
DJ Pikachu

Image result for dj pikachu

YHC hadn’t Q’d in a while and wanted to make sure fritter was extra hard this week, so he asked Dawgpound for the Crazy Ivan Q early in the week. The morning almost ended with a Midget fartsack on the Q thanks to a faulty phone, but thankfully YHC woke up without an alarm at 4:44 – plenty of time to make 5:05 EC start. Crazy Time was sadly missed but The Sir Dawgpound held down the fort on that one.

Poor notes were taken regarding EC attendance – the ones that mattered for fritter were there (YHC and Dawgpound to stay current and Aquaman and ShamWow for new entry) and they were joined by a good contingency of at least Dumbo and Pablo.

Since Crazy Ivan is known for it’s DJs, YHC decided to plan a special playlist.

Warm Up:

Pax were asked to partner up with an accountability partner of similar speed and we were off.

We started in silence (music wise at least) – SSH x15 IC. At this point the mumble chatter was pretty strong because of the silence (despite YHC’s speaker) so the playlist was fired up.

Shake It Off – T Money (Taylor Swift)

We did some more warm up – Fazio Arm Circles, Mountain Climber x10 IC, Standard Merkin x10 IC, Michael Felps (to shake it off some).

The Workout:

We then moved into the thing – one partner does a workout with the kettlebell, the other runs a lap around the parking lot. Switch when the running partner is back, and change workouts when the song changes.

Fourth Of July – Fall Out Boy

Kettlebell swings. These got old

The Man – The Killers

Here’s where we mixed it up. Partners stopped running and we did a themed workout. Plankjacks throughout the song, burpees every time the word man is said. This ended the mumble chatter (well, other than the complaining).

Blank Space – T Money

More Taylor to keep Dawgpound happy so he’ll let me Q again sometime. We did Turkish Getups to feel manly while listening to this.

Rockstar – Nickelback

Pistol Rows at Dumbo’s suggestion. These also got old.

Thunder – Imagine Dragons

Here we go again – bring in the partners, no running. Hold Plank during song, Merkin everytime Thunder is said.

Like a Boss – The Lonely Island

Short song. Curls with partners running. Fun song to introduce the pax to.

Flower (B-Sides) Bring Sally Up – Moby (Not that Moby)

Pax was getting the hang of things now. No running – squats to bring sally up/bring sally down.

I’m On A Boat – The Lonely Island

Another fun song to introduce the pax to.

In  The End – Linkin Park

Single legged deadlifts.

Thunderstruck – AC/DC

Another classic, but a different workout. LBCs throughout, Turkish Getup (unweighted) everytime Thunder/Thunderstruck is said.

Despite the protests of the pax Thunderstruck did not count as Mary. We ended with some Pickle Pounders, Heels to the Heavens, and weighted World War 2s.

See Slack/FB. Q School and Mason Dixon Convergence.

Shredder, Crab Legs, unspoken.


Always an honor and privilege men – thank you.

Disney’s very own has the Q

Did you know that Dumbo was Walt Disney’s favorite movie he made?  Seems like a fitting place for YHC’s virgin Q.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead you 31 Pax.

EC: Aquaman, Bulls Eye, Dahmer, Dawgpound, Maybelline, Nemo, Pikachu, ShamWow!, Warbucks

Warm Up: Quick mosey through the half pipe and back to the parking lot.  PAX circled up for the following: 24 SSH IC, 12 Good Mornings IC, 10 Fozio Arm Circles IC (forwards and backwards), Michael Phelps OYO, 10 Burpees OYO

The Workout: Mosey over to the big parking lot at the high school for 4 Corners with an accountability partner.  Pax did the following at each corner: 5 burpees, 10 plank jacks & 20 WWII.  Round 1 we moved between corners jogging on the long side and sprinting on the ‘short’ side.  For round 2 we replaced the 20 WWII with Al Gore for a 20 count.

Having finished round 2 it was time for a change of scenery so we moseyed back to the soccer fields.  With your accountability partner, one PAX runs to the middle of the soccer field while the other does balls to the wall on the fence.  We did two rounds of this.

