
It looked good on paper

Warm Up: good morning, SSH, windmill, imperial walkers, hill Billy’s, daisy pickers
The Workout: teams of 3- 100 burpee pull-ups, 200 LBC, 300 squats.

rocks- curls, triceps, wonder bra x3

Mary: side crunch, low slow flutters, homers left and right, Have a nice day

Announcements: Bad build, Iliad

Prayer: Wild Turkey’s friend who passed. Prayers for his family for healing and peace.

Spartan 500 at Paradise City

YHC made my triumphant return as the Q at Paradise City this 55 degree comfortable morning.  About 7-8 showed for Extra Credit with Pikachu and Skidmark leaving early to get in the extra mile (nice work).  great pick ups on the EC run of this 6.  Returned after EC to see a large gathering in the parking lot which looked great!  We had a visitor from F3 Chartlotte in town – more on that at the COT

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  A quick lap around the parking lot and then circled up

  • Windmills x 10 🙂
  • Wide Grip Merkins x 10
  • Side Strattle Hops x 20
  • Fazio 10F and 10R
  • Seal Claps x 10
  • Right over left and left over right stretches
  • Pax instructed to find an accountability partner of equal speed to put him

The Workout:

We did the Spartan 500 with running a 0.25 mile in between each sets.  Partner up with a man of similar speed but that can push you.  Do the set of 50 exercises at opposite corners with your partner.  See image below for details.

Goal was to do this 10 times or 5 laps.  T claps to (at least) Pikachu, Skidmark and 187 for finishing all 10!  I think most of the rest got 8 so a spartan 400!


The lead pair got back to the Basketball courts a little early and led group in ab exercises.  YHC arrived and closed out mary with a 5 count around the horn holding 6 inch leg lifts.


  • JoCo CSAUP
  • Sleep in Heavenly Peace (check slack)
  • Cookout (check slack)

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Mookie for running a 2:08 half marathon yesterday and still posting
  • Visitor from Charlotte (Greyhound) – his step daughter is having a baby today


  • Greyhounds Daughter and doctors
  • unspoken

OG U-turn returns

25 PAX got a taste of the old school route this morning. We had a bunch of ECers run over from Jones Park as well. Lot of good chatter on this brisk morning. Nice work picking up the six. The 3 mile group did some yoga after their run. Pikachu called in sick so YHC stepped up for some May points. Nice work all around.

We ended with prayer as always.

Thanks for allowing me to lead.

BS out!

The Undertaker

After hearing about Summer Slam for a while YHC decided to pick up one of these Kung Pow Q’s to celebrate his favorite wrestler growing up – The Undertaker.

The pre-blast promised trying to kill pax – thankfully we didn’t accomplish that but we did celebrate accordingly.

FNGs: None today. I hear there’s a free F3 shirt if you bring an FNG to Kung Pow.

EC: YHC, Cupid, Cancun, Deadbolt (great work on 5 pack w/5 ECs!), Roger Roger, and MadDog.
Warm Up:

SSH x20

Daisy Picker x20

Good Morning x10

The Workout:

Pax were warned that The Undertaker attributed good cardio to his many years of success. Many remarks were had about that assuredly being the only thing.

1st Thing – mosey down the street to a nice hill near Bibleview ct. Pax were informed of The Streak – The Undertaker’s 21 match winning streak at WrestleMania, widely regarded as the greatest winning streak in sports history.

Special back blast reading bonus – the first pax to message me directly (Slack or Facebook) with the name of the wrestler that broke The Streak gets a free beer/lunch if you don’t drink)

To celebrate the 21 straight we did 21s on said hill – starting with 1x squat at the bottom and 20x LBCs at the top. It’s like 11s but a lot harder.

After ~15 minutes we audibled – none of us are The Undertaker and this was going to take too long. We had other career highlights to get to.

2nd Thing – we moseyed back to the pool parking lot. Pax were reminded that one of The Undertaker’s signature moves was the chokeslam. Chokeslamming each other seemed like a bad idea (especially on a day with no disclaimer) so instead we could lead with one strong hand. We did this by doing 10x Turkish Getups on one side (don’t worry though – the other side was promised to be fulfilled later). We then moseyed out of the neighborhood and crossed over to the church where we fulfilled our other 10x Turkish Getups (on the other side, unless your name is Cupid and apparently you can only do them on one side).

