way back.  2nd exercise partner 1 air squared at starting line while partner 2 alligator merkins to Red’s FJ Cruiser and run back to start (Both partners do each once)  3rd exercise Bear Crawl Burpees.  Each time YHC called out Grizzley, Pax came up from bear crawl and did a burpee.  Grizzley was called out to many times to count 🙂 Once we were at Red’s Cruiser, we did Jack Webbs.  Thanks to Yogi, we did 1/4 x7 and then Bear Crawl Burpeed back to start.  Mosey over to church and grab some wall.  YHC had planned for 3 sets of BTTW with Shoulder Taps x10 and People’s Chair x10 but thanks to mumblechatter, we did 5 sets.
Mary: Diamond Merkins x20, LBC’s x20, Pikachu reminded us we didn’t finish the Jack Webs to 10, so we did 8-10 with diamond merkins on set 10, boat cannoes x20, and my favorite diamond merkins x20
Announcements: South Wake ATT Long Ass Run Feb 9, Carpex has a Krispy Kreme Team

2 FNG’s- Welcome Etch-a-Sketch & Baiter
Prayer: Ausfart, Carpex Pax M battling Breast Cancer, Crablegs