
33.33% of Shirt Earned / 100% Shirted (and then some)

YHC was an easy mark, taken in, fell hook line and sinker, drank the Kool-Aid, took the bait, etc, etc.  I signed up for 3 Qs at TBD for 2021…

But hey…  as mentioned in the pre-blast.  There seems to be some sentiment that YHC needs to wear more shirts.  So why not!?  TBD could use a shot in the arm, something to make TBD > R4TJ, if even just for one gloomy morning.

Contrary to the pre-blast I was 100% shirted.  It was cold this morning, there was wind, and Snap immediately requested that he be kept warm throughout the workout.  LET’S ROLL!!!


FNGs:  Afraid of the skin I suppose

Warm Up:

  • Mozy to the opposite lot
  • 20x SSH
  • 10x Daisy Pickers
  • Mozy back to main lot
  • 20x Goofballs
  • 10x Windmills
  • Mozy to outdoor stage

The Workout:

Broke out into team 1 and team 2 – Shoulder taps B2W and Overhead Claps with People’s Chair were in play at YHCs discresion – Went through this for 3 rounds

  • 1 – Box Jumps (20)
    2 – Balls 2 Wall (shoulder taps)
  • 1 – Dips (20)
    2 – People’s Chair (Overhead Claps)
  • 1 – Earkins (20)
    2 – Balls 2 Wall

Mozy to the rock pile – 3 rounds of squats and Quiver Crushers + 1 Bondo Special

  • 20x squats with Rocks
  • 20x Quiver Crushers (WW2 with an overhead press in the middle)
  • Bondo Special – 20x Curls for the Girls

Return the rocks, return for Mary (we went the long way because YHC was cold and needed to warm up)


  • Box Cutters
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Homer to Marge
  • Good Mornings


  • TED Talks avaialble online – watch them and bring the conversation to your Shield Lock, your COT, your 2nd F, where ever you can.
  • Shield Lock – A Challenge will come in the summer but in the meantime, get educated on what a Shield Lock is.  Talk to some PAX that have been around for a while and ask some questions.  There is material online but the experience of your brothers will help you understand it better and get their take on what its all about.   Expect a TED talk at some point on this topic as well.
  • 2nd F at Panera

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Continued praise to Shredder and Tetanus for their work on the TED Talks – go watch em
  • Fanny Pack and Tetanus for their innovative shirt enablement program


  • Quiver’s daughter headed back to in=person, prayers for all students and teachers
  • Bondo’s freind going in to remove a brain tumor today


Faces have been removed to avoid the improper usage

of this photo without authorized consent 😀


FNGs: None
Warm Up: Sir Fazio Arm Circles, overhead claps, seal claps, good mornings (1 extra for emeril), Imperial walkers, hillbillies, Michael Phelps
The Workout:
Q introduced/practice one round of exercises. Partner up. Pax raced to complete all exercises and get back to start. 1st partner back added 2 burpees. Raced three rounds.
Exercise Group 1
5 burpees
10 Kettlebell Squats – Kettlebell held overhead in arm
15 Presses
20 Kettlebell Swings
Bear crawl

Q introduced/practice one round of exercises. Partner up. Pax raced to complete all exercises and get back to start. 1st partner back added 1 turkish getup. Raced three rounds.
Exercise Group 2
5 Turkish Get ups
10 Snatches
15 Overhead Extensions
20 Thrusters

Audible exercise group 3
5 Absolution
20 Kettlebell clean
10 Kettlebell clean and press
6 Kettlebell clean, press, and reverse lunge
Duck walk
Did 2 rounds as a group

Mary: LBC’s, Low Slow Flutter, Homer to Marge, Pickle Pounders
Announcements: Ask Cupid about Disc golf course work with Holly Springs supposed to be this weekend.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Marriages and Valentine’s Day, Our country, Thanks for F3.

Toys at TBD

After the t-shirt offer from TBD site leadership YHC signed up for a few days throughout the year. Not an AO that I get to all that often but certainly a location that I’m intimently familiar with – there have been weeks that I’ve spent 5+ hours cumulatively at Womble Park.