3rd Thing – one of the storylines most often remembered about The Undertaker was the one with his brother Kane. They frequently fought and partnered with each other. To celebrate this pax were told to partner up with someone of similar spead for a mix of competing and supporting – we raced to opposite ends of the parking lot and back (as in pax went opposite directions from their partners – apparently this was very confusing). Once they got back the winner plank holds until their partner gets back at which point they lift each other up with 5x Patty Cake Merkins. We repeated this 3x times.

4th Thing – Pax were reminded of two things. 1 – The time when “in nineteen ninety-eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table” and 2 – The Undertaker loved lightning and even once used it to destroy the ring. To honor these two things we were going to throw outselves on the ground to the tune of Thunderstruck – SSH the entire song and a Burpee everytime you hear Thunder or Thunderstruck.

Pax seemed smoked but we weren’t at the starting point so we moseyed back to the pool parking lot for some very limited Mary.


We continued celebrating The Streak with 21x IC of the following:

Low slow flutter


Crab cakes

Homer to marge (with some nice demonstration by Deadbolt)

Picklepounder (it is Mother’s day weekend)

Grasshopper 5k for Sergeant Rick Leach
T-Claps (Recognition):

Deadbolt for 5 pack + ECs

All the pax venturing outside of their norm for Main Event May

Caitlin and Kid Cracker and his team as they beging working to help her.

The Train was Rockin’

8 PAX took a ride on the Downtown Train to rock pile. Lots of hard work put and good mumblechatter out this morning.

FNGs: nope

Warm Up:
Mosey to rock pile. YHC told PAX to grab a medium size rock. This is obviously up to interpretation after seeing Cancun’s choice.

Cusack to behind library

Warmup exercise of: SSH, windmill, imperial walkers, hillbillies, moroccan night club, seal claps, overhead claps

The Workout:
Tabata time: 3 rounds of 1 minutes exercise with 10 seconds rest
Upper body: curls, rut rows, overhead press

To break up the tabata, PAX slid their rock and bear crawl to rock across parking lot. Cusack back.

Lower body: squats, ground pounder, lunges

Tabata continues: 1 minutes exercise with rocks with 10 seconds rest of:
-ww2, boat canoes, American hammers – bad choices, so we modified
-ww2, dying cockroach, homer to marge (rock humpers?)
-ww2 – Q called it at this point due to time and we returned our rocks and back to the flag for COT.

Respect month in May at DTT
JOCOGA CSAUP – sign up

T-Claps (Recognition):
Hasselhoff for making his F3 comeback
Cancun for showing off his huge rock.

Brexit surgery tomorrow
Praise for Crimson cancer test results

Make Cletus Great Again

FNGs:Not today

Warm Up:
Nice mosey over to far parking lot. On the way, Lipstick was spotted coming down Stinson so PAX waited patiently in the parking lot for him. While we waited we did 10 SSH followed by an increasing burpee. Lipstick arrived and hid in the bushes just before 5 burpees, so we welcomed him to the party with 5 burpees. Good mornings, windmills, Sir Fazio arm circles, and squats were done.

The Workout:
Mosey to the amphitheater for 1st stop on our tour:
3 sets of 10: box jumps, erkins, dips, derkins,

Indian run to hill behind baseball fields.
Stop #2 was a repeat of a DoubleD beatdown at Possum Trot.
11’s: bear crawl uphill, star jumps at top, crawl bear down, squats at bottom

Indian run around the track to the next parking lot.

PAX lined up for a Guantanamo line across the parking lot.
-Lipstick tried to break Pikachu’s hip. Brexit questioned his return to F3.

Indian run back to tennis courts.

Still a little early for Mary, so PAX circled up for some Howling Monkeys, 2 rounds of 10 counts. Lots of grumbling when YHC called for round 2.

PAX lay flat on their backs for a little music time. YHC turned on Flower by Moby. Sally up/Legs up straight at 60 degree, Sally down/Legs down to 6 inches. Keep heels off the floor the entire song. That was a long 3 mins 28 secs.