Mary: PAX did 15 diamond merkins while YHC retrieved his phone for COT.  We then did the following: 20 Low Slow Flutter, 20 Homer to Marge, 20 Pickle Pounder, 10 Homer to Marge, 10 Pickle Pounders and Have A Nice Day!

Announcements: Check Slack/Facebook.  F3 Dad’s Camp registration opens soon.

Prayer: Moby’s father, Double D and his family.

YHC finished the morning with a few words about Lent.  During this time in the church year we are striving to either remove the things that keep us from being close to God OR to take on new things that would bring us closer to God.  That corresponds with this week QSource topic (The Jester) as well.  We all have things that keep us from being as close to God as we could be.  I challenge all of us to spend some time thinking about what they are for you and committing to work on them.  YHC took us out.

Thanks again for the opportunity to lead you men.  I will do better next time!

As Seen on TV

13 PAX came out for an “As Seen on TV beatdown”. There were no Slap Chops, Snuggies, or Shake Weights, just ShamWow and YHC leading the PAX. 4 PAX for EC and Full House’s 2.0 (FNG) joined us for the Main Event. Welcome Halfway House!

EC: ShamWow!, Dahmer, Maybelline, Warbucks

Warm Up:
High knees across parking lot, butt kickers coming back.
SSH x50 IC
Daisy Pickers x10 IC
Hillbillies x15 IC
Mountain Climbers x15 IC
Downward Dog
Right of Left/Left over Right

The Workout:
A quick safety disclaimer and we mosey’d down the street to Sunrise. Plank hold and SSH x25 IC for the 6.

Partner up. Start in middle of lot for 11’s. Pattycake merkins in middle. Partners run to opposite ends of lot for burpees. YHC had more planned, but called an audible to get PAX back for Mary. Mosey back to start with 1 stop along the way for tempo dips x25 IC.

Down dog holding for the 6
Shoulder Taps x10 IC
Homer to Marge x15, x5R, x5L
Freddie Mercury x25 IC
WWII’s x20 IC
Have a nice day

See social media.

Quick recovery for Shredder. Passing of Atlantic Beach Fire Chief Adam Synder. Puddles mentioned F3 Carterico may do a CSAUP in his memory.




Warm Up:8Pax’s showed up as the rest of the group got ready for the half and full at Wilmington.
The Workout:standard U-turn
Announcements:Wilmington Race today
Prayer:The family of crab legs buddy that past away yesterday. Injury free race for the Pax. 1st responders.

That’s Good Periformus

YHC had plans for a “Wrightsville Friendly” workout, something with 1-3 very easy miles, lots of stretching.  Something to just get the blood moving and the legs working lightly.

But then 8 PAX showed up, and the only one running Wrighstville was YHC, so an audible was called to do a regular bootcamp.  YHC regrets this decision immensely.

Warm Up:

  • Run the lines
  • SSH x20
  • Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Merkins

The Workout:

Part 1:

Mosey to the wooden fence for a Merkin Ladder:

  • Bottom rung, 1x Derkin
  • Top rung, 1x Derkin
  • Top rung, 1x Irkin
  • Bottom rung, 1x Irkin

Repeat, going up to 5x

Transit to the next lightpole via Broad Jump, Lunge Walk Burpees (1x Burpee, 1x Broad Jump, 1x Lunge each leg; repeat until lightpole)

Continue Merkin ladder, 6x-8x

Return via Broad Jump, Lunge Walk Burpees

Finish Merkin Ladder, 9x, 10x

Part 2:

Head to playground.  Initial plan was rotating 5x Pullup, 10x Merkin, 20x Squat, Sprint in groups of 4.  Merkins were a terrible idea, so a double audible was called.

Half the pax did a 90 degree hang (elbows, not waist, @DaBusiness) while the rest did:

  • 10x Star Jumps
  • 10x LBC in Cadence
  • 5x Burpees

(that’s 3 rounds of hangs)

Part 3:

Bear Crawl Stretch: Line up along path.  PAX in back bear crawls to front.  Everyone else holds a single stretch.  Author’s Note: This is the kind of stuff I wanted to do the whole time, but nooooo


Round robin on the 10 count.  Yes, Lucky picked burpees.  No, we were not surprised.


