Somewhere Over the Rainbow…6 PAX Get Stronger with 6 miles and Fellowship
Clown car carrying Deadbolt and YHC arrived to a 50 degree Womble parking lot this morning. Clear skies with hints of blue and gold in the distance. Next week we’ll have to slide the time back to 6am to accomodate the earlier sunrises for the remainder of spring and summer. If you have posted over the past 2 weeks, you’ve probably noticed a consistent fixture in the form of Maybelline. Right on queue, there he was right where I left him last week, getting some stretching in. That’s 14 straight workouts, fellas. Strong work!.
Speaking of strong work, did anyone see Skidmark’s 5K time on Saturday? And just like that, there he was in the front seat of his red truck looking for an early morning recovery run. Another truck rolled in with Nemo in driver’s seat. Planted flag with 5 minutes left for any last minute takers of today’s edition of AGS… Received a text from Bobby Dall with the heads up that he was on his way.
6:31 hit and we were off for the following warm-up
Warm Up: Light jog to the end of the lot, side step squats on the return and circled up for SSH X15, Imperial Walkers x10. At that point, Bobby Dall joined the circle. No penalty burpees this morning as YHC was still recovering from Pikachu’s Turkish get ups at the Mason Dixon convergence yesterday. Also, for those in attendance at said convergence yesterday, what was up with the wheelbarrow staircase walks as the opening exercise?…Dang, Pikachu.
Finished off the warm up with a set of Mountain Climbers x15, Michael Phelps, and Left hand\right elbow-Right hand\left elbow stretches. Squat hold while YHC explained this morning’s route.
The Workout: Standard Bass Lake Route. Slight modification from previous week’s in that we would navigate the Lake in a clockwise fashion and enter and exit via greenway. No soul crusher this morning. YHC was just not feeling it, but will not disappoint next week if it is dry. As we ventured around the baseball fields, Skidmark confirmed a 2nd F at Dunkin Donuts after our run, and continued up Grigsby with Maybelline, Nemo, and Bobby Dall.
At the Sugg Farm entrance, Bobby Dall circled back for the six, first YHC, then Deadbolt. Exchanged some quality mumblechatter along the greenway, and about a mile in, Bobby Dall picked up the pace to catch up with Skid, Maybelline, and Nemo. Along the trail, took a few quality snaps of that trademark sunrise just beyond the trees. As we entered the Bass Lake parking lot, YHC and Deadbolt approached the Bass Lake “Killer Hill” with some reluctance, but more determination. Tackled the hill and the final bend around the lake. Halfway on the greenway back to Womble, we noticed a light rain sprinkle, which provided a welcomed cool down as we finished up our last 1.5 miles to the finish. YHC later received a pic from Bobby Dall who was able to capture a rainbow during his run. Strong runs by all PAX posting this morning and good to see some familiar faces return to AGS.
Mary: Stretches OYO
Announcements: Dunkin Donuts 2nd F, Wrightsville and Richmond Half-Full Sign-ups (never too early). NC Spring Classic 8k and 16k-April 27th. Coal Ash VQ tomorrow at Downtown Train. Maybelline VQ at Purple Cobra on Tuesday. PAX love VQ’s….come out and show some support. They will most certainly be beatdowns for sure.
Prayer: Prayers for Shredder, Crosby, and all PAX working through injuries. Additional prayers for a Wescott Neighbor who suffered a heart attack recently. Continued prayers for Lipstick’s mother in law, CrabLegs, DoubleD and his family.