
As it Turns Out…We did Have Phil Collins

The 4th Anniversary of Crazy Ivan, YHC had the pleasure to Q. So many great memories, at least for YHC for Crazy Ivan. After all, it was my first post ever in F3. Great guys like Nemo, Chips, Dauber, Dawgpound, and Dahmer have carried the torch for Holly Springs’ big Friday kettlebell workout. Thank you. YHC had joked in the pre-blast that Phil Collins would make the playlist, since I’d heard that Ivan had strayed away from the traditional metal playlist and got all soft. As it turns out, YHC was serious because I found a new use for Phil…see Mary!

FNG’s: no
Warm Up: Sir Fazios x 12 IC (F/R), Good Mornings x 12 IC, Imperial Walkers x 12 IC.
The Workout: Each man Cusacked his kettlebell to the end of the the long parking lot. We moseyed back to the end. We sprinted to get our kettlebell and did Wonderbra’s to certain points along the parking stretch. We repeated this until back to the official circle.

6 Exercise Tabata…the time is two PAX doing a certain Thang.

Thang 1: Carry our Atlast Ball (75 lb.) friend between 2 cones and do 5 merkins on the ball at one end and then return.

Thang 2: Farmer carry 2 45 lb. dumbbells to a heavy bag and do the DIY bench press x 15.

The rest of us in the circle did 3 round of each of these 6 exercises AMRAP: Halos, 1 Leg Deadlifts, Swings, Midget Love Handles, Midget Cookie Pouches, Snatch.

When finished we rolled over to the bandstand for a 10 count per PAX alternating People’s Chair and BTTW.

Mary: So YHC has tried to pull off some crazy stuff at workouts…but I can’t believe this worked and was well-received. Phil Collins – Take Me Home. We did Mary exercises during the verses including WW2’s, LBC’s, Dying Cockroach, American Hammers, Heel Taps, LSF’s, Freddie Mercury’s. These were done OYO. At the “I don’t mind” part, YHC would call for a plank hold. At the “Take…take me home!” part, YHC would call for a chill cut plank. It worked perfectly!
Announcements: Brute CSAUP, Breach 9-11 Heroes Run.
T-Claps (Recognition): These PAX…playing along with my shenanigans.
Prayer: Pikachu M and new job possibility, the men, women, victims of Afghanistan. Cancun took us out!

A Wet SW Dad’s Workout

FNGs: Welcome FNK Calico
Warm Up:
Mosey near amphitheater SSH, mountain climbers, arm circles.
Dad’s carried water balloons, water guns, etc.
The Workout:
A game of tag was started that ended up as a beach ball toss while PAX filled up some buckets of water for water guns.
There wasn’t a lot of structure here, just making sure some 2.0’s had fun and moved around a little.
First up we did a game of water balloon toss. Partners were instructed to take a step back after a successful catch. This quickly turned into a free for all water balloon fight. YHC audibled and instructed 2.0s to make their way around the cement pad with a water balloon like an animal that was called then throw the balloon at a dad, then dad’s got a turn. We did several rounds of this until balloons were gone. PAX and 2.0s cleaned up balloon pieces while YHC anchored a tarp down on the hill for a make ship slip-n-slide complete with buckets of water and dish soap. This was a hit and kept 2.0s engaged until time was up. The highlight for the dad’s was watching Bolt try and dive on the tarp multiple times while standing about 5 feet back. This ended up with Bobby Boucher giving a little help and guiding Bolt to actually dive on the tarp. With all 2.0s and YHC covered in wet grass and soap we gathered up all supplies and headed to the water spigot by the bridge.
Dads filled up buckets and dumped them on 2.0s to rinse off all the grass and soap until everyone was cleaned up. Then we headed back for COT at the tennis courts.
Announcements: See Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Good work by all in the rain.
New school year, COVID, travels, praise for new ripped jeans.

“Let this be your outlet”

FNGs: None
Warm Up: EC- YHC, Dahmer, Cancun, Yogurt, Swisher Sweets for a 2 mile EC. Also, Java & Warbucks on their bikes.  Nice work & the guys pushed me to the 2 mile PR 9:18 pace.

SSH (20), Frankensteins (10), Good mornings (15) & Willie Mays Hays (10).

The Workout: I decided not to over plan & not print out a sheet. This was a good idea & I didn’t think too much about it. It was time to dive in & focus on my weak points.

Indian run over to the dreaded hill towards Bass Lake/Greenway.

We paired up in twos. 5 rounds of hill sprints (what a rush).

Indian run back to the rock pile. Curls for the girls (20 X 2), tri-cep ext (20 X 2), Ruh Rohs (20 X 1), Bus drivers (20 X 1), shoulder press (20 X 2) & shoulder raises (20 X 1).