With a race upcoming this weekend it was the perfect opportunity for a relatively low running, low leg impact workout. With a few toys in the car YHC made the load up early and tried (but failed) to not be late to the 0445 ECEC call with Fanny Pack. After 2 miles we picked up Abe, got it in on the standard EC route, and then they were nice enough to help me fight with setting up what would be the most popular toys – the gymnast rings. We made it back to the parking lot just in time for 0530 and to find Tetanus, Snap, and Bobby Boucher wondering where everyone else was. I opened the car back up to get some help with the 50 and 70lb kettlebells. We took a walk together back to the playground and we were set.

FNGs: None today in the Springs – lots in the Quay though!
Warm Up:

SSH x15 IC

Good Morning x10 on my down/up

Daisy Pickers on Fanny Pack’s cadence while YHC fought with a strap again

Squats x15

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 forwards/backwards

The Workout:

Pax circled up for the following stations (in this order):

  • 20x Pull Ups – this was the timekeeper
  • Kettlebell swings w/50lb bell
  • Squats on balance ball
  • Deadlift w/70lb bell
  • SSH

Atomic pushups (Merkins with hands on gymnast rings in straps, feet on ground, so as far down as you can) – it turned out that doing pull ups after these was challenging, so we swapped the order after our  break

We repeated for two total rounds and then took a lap around the soccer fields in a doomed attempt to see the smelly runners from across town. We stopped at the white fence for YHC’s version of typerwriters – start with feet on the lowest wrung for 8x Derkins, slide across and setup up a wrung for 6x derkins, slide back down and go to the top for 4x derkins, slide across for the last 2x derkins.

Mosey back to the playground for one more round on the stations.

  • Mosey over to the ampitheater for some work with the wall:
  • Preacher’s Chair x10 IC
  • Balls to the wall x15 IC
  • Preacher’s Chair x20 IC
  • Balls to the wall x25 IC

Mosey back to the playground for Mary

Breakdancer x10 IC

Side plank tucks x6

Side plank raises x10

Yoga – tabletop, cat/cow, child’s pose, shoulder stretch child’s pose, puppy dog pose

Still availability to get in on the TBD shirt club. Tetanus had his on today – they’re pretty sweet!

Keep your eyes out for more information on fundraising for first aid kits for HSPD.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Dauber, Shredder, and John Deere for fundraising for first aid kits for HSPD. Way to see a need and step up.

Pumpkin Spice & Mr. Terrific
Praises for recovery for Fumunga

6 V 6 Ultimate at Ting under the Lights

FNGs: none
Warm Up:  SSH, Good am, Frankensteins, static stretches
The Workout:   Very fast paced game with lots of scores resulting in many 10 c exercises including merkins, monkey bumpers, ssh, LBCs, etc.  Very intense at times as we heard tremendous cheering support from the PAX jogging at PC.
Mary:  OYO
Announcements:  Super Bowl Squares fundraiser – See Dauber on slack/FB
T-Claps (Recognition): All the PAX for taking the red pill, running through the 32 degree temps; thankfully the rain held off
Prayer: PAX injured, UNSPOKEN, US leaders, military; YHC took us out

Super exited to be back in the gloom under the lights; honored to lead men. – Dauber



Merkins or Jump Squats?

PAX: Bobby Boucher, Bondo, Abe, Yogurt, Fanny Pack, Tetanus, Snap, Norbert
Warm Up: Ran the long way to the far parking lot by Grigsby to do some SSH, GMs, windmills, Daisy Pickers, Frankensteins, Hillbillies, and Fazio arm circles.
The Workout: I was trying to figure out a more creative version of 7s last night and came up with the bad idea to see if it would be harder to do Merkins after bear crawls or jump squats after hopping so we gave it a try.  Yogurt marked off probably about 20-30 yards and we did a round of 7s, everyone seemed to think that jump squats were harder.  Maybe Merkins Squats next time?

