
Wrassling at Disney

EC: 187, Dawgpound, Emeril

FNGs: Nope, not today!

Warm Up: Today’s warm up is inspired by Hulk Hogan. Late in his career, Hulk likely had to stretch each day to keep his body moving. Given the groans this morning, we needed it too. GM x 10, Daisy Picker x 10. We all know Hulk Hogan had a large chest too and given our desire to look the part we did Bat Wings (Fazio arm circles F/R, seal claps and overhead claps) and Jack Webs (1:4 ratio stopping at 5). At this point in the workout, “Whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?”

The Workout: Now that we’ve warmed up and we are trying to look the part, its time to get familiar with the ring and practice for our upcoming tag team match. PAX mosey to the Culture Center where they partner up. Partners run opposite directions and alternate performing Patty Cake Merkins x 10 and Broke-back Merkins x 10 (5 each partner). We’ve tested the ropes, prepared to tag in our partner and learned that they have our back! But the ticket for the match is full and we will have to wait our turn so PAX line up for an Indian run over to the Abyss to start preparing some signature moves.

Oh Yeah…the Abyss! Today we started prepping for Macho Man Randy Savage’s signature move “The Flying Elbow”. If you want to do it right, you’re going to have to climb up on the top turnbuckle and then stick the landing. To prepare, partner 1 ran to the bottom of the stairs, did 10 Monkey Humpers and returned while partner 2 did big boy sit ups. Switch, rinse and repeat x2 full trips. The PAX are “too hot to handle and too cold to hold” so we mosey back to the flag for our next signature move.

“To be the man, you have to beat the man” but the man, Ric Flair, has the figure 4 leg lock. In order to compete, we have to work on those legs. PAX complete a lazy dora. (100 low slow flutter, 200 homer to marge and 300 squats). Partners alternate by 10, 20 and 30 respectively. Up until this point in the workout there had been some mumble chatter and a little hazing of the Q. Oddly enough, during this portion of the workout you couldn’t hear anything but the birds waking up. YHC could help but think “If you don’t like it, learn to love it!”.

Lastly, in the event that the Undertaker were to try to put a Tombstone on you, you better be prepared to be upside down so the PAX did Balls to the Wall while each man counted to 5. I think most of the PAX were spent at this point and it seems as though we were reminded “The fear of death is far greater than the death itself”. Good work beating the fartsack and accelerating your fitness. The nonsense was my way of making that DRP taste a little sweeter.

Mary: SSH x 30. I saved them for last because the form sucks no matter when we do them these days. Tighten up boys!

Announcements: Hank Williams once said “To sing like a hillbilly, you had to have lived like a hillbilly. You had to have smelt a lot of mule manure.” If you want to sing like a hillbilly hit up Midget4Life for a trip to Raleigh. I GUARANTEE you will learn at least one lesson if you do!

T-Claps (Recognition): Dawgpound for the best ‘themed’ shirt at the workout! Whoooooooo!!!!

Prayer: All those struggling physically, mentally and emotionally that we might be a source of comfort for them.

I had a good time this morning. Thanks for the opportunity to lead you men. I’ll try to do better next time!

March 10 / at Purple Cobra (Harris Teeter) QIC: POTS “No Sand Bag’n”

March 10 / at Purple Cobra (Harris Teeter) QIC: POTS “No Sand Bag’n”


187,Lipstick, Skidmark, UTI, Dawgpound, Emeril





 Warm Up:

Side Straddle Hops (SSH), Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers, 10 Burpees (OYO)

 The Workout: 

Mosey’d to the Goodwill parking lot.

A, PAX partner’d up.

