After hearing about Summer Slam for a while YHC decided to pick up one of these Kung Pow Q’s to celebrate his favorite wrestler growing up – The Undertaker.
The pre-blast promised trying to kill pax – thankfully we didn’t accomplish that but we did celebrate accordingly.
FNGs: None today. I hear there’s a free F3 shirt if you bring an FNG to Kung Pow.
EC: YHC, Cupid, Cancun, Deadbolt (great work on 5 pack w/5 ECs!), Roger Roger, and MadDog.
Warm Up:
SSH x20
Daisy Picker x20
Good Morning x10
The Workout:
Pax were warned that The Undertaker attributed good cardio to his many years of success. Many remarks were had about that assuredly being the only thing.
1st Thing – mosey down the street to a nice hill near Bibleview ct. Pax were informed of The Streak – The Undertaker’s 21 match winning streak at WrestleMania, widely regarded as the greatest winning streak in sports history.
Special back blast reading bonus – the first pax to message me directly (Slack or Facebook) with the name of the wrestler that broke The Streak gets a free beer/lunch if you don’t drink)
To celebrate the 21 straight we did 21s on said hill – starting with 1x squat at the bottom and 20x LBCs at the top. It’s like 11s but a lot harder.
After ~15 minutes we audibled – none of us are The Undertaker and this was going to take too long. We had other career highlights to get to.
2nd Thing – we moseyed back to the pool parking lot. Pax were reminded that one of The Undertaker’s signature moves was the chokeslam. Chokeslamming each other seemed like a bad idea (especially on a day with no disclaimer) so instead we could lead with one strong hand. We did this by doing 10x Turkish Getups on one side (don’t worry though – the other side was promised to be fulfilled later). We then moseyed out of the neighborhood and crossed over to the church where we fulfilled our other 10x Turkish Getups (on the other side, unless your name is Cupid and apparently you can only do them on one side).
3rd Thing – one of the storylines most often remembered about The Undertaker was the one with his brother Kane. They frequently fought and partnered with each other. To celebrate this pax were told to partner up with someone of similar spead for a mix of competing and supporting – we raced to opposite ends of the parking lot and back (as in pax went opposite directions from their partners – apparently this was very confusing). Once they got back the winner plank holds until their partner gets back at which point they lift each other up with 5x Patty Cake Merkins. We repeated this 3x times.
4th Thing – Pax were reminded of two things. 1 – The time when “in nineteen ninety-eight when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table” and 2 – The Undertaker loved lightning and even once used it to destroy the ring. To honor these two things we were going to throw outselves on the ground to the tune of Thunderstruck – SSH the entire song and a Burpee everytime you hear Thunder or Thunderstruck.
Pax seemed smoked but we weren’t at the starting point so we moseyed back to the pool parking lot for some very limited Mary.
We continued celebrating The Streak with 21x IC of the following:
Low slow flutter
Crab cakes
Homer to marge (with some nice demonstration by Deadbolt)
Picklepounder (it is Mother’s day weekend)
Grasshopper 5k for Sergeant Rick Leach
T-Claps (Recognition):
Deadbolt for 5 pack + ECs
All the pax venturing outside of their norm for Main Event May
Caitlin and Kid Cracker and his team as they beging working to help her.