
X Marks the spot – Day 2 of Finkle’s 6 pack

PAX: @Finkle, @Martini, @Warbucks, @H1N1, @Gamecock, @Haggis, @1st Blood, @Mohawk, @Loafer

Warm-up: Mosey around main parking lot, followed by Good Mornings, ‘Y’ nots, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps and Sir Fazio Arm Circles.

Main Event: We traveled from the parking lot down to the cross section of Raleigh St. and S Ennis St.  Where they converge is the X for the exercise.  We jogged one street light up all four ways 3x each doing an exercise at each end and then coming back to the intersection did another prescribed exercise.  Exercises were

Round 1: SSH in middle, then merkins, squats, lbc’s, reverse lunges.

Round 2: fox hole merkins in middle, wide merkins, pickle pounders, Freddie Mercury’s, American Hammers.

Round 3: Homer to Marge in middle, diamond merkins, burpees, sumo squats, WW2’s and then a mosey back to the parking lot for COT.

COT: Prayers for H1N1’s small group that is supporting a family for the holidays, safe travels for Finkle’s daughter and her beau, Loafer’s daughter is having surgery in January, “Dr.” Gamecock’s neighbor is recovering from a stroke and the needs surrounding that situation.

Extra Shots for Everyone

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, 20 merkins OYO in honor of @vasoline “they are the only merkins you’ll get all day”

The Workout: Q arrived about 30 minutes ahead of the workout to find @jellybeans, @bobby boucher and @sunshine (Tyler Mosko) and @gamecock already EC-ing. Q joined for a few trips around the park ahead of the route. A few extra tequilla shots if you will.

The ME was hot and sticky, and generally felt like a bad decision as we wandered through neighborhoods, through downtown, to the end of Academy St. and the back to the start along Judd Pkwy.

Upon arrival back, @flop and @jellybeans squeezed in a few extra steps to hit their targets. A great jog with great mumblechatter, nothing breeds comradery like shared misery.

I forgot what we did after the run, probably some prayer requests and T-Claps. All of the morning tequila gave me brain fog.

@Finkle was missed for our travels.

Tabataaaaa and Puddles

FNGs: none

Warm Up: normal warm-o-rama

The Workout: tabata with 5 sets of 2 pairs, 30 seconds on and 10 second rest each time. Ssh and walk outs, squats and imperial walkers, merkins and around the world lunges, big boy situps and mountain climbers, 6″ hold and high knees.

Mary: none today

Announcements: picnic Saturday

T-Claps (Recognition): all for driving through the rain!

Prayer: Rubiks cousin, Finkles daughter, travel protections, Yosemite’s arm infection

Short term memory loss 4 corners at the Nest


PAX: @Finkle, @K I T T Y L I T T R, @Rubiks, @Martini

Warm-up: Mosey around parking lot, various warm-up exercises. (can’t remember)

4 Corners: (disclaimer: I admitted that I often forget what exercises we’re doing on the fly)

Each corner was a 10 count of prescribed exercise and then we would stack the exercises.  After first round each PAX picked an exercise.  Completed 4 rounds.  Mode of transportation was jog on the long sides of parking lot and crabwalk, bear crawl, lunge walk on the short sides.

Mary: (can’t remember, lol)

Prayer requests: @K I T T Y L I T T R ‘s co-worker, @Rubiks leading a podcast this weekend, @Gamecock’s father-in-law recovering from brain surgery.

Another trip around the sun

YHC wanted to celebrate another year here the right way, which consists of a good sweat and some fellowship.  A great bunch of guys came out enjoy the “fun” and get their days started off the right way too.  Let it be known that holding a derkin position for a long time is harder than you might think.  Trust me on this one.



Warm Up:

SSH x43 IC

Imperial Walkers x10 IC

Hillbillies x10 IC

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC forward and reverse

Windmill x10 IC

Daisy Pickers x10 IC

Merkins x10

Burpees x10 OYO

The Workout:

Mosey to the shelter and grab a spot at one of the benches for 11’s with step ups and dips.  We stared with 11 step ups and 1 dip and worked our way around.  When we got to 1 step up YHC though 1 was lame and audibled to 10 but Banana Seat thought 43 sounded better so we went with that instead.  Good call BS!

Mosey to the knee wall and did 10 more merkins.

PAX were then instructed that we’d be doing a bear crawl derkin indian run kind of thing.  Everyone got up in derkin position and the man at the end would bear crawl to the other end of the line, get up, and call out 5 derkins.  We successfully made it all the way to the stairs but not without a healthy (and justified) amount of grunts and groans.  On the way back down we switched to irkins instead but still stuck with the bear crawls.

After that we did 10 more burpees and then headed to the wall behind the baseball field.

Everyone lined up on the wall for alternating people’s chair and BTTW.  We started with 13 PC and 13 BTTW and then went down to 10 each until we completed 43 of each.  Then, at the end, as an added bonus, we did 16 more of each (for 16-bit).  Once that was complete we did another set of 10 merkins and 10 burpees.

