
This is a Nice Hallway!

All YHC knew was that there was going to be limited running today. The weather was supposed to be awful, but at “GO” time, there was no sign of rain, so YHC decided to go with the non-rain plan for this workout. F3 happens rain or shine, cold or heat…but Downtown Train comes with the luxury at times to head into the Bat Cave parking deck, if needed, for shelter. So we were outside and inside and in between.

FNG’s: Welcome Laettner!
Warm Up: Everything x 10 IC. Good Mornings, Frankensteins, Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps and then 25 IC SSH. Mosey to go get a rock.
The Workout: When Pax had chosen a rock of choice we did Cusack up to the top of the hill and onto the sidewalk on Main. St. in front of town hall for a Circle of Rock under the Holiday lights. 30 counts of everything, followed by 20 counts of everything. Everything included: Curls for the Girls, Rut Rows IC, Shoulder Press, and Tricep Press. We also did 10 IC of Rock Spanks, Toe Taps, Wonderbras, and Bus Drivers. Moseyed with rock down to the parking garage.

Next up was 7’s with Dirkins on the knee wall and Ground Pounders. Moseyed up the stairs to the second level and a change of plan was in order. YHC saw the nicely lit covered hallway between buildings with lighting that I’ve never used for F3 before and decided we would do some Thangs there. YHC usually tires to find areas and places at each site that I’ve never been before and try to get some work done there. Each Pax took 2 turns heading down the stairs and performing 10 squats before returning. Whilst Pax were gone, remaining PAX did 2 round of the following exercises AMRAP: Irkins, Dips, Lunge Walks, Shoulder Taps, Nipplers.

Went back down stairs for a Bear Crawl along the length of the deck to our rocks. Finished with a 20 and then a 30 ct. each Pax People’s Chair.
Mary: 25 Midget Cookie Pouch, 15 LSF IC with Rock. Plank hold 30 seconds. Have a nice day!
Announcements: CSAUP in the FV next Saturday…ruck style. Check Slack. Rain started sliding in so onto prayer!
T-Claps (Recognition): Laettner (Brian) taking the shot and coming out here. YHC met him at Womble while running yesterday.
Prayer: Unspoken. YHC took us out!

Gotta Finish what you Start

Day before Thanksgiving… the goal was to “empty the tank” as Yogurt says in order to make room for the next day’s goodies. YHC tweaked his knee a few days ago, so I wasn’t sure what “empty the tank” would be. After running some EC, YHC decided he would be good to go with the original plan. The plan would consist of some meat and potatoes of what a TBD workout typically offers.

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: SSH x 60, 12 counts of Sir Fazio Arm Circles F/R, Hillbillies, Squat Seal Claps, bent over over head Claps, Good Mornings. Shoulder Taps x 40.
The Workout: Moseyed to the ball field path where a deer was spotted. Started with 5 burpees then mosey to dugout for a 50 ct. People’s Chair. Back to start. 10 Burpees, Dugouts for 40 ct. Balls to the Wall. Back for 15 burpees and then 30 ct. People’s Chair. Finished with 20 burpees and a mosey for 20 ct. Balls to the Wall. To the rock pile we go.  Next Thang was a rock pile exercise circle with all Pax taking turns calling 25 ct. exercises. During this time, 1 Pax would take off to do a circle around the large lot with a back peddle run, side shuffle, sprint, and Bear Crawl. Exercises were: Curls for the Girls 2 rounds, Shoulder Press, Rock Burpees, Squats, Toe touches, Tricep Press x 2, Wonderbras, Bus Drivers, Midget Cookie Pouch, American Hammers, Rock Merkins, Ground Pounders, Rut Rows.
Mary: LSF x 30, LBC x 25, WW1x 20, H2M x15, Box Cutters x10, Absolutions x5.
Announcements: CSAUPS on deck… check Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): Moped for getting back out in the Gloom.
Prayer: My M, 187 and his M, travel and safety mercies over the holiday. YHC took us out. So thankful for my F3 brothers and the friendship and accountability. Great work today!

