R4TJ 5 Year Anniversary – “What we experienced this moanin’ was sum gud ole fashion fun”
Nine men got stronger on the BEST HILL TRAINING ROUTE EVER. After 25 fast side stradle hops in cadence, we took off. Across Main Street, right on Milpass, left on Crossway, up to Creekvista. Batboy and Flop arrived first and started running the elbow. On this route originated by Wild Turkey, the “elbow” consists of running down Creekvista, running back up, then running to the bottom of Crossway, then running back up to Creekvista. Rinse and repeat as many times as possible before converging for the run back to the flag.
I got hooked on the elbow last week with Sunshine’s Q. This is the kind of run that is exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time. Everyone ran strong and pushed each other–just like last week. But, no trips this week. Two last week. No “knee-matomas” either.
Glad to honor the 5-year anniversary of F3SW’s original mid-week run. Thank goodness one of the Original Gangstas @U.T.I. joined us at COT. UCrain told us all about it. Started with his Blue Ridge Relay team looking for a mid-week run. Went to HS Run Club, found very unsatisfying. Got headlocked, I mean, realized they were Freed to Lead and started their own Area of Operations (AO). UTI and Lipstick were site Qs for the first year or so, then @Redenbacher took over for the next four. Red used to wear his DOT approved safety vest. So glad that he broke down this barrier, now I’m proud to wear one. Shout out to Red by wearing my vest in the snap.
In the end, TomTom declared, “What we experienced this moanin’ was sum gud ole fashion fun” And so it was! It was an honor men.
Flag planted, warmups, run, COT, snap, backblast, done.
Bring back the HC!