Partner 1 (with sandbag)

  1. Curls for the girls (20 reps)
  2. Overhead press (20 reps)
  3. Good Mornings (20 reps)
  4. Side to Sid Lunge (20 reps)
  5. Step up’s on the curb (20 reps 10 each leg)
  6. Goblet Squats (20 reps)
  7. Single Leg dead lifts (20 reps 10 each leg)
  8. Overhead Triceps Extensions (20 reps)
  9. Lunges (20 reps 10 each leg)
  10. WW 2’s with sandbag (20 reps)

Partner 2

Run lap around Quick Lube Garage

  1. Mosey’d to back of Quick Lube Garage

1st round Partner 1 urkins. Partner 2 merkins.

2nd round Partner 1 dips. Partner 2 lbc’s.

3rd round Partner 1 durkins. Partner 2 boxcutters.


The PAX took turns with several rounds of ab exercises to close out the Q.


F3 Mule on 3/14

Wrightsville 3/21

Check slack for further announcements.


My (POTS) wife (Kari), her 5 year CT scan was all clean.

Cupids grandfather is in hospice care

Bobby Dall’s mother recovering from heart bypass surgery.

Pikachu’s wife’s back issues.

Wallaby continues his recovery.

Unspoken, Military, and First Responders.

Yo Joe! 13 PAX take on Cobra Commander and Embrace the Suck..

Q Tour continues and this week found YHC close to home with a trip to Purple Cobra. Pre-Blast for this week’s workout showed a picture of a contemplative Cobra Commander from the early 80’s GI Joe cartoon. He was sitting on a Cobra throne exploring any one of a dozen highly ‘motivating’ possibilities. This was how YHC was feeling Monday morning, trying to keep with theme of changing things up and keeping the planned workouts on tour unique.

As a product of the 80’s, I used to watch GI Joe religiously. Back in the day Cobra Commander used to put Duke and the boys in compromising situations inflicting his wrath of terror. This dude was a straight up a$$hol3. Not exactly what was trying to lay down this morning for PAX, but it was gonna suck and we were gonna make all 45 minutes count.  Nemo and Pots approached YHC as he was working through the Weinke he put together asking for a heads up about this morning’s plan, the following exchange went something like this…

Nemo- “Hey Mookie, what kind of a pre-blast can you give us about this morning”

YHC- “Did you read the pre-blast with Cobra Commander?”

Nemo- “Yes- I used to love GI Joe”

YHC- “Yeah, Cobra Commander was such a dick, right?”

Nemo- “Yeah he was..”

YHC- “There’s your pre-blast”

At this point a crowd started to form. DawgPound, Redenbacher, and 187 were finishing the last steps of their EC runs. Dumbo fresh off a Disney vacation came rolling in with Pablo. We even got a visit from Rainmaker, who noted he was starting back up to posting again. Both site Q’s-Warbucks and Foghorn showed, along with Bobby Dall.  Lucky Charms was also present and accounted for.

5:30am hit and it was showtime..

Warm Up: YHC lead PAX with a nice brisk jog down the parking lot and up along Sunset Lake Rd via the side walk and back down to the Wells Fargo lot where we circled up for the following exercises.. SSH X25, Imperial Walkers X10, Hillbillies X10, Good Mornings in Cadence X 10, Fazio 10F\10B, Seal Claps X10.. 2 Burpees OYO, mosey to the next corner of the lot 4 Burpees OYO, mosey to the far corner of the lot 6 Burpees OYO, and one more final mosey to the last corner for 8 Burpees OYO back to the start. Mosey’d out of the lot and formed 2 lines, one behind YHC and one behind 187.

The Workout: Led PAX behind Harris Teeter in dual Indian Runs to the loading dock behind the cleaners and pet store. Instructed PAX to grab a rock for each hand similar in weight and ones that they can easily grip. These will be your rocks for the series of exercises YHC had planned. All PAX gathered rocks and remained on plank with rocks in hand while waiting on the six.

Rock Webbs (1:2 Ratio)

YHC called for a series of Rock Webbs, where PAX would perform Merkins with hands over rocks, which were on the ground. After 1 Merkin, we’d rock press to 2 in cadence. YHC took PAX to 5 Merkins and 10 Rock Presses for now, saving the best for last for later. Upon completion, instructed PAX to the walls for a set of Balls to the Wall X20 in Cadence. PAX returned to their rocks and with a “Let’s go… Bring your rocks,” from YHC and we were off to the ramp for some exercises and sprints.

