
Diamond, Rocks, and Hills

FNGs:  Welcome Yosemite (Ethan Powell)

Warm Up:  Jog passed the snack shack (keeping PAX of 11 on their toes) all the way down to the end of the road.  Circled up and executed SSH, HB, IW, CP.  Static stretches included R over L, L over R, behind back.

The Workout:  Q saw the baseball diamond and wanted to call an early audible.  Found an entrance and began at home plate rounding the bases with the following exercises:

Home to 1B:  gate openings, knees to chest.  Arrive at 1B, 5 Merkins OYO

1B to 2B:  butt kickers, franksteins.  Arrive at 2B, 5 Merkins OYO

2B to 3B:  lunges.  Arrive to 3B, 5 Merkins OYO

3B to Home:  prisoner get ups; 5 Merkins OYO

people’s Chair on the chain linked fence.  Mosey to snack shack area for irkins,  dirkins and dips on the short wall.  Mosey to snack shack for Australian MC, PC, BTTW. Rinse and repeat for 10 cadence count.  q sweating in this 100% humidity.  Mosey to road, karaokes L & R up the hill.  Lined up in parking lot, butt toward hill.  Q demonstrated a defensive basketball posture (Bobby Hurley esqu).  Q called L, Pax moved L at a 45 deg angle staying low.  Q called R.  Q called Low – PAX slapped the ground (some did Merkins).  Kept moving L to R with some merkins added until we reached the hill.  Line up at the bottom of the hill.  Bear crawl up to the guardrail.  Execute irkins, dips and dirkins.   Hop over guardrail, jog back to the starting point at the bottom of the hill.  Rinse and repeat.  Once exercises were completed on the guardrail, PAX bear crawled backwards to the bottom of the hill.  Mosey to rock pile for a medium rock trying to avoid the yellow jackets.   Numerous rock exercises were executed in 10 cadence counts.  Exercises included curls for the girls, triceps extensions, rut-rows, soccer toe taps, jump over side to side, front to back.  PAX on their six for chest presses, skull crushers, H2M, with rock at arm’s length above head and above chest, PAX held 6 inches off ground with legs extended straight (FUN).  Return rocks to rock pile.  Mosey to tennis courts.

Mary:  Yoga stretches

Announcements:  See Slack & Facebook; ultimate at Tiger Blood; Modify stepped up to Q KG so Cupid could play frisbee.

T-Claps (Recognition):  Recognize H1N1 and Cupid for new AO at Falcon Park – “the Nest”

Prayer:  Fonzie let us out. (thank you brother) Dauber discussed the power of small group.  Find one.  Be vulnerable.  Discussed the power of letting things go with water bottle analogy.  Lots of PAX injured, accidents, parents burying their kid(s),  marriages, unspoken, Warchild.

Purple Cobra VQ

19 PAX made their way to Purple Cobra for Axe’s VQ!


EC: 187, Axe, Skidmark, Emeril, Redenbacher, Teacher’s Pet

FNGs: Teacher’s Pet
Warm Up: Jog to middle of Teeter parking lot and circle up. All IC


Daisy Pickers 10X

Emperial Walkers 10X

Hillbillies 10X

Jog  little further down parking lot and circle up again

Good mornings 10X

Seal Claps 10X


The Workout: Head over to the GCF parking lot and partner up. Share the exercises below with your partner. One partner jogs down to the dead end and back. Switch out each time. Once finished, hold plank for the 6.

100 Merkins

200 LBC

300 Squats

400 Jump rope

With the same partner. One crab walks one side of parking lot to other. The other partner performs plank shuffles around the oval curb. Once this partner finishes a circle, they switch. Add crab walks and sliding. Also subbed in crab walk shuffles on the curb.

Mary: PP 10X, Homer Marge 10X, LBC 10X, LSF 10X, Freedy Mercuries 10X…repeat.

