Diamond, Rocks, and Hills
FNGs: Welcome Yosemite (Ethan Powell)
Warm Up: Jog passed the snack shack (keeping PAX of 11 on their toes) all the way down to the end of the road. Circled up and executed SSH, HB, IW, CP. Static stretches included R over L, L over R, behind back.
The Workout: Q saw the baseball diamond and wanted to call an early audible. Found an entrance and began at home plate rounding the bases with the following exercises:
Home to 1B: gate openings, knees to chest. Arrive at 1B, 5 Merkins OYO
1B to 2B: butt kickers, franksteins. Arrive at 2B, 5 Merkins OYO
2B to 3B: lunges. Arrive to 3B, 5 Merkins OYO
3B to Home: prisoner get ups; 5 Merkins OYO
people’s Chair on the chain linked fence. Mosey to snack shack area for irkins, dirkins and dips on the short wall. Mosey to snack shack for Australian MC, PC, BTTW. Rinse and repeat for 10 cadence count. q sweating in this 100% humidity. Mosey to road, karaokes L & R up the hill. Lined up in parking lot, butt toward hill. Q demonstrated a defensive basketball posture (Bobby Hurley esqu). Q called L, Pax moved L at a 45 deg angle staying low. Q called R. Q called Low – PAX slapped the ground (some did Merkins). Kept moving L to R with some merkins added until we reached the hill. Line up at the bottom of the hill. Bear crawl up to the guardrail. Execute irkins, dips and dirkins. Hop over guardrail, jog back to the starting point at the bottom of the hill. Rinse and repeat. Once exercises were completed on the guardrail, PAX bear crawled backwards to the bottom of the hill. Mosey to rock pile for a medium rock trying to avoid the yellow jackets. Numerous rock exercises were executed in 10 cadence counts. Exercises included curls for the girls, triceps extensions, rut-rows, soccer toe taps, jump over side to side, front to back. PAX on their six for chest presses, skull crushers, H2M, with rock at arm’s length above head and above chest, PAX held 6 inches off ground with legs extended straight (FUN). Return rocks to rock pile. Mosey to tennis courts.
Mary: Yoga stretches
Announcements: See Slack & Facebook; ultimate at Tiger Blood; Modify stepped up to Q KG so Cupid could play frisbee.
T-Claps (Recognition): Recognize H1N1 and Cupid for new AO at Falcon Park – “the Nest”
Prayer: Fonzie let us out. (thank you brother) Dauber discussed the power of small group. Find one. Be vulnerable. Discussed the power of letting things go with water bottle analogy. Lots of PAX injured, accidents, parents burying their kid(s), marriages, unspoken, Warchild.