
Take me out to the ball game

This morning YHC promised some fun at the workout while everyone was gathering around.  Not “fun” fun but actual fun.  I hope I delivered on that.

FNGs: Not today

EC: Norm

Warm Up:

Lap around the tennis courts and then circle up in the parking lot for:

SSH x20 IC

Frankenstein x10 IC

Butt Kickers x10 IC

Windmills x10 IC

Daisy Pickers x10 IC

Imperial Walkers x10 IC

Merkins x10

The Workout:

A quick swing past my car to grab a ball and bat and we ran down to the concession stand to rip off some quick sets at the short wall.  We did 10 stepups with each leg (20 in all), and then 10x irkins, dips, and dirkins.

Afterwards we headed down to the softball field and met at home plate.  PAX counted off to establish batting order and instructions were given.  Each one would get up to bat and hit the ball.  We would all run to the ball and the batter would call out a 10 count of an excercise of their chosing.  If the ball did not make it past the pitcher’s mound before hitting the ground there would be 2 penalty burpees and a strike out would result in 5 burpees.  Luckily no one struck out and there were only two instances of the ball not making it in the air past the mount.  Lots of different exercises were called out and I can’t remember them all but there were burpees (there always has to be that one guy), star jumps, bobby hurleys, LBCs, big boy situps, monkey humpers, and a lot more.  I think in all we made it through 16 batters.

After the first time through the line up we “ran the bases”.  Bear crawls were done from home to 1st base, crawl bears from 1st to 2nd, crab walks from 2nd to 3rd, and duck walks from 3rd to home.  Afterwards we started back at the top of the lineup.

Once we started to run out of time we gathered on the drive way for a slow Indian run up to the tennis courts to circle up for…


YHC called out an exercise that he learned while perusing the exicon one night called the Dr. W.  It’s an 8 count exercise.  I’ll let the exicon describe it:

“Dr. W is a sufferable 8-count ab exercise that combines Dolly, Rosalita, and the W; often within the 6MOM. Always a #CrowdPleaser. 1 is legs apart like a Low Dolly, 2 is legs together, 3 is raise the legs to Rosalita position (45-60 degrees-ish), 4 is spread ‘em, 5 is The W (hands together and stretching forward between your legs), 6 is the return to your back (legs still up), 7 is legs together, 8 is legs down. 5-8 Dr. W’s is a good start to get the pax coordinated with the counting. 10 is a magic # that most build up to 15 is just dumb and torture #FetalPositionMaker Qtip – We always emphasize that the W is on the 5 count. Kinda breaks down the motions and gives a 2nd starting point.”

We did 10 of those.  I like them, they’re fun.  After that it was 10x American Hammers and then HAND.


Bass Lake mulch again this weekend.  There were several HIM that signed up but now can’t do it so there are open slots for those interested.

New COVID friendly BRR guidelines came out yesterday from the race director.


1st responders.

Crosby has been sick.  Hopefully he recovers soon and can get back to his regular not posting.


Thanks for the privilege of leading you all this morning.


That’s a Big Weinke

FNGs:  None

Warm Up:  The rain held off.  Red October PAX joined the PAX from Mutiny.  Dauber led the warmup with good mornings, Daisy pickers, overhead claps, seal claps and sir Fazio arm circles (f/b), 25 SSH.

The Workout:  I brought a poster listing a bunch of kettlebell exercises.  After turning 50 I need reading glasses and opted for a huge weinke.  See picture.  After each 25 rep exercise, we caught our breath doing core exercises that included planks, LBCs, WW IIs, leg lifts, 6 inches, catalinas, erkins…At one point we moseyed to the wall for a 10c X 4 BTTW and people’s chair. R&R but doubled the time.  Fun.

Mary:  joined FedEx with some static stretches, pickle pounders, planks,  merkins, hammers, H2M, etc.

Announcements:  Bass Lake mulch sign up.  See Slack.  FV PAX check FB.

T-Claps (Recognition):  welcome back kotter (Modify)!

Prayer:  FedEx took us out.  Lots of unspoken.  Prayers for Noah’s Ark’s M, recent graduates, first responders, gov’t leaders; PAX who are grieving with loss of a family member; injured PAX; everyone trying to improve their relationships with others.