We then moseyed up the steps by the wall to the back hill.  We did 5 merkins and burpees and then jogged to the bottom of the hill for sprints back up to where we started.  5 more merkins and burpees before heading back down.  Another sprint up and we completed the workout with 3 burpees and 3 merkins (43 of each in total).  Then back to the parking lot to circle up for…


Cirlced up for popcorn Mary where everyone except Banana Seat (due to time) called out an exercise.

Kitty Littr had us doing 20 LBCs

Gamecock called out 20 Homer to Marge, 10 with left legs in the air and 10 with the right.

Pumps (who looks like Martini when you’re laying on the ground and looking at him upside down) asked for 20 low slow flutter.

Actual Martini then had us doing 20 American Hammers

We were at the 45:06 mark at this point so we called it.


Town Hall meeting tonight at 7:00pm at the Bass Lake boat house.  If you can’t make it and have thoughts or comments please send them to Breach ahead of time.


YHC has an ex-coworker who lost his wife to a heart attack on Saturday evening.

Banana Seat’s friend from church was diagnosed with ALS and it is affecting him rapidly.

Gamecock’s sister had a baby!  They were induced and the baby is in the NICU but all signs are looking good and they’re hoping they can go home even before they had originally thought.

It truly is a blessing that I get to start today off with you men.  I’m thankful for all of you and am honored to know you.  Have a great day, I know mine will be because I started it off with you.


Farkle with Finkle and the Funky Bunch

Farkle 10000 - Fun Addictive Game! by Tan Zhi Hui

PAX: @K I T T Y L I T T R, @Gamecock, @Finkle, @Pumps, @Sprinkler, @Martini, @Warbucks

Warm-up: Good Mornings, Daisy Pickers, SSH, Frankenstein’s, and Inch Worms

Event 1:  Took a quick Mosey up to the middle school for a round of Bars, Bears, & Dan’s.  This was an oldy but a goody.  Divided into 2 groups.  Group 1 shimmied up the rails on the ramp leading up to the entrance of the school and crawl beared down the stairs and Group 2 was performing Dan Taylor’s.  Those are 1 lunge to 4 squats going all the way up to 10 lunges and 40 squats.

Event 2: Moseyed back down to the pavilion for a game of Farkle.  Most thought I was making crap up as we went but we did follow the rules for 1’s and 5’s.  They were added up to produce how many of a prescribed exercise by the PAX rolling the dice.  If they didn’t roll any 1’s or 5’s they had to take a penalty lap around the park and the next person took their turn.  Lots of fun was had and a little bit of confusion.

Mary: We carried on with another round of Farkle but only called ab exercises.

COT: @Gamecock’s father-in-law is going to have surgery in March and his sister is in the middle of a high-risk pregnancy, @Warbuck’s traveling this weekend, and @Ham’s family in Kenya dealing with civil unrest and area being bombed.


Lights out!

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Frankenstein, good mornings, willy mays haze, imperial walkers, Hill billies
The Workout:

Good 5.5mi route! Traffic lights were out because of an accident, we definitely didn’t do it… promise….

Mary: none
Announcements: picnic and BRR registration
T-Claps (Recognition): Martini back from being sick
Prayer: 16 bits daughter, Finkle traveling

The Flipping Bird

FNGs: none

PAX: @Martini, @Finkle, @Warbucks, @Farva
Warm Up: OYO stretches
The Workout: We did 5ish miles on our new route around FQV labeled the Bird.  We were flippin’ all over the place this morning.  @Martini was excited to run 5 miles since last night he hated running 3 miles lol.  Unfortunately one of the roads on the has been taken out so we went over the railroad track to create the middle finger.  @Warbucks will be looking on ways to improve this new addition running in the Quay.
Mary:  Stretches OYO
Announcements: yo mama
T-Claps (Recognition): @Martini for finishing strong.
Prayer: @Finkle traveling, @Farva starting a new job next weekend

We will rebuild!

FNGs: Gator
Warm Up: SSH, Frankensteins
The Workout: Had a great mosey around Fuquay-Varina today. 7 PAX strong including one FNG (Gator). The storm last night left branches everywhere, especially on the Greenway. Fumunga assured us that we would rebuild! The six was picked up along the way and a lot of great mumble chatter was made.
Announcements: July 5th volunteers needed, F3 Family Picnic coming up.
T-Claps (Recognition): Gator for coming out to his first F3 workout/run.
Prayer: Stubs

Tequila Sunrise 6.11.22

FNGs: none

PAX: @Warbucks, @Martini, @Finkle
Warm Up: Good mornings, Willie Mays Hayes, Downward Dog, Runners Pose
The Workout: YHC led the group on a 5 mile + run through downtown Fuquay.
Mary: Stretches
Announcements: Fuquay Mafia t-shirts are being reviewed for BRR and those who may want one.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: @Martini’s family to continue to recover from covid, @Warbucks work requirements