Take me out to the ball game
This morning YHC promised some fun at the workout while everyone was gathering around. Not “fun” fun but actual fun. I hope I delivered on that.
FNGs: Not today
EC: Norm
Warm Up:
Lap around the tennis courts and then circle up in the parking lot for:
SSH x20 IC
Frankenstein x10 IC
Butt Kickers x10 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Daisy Pickers x10 IC
Imperial Walkers x10 IC
Merkins x10
The Workout:
A quick swing past my car to grab a ball and bat and we ran down to the concession stand to rip off some quick sets at the short wall. We did 10 stepups with each leg (20 in all), and then 10x irkins, dips, and dirkins.
Afterwards we headed down to the softball field and met at home plate. PAX counted off to establish batting order and instructions were given. Each one would get up to bat and hit the ball. We would all run to the ball and the batter would call out a 10 count of an excercise of their chosing. If the ball did not make it past the pitcher’s mound before hitting the ground there would be 2 penalty burpees and a strike out would result in 5 burpees. Luckily no one struck out and there were only two instances of the ball not making it in the air past the mount. Lots of different exercises were called out and I can’t remember them all but there were burpees (there always has to be that one guy), star jumps, bobby hurleys, LBCs, big boy situps, monkey humpers, and a lot more. I think in all we made it through 16 batters.
After the first time through the line up we “ran the bases”. Bear crawls were done from home to 1st base, crawl bears from 1st to 2nd, crab walks from 2nd to 3rd, and duck walks from 3rd to home. Afterwards we started back at the top of the lineup.
Once we started to run out of time we gathered on the drive way for a slow Indian run up to the tennis courts to circle up for…
YHC called out an exercise that he learned while perusing the exicon one night called the Dr. W. It’s an 8 count exercise. I’ll let the exicon describe it:
“Dr. W is a sufferable 8-count ab exercise that combines Dolly, Rosalita, and the W; often within the 6MOM. Always a #CrowdPleaser. 1 is legs apart like a Low Dolly, 2 is legs together, 3 is raise the legs to Rosalita position (45-60 degrees-ish), 4 is spread ‘em, 5 is The W (hands together and stretching forward between your legs), 6 is the return to your back (legs still up), 7 is legs together, 8 is legs down. 5-8 Dr. W’s is a good start to get the pax coordinated with the counting. 10 is a magic # that most build up to 15 is just dumb and torture #FetalPositionMaker Qtip – We always emphasize that the W is on the 5 count. Kinda breaks down the motions and gives a 2nd starting point.”
We did 10 of those. I like them, they’re fun. After that it was 10x American Hammers and then HAND.
Bass Lake mulch again this weekend. There were several HIM that signed up but now can’t do it so there are open slots for those interested.
New COVID friendly BRR guidelines came out yesterday from the race director.
1st responders.
Crosby has been sick. Hopefully he recovers soon and can get back to his regular not posting.
Thanks for the privilege of leading you all this morning.