ShamWow was our 6.  He’s only been coming a couple months, but F3 has definitely scratched an itch.  He had the idea it would be great if we had smaller groups of guys supporting things like 5k’s, mini charities, etc.  Don’t always need the whole crew to show up.  I strongly agree.

Handing off Site Q duties to Da Business.  Good luck, and it’s been an honor to lead for the last year!


Shredder’s under the knife this morning.  Stay safe this weekend at the beach!


Who needs Arms to run a Marathon?

EC: Standard Loop  Warbucks, Maybelline, Nemo & Full House

Warm Up: Loop around Soccer Field; Circle up for Standard Merkin x10, Good Mornings x10, Imperial Walkers/Hillbilies x10, FAC x10 + Reverse x10, SSH x51 and Mountain Climbers x15.  Count off
The Workout: Mosie over to the half pipe for Jack Webb + Burbees, Top of Half Pipe was Burpees and Bottom was Jack Webbs in increments of 3.  We increased by 5 Jack Webbs/round and then went back down.  4 rounds total (1-5, 5-10, 10-5, 5-1).

Now that we were really warmed up and the PAX understood that we don’t need to feel our arms to run Wrightsville! We mosied over to the side lot with the metal benches.  EMDD: Erkin x10, Merkin x10, Derkin x10 and Dips x10 regular x10 left leg up and x10 right leg up.  2 Rounds

Mosied over to lot by the baseball fields and did chill cut (elbow)plank hold indian jog in groups of 7 (2 Rounds) Hold plank and person in back keeps moving to the front of the line.

Mosied over to Stairs and did x10 Star Jumps at top and bottom, with partner wheelbarrow up the stairs (alternate partners at each landing)

Mary: Pickle Pounders x16, Homer to Marge x16, Pickle Pounders x12, SSH x49
Announcements: Sign up for Purple Cobra while Warbucks is out the next couple weeks. Wrightsville? Head down for the 5k even if your not running on Saturday to support CL
Prayer: Warbucks Wife is having Surgery next week. YHC MIL is having Surgery today for Ovarian Cancer

Rest up now ya hear

It was a cold morning, but that didn’t stop 17 PAX from posting with 8 for EC including 1 FNG. Welcome Dahmer! This beatdown was another Wrightsville friendly event with a focus on stretching and a lot of core work (sorry Mary). Before EC was over, Skidmark was tired of questions of why he wasn’t resting. Crosby also brought out his 2.0, Gumby, to celebrate an 11th birthday. When YHC was 11, there was no way you could get me out of bed before 5am in 30 degree weather to go workout. T-claps Gumby.

EC: Skidmark, Crosby, Gumby, Maybelline, ShamWow!, Aquaman, Warbucks, FNG Dahmer

Warm Up:
Run 10 yards and circle up for:
SSH x20 IC
Standing pigeon (alternating legs)
Leg swings each leg – forward,back,front,back x10 IC
Calf raises x10 IC
Lunge walk to the …. island with an elm tree

Standard warm up lap

Circle back up for:
Sir Fazio arm circles x10 forward/ x10 backward IC
Moroccan night club x10 IC

YHC joined the circle for 2 rounds of howling monkeys. With legs burning and PAX howling, we mosey’d over to the Goodwill lot.

The Workout:
PAX split into 4 groups for some core-centric 4 corners. 3 rounds x10 IC and a 4th round x20 IC.

Corner 1: Boat canoes
Corner 2: Shoulder taps
Corner 3: Low slow flutter
Corner 4: Pickle pounders
Center: Merkins

Mosey back to start. Circle up for:
2 rounds of x10 IC Fire hydrants and Homer to Marge. Repeated x20 for round 3.

It was at this point that Crosby alerted the PAX of Gumby’s birthday, so 11 burpees OYO in celebration.

YHC led PAX in some stretching to finish up:
Quad stretches
Toe touches – right over left /left over right
Downward dog
Runners pose
Pigeon pose

Wrightsville 5k, Half, Full marathon this weekend.
Raleigh CSAUP the Mule this weekend
F3 Dads workouts 1st Saturday each month. Need 2 dads to led each workout.
Sign up to Q a workout – link.  Site Q’s shouldn’t lead every week. Step up PAX! Speak to your local site Q for more details.

Safe travels and health for PAX running Wrightsville

YHC took us out.