A little time left, so we did: homer to marge, single leg home to marge, american hammers, and have a nice day.

Wild Turkey birthday
SHP build delayed to 6/12 –
Spring Classic support on Sat ~8am at Bass Lake Hill
JOCOGA CSAUP sign-up –

T-Claps (Recognition):
All the PAX for making Cletus great again.
Brexit and Wild Turkey for making it back out in the gloom.

Brexit’s upcoming surgery

YHC took us out.

Co-Q Duel Kickoff at Downtown Train

F3 Southwake Co-Q Duel got started in a big way at DT. Record attendance for this site that averages 3-5 #HIM as we had 36 strong post. Was excited to have our newly named Weasel Shaker, and a guy who has had a major impact on me over the past few years, Mookie as the surprise Co-Q. DT is sort of like a “poor man’s Disney”, lots of great rides available and I was looking forward to showing a couple of them off for all the new faces posting to DT for the 1st time. Mookie and I decided to do a little split Q so everyone had a chance to spend time with both of us, and we went with 2 DT classics – repeats on Cemetery Hill, and a visit the drug store. Mookie would lead the hill work and I would take drug store with a group switch in the middle. Quite the impressive scene as I headed back to the lot from EC to find guys looking for overflow parking. Was cool to see guys reconnecting and catching up a bit on life, with some great mumble chatter out there this morning. Thanks to all who posted and thanks for a solid start to the donations for Healing Transitions.

FNGs: Not today, but I noticed several of or newer guys out there this morning. and it’s great to see you all coming back and really getting to be part of F3.
Warm Up: Stayed at the flag knowing we would be opening the workout with a jog and we did some SSH, Good Mornings, Fazio Arm Circles, Mt Climbers and of course, a Nemo classic the Goofballs.
The Workout: Counted off by 2s to split the group and headed out on the jog towards Earp where 1 group veered off the tracks to head over to Cemetery Hill and the other headed up and along the back road to the drug store. Mookie took his group through hill repeats and focused on keeping together by adding sets of burpees at the bottom, merkins at the top and mixing in low slow flutters, shoulder taps and LBCs. Cemetery Hill is a DT favorite and I was glad to see Mookie pushing the PAX to put in the work on these repeats. At the drug store we worked through another DT classic set that really just involves doing a bunch of different stuff with little, if any, recovery. Without details of count/cadence it went something like this: BTTW, People’s Chair, BTTW, straight into plank, shoulder taps, plank, merkins, plank, nipplers, plank – then on the feet and hold out the arms, slow seal claps, hold out arms, overhead claps, hold out arms – then drop and bear crawl across lot, plank hold for 6 then merkins, then crab walk back. Recover, repeat. We worked in some SSH too, and 2nd set we stopped short of the bear crawls for time. After the full set at each spot, the groups met midway and swapped. Then we converged again for a fellowship jog back the flag.
Mary: Circled up and did a set of 6″ hold/low slow flutter, LBC, Homer to Marge, American Hammers. Then Mookie treated us to some clockwork merkins and closed us out with some good stretches.
Announcements: After name-o-rama we brought back a tradition I really like and we asked the 6th man in the count to tell us how he got his name and what he has appreciated about F3. Tetanus was the 6 in the circle and he explained his name and talked about how he appreciates the accountability and how he looks forward to posting. Co-Q Duel continues this and next week – head over to Nutcracker tomorrow for Moby and some surprise Co-Qs, Mulching Bass Lake going well.
T-Claps (Recognition): Guys out on EC, Boy George for posting after a tough 50k trail race this weekend, everyone who brought donations, Pikachu for a great setup for trunk coffee 2nd F
Prayer: Let’s keep Quiver’s uncle and family in our prayers as he recovers from covid, unspoken, YHC shared a message about the work we each need to put in to being good leaders. 10 count silent for unspoken and YHC took us out.

Honor to lead and to co-Q with Mookie, hope you all have a strong start to the week

Just a bit off

YHC decided to Q this workout with everything just being a little bit off. Seemed fitting given where things sit right now in our country, but more on that later.

EC was popular with YHC, Emeril, Skidmark, 187, Pablo, Cupid, and Dawgpound out for 2+ miles.

