
We need answers

Pax of 24 @Paradise City looking for answers to Emerils questions and get some BRR training in.

Will Corporate Java Edwin Gonzalez show back up at F3 again?  He didn’t’ show up this morning. Maybe he’ll show up at Nutcracker
Will Jason DeFreitas verbal HC Saturday hold?  YesHe also brought most of 12 oaks with him
What has John Collins dreamed up for us on his trip out West? He didn’t dream. He had a nightmare.  We were all in it.
Is Ryan Hooper and Mike Edwards back from vacation and ready to get back to work? Yep.  Buford brought some Blanton’s back with him also. Bonus!  THE Dawgpound was working hard out there.  Trying to burn off all the brownies he ate in Colorado
How long will Chris Adkins use this new job as an excuse to no show? To be determined but Monday appears to have been excuse day for this guy
Will we get Owais Patel to ever HC in the comments? Or is he to afraid?  Still no HC but he did post in Wrightsville so we’ll give him credit here.

EC:  Emeril, CHiPS, Dawgpound, Nemo, UTI, 187, Lipstick, Mookie, Axe, Pablo, Skidmark

Warm Up:

½ mile jog

½ mile jog w/ Good Mornings courtesy of The Dawgpound.  Guy loves these for some reason.  Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Tricep Dips

The Workout:

24 Pax all in one line in the parking lot

On your 6

Flip, jump and sprint to other end.  Merkins until your told to stop.

Back on your 6.

Flip, jump and sprint to the other end.   Squats until your told to stop

Rinse, Repeat,….never ending.  CHiPS “We aren’t stopping until one of you throws up”

No one threw up but a couple came close.

To the ramp.   Suicides until an exercise was called out.  (WWII’s, Pickle Pounders)

To the courts for Mary.


Good Mornings, again courtesy of The Dawgpound
LBC’s – I don’t remember
American Hammers – Patch
Pickle Pounders – 187
Merkins – UTI


Derek Davis run Saturday
F3 Dad’s camp this weekend.  Still openings
Two new options for running.  Weds at Ting – Running for the Johns and Sunday at Womble – Any Given Sunday


Gents please keep Crab Legs in your prayers on a daily basis.

Psalm 55:22

22 Cast your cares on the Lord
    and he will sustain you;
he will never let
    the righteous be shaken.

YHC means what?

YHC had the Q but first had to explain what YHC meant (it was in the pre-blast – it means Your Humble Coordinator). Who knows, if the 12 pax knew Pikachu had the Q maybe they wouldn’t have shown up (or maybe more would have??)


No FNGs in the 90 degree inferno, so we were off.


Warm Up:

SSH x15

Standard Merkin x10

Good mornings x15

Fazio arm circles x10 forward/backward

Arm stretches (across chest and over head)

The Workout:

Mosey past the pond to the hand rails/grassy area

Partner up – 1 Pax does 10 upright rows, other does 10 deep squats. Switch and repeat, then do the entire thing again (so each exercise twice total).

Mosey through grass to start of cement near baseball center.

Wheel barrel with partner back to the greenway path, switching half way

Crab walk back to the middle cement, switching directions half way

Mosey to the other side of the central building – pax lined up on their six with feet pointing the same direction at 45 degrees for Gitmo. First pax ran down the line pushing down feet and then lining up at the end, we went through twice each.

Mosey back to the middle building for people’s chair/balls to the wall in a 1:3 ratio, starting at 5:15 IC and going down to 2:6, finishing with 10IC:30 counted straight.

Mosey over to the tennis courts for bear crawl/crawl bear suicides, stopping at one court width and then at the end.


We got some grass for Mary around the horn and we were spent.


CSAUP in Greenville end of this month, lodging Friday night is available


Forceps Mother-in-law

Rams for upcoming surgery

Crab legs



Pikachu’s new job offer

Earl Grey’s uncle moving down here – he has beaten cancer three times and has done significant ministry work that he hopes to continue in NC


YHC took us out – as always, thank you all for the privilege to lead.

Keep Brandon’s Friends and Family in your Prayers

PAX of 27 at Paradise City

@Pikachu, @Buford, @Blue Hen, @Deadbolt, @Foghorn, @Yellow Card, @Midget for Life, @CHiPS, @Emeril, @UTI, @187, @Crosby, @Peak Week, @WebEx, @Skidmark, @Foghorn, @Bernie, @Foot Fault, @Pablo, @Breach, @Forceps, @Axe, @Brexit, @Hasselhoff, @Peeping Tom, @Kid Cracker, @OCR

½ mile jog warmup with – Karaoke, fast feet on the curb, T-Claps to let the group catch up

½ mile jog with – x25 Morrocan night club squats, SSH x 46 in honor of Patch’s Birthday, x10 Hillbillies, x10 Imperial Walkers, x25 Mountain Climbers

The Workout:

Partner up.

Partner 1 – Lunges

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 perfect form Merkins


Partner 1 – Bear Crawl

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 perfect form Merkins


Partner 1 – Duck Walks

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 Burpees


Partner 1 – Crab Walk

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 25 LBC’s


x 10 Good Mornings

x 10 Windmills

Legs crossover into a stretch

x 10 WWII’s

x 10 each leg cross over sit-ups


Ruck Friday night.  ~14 miles.  See Midget for details.

Thursday – Kenny’s Grave starting back up.  Banana Seat has the Q

July 28th @ Ting Park – F3 group going to a baseball game.  See Forceps for details

Buford – Prayers for his friend Brandon and Brandon’s family.

