Golfing Graveside
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Variety
The Workout:
- Rules: teams of 2 or 3. Must always alternate throws. Must carry your golf bag (rock) with your team at all times.
- Land mark target (hole) picked with rules for frisbee to hit. Must stay on South Park Grounds.
- At Tee off exercise is called and done I/C until all teams throw.
- Modes of Travel in no particular order but all must be done before repeats. Run /Lunge Walk/Bear crawl/Min of 3 Burpee Broad jump.
- Hole completion – score = # of Kraken burpees. 2nd place does their score and half of team in front of them. Max hole score 10. R/P/S breaks tie (one time)
- Winning team picks new hole and tee box. Losing team picks tee off exercise.
- Rinse and repeat and have fun.
Mary: Banana Seat
Announcements: Road Clean up, core challenge, Check Slack, Even the Odds 3/22/24
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Health, H1N1 mother-in-law and Unspoken.