Pavilion area- Erkins (20 X 1), Derkins (20 X 1), Dips (20 X 1).

Mary: Call arounds at the tennis court. Cancun got us at the end!

Announcements: Run with 3-Alarm (Davis) every Tuesday at 6pm. Lookout for Yogurt’s posts.

My message at the end was “Let this be your outlet”. Tomorrow it will make one year that my family & I have been in HS. Prior, I did not have an outlet, was stressed out, angry & bitter. I would take things out verbally at times on my family. F3 has changed my life in so many ways. Thank you Pax for your friendship! It was an honor to lead this morning!

T-Claps (Recognition): Pumpkin Spice for not backing down & focusing on his weak points too. Boss Hog, Cyclops & Fireball for pushing through it.

Prayer: Cyclops wife, Shredder & many more for their mission trip to Mexico. My M & FIL on their trips home. Safe travels.

So you want to play with my balls?

FNGs: None 

8 HIMs posted to GP on a salty morning.  YHC brought the music box, balls & discs.

Warm Up: 10x3cts of: Good Mornings, Willie Maze Hays,  Daisy Pickers, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (both directions).  Mosey to the disc golf putting green

The Workout

Disc Puts:

Started with a round of 20 Merkins.  8 discs in play at all times – PAX synchronize disc toss and bear crawl to nearest disc and return to starting point for exercise.  10x3ct exercises: LBCs, Freddie Mercuries and Mountain Climbers.  Penalty Burpies for 1 HIM tossing prematurely.

Circle of Rock (of course): Mosey to the Rock Pile pick a LARGE rock (if it can be curled by anyone with one arm – it ain’t big enough). Alternate rocks between exercises.

3 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras, Rut Rows and Ground Pounders. 10x3ct:  Windshield Wipers, Rock Spanks, 10x3ct Rock Press & Skull Crushers (3 sets),

Mosey to the basketball court

4 rounds of Knock Out: Pax line up and do prisoner squats unless they have a ball in hand or one to chase.

Once knocked out, HIMs do cycles.

Cycle 1: 20 Merkins, 20 LBC, 20 Emperial Walkers;

Cycle 2: 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 Rockies, 20 Mountain Climbers;

Cycle 3:  20 Freddie Mercuries, 20 Homer to Marge, 30 sec Plank hold

Cycle 4: 30 SSH, 20 Squats, 20 Lunges,

Announcements: Norm Moving Day starts at 9AM

Prayer Requests: Praise for the hurricane being mild (Strategery and Forceps both had family in the path of the storm.  Prayers for our military and those struggling with illness or addiction.

T-Claps: Farva and Forceps tripling down with Tequila Sunrise, GP and moving day

A Toby Keith ‘Murica Celebration

YHC picked up the Q and since it was the lead in to the 4th weekend, I put together a playlist for ‘Murica. Little did I know Toby Keith was such a polarizing figure. Maybe next time I’ll go with something a little more safe like Chris Brown and Elton John.  We sweated, we swung heavy weights and started the July 4th weekend off with a bang.

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up: Quick warmup exercises

The Workout:
Broke up into 2 teams of 4.  Each partner completes each station, then go to next exercise
P1: Ab exercise
P2: Farmers carry (2 KBs) – timer
P3: KB exercise 1
P4: KB exercise 2

Rnd KB 1 KB 2 Ab
1 KB Swing Pistol Squat LSF
2 Thrusters Cookie pouch Heel taps
3 Overhead press Figure 8s American Hammers
4 Lunge Plank drag LBCs
5 Renegade Rows KB hinge Windshield wipers
6 Single leg deadlift Goblet Squat Chill cut plank hold
7 Wonderbra KB snatch Freddy mercury
8 KB Windmill Back lunge Pickle pounders
9 Sumo squats KB clean Homer 2 marge
10 Midget Love Handle Tricep ext Dying cockroach

Light stretching.

See Slack.

T-Claps (Recognition):
Good work men.

Injured PAX, Traveling for the 4th.
YHC took us out.

Let’s Roll at VC

FNGs: none – but welcome back Kotter – Mr. Mom (Reese Martin)
Warm Up: OYO
The Workout:  See Route via Strava; incorporated a climb up Heartbreak Hill looking for Pikachu; great job Kubota from making it all the way up while staying in the saddle; we had a Cancun sighting too….great work rucking
Mary: Got ready for Thunder
Announcements:  Picnic; going away party for Norm
T-Claps (Recognition):  Gump on his way to posting three times in one day; Kubota helping Dauber with his chain
Prayer:  Unspoken, Kubota job praise, Injured PAX

Back to Old School Workout

FNGs:  Orca (Mike Pellicci)

Warm Up:  With the help of FoulBall:  side saddle hops, cherry pickers, good evenings, fazio arm circles

The Workout:

Rock pile:  5 rounds of 15, 12 and 10 reps of:  Curls, triceps extensions, squats, upright rows and shoulder press.