John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

The Man Strikes Again

The Warmup:

Quick lap around the parking lot.  We then circled up:
25 Cadence Count Side Straddle Hops
10 Cadence Count Fazio Arm Circles Forward
10 Cadence Count Fazio Arm Circles Backward
15 Cadence Count Good Mornings
10 Cadence Count Right Leg over Left
10 Cadence Count Left Leg over Right
10 On my Down and on my Up Merkins

The Thang:

Partner Up for the following Dora
Dora of 100 Overhead squats (Each Member does 100 Reps)
200 Kettlebell Cleans
300 Kettbebell Swings

While Partner A is doing the exercise Partner B is John Cusacking around the Parking lot with their Bell

Finish with Burpe Roma Listening to the “The Man” From the Killers.  Instead of Side Straddle Hops we worked on our Love Handles by doing the Side Crunch with our Kettlebells.

Cletus – Like Clock Work

Warmup:  Jog to East Parking Lot, Side Straddle Hop, Moroccan Night Clubs, Imperials, Windmill and arm stretches.

Main Event:

Jog to Main Stage – Box Jumps/Monkey Humps – 3 sets @ 20

Jog to Side Softball parking lot – Around the Clock (using the parking blocks) Clockwise at each exercise, Dips, Erkins and Derkins – 3 sets @ 20 shuffling down Spiderman style to the next parking block.

Dora – 50 Dimond Merkins, 100 LBC and 100 Squats

Rock Clock – around the clock, each PAX called out Qty and exercise with rocks

Mary: Ab work outs: WWII, Freddy Mercury, Merkins, American Hammers


Announcements: Convergence July 4th at Disney (Middle Creek), Arena today @ 2:30 – see Pikachu’s post on FB if interested.

Prayers: Awesome brother CrabLegs, Unspoken

Nemo – My #1 Fan

Pax of 17 showed up in the stifling late week heat as the summer solstice was taking place at Middle Creek as Nemo was back on the Q. Not sure it counts as FNG but the Nemo fan made an appearance to stress the message of importance about hydration and exercising responsibly during the summer heat.  EC credit to 187 (check that pace), Skidmark and Crosby.

Warm Up: On the jog we headed around the main fields but veered off down the greenway and circled up along the main road for SSH ICx15, Good Mornings ICx10, Fazio Arm Circles ICx10 front and reverse, and a series of arms/shoulders/chest stretch.

The Workout: On the jog we headed to the wood rails along the entrance to the start and set up shop for a round of assisted deep squats offset with merkins.  10 count of each and we went 5 rounds. Included a bonus 5 burpees in the middle as H1N1 rolled up a couple minutes late.  On the jog around to what I like to call the lower lot, we set up on the benches for a round of dips offset with squat jumps and merkins. 10 count of each and we went 4 rounds with a recover jog around the lot between rounds 2 and 3. On the jog back to the main field we set up for SSH ICx30 then a round of Jack Webbs at a 1:3 ratio (1 merkin then 3 air press). We pushed this to a 10:30 count.

Mary: Plank-o-rama with plenty of time to work in some tough exercises, each man on a 10 count or IC.

Announcements: Nemo will be out the next 2 weeks so Tha Natural has your Q next week and Yogurt has your Q the week after. July 4th convergence will be at Disney.  Plenty of great options Fri so post (EC Murph at Womble, Crazy Ivan, Cletus, Sheepdog all in play).  Reminder to exercise smart in this heat – be aware of your condition and rest as needed, hydrate throughout the day.

Prayers: A reminder to take time to listen to others and see any signs.  Praise for how F3 guys step up as needed, for each other and for the community.  Plenty of unspoken.  YHC took us out in prayer.

Birthday Surprise at the nut

21 pax gathered to help YHC celebrate his 28th birthday – a good handful ran a funky EC route that Slide Rule came up with. 5:30 arrived and we were off with no FNG’s.

Group mosey to the basketball goal/playground circle, with kareokee and backwards runs along the way.

SSH x28 IC
Fazio arm circles x14 IC forward and backward
Standard Merkin x28

The first thing:
Pax got with an accountability partner for laps around the track, being told to push it all out there as there would be breaks between. Lap 1 was 7 burpees at each corner (total of 28) with LBCs x30 (YHC lost count) followed by pickle pounders x28 IC. Lap 2 was 7 turkish getups at each corner followed by Freddy Mercury’s x28 IC.

The second thing:
The pax then got to learn about Pikachu’s birthday surprise – another Q! 187 took over and moseyed us over to the bricks. All pax got two bricks – exercise 1 was a brutal wheelbarrel with brick in each hand march (hands coming out straight every “step”) with squats when breaks were needed. Pax went the length of the parking lot and then swapped. Exercise 2 was a reverse crab walk with bricks in hand the length of the parking lot. Bricks were returned and then it was time for….

The third thing:
The third Q was Skidmark. We went over to the playground for some 7s – pull ups and jump squats, alternating and adding up to 7. Skidmark then broke out his math skills and informed us that that was 21 of each, so we did 7 more of each to hit lucky number 28. We moseyed to the front of the school for a merkin clock where Skidmark impressed all by a)not stopping and b) calling for recovery on the one armed plank.

YHC lead some mary and took us out.

Words can’t express how much each of you and F3 mean to me – I’m a better man because of all of this and I’m grateful to have all of these HIMs in my life.

~ Pikachu

PS – Only two more years of hate 😉