More Pearl Shenanigans

String of PearlsI really need to make sure to write these day of!
: none
Warm Up: SSH / Windmills / Good Mornings
The Workout: YHC has been digging the string-of-pearls concept in several of his recent Qs at Womble. Keeps the heart rate up and keeps things interesting. So we went for a jog. Stops were preplanned along the way, but YHC lost track right off the bat. It went something like this (15 count for all): narrow squat, Merkin, tempo squat, WWIIs, Diamond Urkins, bear crawl up the hill on the greenway, hand release Merkins, jumping lunge squat, negative pullups
Stopped by the picnic shelter on the way back for 40 count people’s chair / 40 count balls to the wall, urkins/durkins/dips. Mosied up to the concession area for a repeat of people’s chair/balls to the wall and urkins/durkins/dips. Then tennis courts for Mary.
Mary: Yes.
T-Claps (Recognition): Doc for putting in a solid effort.

High Quality H2O

YHC hadn’t Q’d a non-running oriented boot camp in a while and at the push of Abe I committed to branching out and Qing at least 5 workouts over the month of November. Downtown Train looked like a good one to push me out of my standard across the street Paradise City habit.


Welcome Bobby Boucher!
Warm Up:

SSH x20 IC

Daisy Pickers, Windmills, Sir Fazio forward/backward – all IC

Burpees x5 for a late arrival
The Workout:

Mosey to the rock pile, grab a rock that “your M would be proud of”, and mosey back to the flag.

Thing 1 – BOMB

Deposit said rock at one corner of the parking lot and mosey to the far end. We did laps of BOMB consisting of 5x Burpees, 10x Overhead Press with our rocks, 15x Merkins, and 20x Big Boy Situps. We kept at it for ~15 minutes.

Thing 2 – Cultural Visit

We John Cusack’d to the cultural center where we split into two groups. Alternating back and forth we did:

Step ups / reverse squats x2

Returned our rocks

Balls to the wall / dips

People’s char / dips

Mosey back to the parking lot

Thing 3 – Animal walks

Low slow flutter x10

Bear crawl length of the parking lot

Low slow flutter x10

Plank hold x10

Crab walk length of the parking lot

Low slow flutter x10

Plank hold x10

Homer to Marge x10

Duck walk length of the parking lot

Low slow flutter x10

Plank hold x10

Homer to Marge x10

Heels to the heavens x10


Popcorn with favorite exercises from 4 different pax

TED talk tomorrow (17th), Frosty CSAUP Ruck December 5th, Beer Ruck December 12th
T-Claps (Recognition):

Aquaman, Odyssey, and Coal Ash for getting to run a real race at Shakori this past weekend.

187 and his M, Quiver and his family, Build-a-Bear

What’s your favorite exercise?


It’s always interesting to think back about when you first met people that you’ve known for a while. For Skidmark and YHC it was running near (or sometimes with) each other at Run Club from Tapline back in the day. Back then we would run 5 miles at 8:30/mile and then sit around at the bar and laugh about how “fast” we were. Little did we know at the time that we would end up both joining F3 (YHC via South Wake, Skidmark through CarPex), becoming involved, and slowly becoming better and better friends. Over the years we’ve consistently pushed, encouraged, and supported one another.


Once Skidmark said he wasn’t necessarily going to Q for his big day I decided I would pick up the Q in honor of him. I planned to do many of his favorites including the dreaded “what’s your favorite exercise” question per the backblast title. Prior to Friday Skid made it clear that he wouldn’t be at Cletus, but would be out for a morning run instead. As another participant in the “Bad Ideas Challenge” of Holly Springs Run Club I had a pretty good idea what he was up to, but we wouldn’t know the specifics until we saw the 6+ hour 40 mile activity on Strava mid-day Friday.


YHC pulled into the parking lot to find Abe already there. Vehicle evidence could be seen in the far lot showing that Skidmark, Lipstick, and 187 were out for the beginning of Skid’s mosey already. Within the next few minutes they made their way over and were joined by Oboe and Doc along with a surprise appearance from some of the Fritter Foundation in Emeril, Dumbo, and Dawgpound. There was some salt quickly expressed about Skidmark not being present for the birthday Q – c’est la vie, it was already too late to switch to Crazy Ivan!