Poker at the Fire House

YHC pre-blasted with the promise of picking things up and putting them down. The implication was that was simply kettle bells – the fire hose waiting to greet pax as they pulled in proved that was not necessarily the case.

EC: Full House and Deadbolt for some miles, Dawgpound, Flanigan, and YHC for some yoga.

Pax just kept pouring into the parking deck – not sure if it’s the pleasant location or the attractiveness of the scaleable workout, but for two weeks in a row we landed at 20 pax for Ivan.


None today – a shame.
Warm Up:

SSH x20 IC

1x Burpee

Right leg swings x10 IC

2x Burpee

Left leg swings x10 IC

3x Burpee

Daisy pickers x10 IC

4x Burpee
The Workout:
Pax maintained the circle around the fire hose. One pax left their kettlebell and picked up the hose for a lap around the bottom of the parking deck. Another pax flipped a card out of the deck which determined what exercise we did while the pax was traveling.

For the first 12 minutes we did:
Diamond – Squat Thruster – Tragically we didn’t get to do a single one of these. The problem with randomization I suppose.
Spade – Kettlebell swing
Clubs – Curls
Heart – Merkin shuffle (Merkin with one hand on bell, slide bell, merkin, repeato)
Joker – Turkish Getup

For the second 12 minutes we did:
Diamond – Lawnmowers
Spade – Midget cookie pouch
Clubs – Triceps
Heart – Midget getup
Joker – Turkish getup

At some point in this second set a 3rd and 4th joker were drawn and the pax learned that YHC’s deck was a bit doctored…..woops, might’ve failed to mention that at the start.

For the third 12 minutes we did:
Diamond – Boobity boobity (squeeze bell and press up from one pec to the top down to the opposite, repeato)
Spade – Low slow flutter w/bell overhead
Clubs – WW1 w/bell
Heart – Single leg deadlift
Joker – Turkish Getup

During this set UTI remarked that there was a difference between Jacks and Jokers. YHC assured him that there were in fact only 6 jokers in this “deck” of cards.

Mary: Incorporated into last set


Run for Dee Dee –

T-Claps (Recognition):

Yogurt for the triple down option this morning (Crazy Ivan, Mountain biking in Umstead, 5K in Umstead). Keep your eyes out for this one to repeat itself!


A note about the requests – we have some of the same requests that come up for long standing issues. Please do remember to conciously lift these up in whatever way matches with your creed – don’t just check the box at the end of CoT, make it real.

Wallaby. Forceps and his family. Lipstick’s family and his sister. YHC’s M’s back.

YHC took us out.

Welcome to The Nest…A retreat where comfort is a state of mind

Q Tour rolled back into Fuquay this morning. Fresh off a Dawgpound beatdown at Paradise City the day before, YHC found himself in a tough spot this morning. Not only did I have Q at The Nest this morning, but Q at a place that was very unfamiliar and with some noticeable soreness. This morning YHC would be leading with a nagging hip issue which was self-inflicted in YHC’s attempt to turn Emeril salty during our 4-man Indian Run yesterday. YHC knew better, and to be honest it doesn’t take much to turn Emeril salty, but DawgPound said to push ourselves and unfortunately overachieved.

Arrived super early to Falcon Park only to scope out the grounds and start to piece together the workout in real time on walk through. Planted the flag and was amazed at how well lit this park was and just the significant number of possibilities. After I had chalked up the main lot, I see a car roll in carrying Fumunga. He was gonna fly solo on EC this morning as YHC was looking to limit the running this morning and focus on some stretches before the others rolled in. He took off, probably made it to Raleigh and back in the 30 minutes he had before the Main Event.

About 10 minutes later, Farva rolled in. YHC had indicated that this was his first visit and curious as to The Nest’s unique features. Farva as if taking on the role of Mr. Rourke from Fantasy Island welcomed me to The Nest with a jog around the AO, with specific stops surrounding the Park. He took me across the street to Fuquay Middle School, complete with some nice steps for bear crawling, which lead to an open platform area, perfect for this morning’s warm up. The area also had some nice railings for rail slides. All great items for future Q’s.

Looped back across the street and onto the backside of the park, with the playground on the left and several shelters, one with picnic tables overlooking a large open amphitheater  field, perfect for some ultimate frisbee as well. There is also a large baseball field and additionally rock and brick walls to put your balls on. A really nice place to Q for sure.