Rock Solid Merkin Sprints 

Partner Up…

Round 1

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Presses (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 5 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Round 2

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Lateral Raises (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 10 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Round 3

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Front Raises (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 15 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Round 4

Partner 1 at Bottom of Ramp performs Rock Rows (AMRAP)

Partner 2 Sprints Up the ramp to just before the intersection, performs 20 merkins, sprints back (switch)

Out of all the planned items for this morning, this next decision was the most questionable. YHC instructed PAX to drop their rocks and get back into their lines for another dual Indian Run. This time the lines would flow into the Planet Fitness lot and around all 4 corners. YHC was not planning for the parade of sad clowns rolling in around 5:50 to water their Ferns at Planet Fitness this morning, which detoured our lines slightly to side walks and out of harms way. All still accounted for and back to the rocks. PAX grabbed rocks and mosey’d back to the loading dock with a plank hold for the six.

Finish What We Started..Rock Webbs continued.

When all PAX were in, YHC continued his Rock Webb count to 6 Merkins 12 Rock Presses (IC). At 8 Merkins and 16 Rock Presses, instructed PAX back to the walls for Balls to the Wall IC X20 and an extra People’s Chair X10 IC. Back to the rocks and then continued 9 Merkins 18 Rock Presses IC. At that point, YHC got up and hadn’t gotten in 2 steps before Oliver Twist in the form of DawgPound demanded that we couldn’t end that way. “Please sir, I want some more” is what he said although I could be mistaken as I was somewhat hallucinating after that 18 count. That’s the thing about accountability, you’ll have dudes call you out if you don’t finish what you started….Here we go Dawgpound, just for you..10 Merkins 20 Rock Presses (IC). YHC was never so glad to return rocks at an AO in his life. Shoulders at this point were on fire.. I think at one point this last series had affected Dumbo to the point of confusion as his Merkins and Rock Presses looked more like Squats.

2 lines…Let’s Go. Indian Runs to back beyond the flag to the spot where Mary would be performed. Before we got to Mary, we had one more series. Plank hold for the six..

Merkin Tap Jail Break

From plank, PAX performed a series of 10 Merkins, hold, then transitioned to Shoulder Taps X20 IC, mosey 70 yards down the lot. Plank hold for the six. From plank, 10 more Merkins and 20 Should Taps in cadence. YHC usually likes a good jail break at the end of Cobra, so that’s what we did.

Mary: LBC X20, Low Slow Flutter X20, Homer to Marge X20, Pickle Pounders X20, Pigeon Stretches, Downward Dog, one last Shawshank.
Announcements: YHC needs someone to cover Ivan as he had a conflict. Potts later volunteered to cover Q. Check him out on Friday!
T-Claps (Recognition): All PAX pushing each other this morning and holding each other accountable, including YHC. 187, Redenbacher, and DawgPound for getting some EC.
Prayer: Continued Prayers for Forceps and his family. Prayers for Wiggly and his family. First Responders and Military. All Unspoken. YHC took us out!

Always an honor to lead. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity this morning!

Purple Cobra

11 PAX came out to the Cobra today for some full body bear crawling kind of fun. Good work men!!

FNGs: none
Warm Up:

-Side straddle hops

-good mornings

-Imperial walkers


The Workout:

Partner up

Partner 1 lap/bear crawl around Dunken while other partner engaged in the exercise

-Standard Merkins




-Shoulder taps

-Standard Merkins


-Freddie Mercury’s


-Pickle Pounders

-have a nice day

Announcements: Long ass run this weekend (see Slack)

Forceps and family

Military law-enforcement and first responders

Uturn DRP

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Circled up for the following.