Each pax was asked for their favorite exercise – Abe chose bear crawls (much to YHC’s glee), Oboe chose Low Slow Flutter, while the entirety of the Fritter Foundation seems infatuated with Have A Nice Days.

FNGs: None

Warm Up:

After a mosey over to the far parking lot we circled up for 40x SSH. At this point Katniss and Dumbo moseyed in – something about running, sleeping, I’m not sure. But they were late and there were burpees to be had for it. So we did 5x burpees and then completed warmup:


Daisy Pickers x10

Sir Fazio x10 forward & backward

Good Morning x10

The Workout:

One of Skidmark’s many favorites – the merkin clock. We made it through 1 through 10 before calling it for now.


For our first act we honored Abe’s favorite exercise – we Bear Crawled nearly the length of the parking lot. Conveniently stopping at Skidmark’s truck.


We then moseyed to the amphitheater for 40 counts of balls to the wall and people’s chair – 3 times through each.


Mosey towards the far parking lot and passed it to the white fence for one of YHC’s favorites – typerwriters. We did 10 reps on each wrung and slid down and back – repeated 5 times total.


Mosey back to the parking lot near Skid’s truck for Oboe’s favorite – 40x low slow flutter. We added 40x squats to allow the timing to work – at this point Skidmark came around ~6 miles into his mosey. We ran with him over to the concession stand. At this point we rewarded the Fritter boys who liked Have a Nice Day along with what Skidmark told us was one of his favorites – Catch me If You Can Indian Runs. We did one lap of the soccer fields with the pax in three groups with 1 quick Have a Nice Day (aka a Turkish Getup) for the pax in the back. Can’t speak for the other pax but 187 and YHC had a lot of fun making Lipstick work to catch us 🙂


We then circled up on the tennis court for mary. Pax were asked for the mission of F3 South Wake – we planked for a few minutes and we were done.


2nd F is alive and well at Panera. Holly Springs Half run on November 14th.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Skidmark for 40!

187 and his M. Noah’s Ark and his family.

Tour de Rocks at Womble

During my EC route prior to the ME at TBD, I noticed many rock pits throughout the park that I’ve never had the honor (or pain) of visiting. I knew I had pre-blasted a “hunt” or “field trip”, but someone integrated and somewhat scrapped that idea for a chance for all the posting PAX to take their turn at some lesser visited rock sites. 7 PAX posted at TBD to wear out the guns on the stones…and some other things.

FNG’s: No sir.
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Seal Claps, Willie Maze Haze.
The Workout: Moseyed to the tennis court for some short 7’s to get the gears greased. On one side we had standard merkins, on the other we had Mountain Climber’s IC. then, the tour de Rock began. We stopped at 6 different rock pits and performed the following exercises in total during our tour: 50 Curls for the Girls, 50 tricep press, 25 goblet squats, 40 shoulder press, 40 chest press, 40 rut-rows, 30 IC wonder-bras, 30 squats, 30 IC rock spanks, 40 IC Ground Pounders, 40 Rut-Rows, 20 IC LSF, 50 Chest Press, 25 tricep press, 25 curls for the girls, and…grabbing some small rocks to finish…one in each hand…we did 50 shoulder press, 25 lateral raise, and 25 front raises. Along the way, we stopped on the baseball deck for 40 irkins, 40 dips, 30 irkins, 30 dips…no irkins, much to the dismay of 187…but wait!

When finished with rocks, we went to the picnic shelter for 15 count dirkins, and a 40 ct. of People’s Chair before heading off to Mary. In the end, we got just a bit more than 1.6 miles in too.

Mary: 30 WW2’s, 15 LBC IC.
Announcements: Holly Springs Half…consider running, consider helping. Nov. 14th. Details will be on Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): All the pax, for cumulatively moving quite a bit of weight today.
Prayer: For 187 and his M…continued peace and guidance through health issues. For our nation, schools, communities and the impact of COVID, elections, and unrest. We need direction from God in these times. Reach out to others who may be needy mental health wise. You never know the impact you can make! YHC took us out!

