PRE-BLAST:YHC has the Q at DISNEY tomorrow. I’m expecting a @Full House. This isn’t going to be a relaxing vacation to @Cancun listening to music from the likes of @Boy George, @Moby or @Bobby Dall. It’s definitely not going to be like going to a Cleveland Browns game and sitting in the @Dawgpound, but you might see some of your favorite TV characters like @Nemo, @Dumbo, @Woody, @Pikachu, @Yoshi, @Aquaman, @Fonzie, @Dauber, or Daddy @Warbucks. If you’re scared of dehydration and think you might get a @U.T.I., don’t worry the waterboy @Bobby Boucher will surely be there to keep you hydrated and if not you can always run through a @Sprinkler. We might even run into @Emeril along the way who will surely be filling @POTS with @Kosher Bubba @Gump shrimp with @Yogurt, @McNugget s, and @Wild Turkey through a @Shredder. If you get sick there should be a @ShamWow to wipe it up. So jump on your @Kubota, @John Deere or grab your buddy and throw him on the back of your @Banana Seat and get here. Before you leave the house be sure to strap on you @Fanny Pack stuffed with @Lipstick, @Axe, @Gillette and some @MadDog2020 for afterwards. If it helps apply some @Vasoline prior to the workout to avoid an unsightly @Skidmark. Don’t be a sleepy @Katniss, unlock the @deadbolt the night before if it helps save time. Who knows, by the end of the workout you all might be calling me @Mr. Terrific. EC 5:05am. ME 5:30am
FNGs:1 – Dixie Chick
Warm Up:½ Lap around the outside of the turf field, then to the middle of the Soccer fields for SSH, Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, & Hillbillies
The Workout:Split into 4 groups around the circle of the soccer field. 5 Burpees OYO, then each group ran to the four corners of the soccer field and did 25 merkins on the “down”, then bear crawled back to the middle of the soccer field. 5 burpees OYO, then run to corner for 25 LBCs in cadence and bear crawl back to the middle of field. 5 burpees OYO, then run to corner for 25 squats on the “down” then bear crawl back to the middle of field. 5 burpees OYO, run to the corner for 25 plank jacks in cadence then bear crawl back to the middle of field – end with 5 burpees OYO.
Moseyed toward parking lot. Got into 2 groups and started Indian running towards the Abyss, many rumblings of what was to come next, but to everyone’s surprise we proceeded to run past and around the baseball field back out to the main road. Took a right on the main road and followed it all the way to the Path behind the turf soccer fields. Stopped at the hill behind the turf soccer fields.
At the hill we prepared ourselves for the fun of 11’s! Monkey Humpers at the bottom and wide grip merkins at the top. We started with 1 Monkey Humper at bottom and climbed the WET slippery hill for 10 wide grip merkins at the top and made it through the entire set with a LOT of groaning and moaning – but we made it.
After this we got back into out 2 Indian run groups at the bottom of the hill and continued our Indian runs around the turf fields back to the parking lot – once we hit the parking lot we had a Jail Break to the cars where we proceeded to circle up for Mary.
Mary:With time short, we did 20 count of Low Slow Flutters in cadence and a set of American Hammers to 20 in cadence.
Announcements:Holly Fest F3 booth/tent sign up site is live. Brute Force CSAUP on Saturday. Bondo working on Special guest for Tuesday w/ 3Alarm.
T-Claps (Recognition): N/A
Prayer:Those that are injured and unable to get out and all our First Responders.