As Farva’s tour ended, cars started to roll in. Making good on his mention of visiting YHC’s Q yesterday, DawgPound not only posted, but he also managed to inspire Slide Rule away from Nutcracker this morning to see what this Fuquay Q would be all about. Next Noah’s Ark rolled in, followed by Game Cock. Out from the shadows emerged Boy George.

5:30 am hit and it was go time.

Warm Up: Light jog across the street to Fuquay Middle School, up the stairs and to the open courtyard platform for the following exercises:

SSH X25, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Morocan Night Clubs X10, Bat Wings- 10 Fazio’s F\B, Seal Claps X10, Overhead Claps X10, Prisoner Squats X10 on YHC’s up and Down. Modified Clockwork merkins X10, rotate 3 movements to the right, merkins x10, rotate 3 movements to the right, merkins X10, rotate 3 movements to the right, merkins X10.. 40 total for those scoring at home.  Let’s mosey..

The Workout: Led PAX safely across the street to the backside of the park and back to the flag in the main lot. Squat hold for the six. YHC explained to PAX that he broke up this main lot into 4 corners. We would do progressive sets of exercises with a brisk mosey in between for 2 Rounds.

Round 1

Corner 1- 10 SSH

Corner 2- 10 SSH, 15 Hand Release Merkins

Corner 3- 10 SSH, 15 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Prison Squats on YHC’s Up and Down

Corner 4- 10 SSH, 15 Hand Release Merkins, 20 Prison Squats on YHC’s Up and Down, 25 Low Slow Flutter in Cadence

Round 2

Rinse\Repeat of the above, except we would utilize the giant wall for sets of Balls to the Wall 20 count IC between Corners 2 and 3

After Round 2, we mosey’d behind the picnic shelter to the large wall that opened to the amphitheater field.

Round 3- Erkin X20, Derkins X15, DipsX20

Mosey straight across the field and back to the wall

Round 4- Erkins X20, Derkins X15, and Dips X20

Mosey straight across the field and then back around the park beyond the playground and back to the flag.

Round 5- Curb Appeal

Early this morning YHC saw 5 lonely curbs abutting the main lot with about a 10 yard space to the main lot spots. PAX would perform a progressive round of each of the following with a 10 yard mosey back and forth between each set.

Exercise set:

1 Burpee

1 Burpee, 2 Erkins

1 Burpee, 2 Erkins, 3 Derkins

1 Burpee, 2 Erkins, 3 Derkins, 4 Squats

1 Burpee, 2 Erkins, 3 Derkins, 4 Squats, 5 Shoulder Taps (IC)

1 Burpee, 2 Erkins, 3 Derkins, 4 Squats, 5 Shoulder Taps (IC), 6 Nipplers (IC)

1 Burpee, 2 Erkins, 3 Derkins, 4 Squats, 5 Shoulder Taps (IC), 6 Nipplers (IC), 10 Merkins

Mosey to the back side of the lot to the brick wall for People’s Chair while waiting for the six

Round 6-  B2W and People’s Chair

B2W- 20 Count in Cadence

People’s Chair- 10 Count in Cadence

Rinse\Repeat. At conclusion, YHC called for 2 lines. At this point, DawgPound rightfully stated “There is only a few things that can happen when 2 lines are called.” Yep- DawgPound knows YHC loves Indian Runs.

Round 7- Indian Runs around the lot at the 4 corners to ‘frame up’ up this edition of The Nest. Lots of great push to close out the main event with some cardio. PAX completed 3 laps. Solid work and circled up for Mary.

Mary: Pigeon Stretches to Downward Downward Dog w\alternating calf stretches. LBC X20 IC, American Hammers X20 IC, Freddy Mercury X25 IC, Have a Nice Day
Announcements: Wrightsville 1/2 and Full a few short weeks away. Order your Crab Legs Shirts. Check Slack for details.
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX getting out there this morning and pushing past their comfort zone.
Prayer: Prayers for Noah’s Ark’s M who has begun a new treatment. Continued prayers for Forceps and his family. Prayers for Fumunga’s grandmother. YHC took us out.

