
Boulders, BOMBS, and Brony at The Nut

PAX: Peak Week, Moby, Blue Hen, Flanagan, Tetanus, Best in Show, Roger Roger, Deadbolt, Cornholio, Brony (Q)

Warm Up: Lap around the front parking lot, followed by:

  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 + Hillbillies x 10
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x 20
  • Good Mornings x 20

The Workout:

Select a medium rock. PAX circled up with their rock, performed sequence of exercises, left the rock in the spot, then rotated around the various rocks clockwise. Exercises included:

  • Curls FTG
  • Tricep Ext
  • Bus Driver
  • Ruh Rows

PAX carried their rocks on an Indian Run from bus lot to/around the track.  Finishing at the basketball court.

Next up, BOMBS away.  PAX lined up at the end of the driveway with 5 pain stations at increasing distance (Roughly 10 yds apart), ending at the driveway gate.  PAX picked a partner for this phase.   Partner 1 remained at the starting point doing various rock exercises while Partner 2 ran to spot to perform an exercise, then ran back to switch off.

  • Station 1: 10 Burpees
  • Station 2: 20 Overhead Press (bring your rock)
  • Station 3: 30 Merkins
  • Station 4: 40 Big Boy Situps (aka WWIIs)
  • Station 5: 50 Squats

Mosey back to bus lot rock pile to deposit the coupons.


Quick round of Preacher Chair + BTTW in descending cadence count, 20x, 10x, 5x.

  • Preachers Chair, 20x IC
  • BTTW, 20x IC
  • Preachers Chair, 10x IC
  • BTTW, 10x IC
  • Preachers Chair, 5x IC
  • BTTW, 5x IC

Announcements: Recapped remaining workouts for the week.

T-Claps (Recognition): Deadbolt’s son is graduating from Coast Guard boot camp Friday!

Prayer: Continued prayers for recovery and family support; injured neighborhood child.

Oldie but Goodie

6 HIM came out to Nutcracker to get stronger. We took a field trip over to Rovisys to use the ramp/rails and the long paved hill. Here’s how it went down.

Warm up otw to RoviSys
Good mornings
Squatted Moroccan night club
Mtn climbers

Rail slides all the way up then bear crawl back down
Rails were a lot longer than I remembered.

11’s on the hill
Back peddle up and Lieutenant Dan’s down half way, then jog to bottom.
Diamond merkins and plank jacks both IC
Got through 8 rds and had to head back due to time.

Indian run back to base

3 mins of Mary
Reverse LBC’s
Windshield wipers
Hello dolly’s

Great to see so old faces at this AO. Good push today fellas.

BS Out!

Nutcracker 6/7

Warm Up: SSH, GM, arm circles, Seal clap, overhead clap, Imperial walker, Windmill
The Workout: with accountability partners. One partner bear crawl, and run a lap around the parking lot. Other partner, rotating exercises, LBC, Merkins, dips, Low slow flutter, Squats, Hand release merkin
Mary: dying cockroach, LBC, crossover LBC alternating
Announcements: see slack
Prayer: pumpkin spice traveling, stubs, lipstick, slide roll, those affected by the fire last night in Holly Springs

A Heavy Bag in the Nut

YHC hasn’t been to the Nut  in a while, so I figured why not drag out the heavy bag and dumbbells for the festivities today! Was stoked to see that 8 Pax arrived on scene with various wisecracks about that big, long bag! We made the rounds in several areas on campus today for a complete whole body beatdown!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: A quick mosey over to the bus loop for some Good Mornings, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, and Overhead Claps.
The Workout: Annies x 10 IC followed by Mountain Climbers x 10 IC. Repeato x3. Jack Squats (1 squat = 3 jump squats), we did this up to 5.

Another quick mosey to the front parking lot where we partnered up for running opposite directions to the stop sign or light pole respectively for 5 Star Jumps. Once meeting in the middle, partners did Patty Cake Merkins x10. We did 4 rounds of this.