Bounce while YHC explained the format for today’s run.  The 3 milers will start at 6:25 and will be lead by Sprinkler.  The 5 milers will go out together and will have three pick ups.  The first one being in 12 Oaks at the circle. The idea here is that this would be a long pickup but should be safer than Old Apex Holly Springs road.  The second pickup would be at the corner of Irving and Green Oaks.  The last pick up would be at the end.  The hope/goal was that all pax would finish at roughly the same time.

Foot traces in both directions
Hip Openers

The Workout:

We ran.  Seriously for Uturn what do guys put in this section.


Cirlced up for runners pose, and pigeon stretch.


Next Saturday is the ATT Long ass run.
Holly Springs Food Cupboard will be held the second week of October

T-Claps (Recognition):


Q Source Message of the day:

Q 1.1 DRP (Daily Red Pill)

The daily commitment to accelerate Fitness, Fellowship and Faith

A man can not get right on their own.

“Going it alone, the Mascot is doomed to fail because no man can disengage the death grip he holds on his own status quo.  Absent a Disrupter, a man willing and able to create a disturbance in his enervated life, he will remain just as he is, clinging to the capsized boat of his life and incapable of initiating the Movement required to Get Right.”

Mascot is a symbol of a something rather than the something itself.

The first disturbance the Disrupter makes in the life of the Mascot is to elicit Commitment.

The mascot has to commit to Movement, not just its appearance.

He must decide to turn Pro rather than continue life as an Amateur

The HIM knows that proper personal alignment requires the constant honing that can only be done through daily practice.  His focus Is on Preparedness.

An Amateur will start each day with the Blue Pill and live a life of seeming rather than being.

No man is too far wrong to Get Right.  It takes just one small movement.  The decision to take the Red Pill.  To commit to your acceleration.  


Forceps and his family

Christmas Eve with Dora

EC: 187, Redenbacher

FNGs: Not today

Warm Up:

Standard PC lap around the gas station and circled up for:
SSH x 20 IC
Good morning x 10 IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Moroccan Nightclub x 10 IC

The Workout:

Lined up for an Indian run behind Harris Teeter and over to the Goodwill parking lot. PAX partnered up for a Dora style workout.
Partner 1 did exercises while partner 2 runs to end of the dead end section of Lassiter and back to Goodwill until all exercises were completed. Dora consisted of:

100 Star Jumps
200 LBC’s
300 Prisoner Squats

Rinse and Repeat:

100 Merkins
200 WW II
300 Freddy Mercury

Quick feet on the curbs and mosey back to the flag


Dying cockroach x 15 IC
American Hammer x 15 IC
Pickle Pounders x 15 IC

Announcements: Check Slack and Facebook.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Prayer: PAX with new babies, PAX traveling for the holidays, unspoken.

YHC took us out. Always an honor to lead

How Pablo does Disney…

4 PAX, 2 for EC, decided to swallow the DRP to continue in their daily commitment to accelerate fitness, fellowship, and faith.  Q had posted a preblast commenting on the difficulty of his plans which may speak to the low attendance.  Who knows, maybe some PAX like easier workouts or they just heeded my advice to seek another AO?  Either way, 4 #HIM got stronger today seeing how Pablo does Disney…

EC: 187, Pablo

FNGs: None

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence: SSH x20; IW x10, HB x10, Arm Circles x10F x10R

The Workout: PAX moseyed to the back corner of the track around the soccer fields where the path forks with hill and partnered up.  Partner 1: run around the track stopping at the corners to complete 10 count merkin exercises  (corner 1 wide grip, corner 2 diamond, corner 3 regular) Partner 2: 5 burpees at the top of the hill, run to the bottom for 5 star jumps, run back to the top and repeat until partner 1 has made it all the way around the field.  Switch and repeat for 3 full circuits.  PAX then moseyed to the play ground for 2 sets of : Bulgarian split leg squats (10R 10L), 10 Derkins, 10 Erkins, 10 Dips, and 10 box jumps.  PAX moseyed to the wall at the restrooms where Partner 1 held BTTW while Partner 2 did an in cadence exercise then switch (first exercise freddie mercury x10, second exercise mountain climbers x10).  This was repeated except BTTW was changed to People’s Chair.  Mosey to the flag for Mary.

