
Left turn Clyde






FNGs: Not today

Warm Up: 10 x SSH and 10 x Daisy Pickers in cadence. Discussed the routes and headed out.

The Workout: The 3 mile group ran an out and back from Ting to Main Street. The rest of the group continued past Main Street to finish the Little Dipper route….except Boogie and Iceman. They missed the turn at Stinson and YHC was the 6 but unable to get their attention as they continued down Grisby.  I dropped the ball and am sorry for not keeping you guys on the route.

Mary:   🙁

Announcements: Holly Springs Half Marathon/5k this weekend, CSAUP Dec 7, and Christmas Party Dec 14. Check Slack and FB for details.

T-Claps (Recognition): Boogie and Iceman for making it back to the gloom.

Prayer: Slide Rule and his family in the last month of pregnancy, Master Shake and his family, Quiver and his family, PAX running this weekend

Solid work this morning men.

YHC took us out. Always an honor to lead.

Hit the pavement.

Nine PAX for muggy Purple Cobra. It was YHC’s first Q at this AO. Thanks for the strong effort, men.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lap around building, daisy pickers, windmills, 5 burpees (OYO), Fazio arm circles forward/backwards, 5 burpess (OYO).

The Workout:

Divided into three groups. Each round group rotated between three exercises.

Round 1: Lap around building, Lunge Walks, LBCs

Round 2: Lap around building, bear crawl, plank jacks

Round 3: Lap around building, leap frog burpees, American hammers

Round 4: Lap around building, backwards sprints, dying cockroaches

Mary: Missed her
Announcements: Middle Creek Elementary work group, see Slack and Facebook
T-Claps (Recognition): Iceman taking military physical exam this week!
Prayer: Full House’s wife’s uncle, YHCs friend’s kid in hospital

Under New Management

There was a change in management at R4TJ this week and YHC broke out the shovel flag for my VQ. Mookie and I got together for a 2nd F after Any Given Sunday and discussed the shovel design. We agreed the shovel should be gold (in honor of a recently posted gold plated toilet meme) and Mookie suggested we add a roll of toilet paper to the flag as well. Now all HIM will be able to take what they need before we depart on our 5 mile run, in the event that nature calls.

Although sad to see UTI/Lipstick go, they assured me they will be back frequently to visit. They set the standard high at R4TJ and I will try to maintain that standard moving forward.

EC: Lipstick, Pikachu, U.T.I., Redenbacher, Warbucks

YHC arrived at 5:04 to see 3 PAX heading out for EC. I planted the flag, grabbed my vest and headed out to run solo. I almost made it to Main Street when out of the darkness come Pikachu! I did my best to try to keep him within eyesight and he came back several times to pick up my 6.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence

10 x SSH, 10 x C. Pickers, 10 x Imperial Walkers and off we go.

The Workout: Little Dipper was in play by 7 DETERMINED HIM. Sadly there were no sightings of other PAX at Womble….maybe next time

Mary: Didn’t see her..


Mudgear order – see slack#southwake gear channel

Sign up to Q. #Qsheet

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great job by everyone today!!

Pikachu for getting almost 20 miles in this morning!!


-Noah’s Ark – Your family is in our prayers

-unspoken and injured PAX

YHC took us out. Thank you HIM for the opportunity, it was an honor to lead!

Dawn of the Millennium

PAXBobby Doll, Boogie, Iceman, Mookie, Redenbacher, U.T.I., Warbucks

EC: Redenbacher, U.T.I., Warbucks

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Started with standard warm-up lap

SSH x 20 IC
Finkle Kicks x 20 IC
Imperial Walkers x 20 IC
Bat Wings:
Sir Fazio arm circles x 10/10 IC
Seal claps x 10 IC
Overhead claps x 10 IC

The Workout: Black Snake run behind Harris Teeter to the Goodwill Lot. Partner up for Millennial workout (YHC was odd man out). Partner 1 did exercises and partner 2 ran to the bottom of the hill on Lassiter Street and back up to switch places, rinse and repeat. Goal was a total count of 2000 (1000 from the exercises and the other 1000 from running).

