

FNGs: None
Warm Up: OYO
The Workout:  See PIC ~ 10 miles, greenway, trails, roads, sidewalks, …

Mary: None
Announcements:  See Socials
T-Claps (Recognition):  PAX who got DIRTY tonight

Prayer:  Unspoken

2nd F at Bass Lake; early b-day celebration


Honor to lead even when you show up one week early on the Q sheet.

If a Tree Falls in the Woods…

FNGs:  none
Warm Up:  limited
The Workout:  ~5.7 mile trail ride
Mary:  late
Announcements:  Mulch, Ruck/clean-up/FV workouts
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:  Unspoken.  YHC took us out.  Honor to lead.



BRR Caveman

FNGs: Nope.
Warm Up:

Quick lap around the lower parking date
Circle up for the following
Side Straddle Hop
Side lunges
Bat Wing with Randies
Forward Fazio Arm Circles
Backword Fazio Arm Circles
Seal Claps
Overhead Claps

The Workout:

A pyramid that took to long

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
5/5 360
20 Ballistic Curls

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
5/5 360
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20/20 Uppercuts
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
15/15 Lever Rows
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
5/5 One Arm Chop
20 Tricep Extension

3 Mace Modified Man O Makers (Push Up on Bell, Row, Plank Raise)
20 Tricep Extension

Ran out of time

Mulch sign up. Please finish it this week

T-Claps (Recognition):
All BRR participants

February 28 2020 / at Crazy Ivan (HS Parking Deck) QIC: POTS

February 28 2020 / at Crazy Ivan (HS Parking Deck) QIC: POTS


The PAX for Crazy Ivan packed the parking deck.

 EC: Deadbolt, Full House, Roger Roger

 PAX:  20

 FNGs: None

 Warm Up:

 Side Straddle Hops (SSH), Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Frankenstein’s

 The Workout

 PAX partner’d up.

Partner 1

  1. Curls for the girls (20 reps)
  2. Overhead press (20 reps)
  3. Floor press / bridged (20 reps)
  4. Side to Sid Lunge (Willy Mays Hayes (20 reps)
  5. Kettlebell Swing (20 reps)
  6. Goblet Squats (20 reps)
  7. Up right rows (20 reps)
  8. Dead Lifts (20 reps)
  9. Overhead Triceps Extensions (20 reps)

Partner 2

Run up stairwell, back down and around the block. (Not Town Hall – lol)


The PAX took turns with several rounds of ab exercises to close out the Q.


Happy Birthday 16-bit

Forceps son’s memorial service 2/29 12:30 ET at Hope Church (Apex)

Banana Seat sending update on Wrightsville

M4L – F3 Meal March 14 (Sat)

Check Slack for upcoming announcements


Wiggly’s family for loss of his father.

Flannigan’s upcoming heart tests.

Coal Ash’s  Brother in law’s father is battling cancer going into hospice care.


Military, and First Responders.

First Appearance of the Steel Mace

Snow came the day before. Still 10 men braved the chilly weather to come see the steel mace!!

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up:
Quick lap to warmup
Circled up for the following
Good Mornings
Fazio Arm Circles
Leg Swings both directions both legs
The Workout:
Counted off by three. We had four stations, but I wanted groups of three since there were three Pax present that had already did a steel mace workout. They should be the Shepard for the steel mace. The goal was to keep the legs fresh for tomorrow’s long ass run.

3 complete circuits. Each Station was 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Each pax did 5 to 10 reps each exercise. After completion keep on going till the timer sounds.

Station 1:
Stairs — Run them or carry a bell. Just get up and down them.

Station 2:
Push up On the Bell
Push Press
Chest to Chest in bridge

Station 3:
Battle Rope and Core
Battle Rope
Midget Love Handles
Midget Getups
Midget Cookie Pouches

Station 4:
Steel Mace
Upper Cut
Bent Over Rows
Side Paddle Overhead (No lunge)
Ballistic Curl


Circled up for some stretching:

Leg across and open up the hips. Like getting in a pigeon pose but keep the leg straight
Runners pose and open up the hip
Runners pose concentration on going deeper
Fire Hydrant Circles
Fire Hydrant Kicks


ATT run tomorrow

T-Claps (Recognition):

Wallaby as he comes home from Rehab
Forceps and his family
John, Deadbolt’s friend that is battling cancer

Fruity Pebbles with a glass of OJ

I’m going to get straight to the point. No talking smack on those that didn’t make it. No talking smack on other AOs. As long as you took the plunge today and did a workout with your brothers you are good in my book.

