Prison Yard 7 X 4

7 PAx took to the yard for an all-body weight Tabata-style workout.

Fram, Banana Seat, Flip Phone, Sunshine, Stove Pipe, and Abacus the OG. Breach was on the Q.


A short mosey around the parking with some stops to enjoy 22 counts of Frkesteins, Side Straddle Hops, Calf Raises and Peoples Chair Seal Claps


7 exercises x 4 Rounds. Each exercise was for 60 seconds with 20 sec of rest repeated 4 times.


Prisoner Squats

Apollo Ohons (Skaters)

Reverse Lunges

Mountain Climbers

Low Slow Flutter

Peter Parkers

Ended with 2 mins of stretching



Road clean up project this Sat with the Travis Manion Foundation at 9 am.


Banana Seats neighbors, lost loved ones recently.