Mary: All exercises in cadence: LSF x20; Homer to Marge x10 regular, 5 right leg up, 5 left leg up; Box cutter x20, Freddie Mercury x10, Pickle Pounder x10

Announcements: CSAUP Frosty this Saturday, Hanging Christmas lights at Wallaby’s house today

T-Claps (Recognition): None

Prayer: Wallaby, Crablegs, Quiver’s Family, Unspoken

Thanksgiving Convergence

With Thanksgiving feasts on the horizon, 32 PAX wanted to make sure to start the day with a caloric deficit so they wouldn’t feel so bad about blowing it out of the water later in the day (or at least that’s how YHC felt).  With an hour long workout ahead of us and three mystery Q’s no one was quite sure what to expect.

FNGs: Welcome Captain Planet!

The Workout:

Pikachu started off the morning’s activities by announcing the first mystery Q, everyone’s favorite reason to have it burn when you pee, U.T.I.:

When did Thanksgiving become the holiday that just wouldn’t end!?  I thought I had made this amazing/awesome feast for everyone at R4TJ.  I just got this whole mess cleaned up. I knew there was some mumblechatter about the day of Thanksgiving.  Cletus 3x in 3 days, 3Qs at Tiger Blood or even flag football. It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have said anything
  I overheard the conversation and said “3 strikes is a Turkey in bowling” Apparently that was enough to ask me to set the table once again.  I do make a mean Turkey
 but this is different
 A CONVERGENCE!?!? I mean that could be HUGE – It’s the whole freaking extended family! At R4TJs Turkey Day, Chris (you remember – that guy that moves like lightning) assured me that there would be 2 other cooks in the kitchen but there was a catch
  He wouldn’t tell me who. I mean Emeril would be a big help but
 you know
 celebrity chef and all
 Would he even show? I know he has a new gig something called “I’m On It!” – must be one of those Chef saves the day in a crappy restaurant reality things
 I guess I would have to wait and find out.

I arrived promptly at start time.  There was talk of appetizers (about 3 miles of food was offered, just something light to get started but a bit more than typical) – I was planning on saving some room for dessert so I just showed up for the main course.  As you can imagine, it’s the holidays and with everything mostly shutdown there aren’t many options to get your fill. I counted 20 heads when I got there and more were filtering in from their appetizers. Final count was 32 as we gathered for the meal.

I was up first, the other 2 chefs were still unknown – probably still cooking up their best offerings.  I had prepared, had an idea, wanted to play on the bowling concept that got me into this mess in the first place.  Who am I kidding, bowling alley food for Thanksgiving!? Scrapped that and realized that I was the first course. I had to ease them into it.  It was a simple and recognizable offering, didn’t want to upset the pallet. Here is the recipe in case you liked it. Just keep in mind, as my friend Alan pointed out, you’ve got to let these ingredients rest a bit before you add the next one.  Otherwise your guests get a little cranky about the results…

  • 10 Burpees OYO – I didn’t plan to use this ingredient but Jaron (comic book character complex) and Florence insisted.
  • 30 SSH
  • 30 Frankensteins – I need to work on these, timing was a little off and Cousin BJ made sure I knew…
  • 30 Windmills
  • 30 LBCs

Big crew for dinner – I thought it would be best to split everyone up into 3 groups and seat them together.  Just more manageable – We split up in the front and made our way to where the first course would be served. There were Indians (aka native Americans) at the first Thanksgiving.  Theming the party is always fun and engaging your guests can really make the day memorable for everyone.

  • Indian Runs with 10 guests run to their table.

