
If It Burns For 7 Years… Should You See a Doctor?

FNGs: Friendly, not new

Warm Up: SSH, Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willy Mays Haze 

The Workout: 

  • Running lap around the outside of the field – talk about how Pikachu are electric Pokemon but for some reason are OK swimming and surfing.  Not fire Pokemon though, swimming is a no go.
  • Grab Blocks and head to the soccer field.  1st, take a walking lap around the field with your block.
  • Head into the gate between both fields, drop your block for 5 burpees.  Talk about Pikachu’s Pickle.
  • Pick up blocks and follow the outside line of the field until you reach a corner.  Uneven burpees on the block, 3 each side.
  • Farmer carry the block to the next corner, switching hands half-way.  Talk about Pikachu’s Eggplant.
  • Partner up and set both blocks shoulder-width apart.  Partner 1 completes negative Merkins AMRAP while Partner 2 runs the length of both field end-zones and back.  Switch and complete 2x.
  • Carry blocks to next corner.  Talk about how Gizmo was named after Pikachu’s little soldier.  Also reflect on how much Downrange and Cancun love sausage.
  • 15x Skull Crushers
  • Carry blocks overhead to half-field, recover, carry blocks to the next corner.  Not sure what we talked about here….
  • Run a victory lap around the field.
  • Get back to last corner and partner up for Explosive Merkins.  Setup blocks accordingly.  Partner 1 does Merkins AMRAP, Partner 2 runs one of the two soccer end-zones.  Each completes 1x
  • Go to soccer field endzone and sprint to opposite endzone 1x.  Return mozy.
  • Return Blocks to their home and head to Mary

Mary:  Homer to Marge, Low Slow Flutters, Poop Eaters, Pickle Pounders, Squats

Announcements:  F3 Dads Camp Seagull –

T-Claps (Recognition): Support from the PAX on my 7 years.  Thanks Fellas.  Can’t say enough this group means to me.  It’s always awesome to know that I have you all.

Prayer: For those still trapped at the airport, Cancun’s wife see MealTrain