Run to ten poles, doing 1 increasing to 10 merkins at each pole.

Dice game with a round of each pax rolling and leading with 10 reps of:

  1. Double Merkin Burpees
  2. Diamond Merkins
  3. Balls to the Wall
  4. Shoulder Taps
  5. People’s Chair
  6. One leg step ups
  7. Lunges
  8. Dips
  9. LBC’s
  10. Mountain Climbers
  11. Plank Hold

Mary:  a few rounds of lbc’s, sit-ups with various poses, ww1’s, box cutters and shoulder taps

Announcements:  Picnic, others

Prayer:   Peace and happiness

Four Corners……..Audible to some sort of Triangle.

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: SSH, Good mornings, Sir mazio arm circles, Willie Mays Hays & Michael Phelps.
The Workout: Took a mosey over to the rock pile to grab a medium size rock then over to the library parking lot. Due to my time constraints YHC called an audible.

5-10-15-20 reps of Chest press, skull crushers & WW1 (with a rock).

5-10-15-20 reps of Merkins, squats, lunges & monkey humpers.

5-10-15-20 reps of Mountain climbers, plank jacks & star jumps.

10 reps each of curls for the girls (full curl, half & half), overhead triceps, shoulder press & bus drivers.
Mary: Ankle grabbers, box cutters, homer to marge, American hammer.
Announcements: Checkout slack for Warbuck’s donations to UNC in honor of his son Maddox.
T-Claps (Recognition): Grasshopper 5K which raised $30k for Sgt Leach.
Prayer: Prayers for our injured F3 brothers. Safe travels to Buford for work.

TBD Return to the Hill

EC: Fanny Pack, YHC

Warm Up:

  • Trace the lines on the tennis courts, forward, sideways both ways
  • Step ups on the curb (Fancy Feat) around the lower parking lot both sides for symmetry
  • Step ups over the picnic tables in the shelter
  • Step ups on the ledge of amphitheater up and back for symmetry
  • Mosey to top of second parking lot: Bat wings 20x per exercise (arm circles, seal claps, overhead claps) (2 rounds no recovery, followed by 5 count off by each pax) Toast!

The Workout: Guantanamo using the parking spaces (one pax per parking line with both legs at 45 degrees, last pax goes up the group Indian run style, pushing the feet down while pax rebound).

Chill cut with pax bunny hopping (one pax per parking line in chill cut, last pax hops over legs of the pax, moving up the line Indian run style).

Mosey to the Hill beside/behind the Hunt Center. Reverse Indian run, wherein the first pax goes to the back of the line.

The Hill is the location of many, many Cletus sets of 11s. Today, we did 11s with WWIIs at the bottom and Erkins at the top, but you had to hop the fence and do the Erkins on the other side. This took a while and I mostly had the count right! Final climb was bear crawl.

Mary: Been bringing classic rock to Mary. Today, it was China Grove by the Doobie Brothers (1973). This mid-70s is very nostalgic for me, hope everyone enjoyed. Glad Bondo was there to relate, Cancun gave it a thumbs up.

Popcorn ab work featuring the pax’s favorite (or least favorite) ab exercise. Today’s ab work featured low slow flutter, American Hammer, Freddie Mercury, box cutter, and more.

Announcements: F3 picnic on the 26th. Build a Bed on the 12th.
Prayer: Prayers for various pax and family members for good health – both mental and inside the body.

Legs, legs and more legs

FNGs: none
Warm Up: Took a jog to one end of the parking lot. Then high knees, but kickers and karaoke to the other end.

SSH X20, Good Mornings X10, Wind Mills X10, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10

The Workout: YHC was still recovering from the Murph on Monday, so upper body exercises were out. I settled on four corners.

  • Corner 1: mountain climbers.
  • Corner 2: tempo squats
  • Corner 3: step ups
  • Corner 4: lateral lunges

We started the four corners with 10 count, in cadence, each. Then 20 the second round, followed by 30, then back down to 20. Mosey on the long side, sprint on the short.

Crazy Ivan, who are back at Womble starting this week, were gracious enough to share the amphitheater with us on corner 3, and some pleasant mumblechatter was exchanged.

Next, we ducked into the picnic shelter for balls-to-the-wall oops, I mean people’s chair. 10 count down the line, X10 for a total of 70. Recover. Repeat two more times.

We had just enough time for two rounds of calf raises X10.

Mary: Ran out of time, so have a nice day.
Announcements: F3 South Wake picnic coming soon.
Prayer: Florence’s M’s job search, Hardy’s regionals