The main course was kind of a build your own.  Some basic ingredients were provided but guests were asked to push themselves and create a dish to remember.

  • 10 guests at each table, each group at a different end of the large oval-shaped venue
  • 1 to 5 social guests got to run the perimeter of the Oval as fast as they could, greeting the 20 that they weren’t seated with along the way.
  • The leftovers at the table got to focus on an ingredient of their choice while their friends were away being social.
    • My table did some American Hammers, Low Slow Flutters, Pickle Pounders, and I went out for some social time so I’m sure I missed something on the list.  Great work at the table – very delectable stuff.
    • There was a friendly new guy at our table too.  Talked a bunch! Glad to have that kind of energy at the celebration.

I know I started out griping about being asked to make another meal on short order but sometimes I think I just like to complain.  It’s always a pleasure to serve the family. Just as I was starting to really enjoy hosting, the 2nd Chef was tapping his tall glass of water (dude really enjoys some high quality H20) for everyone’s attention.  It was time for me to handover the apron.


QIC Aquaman circled up the PAX and never let them go.  Today’s exercises were brought to you by the letters A, B, and S.  YHC can’t remember the exact specifics of everything we did but we started with protractors with the Q calling out the angle while PAX took turns calling out a 10-count all the way around the circle.  Rinse and repeat with LSF and then again while holding various plank positions (regular, chill cut, right arm up, etc.).  At Potts’ request we ended with Boat/Canoes with variations mixed in as well.  I’m sure I missed stuff but just know that everything was ab focused and there was a lot of mumble chatter regarding it.

Our third and final Q was none other than YHC himself, 16-bit:

Having received a text from Pikachu Wednesday morning about Qing the last 20 minutes of the workout didn’t leave YHC much time to plan.  I didn’t know how many people to expect but I did expect a fairly large group.  And I got that group.  I spent the night scouring the official exicon for new exercises that would accommodate a large group, took notes, allowed room for modification, and was satisfied.

Not yet breaking the previous Q’s circle the group started with Crowd Pleasers.  These consisted of an x:x ratio of merkins and groiners.  We started with 1:1 and worked our way up to 5:5 and then back down to 1:1.  These seemed to live up to their name and I look forward to incorporating them in to more workouts.

After this we moseyed around to the other side of the parking lot to make use of the curbs.  Admittedly things got a little messy here because the curbs weren’t equal and there was some confusion but I think, overall, it went well.  We started with inch worms.  Feet against the curb in full plank position PAX slowing inched their hands forward until they couldn’t reach any further and then inched their feet up until they were back in full plank postion.  Continue this until the other curb and then work back towards the other curb.

Next up was modified ascending curb crawls where we started with our feet on the curb and performed a derkin, bear crawled to the other curb and did another derkin. Bear crawl back to the originating curb to do 2 derkins, etc.  We did this until we did 3 and 3 because they sucked and it was hard.

The last exercise at the curbs were broken wheelbarrows.  PAX partnered up and wheelbarrowed from one curb to the other.  The broken part of it was that the partner holding the legs only held one leg.  Partners switched after they crossed the parking lot.  Each partner took two trips.  These also sucked.

Mosey back to the original circle location for our last exercise.  Someone thought it was time for Mary, but not quite yet.  The last exercise YHC had planned was a Circle Burp.  Per the exicon, everyone in the circle started chopping their feet while PAX around the circle called to do a burpee.  As fun as this sounded I don’t think anyone wanted to do 32 burpees so YHC modified and just called out when to do a burpee.  I don’t know how many we did but it wasn’t too many.  However, had I known I was going to get so much Jane Fonda related hate during Mary I might have just had us do burpees until time was out.


Staying in our circle we started with Coolers.  These start as a side plank on your forearm and done IC.  On one we lifted our top leg up towards the sky, two brought it back down, three brought our top leg’s knee to our chest, and four took it back down.  10 each side.  Bring on all the Jane Fonda references.