FNGs:  None have shown up.  They must have gotten lost.  I hope they are okay

Warm Up:

Jogged to the basketball hoop and circled up
30 Side Straddle Hops.  I meant to only do 25 but I missed my exit.
5 Foot traces both directions both feet
5 Legs swings both directions both feet
Wring out the shoulders.

The Workout:

Jog to pickup the bricks.  2 bricks per pax.

Bear Crawl with your bricks across the field
Cusack to the basketball hoop and circle up

We stacked the bricks on top of each other.  Then we got in a merkin position with one hand on the bricks.  Did a merkin and the hand that was on the ground we did a shoulder tap.  This will be referred to as Brick Merkin Taps

2 Rounds:
10 Brick Merkin Taps Right hand on bricks
10 Brick Merkin Taps Left hand on bricks
20 Goblet Presses
20 Exaggerated toe touches with the bricks in hand

We then airplane to the wall by the playground.  Arm’s straight out to the side.

We all took a spot on the wall.  Holding your bricks either out in front or close together depending on how you felt.  Three pax went and did pull ups till fatigue.  Once they completed they rejoined the wall and the next pax took their place.   Once all pax completed the pull ups we moved to the flags.

1 Round:  — Should have been 2 but I noticed I was running out of time
10 Fruity Pebbles — T merkin into I, with the bricks
5 Reverse to Forward Lunges Right leg with bricks overhead
5 Reverse to Forward Lunges Left leg with bricks overhead
20 Hello Dolly’s ‘I think that is what they are called’

Cusack to the bus drop off.

Pax got into two lines.  Plank jacks until you get to the front of the line.  Then once in the front boo boo bear crawl.  Switch legs at the median.  Run back to the line and continue the plank jacks.

Moved back to the flags

1 Round:  — Should have been 2 but I noticed I was running out of time.  Also dropped the Hello Dollys
10 Fruity Pebbles — T merkin into I, with the bricks
5 Reverse to Forward Lunges Right leg with bricks overhead
5 Reverse to Forward Lunges Left leg with bricks overhead

Airplane to the wall

We all took a spot on the wall.  Holding your bricks either out in front or close together depending on how you felt.  Three pax went and did pull ups till fatigue.  Once they completed they rejoined the wall and the next pax took their place.  Once all pax completed the pull ups we moved to the basketball hoop.

1 Round: — Should have been two and I dropped the toe taps
10 Brick Merkin Taps Right hand on bricks
10 Brick Merkin Taps Left hand on bricks
20 Goblet Presses

Return the bricks and jogged to the flags.  I was going to wheel barrow the bricks back across the field but no time.

Circled up for Mary


Bring sally up/Bring Sally down  6 inches to 45 degrees
Homer to Marge


Long Ass ATT run this weekend
Thursday 2F at Lowe’s Food 2.50 pints

T-Claps (Recognition):

Forceps and his family.
Wallby and his family as he continues his journey.
Lipstick’s sister.

Ivan gets competitive

YHC pre-blasted Crazy Ivan as being something different – a little bit of competition for the pax.


None today – a shame
Warm Up:

Warm up

Warm up lap around the interior of the parking deck – YHC set up some cones on the other end to mark the lap course for the remaining circuits.

SSH x20 IC

Daisy picker x10 IC

Fazio Arm Circles x10 forward/backward

5x burpees OYO for Lipstick being a bit late


The Workout:

Pax grab their kettle bell and circle up for circuit 1:

1x Burpee
6x Turkish Getups
10x Squat Thrusters
20x One arm kettlebell swings
Run a lap

After round 1 the pax partnered up based on the speed of which they completed the round. #1 with #2, 3 with 4, etc with one group of 3.

Repeat round 1 with the faster pax from each pair adding 2x burpees each round.

After two rounds of that circuit we circled up for a round with “big bertha” – YHC’s 60lb kettle bell that doesn’t get enough love. We passsed the bell clockwise between pax with each pax doing one overhead press each. Then we passed it back counterclockwise to keep ourselves balanced (with another press.

We then moved on to circuit 2:

1x Turkish Getup
6x Midget Getups
10x Merkin Kettlebell slides
20x Bell Slaps
Run a lap

After round 2 the pax partnered up based on the speed of which they completed the round. #1 with #2, 3 with 4, etc with one group of 3.

Repeat round 2 with the faster pax from each pair adding 2x turkish getups each round.


Midget cookie pouch x10
Single leg deadlifts x5 each leg slooooooooow
Homer to marge SW style x10 + x5 each leg – all with kettlebell
Homer to marge exicon style until YHC was tired

2nd F/3rd F – Travis Manion Foundation fundraiser at Bombshell tonight. $5 per pax that show up.