Ultimate Frisbee

13 PAX  for some fun!

EC: Buttermilk, Norm, Martini, R-22, Beater and Breach

FNG– None

Warm Up:

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies and 5 burpees OYO due to a tardiness

The Workout:

We broke off into teams, light color vs dark color shirts. It was very hard to see the frisbee this morning. I think the dark team won…just saying. Once the frisbee hit the ground…many times these exercises followed: merkins, lunges, diamond merkins, SSH and mountain climbers.

After talking with Yosimite I had the frisbee. Made contact with a few PAX and I had one that had cones…Great, everything was covered. Not exactly, HIM showed but forgot the cones! Not calling any names.

Mary: No time left.

Announcements: Buttermilk’s Church, Hope Community (Mina Project) is having a fundraiser. Selling boxes of cookies home-made. Support this worthy cause by sending Buttermilk message for order. Discussions of the safety of PAX playing ultimate since it’s so dark. Several are exploring some other options. More information to follow.

Prayers: Forceps Family, Armpits brother-in- law has MS/not doing well, Norm travel mercies rest of the week and Unspoken

What’s the Deal with Cusack and Rocks? 9 PAX Fly Some Kites at Possum Trot

Q Tour continues, and YHC saw a place on the Q sheet Sunday after Banana Seat called out the need to fill in all those pink spaces for this week. Yeah, I’d be fresh off a business trip the day before, but I’ve got many more to go before completing the SouthWake cycle. May as well cross another off the list if its available. YHC has a love hate relationship with Possum Trot. It’s dark as $hIt out there in the winter and in the summer, its riddled with fire ants and other nasty things Dauber makes us run through when he Q’s. That hill to the guard rail is always sketchy too, but it does have several amenities that can provide a perfect formula for beatdowns, especially long running lanes by the baseball fields and a wide open set of tennis courts.

One of YHC’s personal favorites of all time was when DoubleD brought a whole firehouse kit, complete with hoses, water jugs, and barbells. He had us running up and down the lane to put out a fictitious fire. This was on a muggy morning and remember thinking, WTF. No way I could have duplicated that this morning with limited supplies and imagination, but knew I had to do something with overhead work to simulate kite flying, keeping in line with the spirit of this Q and AO.

Pre-Blast showed YHC flying a kite. The picture was taken about 3.5 years ago on a beach, where YHC was flying a kite, not because I like flying kites, but because that was the activity I chose rather than wanting to jump in 30 degree waves with my son in Maine. Also, partly because YHC was 225lbs and didn’t have the energy or the want to run around. At the time, YHC thought he was operating at 100%. Great job, great kids, supportive wife, but no energy or desire to do anything extra. Was definitely missing something, but health and connections outside of work took a backseat, gradually leading to sad clown syndrome and deep denial. YHC was comfortable and have learned that when you are comfortable, you don’t grow so to battle that, YHC is trying new things like trying to Q all the SouthWake AO’s and beyond that Q 1-2 times a week (all with the aim of each workout being unique).

Arrived to the parking lot and got concerned as the only person YHC had seen was H1N1. It was early though and while H1N1 was out getting his early EC, I took the time to get the lay of the land and place some cones out by the baseball fields. Got back to the car and it was 5:23, still early, but no cars. Guess these guys in Fuquay do it differently, maybe more fartsacks than I thought. Then the headlights started to flow in. Banana Seat, Noah’s Ark, Sprinkler, Breach, 8-Bit, Midget, FedEx. H1N1 arrived back somewhere in between Banana Seat and Breach.

5:30 hit and asked PAX if they brought their lawn chairs and kites. If they didn’t, M4L had a lawn chair in his trunk. All those who wanted to be comfortable could sit in the lawn chair and fly a kite, all others could follow me for some quality work in the gloom.

Warm Up: Skinny loop around the tennis courts and into the courts for some alternating side shuffles are around the baseline, weaving in and out of each court. Led PAX back out of the courts to circle up for Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Morocan Night Clubs X20, Fazios 10F/10 Back, Seal Claps X20. SSH X20. Fellowship run back around the tennis courts to retrieve a rock.

The Workout:

PAX retrieved rocks (some extremely larger than others- Breach) and cusacked them down with tricep extensions in cadence to the concession stand. Circled up for some squats on YHC’s down and up. Placed rocks down and did some modified clock work merkins, where PAX placed both feet on the rock and did 10 merkins on YHC’s down, held plank and walked it over 4 spaces, performed 10 more merkins, held plank and walked it over 4 spaces, performed 10 more merkins, held plank and walked it over 4 spaces, performed 10 more merkins.