Afterwards we went on to sleeping hillbillies and American Hammers.  I might have done more but honestly can’t find my notes or remember.  We ended with Happy Thanksgiving, aka Have a Nice Day.


Christmas party on the 14th, Frosty CSAUP on the 9th.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Aquaman and U.T.I.  for helping bring the pain in their own ways this morning.  I know, for myself, it was challenging planning a workout not knowing who else was Qing and what they were planning but it all came together nicely.  These guys did an outstanding job in helping everyone clear some waist line space for the impending feasts, especially Aquaman with all his gut busting ab exercises.


Our brother Wallaby is going through hard times right now, struggling with substance abuse.  He and his family could use our support so if you are able to help in any way I’m sure the family would appreciate it.  Hardy has the flu which is no fun ever but especially during a holiday.  Continued prayers as well for Quiver and his family.


I know I speak for my fellow Qs when I say that being chosen to have the opportunity to lead this workout was an immense honor.  I’m thankful for all of you on this day where we reflect on the blessings in our lives.  I count each and every one of you among them.


Mumblechatter on fleek

Today was brought to you by the numbers 4 & 1.

FNGs: Scared em all away.

EC: Warbucks, Emeril, 187, Dawgpound, ShamWow! (UTI ran a +2 mile route from his house to the AO)
Warm Up: Mosey around the HT Lot – Remember the route… Back to the flag, circle up. Let the Mumblechatter begin… SSH x50 (we would have stopped at 41, but that was too obvious, plus UTI and Warbucks clearly had their Wheaties this morning…). Seal Claps x10, Overhead x10, Sir Fazio x10, Seal Claps x10, Overhead x10,  The entire warm up cadence was basically inaudible with the excessive mumblechatter and 41’s thrown in versus the running counts. Not to mention YHC took a rash of shit from just about everyone. Love you guys. It truly is an honor to lead.
The Workout: Two lines of 5 formed for the Bataan Death March Indian Run. Two laps around the AO with 1 PAX dropping for 5x diamond merkins and catching all the way up to the front on lap 1. Lap 2 x10.  Back to the Flag, circle up SSH x41, Seal Claps x10, Overhead x10.

Mosey to the back lot. PAX split again into two lines of 5. 1 line on the wall, other line in front. Something like this:

Round 1 – BTTW/SSH x41 IC switch.

Round 2 – Wall Sit/Smurf Jacks x41 IC, switch.

Round 3 – BTTW/SSH x41, switch

Circle up for a short Plankorama x10: Peter Parkers, Left arm/Right arm Up, Standard Merkins

Mosey down to the dark side of HS…(The greenway behind HT and the retaining wall) – Two groups of 5 again:

Round 1 – BTTW/Diamond Merkins with a 41 count, switch

Round 2 – Wall Sit/Standard Merkins 41 count, switch

Mosey back to the flag to find Mary.

Also, if you ever wonder why I bring so many SSH’s into my Q…

Mary: Even Harris Teeter’s “Associate #128 was calling security about the verbal hazing going on. Overhead announcement: “Security has been alerted, something something something”,  On with the show: 41 WWII, 41 Freddy Mercury, 41 LBC, Have a nice day!
Announcements: Basically a bunch of vague announcements. Maybe there is a Holiday party at some point, Maybe there is a CSAUP? Happy Birthday today to Quiver’s wife (that was about the only thing definitive).  Join me on Thursday for my actual B-Day Q at Disney…
T-Claps (Recognition): UTI for his out and back from home.
Prayer: YHC took us out

9/11 Stair Climb

At 5:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 11, over 250 men gathered for the fourth annual 110-flight stair climb at Carter-Finley Stadium to honor the first responders who risked or lost their lives during the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. South Wake represented well with almost 50 Pax posting.

FNGs: Welcome Side Piece, Smokey, and Swanson!

Warm Up: SSH x20, mountain climbers x20, good mornings x20

The Workout:

110+ flights of stairs.