
Schweaty Cobra

12 Pax came out for a beatdown at the Purplest Cobra and 5 for EC. It was a schweaty morning. For the second week in a row, Plex rolls up as the EC crew is taking off. Axe hung back last week, but this time we all circled back to pick up our tardy comrade. As the F3 mantra goes: we leave no man behind, but leave no man where we found him. Upon return, we were greeted by the remaining PAX. Mookie said M4L HCā€™d, but we all know what that means. 0530 hit, no FNGs and we were off.

EC: Warbucks, Dahmer, Plex, Axe, 187
FNGs: Psssh
Warm Up:
Sir Fazio arm circles
We are not worthy
Mountain climbers

Made our way to Dollar Tree by way of: skips, high knees, butt kickers, carioca, side shuffle, and mosey. YHC led PAX to the crosswalk to safely cross the street, but for some reason neglected the do not cross sign. Luckily 187 was there to keep YHC in check.

The Workout:
At the DT, split into 2 groups for an Indian run around DT and bank while other group does AMRAP of exercise(s) called. Rinse and repeat.

Exercises were:
Burpees + LSF
Monkey humpers + LBCs
Star jumps + pickle pounders
Lunge walk + homer to marge

Mosey to Lassiter rdby way of the crosswalk. #safetyfirst At Lassiter rd, we lined up for 7s with squats at bottom, box cutters at top.

Coal Ash led Mary for us. We did the following, plus some I forgot.

1 minute plank hold
American hammers (several sets)
Freddy Mercury

Sign up for Derek Davis 5k – Code ā€œMericaā€ saves you 10%

4th of July convergence

T-Claps (Recognition):
Plex coming out while recovering from shoulder surgery.
Coal Ash out 2 weeks in a row and continued recovery.
187s friend Tom passing.
Praise for Pac-manā€™s friend Arthur for healthy baby born at 32 weeks after scare last week.

YHC took us out.

Rise of the Dodo Bird

20 Pax showed up for a beatdown by YHC after a week of being downrange. It was good to be back in the gloom with these HIMs and this morning was no different. A strong crowd for EC on a hot and muggy morning, the definition of gloom. Breathtaker made an appearance after the reassurance that running was not the focus of the morning. There were chafed nipples, a malfunctioning light vest, and a Skidmark. As 0530 hit, with no FNGs and 1 self proclaimed Kotter, we were off

ECEC: Warbucks, Skidmark, Redenbacher, UTI
EC: Warbucks, Skidmark, Redenbacher, UTI, Axe, 187, Plex, Dahmer
Skins: Skidmark, UTI, Warbucks

Warm Up:
SSH x30 IC
imperial walker – 10 IC
hillbilly 10 IC
squat 10 IC
sir fazio arm circles 10/10 IC
moroccan night clubs 10 IC
seal claps 10 IC
overhead claps 20 IC

The Workout:
Everybody was warm, so we moseyed to the Path to nowhere for:
Peopleā€™s chair – 5 count by pax. This took a really long time, resulting in mumble chatter about partner leg massages and 187ā€™s strong legs from carrying so much weight around.
Ascending testicles – 1 round
mosey to better wall for round 2

Mosey To loading dock grab 2 rocks
Curls were done while the 6 arrived

Circled up for 2 rounds of:
Overhead press
Triceps extensions
Dodo bird – 187 gave history of the dodo bird
Curls for the girls

This circuit was going pretty smooth, but got way off track when 187 gave Pax a history of the dodo bird. Apparently they are extinct, canā€™t fly, and ate rocks to digest berries. Pax stopped counting, so many dodo birds where done until we got to a 15 count. This mumble chatter approached Carpex status.

With tired arms, we moseyed to guard rail for 2 rounds of:

Mosey back toward start, stopping at far end of lot. Pax grumbled when YHC told them to partner up based on leg weight. We
Wheelbarrowed back to start with burpees when switch, increasing each time.

With Mary awaiting, we moseyed back to the flag where Dahmer led the following while I retrieved my phone:
Freddy Mercury
Homer to Marge

See social networks.
1776 convergence on 7/4
Umstead trail run

T-Claps (Recognition):
Redenbacher with lots of good work lately. Keep it up and youā€™ll get that sub-2 half in November.

Particle board on his ability to avoid Qing a workout. Hope to see you leading one soon.

Crablegs on his journey to all MLB parks making memories and spreading awareness for ALS.
Follow him here:
Unspoken and injured PAX.

