
Rinse and Repeat

EC: Axe, Nemo, 187, Lipstick, Bernie (+PC back home!)
Warm Up: Mosey over to Elementary parking lot and circle up. SSH x51, Daisy Pickers x15, Monkey Humpers x15, Fazio Arm Cirlces x8 fwd and x8 rev, overhead claps x15, seal claps x15, Dropped to plank for Merkins x10, Wide Plank Merkins x10, Diamond Merkins x10.  Paired up based on speed but it took to long to pair up and YHC called for 5 Burpees OYO.
The Workout: Mosey over to playground around back. In our pairs, partner 1 did Turkish Get Up Star Jumps, while Partner 2 did 10 pullups. Rinse and repeated this x3. Next we Mosied over to the track where the gates were open like the red sea, for us to take action.  In our pairs, partner 1 held plank, while partner 2 did 400M loop in < 1:45/lap (roughly 7:30/mile pace or less) We rinsed and repeated this………6 times  🙂
Mary: LBC x20, Low Slow Flutter x15, Downward Dog and Runners Pose Yoga moves.
Announcements: UTI has a 2yr workout on July 22nd – Can we get at least 1 HC so he doesn’t workout alone?
T-Claps (Recognition): Abe was at R4TJ yesterday and then put up with me again at Tiger Blood.  Based on my reputation, he had a good feeling it would be running intensive.  T-Claps to Abe for the work he is putting in to get stronger at running! Tetanus for posting for the 3rd time in 4 days of his first week at F3!
Prayer: Bernie’s Father’s Sister and Wife are both battling cancer.  187 neighbor Tom who passed away. UTI Co-Workers son who is experiencing dry drowning and is in a coma.


Thanks for opportunity to lead this morning


Shoulder Roast

PAX of 13 came out to Purple Cobra this morning to get a little roasting of the shoulders. 4 For EC, but everyone got a little stronger this morning. Good work men!

Warm Up: 20 counts in cadence: Side straddle hops, impearl walkers, monkey humpers, plank jacks

The Workout: Indian run behind HT to the wall. Group 1 on the wall, group 2 on the ground for rotating exercises of 20 count each. People’s chair/Merkins, Balls to the wall/LBC, Australian mountain climbers/Shoulder taps. Rinse and repeat 4 rounds

Indian run to the hill between plazas. Group 1 burpees, group 2 Bear Crawl to the stop sign and run back. Rinse and repeat 2 rounds

Mary: Some stuff on the ground that hurt, have a nice day!!

Announcements: Meg’s Smile donations. Bring out the FNG’s

Prayer: Healing for the son for UTI’s friend who is currently in the hospital. Straight Cash and family.

Peeling the layers of the onion

Skidmark was scared so he did the right thing by not posting in the gloom- Midget has been at this f-3 thing for almost 4 yrs now and 1st time been consistent with exercise. Thanks for this great group of guys that keep me motivated, engaged and accountable.

Pax of 20 showed up and Flanagan was looking for an easy Q by Dumbo but was told by UTI that Midget had the Q.
Disclaimer was read.

FNGs: Welcome Tetanus!

EC: M4L, Yellow Card, Emeril, Pikachu, Dawgpound, Cowboy, Pablo and Dumbo (rolled in hot at 0517 due to too much bourbon)

Warm Up: There was none.

The Workout: We took off right on time and carried on where we left on Saturday(Whiplash). Stopped at the first turn off at Ting and divided into groups of 4 for Indian Runs. 9 burpees were performed while PAX got in the 4 man Indian group. The goal today was to get to know the small group and what kind of impact f-3 was making in their everyday life. Each time we stopped, until we came to main event ‘Arctic cooler’, we did 10/10/5 (squats/hand release merkins/ burpees). There were 5 stops along the way.

We lost Dumbo and t-claps to Lipstick for staying with dumbo (too much vacation bourbon).

Main event was a 0.41 loop where 2 guys go in opposite directions and perform patty cake merkins when they meet. We did this until 6:17. Chips / Yellow card/ Banaseat/ Poponski called a few Ab exercises while we waited on the 6th.
Indian run with your group back to the flag-

Mary: 45 low slow flutter/ 10 absolution

Sprint next Saturday –
Sasquatch- clown car- Emeril is doing it 7/28
Meg smiles- need more dudes for 22nd and wear f-3 gear
Bourbon raffle till 20th- why not- so far $200

T-Claps (Recognition): Lipstick for waiting with Dumbo.

Prayer: Pickachu’s wife, Crab Legs, Liquid Force doing better after being stung on Friday

It has been fun ride and thanks for all the help/ ear/ accountability and many laughs over the last few years. This truly is more than A workout.