Out with Old..In with the New..
Two years of AGS. Hard to believe that what started as a weekly Sunday run around the lake has morphed into an AO that has consistently drawn PAX from week to week. YHC can count the number of times on one hand over the past 2 years where he posted to a vacant lot. Additionally, AGS has only closed once and it was due to inclement weather where driving conditions prevented safe travel to the AO. These are a few of the great things YHC is most proud of regarding this AO and speaks volumes to the accountability and support you HIM, who have posted here, have given me since its opening, and for that, I Thank You.
I’m gonna keep this BB simple. I know…very uncharacteristic, but there is nothing I’m gonna say here that hasn’t been said already. The one thing I will say is that part of the draw and unique nature of this AO is the people who show up to help drive each other throughout the run no matter the conditions. This is what makes this AO great and this morning was no exception.
Arrived to the lot with 30 seconds to spare and saw several cars and trucks with many PAX waiting. 187 said he was getting kinda concerned with one minute to start that YHC may have fell victim to the fartsack. YHC actually forgot his Garmin and had to take a slight detour back to retrieve it. Planted flag. Exchanged pleasantries and we were off with the following workout. While on the initial mosey, Lipstick was seen coming in hot (like Dukes of Hazzard hot- complete with actual skidmarks and suspension-busting speed over speed bumps).
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Short loop around the lot. Circled up for SSH X10, Good Mornings X10, Fazios 10F\10B, Imperial Walkers X10. Light mosey to the other end of the lot with butt kickers and lunge walks back with slight mosey to the point of origin. Prisoner Squats X10, Frankensteins X10, squat hold for the route.
The Workout: Down and up Stinson, left on Bass Lake Road, Straight up Rhamkhatte staying left on Skymont all the way down to the trail that leads into the back side of Paradise City EC, loop around via Arctic Ridge and then back out to the trail and onto Veterans, Jones, Raleigh Street, and then Stinson back to the flag. Another strong showing by the FML boys, Cupid, Nemo, UTI and Vasoline. We even had a surprise visit by Oyster.
With all that speed out there this morning, YHC was picked up several times by the HIM in attendance. A real muggy and humid morning and the accountability and extra encouragement was needed. After all was said and done, the run was a bit below 6 miles, but had several PAX post-Main Event go on to get 10. Nice work by all this morning.
Mary: Stretches OYO during COT
Announcements: Co-Q duel tomorrow. Nemo is up first at DTT. Rumor has it that there could be several miles consumed tomorrow. Clean out the closets, bring clothing donations for Healing Transitions. Mulch sign ups for next week. Great work out there to the HIM who have posted to help out. The project is halfway complete and need more volunteers heading into next week. Sign up if you haven’t already.
T-Claps (Recognition): All those in attendance this morning. Everyone who posted to AGS over the past 2 years. Vasoline for stepping up as site Q and taking over AGS. YHC is leaving it in great hands and will certainly take this AO to another level.
Prayer: Quiver’s uncle who is battling health issues due to covid. Those who are training and preparing for upcoming races. Keep PAX healthy and continued health for family and friends near and far. YHC took us out.
HIM- it has been an honor to lead this great AO. Thank you for the opportunities to do so each Sunday morning. You pushed me and continue to push me more than you will know.