
NYE Prison Yard Q

“This AO is Sponsored by Go Ruck!”

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Good Morning, Willie Mays Hayes, Sir Fasio Fwd/Bkwd, OH Claps, Seal Claps, SSH

The Workout: 8 Stations with 16 workouts 90 sec work &30 sec rest/switch. 

Stations were as follows:

Coupon Rd#1 Rd#2
50lb Ruck Single Arm Row Bear Crawl Drag
Cindy Murder Bunnies Redrum Rabbits
80lb Sandbag/ 40lb Sandbag Squats Squat Shots
60lb Sandbag Over Head Press Chest Press
80lb Sandbag  Deadlift Jump Over Burpees
80lb Sandbag Ball / 50lb Sandbag Sandbag Burpees Dung Beetle
55lb Sandbag Jerry Can John Cusak Kettle Bell Swing

Mary:  Popcorn with reps of 24 in cadence: Low Slow Flutter/Hello Dolly/Heel Tap/V-Hold/WWII (clock ran out on @BananaSeats Pickel Pounders) we will try to do better next year.

Announcements: Q Sheet Needs attention at all AO’s.  The goal for Prison Yard is to be booked out 2 Months minimum in 2025.

T-Claps (Recognition): To everyone for a strong year

Prayer: All the unspoken and Injured Pax

Climbing the Mountain to Paradise City

FNGs: None

PAX: @Pikachu, @Dahmer, @Dumbo, @Breach, @8bit, @187, @Full House, @U.T.I., @Dawgpound, @Skidmark, @Fumunga, @Emeril, @Moose, @Katniss, @Pablo, @Redenbacher, @Woody, @Finkle
Warm Up: Mosey around the tennis courts and down the ramp.  We did our stretches on the way back up the ramp stopping at each blue sign.  Walking cradles, walking toe touches, walking lunges, walking lateral lunges both sides.  At the top we did a round of Good Mornings and then Daisy Pickers and ran back down the ramp to the East Parking lot.
The Workout: Stacking four corners 3 rounds.  Round one: Merkins, Shoulder Taps, Side planks all sets of ten.  Round two: Squats, sumo squats, lunges, Richard Simons one leg squats.  Round three: LBCs, Reverse CBLs, Flutter Kicks, ABCs in capitals.

Climbing the mountain: running the whole length of the parking lot we stopped at major cross walks and completed sets of 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 mountain climbers.  Thanks @Pikachu for the cadence counts.  Very nasty and lots of chatter.

Mary: We finished with a victory lap up the ramp and around the tennis courts.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: @Skidmark’s mother-in-law with covid and family in quarantine, @Pikachu and M looking to start a family, all the 2.0s starting college or getting ready to go back to grade school.

SEVEN is your lucky number

24 PAX celebrated with YHC for completing year 7 in F3 Southwake with some ULIMATE MUTINY! It was my honor to play and fellowship with these HIM. Thank you for letting me be a part of this family. Welcome FNG Dobby!

Rnd 2 of Evening the Odds (Tigers Blood 8/4/21)

Even the Odds

FNGs: No F3 FNG’s but we had several new PAX try the challenge for the first time. (Pikachu, Bobby Bouche, Lipstick, Pots, Sprinkler, Full House, Fonzie, 187 and 8 Bit.
Warm Up: 400 m mosey lap, Several sets of various quad/hamstring/calf/glute stretches.
The Workout:  Explanation of how the workout works. Odd numbers have to be followed in exact sequence and even numbers are interchangeable.  I/C exercises, progress around the track or straight reps must be done without progressing forward. Ex. Walking along track is against the self imposed rules, you must perform the exercise to progress.  On the odd numbers you pick up the six (guys on even numbers) by help with reps or progress around the track. From the first time we did this the time was only 45 min.  This time we had a 70 min timer, no breaks built in.  I also added 2 more rounds for a total of 16. See “Even the Odds” link. Round count by PAX:  POTS > 4 , Maybeline > 9 , Pikachu > 9 , Cupid > 9 , Fonzie > 7, Full House > 10, Fanny Pack > 12 , 187 > 12, Mad Dog 20/20 > 9, Bobby Bouche > 8, Roger Roger > 7, 8 Bit > 6, Breach > 9, Lipstick > 9, Sprinkler > 7, FRAM > 9


