Wrassling at Disney
EC: 187, Dawgpound, Emeril
FNGs: Nope, not today!
Warm Up: Today’s warm up is inspired by Hulk Hogan. Late in his career, Hulk likely had to stretch each day to keep his body moving. Given the groans this morning, we needed it too. GM x 10, Daisy Picker x 10. We all know Hulk Hogan had a large chest too and given our desire to look the part we did Bat Wings (Fazio arm circles F/R, seal claps and overhead claps) and Jack Webs (1:4 ratio stopping at 5). At this point in the workout, “Whatcha gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you?”
The Workout: Now that we’ve warmed up and we are trying to look the part, its time to get familiar with the ring and practice for our upcoming tag team match. PAX mosey to the Culture Center where they partner up. Partners run opposite directions and alternate performing Patty Cake Merkins x 10 and Broke-back Merkins x 10 (5 each partner). We’ve tested the ropes, prepared to tag in our partner and learned that they have our back! But the ticket for the match is full and we will have to wait our turn so PAX line up for an Indian run over to the Abyss to start preparing some signature moves.
Oh Yeah…the Abyss! Today we started prepping for Macho Man Randy Savage’s signature move “The Flying Elbow”. If you want to do it right, you’re going to have to climb up on the top turnbuckle and then stick the landing. To prepare, partner 1 ran to the bottom of the stairs, did 10 Monkey Humpers and returned while partner 2 did big boy sit ups. Switch, rinse and repeat x2 full trips. The PAX are “too hot to handle and too cold to hold” so we mosey back to the flag for our next signature move.
“To be the man, you have to beat the man” but the man, Ric Flair, has the figure 4 leg lock. In order to compete, we have to work on those legs. PAX complete a lazy dora. (100 low slow flutter, 200 homer to marge and 300 squats). Partners alternate by 10, 20 and 30 respectively. Up until this point in the workout there had been some mumble chatter and a little hazing of the Q. Oddly enough, during this portion of the workout you couldn’t hear anything but the birds waking up. YHC could help but think “If you don’t like it, learn to love it!”.
Lastly, in the event that the Undertaker were to try to put a Tombstone on you, you better be prepared to be upside down so the PAX did Balls to the Wall while each man counted to 5. I think most of the PAX were spent at this point and it seems as though we were reminded “The fear of death is far greater than the death itself”. Good work beating the fartsack and accelerating your fitness. The nonsense was my way of making that DRP taste a little sweeter.
Mary: SSH x 30. I saved them for last because the form sucks no matter when we do them these days. Tighten up boys!
Announcements: Hank Williams once said “To sing like a hillbilly, you had to have lived like a hillbilly. You had to have smelt a lot of mule manure.” If you want to sing like a hillbilly hit up Midget4Life for a trip to Raleigh. I GUARANTEE you will learn at least one lesson if you do!
T-Claps (Recognition): Dawgpound for the best ‘themed’ shirt at the workout! Whoooooooo!!!!
Prayer: All those struggling physically, mentally and emotionally that we might be a source of comfort for them.
I had a good time this morning. Thanks for the opportunity to lead you men. I’ll try to do better next time!