Purple Cobra VQ

19 PAX made their way to Purple Cobra for Axe’s VQ!


EC: 187, Axe, Skidmark, Emeril, Redenbacher, Teacher’s Pet

FNGs: Teacher’s Pet
Warm Up: Jog to middle of Teeter parking lot and circle up. All IC


Daisy Pickers 10X

Emperial Walkers 10X

Hillbillies 10X

JogĀ  little further down parking lot and circle up again

Good mornings 10X

Seal Claps 10X


The Workout: Head over to the GCF parking lot and partner up. Share the exercises below with your partner. One partner jogs down to the dead end and back. Switch out each time. Once finished, hold plank for the 6.

100 Merkins

200 LBC

300 Squats

400 Jump rope

With the same partner. One crab walks one side of parking lot to other. The other partner performs plank shuffles around the oval curb. Once this partner finishes a circle, they switch. Add crab walks and sliding. Also subbed in crab walk shuffles on the curb.

Mary: PP 10X, Homer Marge 10X, LBC 10X, LSF 10X, Freedy Mercuries 10X…repeat.

Have a nice day!
Announcements: None
T-Claps (Recognition):Teacher’s Pet taking on EC for his first workout
Prayer: Noah’s Ark and Crab Legs

Laps for Days

22 PAX came out for Purple Cobra beatdown by YHC. 8 PAX showed up for an EC run before what turned out to be a run-centric workout. We had it all, burpees, hills, running, what more could you ask for? Boogie EH’d his 2.0 to come out this morning, so a quick disclaimer for the FNG and we were off.

EC: 187, Axe, Dahmer, Dawgpound, Full House, Plex, ShamWow, Warbucks

FNGs: Iceman – Boogie’s 2.0, training to prepare for Air Force > Top Gun > Iceman.

Warm Up:
Mosey to Goodwill lot and circled up for:
SSH x30 IC
Morrocan night club x10 IC
Sir Fazio arm circles x10 forward/x10 backward
Steve Earle x15 IC
Mountain climbers x10 IC

The Workout:
PAX got into groups of 3 (1 group of 4) and repeated a lap with 4 stops for exercises, starting with 10 reps at each station, decreasing by 1 after each lap.

Station 1. Burpees – bottom of Lassiter Rd (Fun for all)
Station 2. Underdogs (rows) – on guardrail at top of Lassiter Rd (ShamWow wasn’t a fan as the guardrail gave him a boo boo)
* Bootcamp workouts in general consist of a lot of pushing exercises and very little pulling. I add these to try and balance out the workouts. Here is a good article on having a balanced bootcamp workout. The blog has a lot of ideas for those Q’ing and want to do something different.
Station 3. Monkey humpers – sidewalk at Sunset Lake (did these on the road to give passerby’s a show)
Station 4. Pattycake merkins – Goodwill parking lot (these were interesting with 3)

Groups got in 5-6 rounds before being out of time.

Mosey back to start.

ShamWow led some plank holds and shoulder taps until all were back.
Absolution: Groiners (legs out and back for 1,2), down to chill cut (3,4), chill plank jack (5,6), back up to plank (7,8)
Gas pump – Start in the LBC position and straighten your legs to the Dolly position and then back to the LBC position.
LSF x20 IC
Homer to marge x10 IC
right leg up x7 IC
left leg up x7 IC
LBCs x30 IC

Special Co-Q at Disney on Thursday.

T-Claps (Recognition):
8 for EC, good work fellas.
Good work put in by all today!

Warbucks dad with back issues, injured PAX.

YHC took us out.

Obama was at Disney!

PAX of 10 decided to swallow the DRP and post at Disney for a limited running workout (less than 1 mile of total movement).

FNGs: None

EC: Chips, 16-Bit, Pablo, 187

Fritter: 16-Bit

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence (IC): SSH x20, Fazio Arm Circles 10F & 10B, Imperial Walkers x20, Hillbilles x20, Windmill x20, 5 burpees for New Mexico’s late arrival

The Workout: PAX lined up for a large group indian run to the small lot by the community center entrance.Ā  Once arrived, PAX partnered up for a Lazy Dora 1-2-3 (no running).Ā  While one partner did the exercise, the other partner held a different exercise.Ā  Reps were split between partners: 100-Merkins (other partner hold plank), 200 LBC’s (other partner 6 inch hold), 300 Squats (other partner squat hold).Ā  Next exercise was a new one for the group that Q found in the exicon, The Obama, the 44th POTUS, this traveling exercise consists primarily of a Bear Crawl, but after every 4 hand moves PAX must stop and perform 4 Merkins. (The 4 and 4 for the 44th, in case you needed that explained to you…).Ā  PAX had to do this from one fire hydrant to another, ~100 yards.Ā  Next exercise was 3 rounds of Balls to the Wall, Partner 1 held the wall while partner 2 did an exercise, then switch.Ā  Exercise 1 was mountain climbers ICx15, Exercise 2 was shoulder taps ICx10, Exercise 3 was Low Slow Flutter ICx10.Ā  PAX lined back up for an indian run back to the play ground for 3 rounds of 1o each: Erkins, Derkins, Dips.