Mary: None…too tired.
Announcements: Carpex Q swap and see slack
T-Claps (Recognition): The whole group who showed up knowingly, known but only by reputation or those unknowing souls that came to support other PAX.
Prayer:  Sickness, healing

Treat me like a timeshare

FNGs: None 

7 HIMs posted to GP on a moist morning.  YHC brought the music box, Breach brought the Medicine Ball.

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays,  Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions), arm/shoulder stretches,  20x3ct SSH,

The Workout

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a LARGE rock. Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows, Bus Drivers and Ground Pounders. 10x3ct:  Windshield wipers, Box Cutters and Low Slow Flutter; 3 sets of 10x3ct Rock Press & Skull Crushers

Mosey to the basketball court

Combat Ball

20 minutes of 4 on 3 Combat Ball: PAX split into teams and used a 10lb medicine ball to play basketball.  Rules:  There are no rules except you can only take 3 steps before having to pass the ball.  Fouls were not penalized, very few (if any) goals were made outside of 3 feet, the ball was slippery and heavy, Gump almost took one to the face, but everyone had a great time.  

Announcements: Register for the Travis Manion Event on 9/11

Prayer Requests: For all those suffering with COVID:  Prayers for David – Travis Manion SE Coordinator;  Cyclops has 3 employees in the ICU, Hazmat lost 2 coworkers.

T-Claps: For everyone who came out on what was supposed to be a downpour of a morning

Thunder: Ultimate on Pitch at Womble

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Good evenings, SSH, Frankensteins
The Workout: 5 on 5, 5 on 6, back to 5 on 5 with Pikachu changing teams half way.  Lots of 5 count exercises completed when frisbees were dropped or touchdowns were made including: merkins, burpees, monkey jumpers, Carolinas\ dry dock, Imperial Walkers, LBCs, plank jacks, Peter Parker’s…
Mary:  Time ran out
Announcements:  Help Pikachu move on July 3o; see Slack and FB; Aug 4 – Rams turns 50 and he will have Q…please come out and support
T-Claps (Recognition): Beerpressure got his cleats hung up…speedy recovery; Pikachu and Breach were UNSTOPPABLE!  Awesome plays men.
Prayer:  Injured PAX; Family traveling; boy with kidney disease; Unspoken.  YHC took us out.

Honored to lead.  Great work in the sun and humidity. – Dauber

The Blocks are No Longer Hidden

I love to Q at this place…just so much to do on the grounds of Disney! Apparently, we’ve recently had the addition of 20 cinder blocks as permanent fixtures to this AO that were cleverly hidden in a grove of trees. Well…today YHC pulled up to see that those trees had been cut back significantly, exposing our hiding place for the blocks. But, the blocks remained. YHC was unsure if he was going to use them, but was glad they were still there. At the end of the workout, all PAX jumped in to re-locate them to a more secure…hopefully undisturbed location for future use. 8 PAX travelled quite a bit throughout Disney covering nearly 2 miles today on their fast pass to fitness.

FNG’s: no
Warm Up: Good mornings IC x 22, followed by a mosey to the community center where we circled up for Frankensteins x 10 IC, Seal Claps, Sir Fazio’s (F/R), Overhead Claps all x12 IC.
The Workout: We moseyed to the back wall of the school for a quick 22 count of People’s Chair and Balls to the Wall IC.

We then moseyed over to the bowl for Dirkins, Step-Ups, Irkins, and Dips…in that order, x 10 for round 1, x 15 for round 2.