The we moseyed over to the rock pile for curls, triceps, ground pounders, rut rows, boobity boobity, Midget cookie pouches and sever other rock exercises
Mary:  Finished up at the tennis courts with Mary that included WWIIs, LBCs (front and side), low slow flutter, shoulder taps, Homer to Marge, and pickle pounders.  Everyone seemed to have got their money’s worth…
Announcements:  Tetanus and his M have created some sweet staff T-shirts.  Anyone who Qs 3 workouts at TBD gets one!
T-Claps (Recognition): Norbert for putting in his first real workout (only Ultimate up until today)
Prayer: Fanny Pack’s M Courtney is still working through some health challenges, prayers for her

Evolution of Man Race… Sort of…

PAX: Lawn Dart, Bondo, Pikachu, Skidmark, UTI, Emeril, Full House, Dumbo, Lipstick, Snap
Warm Up: Mosey around the lower parking lot and head to the basketball courts for SSH, hillbillies, windmills, daisy pickers, Fazio, Frankensteins, and goofballs
The Workout:

Broke into teams and did two laps of modified scout runs.  Scout sprinted as far as he wanted and dropped down to do mountain climbers until the rest of the group caught up.

Did the evolution of human race in the lower parking lot.  Did an exercise from one row of parking space to the next.  The exercises were bear crawls, duck walks, lunges, hops, and run to the end.  As soon as you got to one end, a team member repeated the set of exercises coming back.  It was harder than I though it would be so the focus for most seemed to be just getting through it more than competing for speed.  It took longer than expected so the planned punishment for the losers never happened.

Instead, we finished the workout with 4 corners.  At each corner, we started the exercise and waited for the 6 to be in before doing another 10-count.  Exercises included balls to the wall, wall sit, and dips.

Mary: Emeril didn’t want to get wet so we did plank exercises until the bell: shoulder taps, one arm holds, mountain climbers, and nipplers.
Announcements: Something about upcoming Q’s?
Prayer:  Lipstick’s aunt passed away over the weekend, prayers for the whole family

There are plenty of not stupid people apparently…

PAX: Steamboat, Buford, Dawgpound, Tetanus, Tush, 16 Bit, Pikachu, Wahoo, Koolaid, Spinman, Midget for Life, Moped, Emeril, Pipes, Super Spreader, Chaps, Dahmer, Pots, Pumpkin Spice, Wiggly, Snap

Apparently this one never published, was stuck in Drafts folder.  Oh well, better late than never.

Weather called for rain and cold this morning, Crazy Ivan was the only option with a roof over your head so I decided to make a call to divide the ranks into stupid and not stupid.  21 showed up so I guess there still hope for F3 South Wake.  Or maybe we’re just the weak ones…  Regardless, I was happy to work hard and stay dry this morning!

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the lot and then SSH, Sir Fazio, Frankenstein, daisy pickers, windmills, and mountain climbers.
The Workout:

Stairs and Sharing: We partnered up and one Pax ran up the stairs while the other worked on curls for the girls, triceps extensions, squats, and LBCs with a twist.  Partners switched off until they had combined for 100 of each exercise.

Grumbling Legs: We went halfway down the parking lot with front lunges and finished the lot with side lunges.  Then came back halfway with side lunges the other way and finished it with back lunges.  It wasn’t a popular one especially since the kettlebells came with us.

Tabata: 30 secs on, 10 secs off.  3 sets of halos, figure 8s, deadlifts, and Midget love handles

Mary: Midget cookie pouches, boobity boobity with a 6″ hold, plank rows, pickle pounders and a 90 second plank with shoulder taps, nipplers, and mountain climbers mixed in.
Announcements: Monthly Challenge
Prayer: Fumunga just had surgery, and friends struggling with Covid.

Bulbasaur, the best starter

The last of YHC’s Pokemon Q’s was here and the best was saved for last – Bulbasaur, the grass starter. This was also YHC’s favorite starter and warranted what turned out to be the hardest workout.

None today – would have been a good one to flex on but c’est la vie.
Warm Up:

SSH x10 IC

Hip hinge x10 standard and x10 w/each foot forward

Daisy Pickers x10 IC

Sir Fazio x10 IC forwards and backwards
The Workout:

Tabata style – 60s on, 15s off

We built up to some complex movements:



Clean & Jerk

Repeat those three three times through


Single Arm Swing


Burpee Snatch

Repeat those four three times through

Inspired by Dawgpound’s link in 1st F and combined with YHC’s desire to break down complex movements, we then broke down the Turkish Getup.