Mary: All exercises in cadence: LSF x20, homer to marge x20, Freddie Mercury x20, Nippler x20, Pickle Pounder x1o

Announcements: New Mexico has stepped up and decided to share Disney site-Q responsibilities with Pablo.Ā  Come and support your fellow PAX running the Quay at the finish.Ā  Bring a shovel flag and run them into the finish.

T-Claps (Recognition): Shout out to Messi’s postive attitude at the workouts and his desire to post when his father is traveling for work.Ā  Way to be Messi!!!!

Prayer: Fellow PAX in Wake County dealing with martial issues, M4L dealing with selling his house and moving, unspoken prayers

Kibbles and Bits, and bits and bits

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: SSH x20, Daisy Pickers x15, Sir Faxio F/B x10, Imperial Walkers x15, Hillbilly x15Ā  – An unusually late Lucky Charms treated PAX to 10 Burpees OYO.
The Workout: EC: Warbucks, Maybelline, Dahmer, ShamWow!

PAX were gifted to a Co-Q today of YHC and Dahmer. Dahmer’s advice is “Never lose your hunger to succeed”. Well this played itself out in this beat down, including quenching our hunger for some dog food which was littered all over the back parking lot.

The Thang: PAX counted off by 2’s and formed Indian lines which took us the back way around HT. We found ourselves at the dumpster wall to begin what seemed like an eternity of switches. First up – Line 1 to the Wall, Line 2 t to the ground and all of the following in 20 counts: People’s Chair/Standard Merkin, BTTW/Shoulder Taps, Australian Mountain Climbers/Mountain Climbers, BTTW/WWII’s. Rinse and Repeat 3x through.

Back to our Indian runs over to an old favorite of Purple Cobra, the dead-end hill. YHCĀ  instructed PAX to find an accountability partner.Ā  In cumulative there would be 3 exercises between the partners counting up to 100 count each.

Partner 1 Sprint up the hill, Mosey Back – Partner 2 Standard Merkin – Switch

Partner 1, Sprint/Mosey – Partner 2 WWII – Switch

Partner 1, Backwards up the hill, Mosey Back – Partner 2 Squats (we didn’t get all of these in due to YHC calling return for Mary)

Squat Hold for the 6, mosey back for Mary

Mary: Chill-cut for the 6, Plank Hold and Popcorn Mary (plank hold returns for next exercise call out). 10 rounds were had.
Announcements: Tri-Sprint, The Quay, Ground pounder cancelled for this weekend. U-Turn will remain open for anyone looking for miles but YHC will need a Q as Dahmer and I are running the Super Spartan.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Warbucks family friend going through medical issues resulting in a imminent back surgery, Maybelline’s Father who is facing prostate cancer. YHC took us out.

AMRAP Indian Runs!

PAX of 21 posted at Disney, “Where Dreams Come True” (dreams can be nightmares too) for a BRR friendly workout.Ā  The definition of friendly was debated by Nemo after the workout.Ā  Q was happy to see a large group of #HIM swallowed the DRP and decided to show up for EC (15 in total).Ā  Upon further inspection, he was even more pleased to see that there were no Fritter Quitters.

FNGs: None

EC: Pablo, M4L. Dawgpound, Emeril, ShamWow!, Crosby, Dahmer, 187, Axe, Plex, Pilgrim, Bernie, Pumkin Spice, Nemo, Katniss

Fritter: New Fritters: Bernie, Pilgrim, Crosby, KatnissĀ  Repeat Fritters: Dawgpound, Emeril, M4L, ShamWow!, Pumpkin SpiceĀ  Fritter Quitters: None

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence: SSH x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20, Hillbillies x 20, Fazio arm circles 10 forward 10 back

The Workout: PAX split into small groups (3 groups of 5 and 1 group of 6) based on speed for Indian runs.Ā  In there groups, PAX moseyed to the drop-off circle at the front of MCHS where they found benches to complete 10 erkins, 10 derkins, 10 dips, and 10 more erkins while we waited for the six.Ā  Once we regrouped, we moved to the gate that separates the faculty lot from the road for the main entrance.Ā  In their Indian run groups, PAX were instructed to run up the long road to West Lake Rd and do 5 burpess, run back and bear crawl under the gate, run up the short road to Middle Creek Park Ave and do 5 star jumps, run back to the gate, and wash-rinse-repeat until Q called time.Ā  After 30+ minutes, Q called PAX back do the gate to regroup.Ā  While waiting for the six, we completed LBC ICx25, 25 Merkins, SSH ICx25.Ā  Once we all regrouped at the gate, all groups combined for a large group Indian run back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: All exercises in cadence: Low Slow Flutter x 20, Homer to Marge x 20, Freddie Mercury 20 regular and 20 reverse, Pickle Pounders x 20, Have a nice day!