Exercises were:
100  Side Straddle Hops
100  Lunges
100  Bicycles
100  Merkins
100  LBC

100 Prisoner Squats
100  Mountain Climbers
100  American Hammer
100  Star jumps
100  Burpees

Black Snake run back to the circle for Mary.

Mary: On your 6 – feet elevated like 6-inch hold – spell out the alphabet in all capitol letters with your feet.

Announcements:  Mudgear order – see slack #southwake-gear channel.
Sign up to Q. #QSheet

T-Claps (Recognition): Iceman and Boogie for making their way back to the gloom.  Mookie for coming out while not yet 100%. U.T.I. and Warbucks for encouraging me to Q a workout.

Prayer: Healing for the son for U.T.I.’s friend who is currently in the hospital, families in El Paso and Dayton, Iceman on his Airforce PT test Friday, unspoken and injured PAX

YHC took us out. Was an honor to lead! Thank you HIM for the opportunity!


Date: 6/20/19

Pax: Ice Man, Bobby Doll, Wallabe, Catness, Quiver, Boogie, New Mexico(Q)
Warm Up: SSH x20, GM x20, Jog around the soccer fields.
The Workout:  Jacobs Ladder at the halfpipe.  When completed Indian Run.  Jog over to the stairs, Jacob’s ladder on the stairs with burpees at top and bottom.
Mary:  WWIIs x20, Protractor, Merkins x20
Announcements:  EH a sad clown who hasn’t shown up in a while to come to Disney and you’ll get a prize.
Prayer:  Banana Seat and Crab Legs

I don’t have the list of EC’s, if you posted for EC please leave a comment.  Always a pleasure to lead.


I Only Have One Pace

Today was all about interval training. Q put the Pax through several interval runs at which he was quickly informed by several that “I only have one pace.” Overall, the group covered about 5 miles.

Two for EC: Redenbacher and Skidmark

FNGs: None
Warm Up: YHC encouraged everyone to warm-up OYO before we got started but if you want to identify a warm-up it would 1 lap around Ting in 4 or 5 man Indian Runs.
The Workout: After the Indian Run mosey Q called out a location and a pace with which to run, once at location they turn back for the six.  At the stop sign below the basketball court Pax ran at half marathon pace to the stoplight.

After the intersection Pax ran half marathon pace up the hill in Bridgewater. Repeated 2x but on the second once Pax crested the hill they ran at 10K pace to the first road on the right.

Two runs at 10K pace up the hill within Bridgewater to the stop sign. Second one crested the hill 5K pace to the bottom by the Red warning flags. Pax ran three times back up the hill at 5k pace and ran recovery pace to the bottom. Last one up we picked up the six. From the peak of the hill in Bridgwater we did a progression of 1/2 marathon pace to the bottom at the hard right of the EC route, 10K pace to the powerline road, and 5k pace across that road to the end. Circle back for the six.

From this location two group indian run back to Ting with a jailbreak call at the intersection of Main St.

Mary: Some light stretching.

Announcements: Bring water if you need it.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: Be safe when running. More likely to die running a 5k than a half marathon. Know your limits and modify when you need to.

Dumbo took us out.


Purple Cobra VQ

19 PAX made their way to Purple Cobra for Axe’s VQ!


EC: 187, Axe, Skidmark, Emeril, Redenbacher, Teacher’s Pet

FNGs: Teacher’s Pet
Warm Up: Jog to middle of Teeter parking lot and circle up. All IC


Daisy Pickers 10X

Emperial Walkers 10X

Hillbillies 10X

Jog  little further down parking lot and circle up again

Good mornings 10X

Seal Claps 10X


The Workout: Head over to the GCF parking lot and partner up. Share the exercises below with your partner. One partner jogs down to the dead end and back. Switch out each time. Once finished, hold plank for the 6.

100 Merkins

200 LBC

300 Squats

400 Jump rope

With the same partner. One crab walks one side of parking lot to other. The other partner performs plank shuffles around the oval curb. Once this partner finishes a circle, they switch. Add crab walks and sliding. Also subbed in crab walk shuffles on the curb.

Mary: PP 10X, Homer Marge 10X, LBC 10X, LSF 10X, Freedy Mercuries 10X…repeat.

