Fear the Pumpkin
FNGs: None
Warm Up: The bounce, spinal rotations, arm circles, good mornings, WMH
The Workout:
Circuit 1: 10 count in cadence, rotate to your left after each exercise. 2 large pumpkins thrown in the mix with KBs. 2 rounds: Curls, Triceps, Rows, Shoulder Press, Goblet Squat
Circuit 2: Learned each exercise together. Did 4-6 count each, then 10 minute tabata. 45 seconds on; 15 sec rest;
- KB Pistol Rows 3x and stand
- KB Around the world, catch the bell shoulder height, then reverse lunge
- KB 3x swings 2x squat
- KB 3x core twist then one curl (from knees)
- KB 2x overhead triceps recover in the front (from knees)
- KB Pullover alternating knee raises right then left leg (on your back)
- KB 2x single arm overhead press then forward lunge (Right)
- KB repeat on the Left
- Chillcut plank position march over the bell
- Push up on the bell. 2x each side and switch
Circuit 3: OYO Squat press, swings and then sprint 50m and back (Reps 25,20,15,10,5); those who finished first took a mosey.
Mary: Some stretches
Announcements: Sign up to help with HollyFest
Prayer: Lots of silent requests.