We then quickly moseyed over to the “L” and partnered up. To run the “L”, one partner went up the hill toward the library stop sign to do 11 Star Jumps, while the other ran toward the hill at the elementary school to do 7 WW1’s. When partners returned to meet in the middle, they did Patty Cake Merkins, starting with 3 and getting the count up to 8 before stopping. Each time partners met and did the exercise they would travel opposite directions.

We then did an Indian Run all the way back to the flag for some Mary.
Mary: Mary was kind of Mary, and kind of not. Everyone grabbed a cinder block for Mary. It consisted of: LBC x 22IC, 22 Chest Press w/block, 7 Blockees (block burpees), LSF x 17 IC, 17 Chest Press w/block, 6 Blockees, Dying Cockroach x13, 13 Chest Press w/Block, 5 blockees, 10 American Hammers x10 IC, 10 Chest Presses, 4 blockees, 7 Pickle Pounders IC, 7 Block Presses, 3 blockees, 5 Superman’s on the Up and Down, 5 Block Presses, 2 blockees, 3 Absolutions, 3 Block Presses, 1 blockee to finish. Have a nice day!
Announcements: Q Swap next week! Disney is a site!
T-Claps (Recognition): Dahmer and POTS for getting all in that bush finding a new hiding place for our blocks!
Prayer: Unspoken. YHC took us out!

Y’all Busted My Rock!!!

A humid day down in the valley known as Possum Trot. 7 HIM gathered to be sure that nobody was alone or got left behind. We made some noise with the sledgehammer, somebody broke the rock POTS was using and he got salty, Sprinkler made some “noise” during COT, and we took the hill together several times.

FNG’s: nopes
Warm Up: SSH x 40 IC, Windmills, Seal Claps, and Overhead Claps x 7 IC, Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies x 10 IC, 22 Squats.
The Workout: A quick mosey for all PAX to grab a rock of choice and a short Cusack up to the entrance end of the lot to circle up for Shoulder Press x 15 and Merkins x 15. There were 3 stations in the rotation for the day: rock circle, tire flip & sledge, run the hill with 10 Merkins.

The rock circle continued with all PAX counting out 15 counts of any rock or ground exercise of choice. Partners would rotate out to either flip the tire/sledgehammer together or run the hill with Merkins. At no time, was any man supposed to be alone in a spot…because that’s what we do in F3. There was a constant rotation during this activity and no brains were bashed in as tires were flipped and hammers were swung. So, that’s nice.

All circle exercises included (sometimes several rounds), but not limited to: Merkins, American Hammers, Should Press, Curls for the Girls, Tricep Extensions, Squats, Rut-Rows, WW1’s, LSF, Homer to Marge, Burpees, Star Jumps, Ground Pounders, and more!
Mary: After putting our toys away we moseyed to the tennis courts for a Bear-Crawl/Sprint Back series we did 3 times in decreasing distances.  Finished with 22 counts of the following for Mary: LSF’s, LBC’s, Dying Cockroach, Homer to Marge, and Superman’s.
Announcements: Q Swap next week. CarPex guest Q’s will join us, but all AO’s remain open!
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Banana Seat daughter Ella receiving some medical treatments that are needed (prayer and praise). Our military, first responders, leaders, spoken and unspoken. Honor to lead at the OG SouthWake AO.

Magic Number 36

Three years ago today several neighborhood friends dragged me to Kenny’s Grave to suffer a beat down by Banana Seat.  All I can really remember about it was how disappointed I was every time he said “recover” because I really thought that meant we got a chance to catch our breath.  Boy, was I wrong.  But here we are, three years later, having done things I would have previously said were impossible, all because of you men that have surrounded me over this time.  I am thankful for all of you and appreciate you all more than you know.

All that said, I did set out to kick your asses today.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) time was against us today.  My plan was to do 36 reps of 16 different exercises but 45 minute just wasn’t enough time to make that happen.  I’d still like to think we got some good work in and got a good sweat going.


Welcome Just the Tip!