FNGs: None today
Warm Up:

0530 hit and we were off. Head towards the ramp and circle up at the first foul ball marker for SSH x10 IC. Continue around the park stopping at various spots we don’t usually stop at for Frankenstein’s x8 IC, Merkins x11, and Good Mornings x7 on Emeril’s count. We stopped at the top of the ramp for the main thing to kick off.
The Workout:

Starting from the top, run to the first foul ball marker, do 4x Merkins, then back to the top. Repeat for each foul ball marker and then all the way to the bottom (6 stops total). Pax picked up the six and then regrouped at the bottom.

YHC talked about some things seeming impossible at first (like running a marathon) and then told the pax our next exercise was to bear crawl the length of the ramp. Pax did a good job of pushing through and made it to the top – really made the legs sore!

We took a recovery mosey around the park stopping at the guard rail for Russian Dips x7 IC.

We moseyed back to the top of the ramp for round two on the foul ball marker hills, this time with 2x Squats.

This time when we regrouped at the bottom of the ramp we crab walked the entirety of the ramp, with the option for pax to switch forwards/backwards as they wished.

At the top we moseyed around clockwise one more time – YHC instructed the pax that we were going to practice our downhill finish now that we had sufficiently tired legs. Pax were told to keep good form and to roll through the entire downhill back to the basketball courts where we circled up for Mary.


LBC x10, Low Slow Flutter x10, Freddie Mercury s l o w x20

Mulch sign up – if you haven’t done it yet give it a shot!

Co-Q Duel weeks begin next week – All AOs closed except for the featured AOs listed. Go post somewhere you don’t go very often! See Slack or Facebook for details.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Snap for setting the pace on the ramp repeats. Dude is fast!

YHC talked about this workout being inspired by how things in our society right now just feel a little off. We certainly aren’t back to normal, but we still have to step up and be leaders in our communities, families, and workplaces. On that note YHC took us out.

So this workout is FREE???

15 PAX including one FNG and a 2nd timer posted at Paradise City on the steamy morning. A few guys already lost the shirt once YHC took his off. FNG received the disclaimer at 0528. Today’s workout was a repeat from a previous AO in Carterico I led this past spring. The guys hated it so I knew it would be a great fit for PC. YHC mumbled to some PAX as we took off that the FNG had a good chance of merlot on this one. Here’s how the fun went down.

Bondo, Warren is 59 and survived without a merlot. However, he learned about a workout through HS Rec Center that he signed up and PAID money for. Little did he know our workout was free. M4L and YHC instructed him to Cxl his membership immediately and ask for a refund. Tell HSRC it was a horrible workout and they should Cxl this class.

Warm Up:
Butt kickers, High knees, Carioca
Circle up
Throwback for Blue Hen since he couldn’t make it.
Jacked Up
SSH x 20 IC
Plank Jacks x20 IC
Smurf Jacks x20 IC
Seal Jacks x20 IC
Red Bull Smurf Jacks x20 IC

The Workout:
Four corner stack’ems
C1 – diamond merkins x10
C2 – monkey humpers x10IC
C3 – crab cakes x10IC
C4 – Turkish getup x10
Run to C1 do exercise, back to start and same exercise.
Run to C2 do exercise, back to start and stack’em.
Repeat for C3 and C4, keep stacking

Black snake run to opposite parking lot

Split group in half
Loop burpees increasing merkins
10 burpees w/1 merkin (10)
9 burpees 2 merkins (18)
8 B 3 M (24)
7 B 4 M (28)
6 B 5 M (30)
Total 40 burpees and 110 merkins

Ramp belly sprints x3
Absolutions on recovery at bottom of ramp x5 (2 sets)

She fartsacked

See slack, HS/FV Q swap coming in August

T-Claps (Recognition):
EC HIM and Bondo jumping right in…RESPECT

COVID-19 battles, Clay’s family, Matt friend of Bondo, unspoken

Great job to all those men pushing themselves. Cupid said he set a bootcamp record for calories burned at 600+. There were a couple guys that should be challenging themselves more because they are stronger than what they think. Appreciate the opportunity to lead as always.

BS Out!