
Golfing Graveside

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Variety

The Workout:

  1. Rules: teams of 2 or 3. Must always alternate throws. Must carry your golf bag (rock) with your team at all times.
  2. Land mark target (hole) picked with rules for frisbee to hit. Must stay on South Park Grounds.
  3. At Tee off exercise is called and done I/C until all teams throw.
  4. Modes of Travel  in no particular order but all must be done before repeats. Run /Lunge Walk/Bear crawl/Min of 3 Burpee Broad jump.
  5. Hole completion – score = # of Kraken burpees. 2nd place does their score and half of team in front of them.  Max hole score 10. R/P/S breaks tie (one time)
  6. Winning team picks new hole and tee box. Losing team picks tee off exercise.
  7. Rinse and repeat and have fun.

Mary: Banana Seat

Announcements: Road Clean up, core challenge, Check Slack, Even the Odds 3/22/24

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Health, H1N1 mother-in-law and  Unspoken.