Nomads in search of Fritters
15 PAX, 11 for EC came out to support a few Nomads traveling to Southwake plus one local on their journey for the coveted Fritter. All fritters have to come through Disney, so YHC decided to take the Q and show these Nomads how we do it in Southwake with a trip to the Abyss
EC: Particle Board, Borland, Full House, Garfield, Orphan, Katniss, Lucky Charms, Emeril, Dumbo, Dawgpound, Pablo
FNGs: None
Fritter: Borland, Orphan, Garfield, Full House (with Breathtaker!!!)
Warm Up: A warm-up jog around the soccer field. Circle up for exercises in cadence: SSH x20, Imperial walkers x10, Hillbillies x10, Sir Fazio Arm circles x10F x10R, Good Mornings x10
The Workout: Quick count off then mosey to the Abyss. Find accountability partner for a Dora 1-2-3 (exercises 100x merkin, 200x LBC, 300x squat). Parnter 1 start the exercises, partner 2 travel down the abyss and do 5 burpees and back up to switch with partner 1. Wash rinse and repeat until all exercises are completed. YHC felt that we still had a few more trips up and down the abyss, so partner 1 completed plank exercises called out by myself or M4L while partner 2 traveled back down the abyss for 5 star jumps; wash, rinse, and repeat for 2 cycles each. Regroup and head back toward playground/bathroom area for more fun. Found a nice wall to rest our balls, so Partner 1 hold BTTW while partner 2 did 10 merkins, switch and repeat. Then, Partner 1 hold BTTW while partner 2 did 10 count in cadence mountain climber, switch and repeat. Partner 1 hold BTTW while partner 2 did 10 shoulder taps, switch and repeat. Then repeat all 3 exercises sets again but instead of BTTW, Partner held Peoples chair. Once completed mosey to flag for MARY
Mary: All exercises in cadence: LSFx20, Homer to Marge x10, Box Cutter x 10, Pickle Pounder x 20
Announcements: Check FB and Slack
T-Claps (Recognition): Full House doing Fritter with Breathtaker!!!
Prayer: Unspoken, New Mexico took us out.