First 1/3 of the movement (lying prone to arm underneath)

Second 1/3 of the movement (from arm underneath to leg folded underneath)

Third 1/3 of the movement (from leg folded underneath to fully standing)

Full Turkish Getup

We repeated these all two times through and then did the full Turkish Getup for one more set.

We were smoked – the Turkish Getups were brutal.

Yoga – downward dog, shoulder needle thread, forward fold, slow roll up

Wear Red on Friday – OurLegsForCrabLegs is back.
T-Claps (Recognition):

Skidmark for pushing us all to be better on OurLegsForCrabLegs and helping us remember why we do what we do.

Laettner, Cupid, Emeril, and Dawgpound for completing the Pokemon challenge. They earned their Poffins (aka muffins) – great work guys!

Our country, our pax to be the leaders and men that they are called to be.

Emeril is Gonna Be Pissed

Last minute changes can bring both good and bad. Sunday afternoon YHC was asked to swap the Q due another Pax being uncertain if he could make it. A site Q backs down from no challenge even though there was high probability I was going to sleep in but who am I to say no. I gladly accepted. The other Pax being uncertain of attendance now put his fate in M4L arriving at his house sometime prior to 0530. Good news. All were successful. YHC pre-blasted the workout, called out a few pax, and see who showed.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Mosey around the complex with the first exercise being Good mornings x15 cc (LOL Emeril). Imperial Walkers x 10, Hillbillies x 10 with a fast Cadence count. Guess what was next, and why…5 burpees OYO (too much mumble chatter). Then 1 more burpee OYO for comments not satisfactory to the Q.
The Workout: Split the 14 men into 2 Indian Run lines. 1st lap Merkins, 2nd lap squats, 3rd lap LBCs. One leader was chosen from each group and when that pax got the front the group performed an the exercise. Started with 5 and increase by 5 every time he got to the front.

Mosey to the tennis courts for 7’s of reverse burpees and turkish getups. Indian run back to the basketball courts
Mary: Various stretches
Announcements: Lots. Ted Talk with Pikachu, Dumbo needs someone to help with a gate at HSFC, Long Ass Run, Q-Source discussions
T-Claps (Recognition): Bondo with the pulled calf pushing through
Prayer: Full House and Lipstick family, this country

Another One Bites the Dust

Great crowd for a morning workout at To Be Determined. 9 determined PAX took care of business with the heart of the workout being a musical Dora. A variety of songs were chosen and when a song ended, the associated exercise ended and a new exercise was performed throughout the next song. As one of my favorites came on, Another One Bites the Dust (By Queen), I couldn’t help but think of those poor souls that could not overcome the fartsack this morning. For some, they didn’t hear their alarm clock go off and perhaps for others their MOPED ran out of gas.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH X 20, Frankenstein X 10, Imperial Walker X10, deep groin stretch for a 10 count, SFA X10 clockwise and counter clockwise

The Workout: Started with an Indian run around the soccer fields and to the amphitheater. PAX counted off by 2, the ones completed 10 Catalina Winemixers while the Twos performed Balls tot he wall. Then switch. Next round the ones completed 20 merkins while the twos performed peoples chair. Rinse and repeat. Then mosey to the pavilion where we partnered up. YHC had some pre-selected jams and a portable speaker (played softly so as to not disturb the peace). Exercises at play were Derkins, Dips and monkey humpers. One partner did an evolution of man up the pavement (bear crawl, then lunge walk then sprint) while the other Pax did AMRAP. When the PAX returned, they switched. When the song ended, PAX moved onto the next exercise.  Then a mosey to the tennis courts for Mary.

Mary: Not much time left so we did LBC X20 and another LBC X10 with a 1o count hold on each crunch.

Announcements: LAR – Check slack for Skidmarks post about the upcoming Long Arse Run, 3rd meeting with some discussion about potential 2021 Shieldlock and some pax gave insights into their experiences with the previous Shieldlock which was good because we had a few PAX that are new to F3. Also check slack for some volunteer work at Holly Springs food cupboard.

Prayer: Fanny pack for taking a professional development journey with eyes on potentially being a principle one day