He’s a coworker of Fumunga’s.  His first job was at a restaurant, hence the name.

Warm Up:

No warm up lap since YHC is still nursing a heel issue.  Circled up for:

SSH x36 IC

Windmill x10 IC

Frankensteins x10 IC

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC forward and reverse

The Workout:

The Red October boys went up to the pavilion to do some TRX while we moseyed down towards the first stretch of parking spaces for my favorite routine, the Crab Boil!

We started at one parking line and crab walked two spaces.  We did Crab Cakes x12, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Humpers x12, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Jacks x12.  After that we took a break and did irkins x12, dirkins x12, and squats x12.  We worked our way back up the parking lot doing the same and then back down.  36 reps of those exercises done.

Next we moseyed down to the lower pavilion for some rock work.  Everyone grabbed a rock and did:

Curls for the girls x12

Tris for the guys x12

Bus drivers x12

We rotated rocks and did it another two time for a total of 36 reps a piece.

After that we traveled with our rocks up to the lot behind the swimming pool.  Here we did shoulder taps x12, bear crawled and pushed our rock across the lot, and then Bobby Hurly x12, and then bear crawl and push the rock back.  We did this two more times, but with the second and third laps being duck walks with rocks and then sprints.

We returned all but one rock (the largest) and then Indian walked while passing the rock down the line up to the bathrooms.  Here we lined up against the wall in People’s Chair.  The rock started at one end and was passed all the way down the line to the other end.  That was 1.  It traveled back for 2.  We continued until 12 were complete.  After that it was a 12 count IC balls to the wall.  YHC wanted to do it all another two times but the clock had other plans.  We did one more round of People’s Chair and BTTW, each in 12 count, before heading up to the Red October guys for Mary.

Oh, I almost forgot that I tried to also sprinkle 36 burpees in as well, doing 6 each time  we transitioned from exercise group.  We had gotten three sets in and were supposed to do the other three with the people’s chair and BTTW but, again, time was not my friend.


American Hammer x10 IC

LBC x10 IC

Reverse LBC x10 IC

Knees to the left LBC x10 IC

Knees to the right LBC x10 IC

Homer to Marge x10 IC


Carpex Q Swap the last week of July and first week of August.  Check to see if there are any spots still open to Q

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to see Boy George back in the gloom with us!


Fumunga’s neighbors who are expecting a child and the father just came down with COVID

Sunshine and his wife and their new born child



Men, it’s always an honor to lead and even more so to do on a day where I’m reminded what this all means.  I was very excited to also have Boy George and Noah’s Ark at CoT with us as they were both there at my first post as well.  I know they didn’t plan it that way but I thought it was pretty awesome.  Thanks for indulging me today.  I hope in three more years I’m writing another one of these.



It was another hot humid morning at the Yard. The Warden did not disappoint.

I arrived quite a bit early for to put all the coupons out all over the walking trails.

FNG: Nope

Warm Up: We moseyed to the upper parking lot where we circled up. We did side-straddle hops, imperial walkers, hillbillies, merkins, frankenstiens.

Workout: We moseyed left out of the parking lot onto Shady Greens Drive. While running Breach spotted some fire hose. Continued to Brushy Meadows where we picked up a cinder block. Performed squats here. Turned left onto Brushy Meadows towards Hilltop Needmore Road. Made a left on the red trail where we did more exercises. Moseyed towards the PVA and we located a set of tractor weights. Each PAX alternated taking the coupons. We dropped all the goods off at my vehicle and Indian Run to the lower Red trail (Back 9). Once we made it all the way to the bottom we found a 16’ Treated 8×8.

The PAX paired up with 8×8 and did squats all the way up while the remainder did AB exercises. Once the exercises were completed IC to 15 they ran to the PAX with the 8×8. Rotated and rinsed and repeated 4 times from bottom to top. We did LBC, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Bearcrawls, Burpees and several more.

Mary: We did several stretching exercises.

Annoncements: Check social media

Prayers: Unspoken