Have a nice day!
Announcements: None
T-Claps (Recognition):Teacher’s Pet taking on EC for his first workout
Prayer: Noah’s Ark and Crab Legs

All those rides and we only rode one

FNGs: None
EC: Aquaman, Dahmer

On a beautiful and unseasonably comfortable morning, 20 PAX came to the greatest place on earth. Two of these men decided EC was the way they would start their Thursday. Flag is planted. The sky is starting to turn purple and the birds are chirping. YHC has a moment of regret knowing that Disney has so many rides and we are only going on 1 today. There isn’t a plan B and now its 5:30 and a circle has formed out of the gloom. There is only one thing to do at this point…warm up.

Warm Up: GM x 10, SSH x 30, IW x 10, FAC x 10 F/R.

Thankfully Wallaby was able to beat the fartsack this morning . The struggle is real! To celebrate triumph over the fartsack, PAX did burpees OYO while Wallaby parked his chariot and joined us for the remainder of the warm up.

The increasing mumble chatter during arm circles signaled it was time to get this party started. Afterall, YHC had posted a pre-blast offering an opportunity to blow shit up. A man who gets out of bed before 5am has expectations that must be met. I’m tired and can’t think of any interesting warm up exercises so we do the only thing we could do – Mosey. Our destination is Disney’s most beloved ride, The Abyss.

The Workout: Abysmal B.O.M.B.S.
B – Bupees (50)
O – Overhead claps (100 IC)
M – Merkins (150)
B – Big Boy Sit-ups (200)
S – Squats (250)

When arriving at the Abyss, PAX found a partner and the workout is explained. Exercises are done at the top of the hill by one partner while the other partner goes to the bottom of The Abyss and does star jumps (start at 1 and +1 each trip down). Switch and repeat until all 750 reps have been done.

BOOM! Burpees > Stairs > Burpees – my heart is racing. BOOM! Overhead claps > Stairs > Merkins > Stairs – my arms are blowing up. BOOM! Squats > Stairs > Squats – my legs felt the explosion. I don’t know if it was the star jumps or the squats or the stairs but it worked! It worked real good. I’m pretty sure everyone got to ride The Abyss at least 10 times during the routine. PAX who finished early were given the option to continue riding or wait up top and do plank jacks while everyone finishes up.

We are done and YHC is glad there wasn’t a plan B. While I usually like variety, sometimes its nice to just dig in and get to know something. These 20 PAX are familiar with The Abyss now so its time we head back over to the parking lot to meet up with this hot chick everyone calls Mary.

As usual, Mary isn’t at the flag. I’m sure something came up last minute. I’ve yet to meet Mary but I keep posting and I just know she is going to be there one day. I’m going to be all hot and sweaty when I get back to the flag and there is Mary. I’ll play Homer and she’ll play Marge and then I can show her my pickle pounders. I’ve been watching Lucky so I can impress her.

Mary: Nipplers x 20, H2M x 20, LSF x 10, Have a nice day!

Since Mary is not at the flag and we have some time we might as well do a couple of exercises. YHC asks Pablo to get us started while I retrieve the phone to memorialize name-o-rama. Pablo has obviously heard of Mary and he has been thinking about her on his way back too. How else do you explain his call for Nipplers? Feeling validated and seeking to increase my preparedness for the eventual meeting with Mary, Homer to Marge is next. Round out the day with some low slow flutter because the legs hurt and doing things that hurt makes you stronger. Have a nice day!

Announcements: Put them on the interwebs!!!

T-Claps (Recognition): YHC decided today to spend a couple of minutes talking about what F3 means to me. We constantly say “it’s more than a workout” but we don’t always say what that means. I am grateful to have you men in my life to strengthen me both physically and emotionally. Its important that we have each other in our lives to support one another. I cherish the friendships I’m making in this group and look forward to accelerating with you all.

YHC also called on Slide Rule to tell us what F3 means to him. Those of you there know what you heard this morning from a man who obviously cares about F3 and all of us. If you weren’t there, I encourage you to seek him out and talk to him. We all have a story to share and I am thankful I was able to hear part of a great one today.