Announcements: Blue Hen 5 year anniversary Q @ cletus with a 5 mile EC that starts at 4:30, Breath Taker charity is the Holly Springs Food Cupboard: Accepting donations of cash (Fritter Foundation is matching all cash donations), food, or time at the cupboard to help in garden or general repairs (meeting there this Saturday)

Prayer: Drew (victim in UNC Charlotte shooting), Crablegs, Bernie’s stepmom, Pilgrim’s father, spoken and unspoken.Ā  Thank you to Pumpkin Spice for taking us out in prayer!

Holly Springs Finest

21 Pax posted this morning for a 0.0 workout. In case you’re not sure what that means, it means no running. Mixed reviews from the pax at the beginning. Some dreading the no mosey workout, others, unsure of what was about to hit them, were a bit excited about that thought of no running. I’ll let them chime in with their opinions later.

Full day this morning as Holly Springs finest made an appearance to address what I can only assume was an issue related to noncompliance and an ATM machine.

As our workout started we had a brief break in the action when a truck backed over a shopping cart.

EC: Quite a few but I’m not sure who so I’ll go with Pikachu, 187, Shamwow, Warbucks, Aquaman, Bullseye

FNGs: Not today

Warm Up: Can’t have a good day without a good morning, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Daisy Pickers, and Sir Fazio Arm Circles

The Workout: Deck of Cards Rotated exercises in order: merkins – on Q down and up (diamond if pulled, Hand release if heart pulled), Lunges in cadence, WWII, Squats

A 25 lb and 35 lb kettle bell were passed left after each exercise. If a spade was drawn it was 2x the amount on the card.

Joker = 10 turkish get-ups and yes you had to do them with the kettlebell if you had it.

Mary: Pax held plank for 7 minutes. Did some R arm and L arm up. Also did some R arm R leg up crunches and vice verse. 1 quick 10 count pickle pounders. While Pax were holding plank Q tested Pax knowledge of F3. A little trick I picked up in F3 Pittsburgh were they hold a position and each pax says the mission.

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

We also did some work on the core principals: 1. Free of charge 2. Open to all men 3. Held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold, 4. Peer led in a rotating fashion with no certification needed 5. All workouts end with a COT.


Announcements: Work at the Holly Springs Food Cupboard this weekend from 9 -12. Showup bring the 2.0s. Need support.

Memorial Day Murph at Womble 0700. Paradise City will be open. Rumor is so will Mutiny with Ultimate.

T-Claps (Recognition): Shamwow for checking on the guy that ran over the shopping cart.

Pilgrim’s dad Ben Sr.
Drew from Motorboatin’s neighborhood
Double D
Lucky on his 50 miler

Emeril took us out.

What Kind of Bullshit Exercise is This?

In an effort to make use of the Q Sheet, YHC is signing up to randomly Q through SW.Ā  Today was a trip back to the hallowed grounds of Cletus, now with new and improved 5:30 AM start time.

EC was supposed to be a joint adventure at Deadbolt’s suggestion, but he (a) “Forgot” and (b) Chickened out of a Cletus beatdown given the threat of pull ups.Ā  Something something rise to the challenge something set the bar higher something something.Ā  So, a few of us (Cowboy, Cupid, UTI, Bernie, and YHC) hit up 2 miles of the chilly May morning before a proper boot camp.

FNGs: The CMD (Coal Miner’s Daughter, from WV)
Warm Up: Run the lines on the court, SSH, Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Squat Walkers
The Workout:

Part 1, on the Courts:

5x Devil Burpees (Slap the floor; miss the jump shot; flop on defense; flip to pushup before overhead clap….1 rep)

Start with 1 legged Wheelbarrows (these are stupid hard, btw), go forward, sideways, then backwards.

Repeat with 1 legged Bear Crawl

Part 2, on the Playground:

Groups of 4 rotating exercise:

  • 5x Pullups
  • 5x Devil Burpees
  • 1 Legged Crawl Bear width of grounds
  • 10x WWII

Repeat 4x.Ā  At some point Puddles provided the quote of the day (and title of this backblast)

Finish with extra round of pull ups before

Round 3, on the Hill:

Sprints while we waited for the 6.

