The Bowler Runs 4 The John
FNGs: Nuh uh
Warm Up: EC was had by 187, Lipstick, UTI
The Workout: A past route of my own creation returns!
Mary: Profuse sweating in the parking lot, heavy breathing
- Bottle Share this weekend – see Cupid and Slack
- Picnic next weekend – see Cupid and Slack
- 3 Alarm Run – just show up (See Q sheet)
- R4TJ in need of a site Q – Bring the flag, encourage leadership, draw up some running routes – Ask Lipstick, UTI, and Redenbacher for past Site Q overview.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Flag provided today by Yogurt – thanks brother!
- Maybelline
- MIL is having open heart surgery, M is traveling to be with her
- Dad is recovering from recent procedure
- Pikachu
- MIL is traveling
- Mom is having surgery
- Down Range
- New baby, new to the area, new job