Mosey’d over to the concession wall and did some B2W’s in cadence to 20 and then back upright for People’s Chair in cadence to 20.

Rinse\Repeat one more time (2 Rounds Total)

Cusacked the rocks outside the fence and gathered around the first cone that was layed out for some Rut Rows X20 on YHC’s up, Cusacked to the next cone 15 yard further down and performed rock curls starting position at the bottom to the middle X 20. Cusacked the rocks to the next cone 15yards futher and performed rock curls from the top to the middle X20, and then cusacked 15 more yards further and performed rock curls from the bottom all the way to the top X20. Cusacked back to the start

Partner Up: Partner 1- Squat Hold with the Rock; Partner 2- Suicides to each of the cones and switch

Rinse\Repeat (2 Rounds Total)

Cusacked the rocks all the way back to inside the tennis courts and had PAX line up along the baseline for some deconstructed Jack Webbs. On the baseline PAX performed uneven merkins on the rock with left hand on rock\right hand on baseline. Performed 5 on each side for a total of 10. Moved the rock out of the way and performed lunge walks to the other side of the same court. Knelt down for some Jack Webbs X20 in cadence. Mosey’d back to the start.

Rinse\Repeat but this time up’d the uneven Merkin count to 20 total and 40 Jack Webbs in Cadence. Cusacked the rocks back to the pile. Instructed PAX to get into an Indian run from the tennis courts and encircle the entire lot in front of the tennis courts. Mosey’d back inside the tennis courts

Mary: Plank hold for the six. Shoulder Taps X15 in cadence, Right Arm up\Right foot up, Left Arm Up\Left Foot Up. It was damp and rainy, so had to flip em all over on their six for American Hammers X20 and a quick transition to Pickle Pounders X20. Downward Dog and a gradual roll up into a Shawshank. (Have a Nice Day upright).

Announcements: 3rd F opportunities on Slack. Forceps’ son, Jon’s service is next Saturday, Feb 29th from 12-2 at Hope Community Church.
T-Claps (Recognition): Those getting out and after it in the rain
Prayer: Prayers for Forceps and his family. Lipstick’s family and his sister. Wallaby and those battling substance abuse issues. All those unspoken. YHC took us out.

Like a Box of Chocolates

FNGs: None

Warm Up:  Seven PAX showed up after a pre-blast of sweets and sweat.   Jog around parking deck; circle up by chair and mystery Valentine’s Day heart shaped box and executed the following exercises:  25 SSH, 10 Daisy pickers, 10 Don Quixotes, 10 O/H claps, 10 seal claps.

The Workout:  PAX counted off and then paired up.  Dauber went solo with an odd number of PAX.  Each PAX went to the box of “chocolates “ and pulled out a card.  15 Cards total.  Two exercises on each card:  an exercise for KB and another one.  Lots of mumble-chatter initially but it soon quieted down.  High-tempo workout for sure – everyone kept moving the entire time.


Mary:  No time left on the clock for her.

Announcements:  ATT run, need support with water via bike (see Slack)

T-Claps (Recognition):  First timers to Crazy Ivan (Snap?, Sassy, Noah’s Ark and LipSync)

Prayer:  Raising up Forcep, his family, his son.

2ndF at Harvest Moon


An honor to lead. -Dauber

15 PAX at the Trot – GOOD TIMES!

FNGs:  Welcome Gary Cunha – 90120; a native of CA.  Learned about F3 after meeting Darby at the opening of Crooked Creek Park in FV.

EC:  LED,  Farva, Fonzie

Warm Up:  So excited to be back at the Trot.  Lots of fist bumps and smiling faces as we circled up in what Noah’s ark called “Perfect Exercise weather” – a balmy 55 degrees/overcast.  Flag was planted, no FNGs at the start and we began a mosey around the tennis courts to the snack shack.  Heard some “oh craps” as a vehicle entered Action Park. Wasn’t sure if it was a PAX, an FNG, or other.  16-bit had a similar experience at an AO when an unidentified car showed up and loitered for a bit before taking off.  I was alerted we indeed had an FNG and circled up for the warmup.  Welcomed Gary Cunha, gave the F3 disclosures and began the following exercises:  25 SSH, 10 good am, 10 Don Quixote, 10 Daisy Pickers, 10 Sir Fazio Arm Circles, 10 Overhead Claps, 10 Seal Claps.  A thought occurred to me to have a PAX keep an eye on the new PAX – Gump must have been on the same page and shadowed him making sure he was doing OK.  Just a suggestion going forward to have a PAX (perhaps the one who brought him out if able) stay with the FNG throughout the workout.