Who will you share your story with? What kind of support do you need in your life? If you don’t need it today, are you preparing for tomorrow when you do need the support? I encourage all of you to take the time and invest the energy in forging strong relationships outside of the gloom. The men of South Wake are remarkable and the kind of guys that you can build a sure foundation.

Prayer: YHC took us out remembering those praises and concerns shared during our COT.

It is a honor to lead you men. I’ll try to do better next time!

Pablo’s Anniversary Q

25 PAX, 12 for EC, posted at Purple Cobra to support Pablo in his 1 year F3 anniversary.  I want to thank everyone who came out to show their support in celebrating this milestone.  I also want to thank Deadbolt for dropping truth bombs on the neighborhood Facebook page that led 187 to bringing me out to my 1st workout.  I also want to thank the F3 Goobers (you know who you are) who keep me accountable and make the daily grind a whole lot of fun.  1st year down, a lifetime to go…

EC: Pablo, Skidmark, Warbucks, 187, Pikachu, Redenbacher, Emeril, Axe, Dawgpound, LED, Fonzie

FNGs:  Welcome Crunch Berry (Scott Powell)

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence: SSH x 25, IW x 10, Hillbillies x 10, Fazio Arm Circles 10F & 10B, Seal claps x 10, overhead claps x 10

The Workout: PAX formed single file line for indian run that made it’s way behind the grocery store and to the stop light entrance of planet fitness.  Partner up for DORA 1-2-3 (exercises were Derkins x100, Irkins x200, Dips x300) where partner 1 did exercises and partner 2 ran to the bottom of the hill and back up to switch places.  After Q completed all of his reps, he had the group mosey to the wall behind the dry cleaner for additional partner exercises.  Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 mountain climber IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 Nipplers IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 plank jacks IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 People’s Chair, Partner 2 mountain climber IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 People’s Chair, Partner 2 Nipplers IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 People’s Chair, Partner 2 plank jacks IC x 10, then switch.  Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: LBCs IC x 25, Homer to Marge IC x 20, Low Slow Flutter IC x 20, Pickle Pounder IC x 20, Freddie Mercury IC x 20,

Announcements: New AO starting on Wednesday 05:30 at Womble tennis courts, all PAX are encouraged to sign up to Q a workout, AXE VQ next Tuesday at Purple Cobra

T-Claps (Recognition): Wallaby posting 2 consecutive days!!!

Prayer: Deadbolts wife having medical procedure, those effected by ocular melanoma, Crab Legs, Dumbo’s friend with returning breast cancer that metastasized to the bone, unspoken prayers

Indian Hills at Disney for D-Day

Pax: Deadbolt, Glass Jaw, Tube Sock, Rut, Rain Maker, Boogie, Axe(EC), War Bucks, Sham Wow(EC), Wiggley, Skid Mark(EC), Pikachu, Ice Man, Dommer(EC), 187(EC), New Mexico 

Warm Up: SSH X 20, Imperial Walkers/Hill Billys x 20, Merkins x 20

The Workout: Break into 2 groups(Fast and kind of fast) Group 1 Halfpipe with burpee at the top, Group 2 Indian Run around parking lot and switch, Rinse and Repeat double the Burpees.  Jog over to the Stairs, Group 1 on the stairs alternating hit each step and skip a step.  Group 2 Indian Run around the baseball fields, switch.

Mary: Deadbolt led 75 WWIIs for D-Day Memorial

Announcements: YHC is Qing again in 2 weeks.  You’re challenged to EH a sad clown that’s been out to F3 and has been missing.  If you don’t know someone like that then bring an FNG.  Great to be back in the gloom as a Co-Site Q.  There was some mumble chatter that I might not be as committed to take back over and lead.  I hope I squashed that this morning!  Looking forward to leading many more beat downs in the coming weeks!


Prayer: Pikachu led us in a mighty prayer.  We lifted up all Veterans, Banana Seat, Crab Legs and Noah’s Arc and his M.


Side note: The Indian Hills idea came to me and reminded me of a great Sons of Anarchy episode where they patch over a MC in Indian Hills Nevada.  It’s a great episode in a great series(check it out).  I guess you can consider this YHC patching over Disney with all my glory.  It’s a real pleasure to lead you, hope you all have a great week!