F3 Welcomes Baseball Season ’22
FNGs: none
Warm Up: SSH, Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Windmills, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (front/back), Seal Claps, Overhead Claps
The Workout: My daughter had her first baseball practice of the season last night, so that gave me a good idea.
Thing 1: Diamonds on the ball field.
PAX gathered at home plate. Bear crawl to first base where we did squats. Bear crawl to second base where we did squats and merkins. Bear crawl to third base for squats, merkins and WWIIs. Finally, bear crawl home for squats, merkins, WWIIs and side lunges. One more round as we start taking exercises off.
Thing 2: PAX split into two groups. Group 1 holds squat while group 2 sprints to the fence and moseys back. Switch. Then group 1 holds plank while group 2 sprints out and back. Switch.
Thing 3: People’s Chair, 10 count down the line x8. Balls to the Wall, 10 count down the line x8.
Moseyed back to the parking lot for Mary (both tennis courts were taken!).
Mary: A couple of Mary exercises (can’t remember, sorry) and group stretches before closing out.
Prayer: Lots of guys dealing with sickness or injury, either personally or in their inner circle. Three Alarm’s upcoming surgery. Reach out to your fellow PAX that you haven’t heard from in a while.