This one is a bit of a blur.Ā  We started with merkin bear crawls up the hill.Ā  Every time your right foot came off the ground, a merkin was required.

Run back down, recover on the WWII.

Run backwards up the hill, Derkins off the fence.Ā  Down the hill, recover on the WWII.Ā  I think we did this 3-4 times.Ā  Ending with some more Devil Burpees before one last trip backwards up the hill. There were hints of a Merlot on the last trip…

Mary: A few mary exercises.Ā  Ended with Russian Ukrainian American Freedom Twists.
Announcements: Service opportunity at Food Cupboard tomorrow.
T-Claps (Recognition): Great to meet Plex for the first time this AM.Ā  He just started F3, but was killing it.Ā  I do not look forward to his first Q.
Prayer: So many ailing parents.Ā  We’re getting older guys, cherish the time you have with your parents now, you don’t know how long it’s going to last.

Today’s Workout Is Brought To You By The #11

So during the pre-blast mumble chatter for this workout YHC learned that Squatter had already brought the Mickey Mouse Merkin to Disney the week before. Having been encouraged to read over Squatter’s backblast, YHC became inspired to work with the number 11 since Squatter had claimed 7’s the week before.

EC: Quite a few Pax came out for EC – possibly more than half of the workout. YHC, Warbucks, Dahmer, The Natural, and Shamwow started at 0500, with YHC and Warbucks running the 1.5 mile loop as a warm up once and then hard the 2nd time to get after that Strava segment.

Chips, Nemo, 187, Fonzie, LED and Axe also did EC.

For those keeping count, that’s 12 out of 13 that did EC. Very impressive.

: None (but it was Plex’s one week anniversary – way to stay after it)
Warm Up:

Lap around the parking lot. Last half incorporated butkickers and high knees.

Circle up for 10 burpees as Abe arrived during our warmup lap.

Note: This was second after YHC promised Fonzie there would be no Burpees after LED put us through 50+ yesterday at the Trot. Oh well, some traditions have to stand.

10x SSH IC and we seemed warm enough.
The Workout:

Mosey to the half pipe and partner up along the way for the first round of 11’s. 1 pax goes to one hill for 10x Star Jumps, other goes the other way for 1x Monkey Humper. Bonus Turkish Getup in the middle every time you pass (but just 1 each time – turned out to be enough to kill the momentum and make things harder for no reason. My style). Switch hills and count down/up so it always adds up to 11.

After we finished that fun time for our legs we went back to the meetup parking lot to trash our shoulders with the Mickey Mouse Merkin Mile. Partners run opposite directions and when they meet they perform 11 Mickey Mouse Merkins (Wide Merkin, Diamond Merkin, Wide Merkin – WDW aka Walt Disney World).

Original plan was the pax would continue this dropping by 1 every time (YHC learned from Hello Kitty in Chicago that this should be a descending thing, not an ascending one). However after round 1 it was clear that this was unreasonable, so YHC audibled to dropping the count by 2 every time.

Once finished we went to the highlight of the AO – the abyss. (I guess you could argue about the turf fields, but today it was all about the abyss).

Pax go to the bottom for another round of 11s – 1x LBC In Cadence (IC) at the bottom. Pax bunny hopped up the stairs (yeah, that sucked) for 10x Low Slow Flutters IC at the top. Standard 11s – drop the LBCs, increase the flutters. We stayed together as a group for these, holding 6 inch holds for the 6.

2nd time up the abyss we bunny hopped again, times 3 and 4 we wheel burrowed with our partners. Sadly after time 4 we were approaching our time limit, so we headed back to the meetup parking lot for some Mary.


Pickle Pounders x20 IC (impressive form by ShamWow!)

Homer to Marge x10 IC, x5 IC each leg

Shoulder taps x10 IC

Yoga – runners pose on each side x10 seconds, pidgeon pose on each side x10 seconds and we were done right at 45 minutes.

Work day at the food bank this Saturday. 9am – noon, bring gloves, they have tools.

Push for those that haven’t Q’d to sign up. Sheet is pretty empty for next week šŸ™

T-Claps (Recognition):

Warbucks for pushing himself to run fast on EC and getting on the segment leader board. Sometimes you have to push yourself!

187’s neighbor Tom – prognosis is better but continued prayers.

Shredder – praises for progress.

Skidmark for the annoying calf injury

Crab legs as always

YHC took us out. Always an honor and a privilege to lead!