The Workout:  I had hinted at rocks, hills and a possible field trip during a pre-blast.  Wanted to give Gary a nice introduction to F3 and headed to the edge of the grass for Jack Webb’s 1 merkin to 3 air presses to 10 count.  FUN!  Recovered to the short wall for 10 step ups on each side (L/R) OYO.  Mosey to the snack shack for 15 ic People’s Chair followed by 15 BTTW ic.  Rinse and Repeat but increased count to 20 but had Gump and Farva call out the count respectively.  Mosey to the road for the following exercises:  Frankensteins, Gate Openers, Bear Crawl, and Karaoke (L/R) to the parking lot.  Mosey to the hill.  At base of hill, 10 Prisoner Squats.  Great mumble chatter continued.  Bear crawl up the hill on newly cut grass (NICE!).  At the top of the hill, PAX completed 10s of derkins, erkins and dips on the guardrail.  Hopped over the guardrail and jogged to the far corner of the tennis courts to pick up a medium sized rock.  And there’s always one guy who does not know what medium means.  More to follow.  John Cusack to the newly lit white lights.   5 burpees OYO.   Circled up for a bunch of rock exercises,  some single count, some exercises in cadence.  Had the PAX rotate, 1, 2 or 3 places after completing an exercise.  These are the exercises we executed (not in exact order):  curls for the girls, tricep extensions, overhead presses, rut rows, reverse bicep curl (please explain what this is to Gump), goblet squat, bus drivers, slap rocks from plank, toe tappers, ground pounders.  Somehow we got on our six; I called on the “Respect” PAX for exercises on our six.  Boat canoes, WWIIs, 6 inch, Chest press, tricep press….John Cusack back to the rock pile.  Jog to tennis courts for Mary.  That one “medium-sized rock” was a friggin’ challenging!  Way to push yourself PAX!

Mary:  Core exercises including box cutters, low-slo flutters, homer to marge, pickle pounders, Freddie Mercury, and yoga stretches including Runner’s, Pigeon, Child pose, DDog.  Focused on the word OPPORTUNITY (saw on Slack – thanks Mookie).  Reflected on M, Tues.  what can we do better today and rest of the week as husbands, fathers, workers, etc.  Have a Nice Day – Silence for 30 seconds.

Announcements:  New AO Prison Yard (great job Breach); New roadside F3 signage “Adopt a Highway” clean-up opportunity (Great job John Deere); See Slack/FB for other announcements.

Learned about Gary, a USMC vet, a VA social worker, originally from N. Hollywood.  Names of Smog, Hollywood were thrown out but 90210 stuck!  Welcome!

T-Claps (Recognition): EC PAX!

Prayer:  Yosef’s? son with broken femur, PAX with alcohol/substance abuse, Quiver’s wife, other SPOKEN and UNSPOKEN prayers.  YHC took us out.

Great to be back at PT; long overdue.  Honor to lead.  Double D has given 90210 three weeks before he steps up and takes over at Q.


2nd F at Stick Boy

There’s always one

Warm Up:SSH,windmills, good mornings, fazio arm circles, imperial walkers, frankensteins all in cadence. 5 late arrival burpees.
The Workout: broke off in two groups as Banana seat lead the red October AO.
mutiny began by using the bleachers to do 15 dips with 20sec IC pulse. 15 wrk is with 20 sec low position hold.  15 seeking.  Mosey to end of track where we ran up the hill backwards, ran back down and did ascending monkey squats to 7.  Mosey to concession stand.  Paired up and P1 did 10 London bridge  while P2 did squats. X 2. Moved to curb and P1 did 15 Mike Tyson’s while P2 did reverse lunges. Repeat dropping reps to 7. Mosey to tennis courts did 4 corners shuffling from corner to corner. At 1st corner 10 calf raises, 2nd corner 10 calf raises 20 SSH. 3rd corner the previous 2 and 30 prisoner squats, 4th corner previous 3 and 20 shoulder taps in cadance.  During this exercise mumble chatter was heard that “there is always one”.  I assumed that was directed me.  Glad to be that someone.
Mary: started Mary going around circle and each pax picking an exercise and 10 count.  Wondering where Red October was we went on search party and found them on other side of concession stand.  Joined up and with 1 minute left did AMRAP burpees.
Announcements: 5:00 AO Prison Yard at the new hilltop need more park At clubhouse. There will be toys. Address will be in post.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Frams wife and baby, sprinklers mom and family