Sticks and Stones

FNGs: None
Warm Up: One lap mosey around soccer field. SSH, Good mornings, Frankenstein’s, SFAC forward/backward, OHC, SC.
The Workout:  2 groups. Rd 1 merkins (Wide to narrow) on rocks and Pull-ups. 1 PAX was timer with two logs with handles (45+ lbs) walking around playset. Each PAX took a turn getting the logs around the circle. Each completion we rotated from Merkins to pull-ups. Rd 2 Shared Leadership on Abs and upper body with rocks. Log timer still in play. Rd. 3 Rock Derkins and Pull-ups. Log timer still in play.
Mary: Billy Blanks, LBC, Reverse LBC and Full LBC
Announcements: Ting Park for Ultimate frisbee on Nov 2nd. 5:30am. 10 Year F3 anniversary at Cape Fear. MOvember (grow your stache for men’s health awareness and give to various charities.
T-Claps (Recognition): EEC for LED and Fonzie , EC for FED-EX trying out the foot after a nasty spider bite.
Prayer: Co-worker of Fed-ex has brain cancer and husband went back to home country for last days.  Husband is wanted due to helping American Military during war. Unspoken

Figure 8 at Thunder

FNGs: none
Warm Up:  8c ssh, good am, seal claps, o/h claps, Fabio arm circles (f/b), daisy pickers, burpees
The Workout: Each PAX grabbed a coupon weighing 20-30lbs from Dauber’s car and began a figure 8 jaunt around Womble.  PAX executed various exercise with and without the coupon.  After completing a few exercises, PAX grabbed another coupon and ventured off a few yards before stopping for more coupon fun.  Exercises included:

‘plank jacks, merkins, squats, curls, tricep curls, rut-rows, swings, 6 inches from six, nipplers, o/h press, slap coupons, toe taps, midget love handles, and more

Mary:  Light stretching

Announcements:  Mutiny heading to Ting on Nov 2 for ultimate frisbee under the lights on the soccer field; ruck with HSPD
T-Claps (Recognition):  Ruck for Mama’s House; HS Cupboard
Prayer:  Unspoken; 187’s M; PAX looking for better employment opportunities


Billy Madison 12 grades

Warm Up:12 count SSH, good mornings, windmill, fazio arm circles
The Workout: The workout was Billy Madison out of Exicon with 12 count of 12 exercises, resembling 12 grades of school Stacking each grade on top of the others. Unfortunately we only made it to tenth grade due to time but still was challenging.

12Ic xSSH

jog .03 mile

12ic x SSH-12 xCurls for girls

jog .03 mile

12ic x SSh -12 x Curls for girls-12ic x mountain climbers

jog .03 mile

12ic x SSH-12 x curls for girls-12ic x mountain climbers-12 x tricep ext

jog .03 mile

continued this routine with the following exercise:12 x  WWII,12 x  overhead press, 12ic x American hammers, 12ic x shoulder taps, 12 x merkins,12 x  burpees.

return rocks and head to courts

Announcements:needmore ruck to mamas house possibly this Sunday.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:Gump,Lipsync,bubba, jigglywatt

first responders roll child hit by car, gimps interview, Noah Ark and family, Preacher in north Raleigh and health

Are you the easy group?

5 for some ab work and hill repeats. Thanks for the strong effort, men!

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lap, SSH, Burpees, Merkins, Windmills, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies

The Workout:  Grabbed rock from rock pile and headed to traffic circle at the top of Library Hill.

Round 1: 50 LBCs in cadence, 50 mountain climbers in cadence, jog to pool area at the bottom of library hill, 1 minute plank hold, back to the top.

Round 2: WWII in cadence x 30 with rock, Freddie Mercury in cadence with rock, jog to pool area at the bottom of library hill, plank shoulder taps, back to the top.

Round 3: American Hammers x 30 in cadence with rock, heel taps x 30, jog to pool area at the bottom of library hill, homer to marge x 45 in cadence, back to the top.

Round 4: 6 inch leg hold, 120 seconds

Mary: 10 burpees OYO

Announcements: Mulching

T-Claps (Recognition): BRR and vBRR runners this past weekend.

Prayer: Nemo and his family, YHCs father-in-law and grandmother.