Three years ago today several neighborhood friends dragged me to Kenny’s Grave to suffer a beat down by Banana Seat. All I can really remember about it was how disappointed I was every time he said “recover” because I really thought that meant we got a chance to catch our breath. Boy, was I wrong. But here we are, three years later, having done things I would have previously said were impossible, all because of you men that have surrounded me over this time. I am thankful for all of you and appreciate you all more than you know.
All that said, I did set out to kick your asses today.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) time was against us today. My plan was to do 36 reps of 16 different exercises but 45 minute just wasn’t enough time to make that happen. I’d still like to think we got some good work in and got a good sweat going.
Welcome Just the Tip!
He’s a coworker of Fumunga’s. His first job was at a restaurant, hence the name.
Warm Up:
No warm up lap since YHC is still nursing a heel issue. Circled up for:
SSH x36 IC
Windmill x10 IC
Frankensteins x10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC forward and reverse
The Workout:
The Red October boys went up to the pavilion to do some TRX while we moseyed down towards the first stretch of parking spaces for my favorite routine, the Crab Boil!
We started at one parking line and crab walked two spaces. We did Crab Cakes x12, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Humpers x12, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Jacks x12. After that we took a break and did irkins x12, dirkins x12, and squats x12. We worked our way back up the parking lot doing the same and then back down. 36 reps of those exercises done.
Next we moseyed down to the lower pavilion for some rock work. Everyone grabbed a rock and did:
Curls for the girls x12
Tris for the guys x12
Bus drivers x12
We rotated rocks and did it another two time for a total of 36 reps a piece.
After that we traveled with our rocks up to the lot behind the swimming pool. Here we did shoulder taps x12, bear crawled and pushed our rock across the lot, and then Bobby Hurly x12, and then bear crawl and push the rock back. We did this two more times, but with the second and third laps being duck walks with rocks and then sprints.
We returned all but one rock (the largest) and then Indian walked while passing the rock down the line up to the bathrooms. Here we lined up against the wall in People’s Chair. The rock started at one end and was passed all the way down the line to the other end. That was 1. It traveled back for 2. We continued until 12 were complete. After that it was a 12 count IC balls to the wall. YHC wanted to do it all another two times but the clock had other plans. We did one more round of People’s Chair and BTTW, each in 12 count, before heading up to the Red October guys for Mary.
Oh, I almost forgot that I tried to also sprinkle 36 burpees in as well, doing 6 each time we transitioned from exercise group. We had gotten three sets in and were supposed to do the other three with the people’s chair and BTTW but, again, time was not my friend.
American Hammer x10 IC
LBC x10 IC
Reverse LBC x10 IC
Knees to the left LBC x10 IC
Knees to the right LBC x10 IC
Homer to Marge x10 IC
Carpex Q Swap the last week of July and first week of August. Check to see if there are any spots still open to Q
T-Claps (Recognition):
Great to see Boy George back in the gloom with us!
Fumunga’s neighbors who are expecting a child and the father just came down with COVID
Sunshine and his wife and their new born child
Men, it’s always an honor to lead and even more so to do on a day where I’m reminded what this all means. I was very excited to also have Boy George and Noah’s Ark at CoT with us as they were both there at my first post as well. I know they didn’t plan it that way but I thought it was pretty awesome. Thanks for indulging me today. I hope in three more years I’m writing another one of these.