33.33% of Shirt Earned / 100% Shirted (and then some)
YHC was an easy mark, taken in, fell hook line and sinker, drank the Kool-Aid, took the bait, etc, etc. I signed up for 3 Qs at TBD for 2021…
But hey… as mentioned in the pre-blast. There seems to be some sentiment that YHC needs to wear more shirts. So why not!? TBD could use a shot in the arm, something to make TBD > R4TJ, if even just for one gloomy morning.
Contrary to the pre-blast I was 100% shirted. It was cold this morning, there was wind, and Snap immediately requested that he be kept warm throughout the workout. LET’S ROLL!!!
FNGs: Afraid of the skin I suppose
Warm Up:
- Mozy to the opposite lot
- 20x SSH
- 10x Daisy Pickers
- Mozy back to main lot
- 20x Goofballs
- 10x Windmills
- Mozy to outdoor stage
The Workout:
Broke out into team 1 and team 2 – Shoulder taps B2W and Overhead Claps with People’s Chair were in play at YHCs discresion – Went through this for 3 rounds
1 – Box Jumps (20)2 – Balls 2 Wall (shoulder taps)
1 – Dips (20)2 – People’s Chair (Overhead Claps)
1 – Earkins (20)2 – Balls 2 Wall
Mozy to the rock pile – 3 rounds of squats and Quiver Crushers + 1 Bondo Special
- 20x squats with Rocks
- 20x Quiver Crushers (WW2 with an overhead press in the middle)
- Bondo Special – 20x Curls for the Girls
Return the rocks, return for Mary (we went the long way because YHC was cold and needed to warm up)
- Box Cutters
- Flutter Kicks
- Homer to Marge
- Good Mornings
- TED Talks avaialble online – watch them and bring the conversation to your Shield Lock, your COT, your 2nd F, where ever you can.
- Shield Lock – A Challenge will come in the summer but in the meantime, get educated on what a Shield Lock is. Talk to some PAX that have been around for a while and ask some questions. There is material online but the experience of your brothers will help you understand it better and get their take on what its all about. Expect a TED talk at some point on this topic as well.
- 2nd F at Panera
T-Claps (Recognition):
- Continued praise to Shredder and Tetanus for their work on the TED Talks – go watch em
- Fanny Pack and Tetanus for their innovative shirt enablement program
- Quiver’s daughter headed back to in=person, prayers for all students and teachers
- Bondo’s freind going in to remove a brain tumor today
Faces have been removed to avoid the improper usage
of this photo without authorized consent 😀