
What is the mission of F3?

FNGs: None

Tunes provided by Spotify “Classic Rock Workout” channel.

Warm Up: The bounce, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Good Mornings, WMH and a few burpees since no one, NO ONE! could recite the F3 Mission or correctly identify the 5 Core Principles.

The Workout: Each PAX grabbed a coupon of their choice (2x10lb KB, 2x15lb dumbbells, 15# plate, 25# plate, 25# plate and 35# plate.  Circled up at the picnic area.

Circuit #1: 10 sets in cadence rotating to the right each exercise: Curls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Rows, Wonder Bra and Ground Pounder.

Circuit #2: One PAX jump rope 100 count while others did variety of exercises (plank hold, shoulder tap, hillbillies). Worked around the circle until each PAX had time on the jump rope.

Circuit #3: Repeated Circuit #1 in reverse order.

Circuit #4: 10 count squats followed by squat pulses followed by another 10 count squats

Mosey to basketball court

Circuit #5: Played 2 rounds of knock out.  PAX eliminated did 10 merkins, 10 WWII and 10 squats before returning or until a winner.  @Stubs won both rounds.  @Gump came in a respectable second both rounds.

Mary: Mosey from the basketball court back to the flag

Announcements: 2nd F at Thanks A Latte

T-Claps (Recognition): @Stubs hit the 6 month marker.  Ask him about it.

Prayer: @Stubs continue to stay strong.  Thank you @Socrates for closing us in prayer.

Candyland Trial #1 at Ground Pounder

FNGs: Wicket (birthname Jai)

Warm Up: Windmill’s, Willy Mays Hays, Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward and reverse, Hill Billy’s, Side Straddle Hops

The Workout: Rock work.  2 rotations.  Curls for the Girls, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep Press, Ground Pounders, Rock Squats. Candyland Trial #1: 4 teams.  Spin the wheel and perform the workout associated with that color.  Red: 15 Merkins, Green 10 Monkey Humpers in cadece, Blue: 5 Burpees, Yellow: 10 Mountain Climbers in cadence.

Mary: Round the horn.  Pick your favorite core exercise.  7 Exercises total.

T-Claps (Recognition): Welcome FNG Wicket!

Prayer: Special prayers for Taylor Phelps F3 Knoxville, TN.

Kick-basketball at GP

FNGs: None

Warm Up: 10x3ct: Good Mornings, SSH, Don Quixotes, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fozzy Arm Circles, Arm stretches

The Workout:

Mosey to the Rocks

Start off with getting the heart rate going with quick feet across lower parking lot.

2 sets of 10x3ct: Curls, Overhead Press, Rut Rows, Bus Drivers, Wonder Bras, and Ground Pounders (rotate b/w rocks)

2 sets of 10x3ct Rock Presses and Skull Crushers,

1 Set of 10x3ct: Windshield Wipers, Box Cutters,  Rock Spanks, Mountain Climbers

Mosey to the Basketball court to shoot a kickball into the goal from 3 points with PAX do various exercises. (Lunges, SSH, Hillbillies, Squats,  American Hammers, etc)

Mary: Willy Mays Haze, Hamstring stretches.

Announcements: volunteer opportunity at Bass lake next Saturday

Prayer: Prayers for Socrates’ wife dealing with illness.

Crisp morning at Ground Pounder

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Sir Fozio Arm Circles forward and backward, Overhead claps, Daisy pickers, Willy Mays Hayes, Side Straddle Hops

The Workout: Large rock…… Curls for the girls, Wonder bras, Rut rows, Overhead tricep press, Ground Pounder.  Repeated after 1st six set.  On your six…… Chest Press, Skull crushers, Low slow flutters, Homer to Marge, Box cutters, Protractors.  Small rocks…… Individual arm curls, Shoulder presses, Lateral extensions.  Sets of 20 then 15.  Over to the small wall…… Merkins, Step ups, Dirkins, Sqats, Irkins, Step Ups, Merkins, Squats, Merkins.

Mary: PAX choice…… Freddie Mercury’s, Pickle pounders, Bananas, Dying cockroaches, Heel taps.

Announcements: Holiday Party.  Ultimate Frisbee reminder.

Prayer:  Prayers for Socrates’ brother and everyone travelling over the holidays.

Ground Pounder – 11/21

Best mumble chatter in SouthWake.
: None, but one visitor here for a soccer tournament.
Warm Up: SSH, SFAC, Overhead Clap, Michael Phelps, Good Mornings, Squatted Moroccan Night Clubs, IP, & HBs.
The Workout: Straight for the wall of pain. With a rotation of Balls to the Wall and People’s chair. Had to make sure we through in some Australia Ass Smackers for the new guy. To which he responded, “who came up with those.”

Pax were then instructed to get a “respectable” rock with some clear variations on what is respectable means. For rock rotations we focused on TUT (Time Under Tension). Cadence represented 1/2 the move so everyone slowed down and focused on form. Curls for the Girls, Overhead Triceps press, Overhead Press, Rut Rows, Ground Pounders, Chest Press.

We then broke into twos. 1st Pax plank holds while the rock is set on their back. 2nd Pax sprints to the speed bump and back. Rinse and repeat three times.

we wrapped up the work out with bear crawl rock drags from one speedbump to the other.  Pax deposited rocks and return to the show flag for Mary

Mary: LBCs, heal taps, H2M, Giant Cockroach, Crab Cakes.
Announcements: Gravel at Momma’s House, TEDtalk, Frosty Ruck, Beer Ruck, HSPD Angel Tree.
T-Claps (Recognition): Rams and John Deer with there fly by HSHM PR runs!
Prayer: Several Ms dealing with health issues. Those dealing with COVID or recovering, our nation, community, our troops.