We then headed over to the far side of the school at the long carpool lane for a set of BLIMPS suicides to the light poles. 5 Burpees, 10 Lunge Jumps, 15 Imperial Walker IC, 20 Merkins, 25 Plank Jacks, 30 Squats. Each time at the end we did 10 SSH. Once finished we lined up for a couple rounds of Guantanamo.

Moseyed up to the front of the school for the heavy bag routine. 1 PAX uses the bag as a bench with the 45 lb. dumbbells for 25 reps. That PAX called out an AMRAP exercise for the rest of us. Not all are included here but I think: American Hammers, Dips, Irkins, Dirkins, Homer to Marge, lap around the lot, Pickle Pounders, LBC, Freddie Mercury. Step Ups, Squats, LSF’s, etc.
Mary: baked into the final routine!!!!
Announcements: LONG ASS RUN Saturday…check the Slack…show up!
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Spoke/unspokedn. Deadbolt stepped up to take us out!

Bikini Season Ain’t Over Yet

It’s been a good while since YHC had been to The Nut. Not much has changed. Missed a few 12 Oaks regulars and saw some familiar faces. I was asked upon arrival if I was lost. What a welcome! Anyway, I had planned to do the zero week challenge but later found out it would happen later in the week so I threw something together. Here is how it went down.

Warm up – agility
Air squared
Girl Fight
Good mornings

Crab Boil
Crab Cakes x12 IC, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Humpers x12 IC, crab walked another two spaces, Crab Jacks x12 IC.
WWI’s x10
Rinse and repeat backwards

Track – Catch me if you can
Partner up P1 runs backwards, P2 3 burpees then run to catch P1. Switch. Repeat for 4 laps.

Mosey to trailer ramp
Ramp slides up, bear crawl down
R&R opposite side

Mosey to playground
Cindy Crawford
5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, 20 LBCs and 25 toe raises
4 rds

Broad jump 50 yds in front of school

Alternating v-ups
Heels to Heaven
Windshield wipers
Australian snow Angels
J Lo’s

Announcements on slack.
Prayers for our world.

Again it was great to be back out to an old AO. Thanks for letting me lead today fellas.

BS Out!


FNGs: None
Warm Up: Daisy Pickers, SSH, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (Forward & Reverse), Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies
The Workout:

We started with some wall work, consisting of BTTW and People’s Chair. During BTTW, each PAX called a 7 count (IC). While in People’s Chair, YHC called overhead claps–35 IC–to serve as our timer.


We moseyed on to the basketball courts for some free throw drills. We formed a circle around the basketball goal, and each PAX took a turn shooting a free throw. If the PAX missed, a penalty of more reps was incurred for the resulting exercise, however, if the free throw was made, fewer reps had to be performed. The series of exercises spelled B.A.S.K.E.T.B.A.L.L:

B = Bobby Hurleys

A = Alternating Side Squats

S = Squats

K = Knerkins

E = BurpEes

T = Tempo Merkins

B = Burpees

A = American Hammers

L = Low slow flutter kicks

L = LBCs

1 PAX–BlueHen–valiantly volunteered to shoot a free throw on behalf of the other PAX to determine how many sets of suicides would follow. As the free throw was made, PAX only had to sprint once to the end of the parking lot and back.

We proceeded to two sets of 4 corners. For the first set, we cycled through various types of merkins: wide grip, diamond, ranger, and regular. For the second set, we cycled through some more merkins, squats, and American Hammers to transition into Mary.

Mary: We finished with a few minutes of Mary, PAX choice: Box cutters, Monkey humpers, and Plank

Announcements: Unspoken prayers. YHC took us out.

Prayer: Check Slack

RFTJ BB – Search for the Goddess Route

Warm Up:SSH, buttkickers
The Workout:3 Options (4, 5 and 5.6 miles)
Mary:Open to all Men
Announcements:Please wear lights when dark.  Fullhouse 2nd F opportunity on 2nd F channel
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:Dauber M and daughter traveling and little Carter battling Nephrotic Syndrome (rare kidney disorder which is idiopathic).