Greenhouse build at Holly Springs food cubbard tomorrow

U-Turn will be different – read pre-blast and expect the differences to continue for the full month

ATT long ass run 22Feb20

New AO Prison Yard – Crooked Creek Park at 0500 on Tuesdays.

June 4th 100 mile backpacking trip – 4 days. See Double D for details.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Lucky Charms for kicking my rear

Wallaby and all pax whose families are dealing with addiction – both those battling and those supporting them. Midget’s friend going into detox.

Rash of cancer scares in local community.

Full House’s client’s wife with brain tumor – successful surgery for lemon sized tumor! Full recovery expected.

UTI’s co-worker Carolyn went from full cancer to remission!

YHC’s wife’s back issues have resurfaced – psychologically tough to have issues that were solved reappear for no good reason.

Big Perm @ Nutcracker

Warm Up: SSH x 15, Imperial walkers x 15, Hillbillies x 15, Rose Pickers x 15, Good mornings x 10
The Workout: partner up for 100 hand release merkins, 200 lunges, 300 LBC in cadence/ Partner jog 100 yards and back while hitting agility ladder both to and fro

Sumo squats x 30      Irkins, durkins,dips and step-ups x 10 (3 sets)
Mary: American hammers, pickle pounders, Homer to marge, windshield wipers
Announcements: check slack, Fill up Q sheet
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Crablegs

We didn’t name him Lawn Chair (or Quitter!)

A beautiful day at Tiger Blood.  Good friend of mine for a long time finally came out to join me and 9 others for an easy day of upper body and core.  Frisco made the trip across the wall to support SW native Dom.  I was waiting for the mumble chatter, but apparently devil burpees are the antidote to that!

FNGs: Powder Priest (Sonny -> It’s always Sunny in Philly -> Coke addicted Priest -> Alliteration is your friend)

Warm Up: Quick lap, SSH, Imperial Walkers / Hillbillys.  5 Devil Burpees at request of Da Business

The Workout:

Pikachu asked for low running.  He also didn’t actually show up, so….yeah.  Thank you for your leadership?

Thing 1:

12’s — Russian Twist + Double Merkin Absolutions.  Do 11 Twists, 1 Absolution, 10 /2 , etc.  Every 3 rounds, jail break to other side of the parking lot.
Protip: 10 double merkin absolutions, 1 twist, then 11 double merkin absolutions is none of the fun.

Thing 2:

I had originally planned Thing 3 to be at this point, but had to audible order.  We indian ran to the track and did the
Beep Test“: 1 partner ran a lap while the other did burpees.
4x times, each time partner does 2 fewer burpees (and therefore run faster to finish together)

Thing 3:

Brokeback / Backbroke merkin combo.  Pair up, one of you does 10x backbroke, the other does 10x brokeback.
Run around the island, 8x, switch top and bottom.
There were absolutely no comments about who prefers to be a top vs. a bottom, why do you ask?

At this point the Carpex guys slipped off into the woods together.  I guess what happens in SW stays in SW?

Thing 4:
11’s — Shoulder Tap BTTW + Tysons.
We ran out of time and ended after 8 rounds with 10x of each.

Mini Thing:
Floor is lava on the tiger/dawg paws back to start


All the 3rdF you could want and more.  So glad to be part of this group and see the impact we’re making.  Way to lead guys.

T-Claps (Recognition): Solid effort out there this morning.  Always fun to hear guys encouraging an FNG and reminiscing about what it was like when they first came out.

: Whole lot of sickness and surgery out there.  Dom shared he got a new job.  Really solid conversation about prioritizing home life over work and the challenges we face to do that well.  Real solid COT guys.

As Promised-No Burpees!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey to back courts for SSHx20, Merkx10, HillBx10, ImpWalkx10, Faz Armx10for/back, Sealclapx10, Mtclimbx10
The Workout:Indian Run around track and stop at the starting point for exercise.  Another Indian run after each exercise.  20 Merk, 20 Squats, 20 CarDryDocs. Mosey to front playground for balls, bear crawl, monkhump 10, 15, 20 counts.  Mosey to front of school for Urk, Stepups(each leg), Dips.  Again 10, 15 and 20 counts. Mosey to rock pile where we chose a smedium size rock as it was going to travel with us. A variety of exercises to work upper and lower body alike.  All to 20 counts.  Squats, Curls, Triceps, Goblet Squats, WonderBras, St Leg Deadlift, Rut rows.  Each exercised followed with a lap or lunges.  Mosey to front lot for Mary
Mary: Popcorn Mary with your choice.  Only BlueHen and Sliderule were left out.  Sliderule on purpose(nobody wants to do the Devil Burpee
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:Several were lifted up.