Lots of 24 Reps Honoring Kobe in the Pouring Rain

FNGs:  None

Pre-blast:  YHC wanted to honor a legend of the NBA, gone too soon, after seeing a bunch of tributes in CA last week while on a business trip.  I saw the forecast for 90% rain with temps in the low 60’s.  I knew there was a shelter at South Park but my F3 planning I did earlier looking up some new exercises were to be – better experienced in the elements.  The Black Mamba would have wanted it that way too.  I asked the PAX to come prepared for rain.

Warm Up:  Rolled up into the parking lot and recognized the Chocolate Fix bumper sticker on Modify’s car.  I had hoped he would be there since this AO was his baby.  Three more vehicles arrived filled with waves, fist bumps and smiles from Noah’s Ark, Sprinkler and Norm (who made it just in time as the clock struck 530 am).  A couple of PAX reminded me of the shelter option.  I politely declined and had the PAX jog to the basketball courts peppering them with Kobe stats for the next 20-30 mins.  At half court, we did the following exercises in 24 cadence counts:  SSH, seal clap/overhead clap combo, monkey jumpers, Don Quixote, Sir Fazio Arm circles.  Recovered with 24 merkins in puddles.

Lakers at Wizards 12/2/15

The Workout:  Found a new Indian run called the Mamba (it was just meant to be I guess) where PAX run in between brothers back to front.  I had calculated a nice 1.5 mile (total) run on the sidewalk of  S Judd Parkway SW.  The weaves were a bit dicey going on and off the sidewalk on to the wet/muddy turf so I called an audible having the PAX run and pass on the Right for safety halfway through the run.  Along the way, PAX executed 3 sets of 8 burpees OYO commemorating Kobe’s two uniform numbers.   I do not think the PAX were impressed with his stats but the idle mumble chatter led to some laughs and threats of throat punches.  We were jelling as a team!  Yay!   We found ourselves back at the basketball court and began 4 corners.  Four corners consisted of:  10 plank jacks ic, 20 monkey jumpers ic, and 30 squats.  The last 40 in the final corner was BTTW with each PAX counting ic to 8 for a total of 40 count BTTW – that sucked btw.  (I initially wanted single count; glad we did a 4 count). The PAX lunged, performed Frankensteins, bear crawled and karaoke’d around the 4 corners.  Mosey to shelter (FINALLY) for Mary.

Mary:  Lots of stretching, LBCs, WWIIs (24s) while YHC got emotional asking the PAX to think about the last few minutes Kobe had with his daughter while the helicopter they were riding on declared an emergency and crashed into the ground killing them both.  (UPDATE:  A day after this BB was written, a news report suggested the pilot did not declare an emergency and switched from VFR to IFR making an ascent through the clouds at 180 mph.  He was at 1400’ trying to maneuver over a mountain top at 2400’. Kobe may not have had any time to reflect.  I am sure there was anxiety in the cockpit, possibly fear.  Regardless, it was an awful event.)  I was saddened and shared my fear of losing a child before me one day.  I asked the PAX to take a minute while lying on the cool, DRY ground, and think about all of their blessings and what was important to them – their family.

Announcements:  Come out Friday to Bombshell for a great cause with Breach and listen to our very own Crosby.  Eagle Scout project on Saturday building a green house (10-2?). See Slack for details.

T-Claps (Recognition):  The All-Star PAX who came out today in the pouring rain!

Shooting guard: Noah’s Ark
Point Guard: Modify
Small Forward: Dauber
Power Forward: Norm
Center: Sprinkler

:  PAX friend who lost a baby; Those couples who participated at Hope working on “relationships “ helping others and their own.  PAX injured.  Unspoken.  YHC took us out.

Honor leading you men in the gloom.  -Dauber