Nutcracker Sweat

AO: Nutcracker (South Wake)
Workout Date: 06/15/21

Warm Up:
State the mission, check for FNGs (0), and give the disclaimer
Since we had two pre-runners rolling in, start with exercises instead of a mosey
Side Straddle Hop x20 In Cadence (IC)
Good Morning x5 IC
Imperial Walker x20 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles forward x10 IC, reverse x10 IC
Downward Dog with calf isolations
World’s Greatest Stretch

Main Event
1) Mosey to the side parking lot for Number of the Beast.6 rounds. 6 stations. 6 reps. 1 exercise per round. Exercises were: Sumo Squats, American Hammers, Merkins, Jump Squats, LBCs, Burpees
2) Partner up and grab a rock for partner running/AMRAP rock work. Curls, Overhead Press, Bus Driver, Triceps Extensions, Bent Over Rows, Shoulder Taps, Grounder Pounders.
3) Mosey back to start and shuffle to the grass for Jack Webbs. 10 counts after rounds 7, 8, and 9.

Dolly x10 IC
Homer to Marge x10 IC
Rosalita x10 IC
Freddie Mercury x10 IC
Dying Cockroach x10 IC


F3 Raleigh Day of Service 6/19 starting at Vatican City 0700
Warbucks gathering newborn supplies

Prayers for the Martin family, prayers unspoken.
YHC took us out.

Naked Moleskin:
I showed up early to prerun, hoping to get back where I was running-wise and weight-wise back in March. Maybe that was a bad idea, NotB was rough.
Mumble chatter was a little more mellow this week, no wife swapping jokes(?) this time. It was good to recognize some guys from last week.
This was my sixty-second #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q (sixty-fourth overall). Next Q is Thursday at Hot for Teacher in Carpex.

QIC: Pigpen
PAX: Mad Dog 2020, Roger Roger, Blue Hen, Flannigan, Hurts A Little, Da Business, 3rd Cousin, Moby, Pigpen
Workout Date: 06/15/21

No EC + 3 miles. Did ya even post bro?

FNGs: Salt Lick
Warm Up: 8 Good Mornings.   If you wanted to warm up ya should have run EC.
The Workout:  We ran.  3 or 5 miles.
Mary: Calf stretches
Announcements: Picnic
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Heidi battling thyroid cancer.  Jeff (Pablos friend who had a heart attack)

Getting Dirty at The Nut

It’s always great to come back to The Nut where YHC once had the honor of being site Q. It was good to see some of the usual suspects including a few new(ish) guys YHC hadn’t met.

Dahmer was the first on the scene and ready to roll for some EC so the two of us headed out and quickly ran into the 12 Oaks crew doing EC. Great work!

Warm Up:

Mosey around the parking lot
SSH x 20 IC
Frankensteins x 10 IC
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 fwd/ x 10 rev IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC

The Workout:

The Main Event was a “Dirty McDeuce” which consisted of 4 stations with 3 exercises at each: 1 arm exercise, 1 leg exercise, and 1 ab exercise for a total of 12 exercises. Pax counted off into groups of 4 and since there were 12 of us, it worked out perfectly to have 3 HIM per group. Each group went to the station corresponding to their number to begin the workout. Traveling between stations was done by jogging a full lap around the parking lot. Round 1 was 10 reps for each exercise, round 2 was 15 reps, and since time was running short, we went back to 10 reps for round 3. All groups completed all three rounds and then we went straight into…


American Hammers x 20 IC
Homer to Marge x 20 IC

YHC went 1 minute over time so next time we will have to end a minute early to compensate.


JOCO CSAUP Sat., May 22nd
Memorial Day Murph
Bed Build in June
5k for HS Police Officer the same day

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to run with Dahmer during EC and T-Claps to Flanigan, Moby, and the other 12 Oaks crew members for EC as well.


Pax that are injured
Those that are traveling
Family members who are sick

2nd F was at Panera and although no one else came from The Nut, YHC caught up with those returning from The Nest.

Great work out there, HIM. It’s always an honor to lead.