Have a nice day!
Announcements: None
T-Claps (Recognition):Teacher’s Pet taking on EC for his first workout
Prayer: Noah’s Ark and Crab Legs

Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics at Crazy Ivan

FNGs: Nope

EC:  Run:
Pikachu, Sliderule, Dahmer.  Yoga: Lucky, Skidmark, Dawgpound and Emeril

Warm Up:

Jog the parking lot, butt kickers and high knees.  Round 2 Karaoke
Fazio Arm Circle
Seal Claps
Merkins x20

The Workout:
Partner Up
Round 1: x50 each PAX Pull-Ups.  While partner does pull-ups other partner does Kettle Bell Twist
Round 2: x75 each PAX Goblin Squats.  While partner does squats other partner does Kettle Bell Lunge Walk
Round 3: x100 each PAX Kettle Bell Swings.  While partner does swings other partner does suicides
Round 4: x50 each arm KB Press.  While partner does presses other partner does WWII
Ground Pounder in cadence x20
Ran back to parking lot for quick Mary

Pigeon Stretch
Fazio Arm Circles
Imperial Walkers


Everything else is on Slack

T-Claps (Recognition):
Bullseye won Breathtaker for the week – Additional T-Claps for SlideRule, 16-Bit, Wiggly and Pikachu for kicking in.

Noah Arc’s wife is dealing with a lot of pain and Doctors are trying to figure out why
Midget so he can stop running his mouth at the workouts and actually start to push himself

Pablo’s Anniversary Q

25 PAX, 12 for EC, posted at Purple Cobra to support Pablo in his 1 year F3 anniversary.  I want to thank everyone who came out to show their support in celebrating this milestone.  I also want to thank Deadbolt for dropping truth bombs on the neighborhood Facebook page that led 187 to bringing me out to my 1st workout.  I also want to thank the F3 Goobers (you know who you are) who keep me accountable and make the daily grind a whole lot of fun.  1st year down, a lifetime to go…

EC: Pablo, Skidmark, Warbucks, 187, Pikachu, Redenbacher, Emeril, Axe, Dawgpound, LED, Fonzie

FNGs:  Welcome Crunch Berry (Scott Powell)

Warm Up: All exercises in cadence: SSH x 25, IW x 10, Hillbillies x 10, Fazio Arm Circles 10F & 10B, Seal claps x 10, overhead claps x 10

The Workout: PAX formed single file line for indian run that made it’s way behind the grocery store and to the stop light entrance of planet fitness.  Partner up for DORA 1-2-3 (exercises were Derkins x100, Irkins x200, Dips x300) where partner 1 did exercises and partner 2 ran to the bottom of the hill and back up to switch places.  After Q completed all of his reps, he had the group mosey to the wall behind the dry cleaner for additional partner exercises.  Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 mountain climber IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 Nipplers IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 BTTW, Partner 2 plank jacks IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 People’s Chair, Partner 2 mountain climber IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 People’s Chair, Partner 2 Nipplers IC x 10, then switch.  Partner 1 People’s Chair, Partner 2 plank jacks IC x 10, then switch.  Mosey back to the flag for Mary.

Mary: LBCs IC x 25, Homer to Marge IC x 20, Low Slow Flutter IC x 20, Pickle Pounder IC x 20, Freddie Mercury IC x 20,

Announcements: New AO starting on Wednesday 05:30 at Womble tennis courts, all PAX are encouraged to sign up to Q a workout, AXE VQ next Tuesday at Purple Cobra

T-Claps (Recognition): Wallaby posting 2 consecutive days!!!

Prayer: Deadbolts wife having medical procedure, those effected by ocular melanoma, Crab Legs, Dumbo’s friend with returning breast cancer that metastasized to the bone, unspoken prayers

Appetite for Destruction Track 1

Welcome to the first fitness test.  The results are being kept in Southwake Challenge Spreadsheet.

FNGs: Wallaby
Warm Up:

Circled up for the following:
Side Straddle Hops
Fazio Arm Circles
Good Mornings
Daisy Pickers
Lap around the test lap

The Workout:


The workout:

Paradise City Fitness Test: All must be done in order. Each rep is .01 points. Each lap is also .01 points.

15 Burpees
1 Lap
20 Merkins
1 Lap
20 Squats (as close to parallel as you can get)
1 Lap
20 WW II (Non Cadence)
1 Lap
20 Scorpion Dry Docks
1 Lap

1 Lap will be around 2 parking medians.  We left the basketball court and made a left.  Then down past the cars and made a right.  Ran past one aisle then the next aisle turned right up past the median then right and ran back to the basketball court.

Mary: No Time

New AO Wednesday Aquaman and Doc are Qs

T-Claps (Recognition):

All for completing the first Fitness Test


Pax Parents going through health issues

Feel the Flow

I was watching some kettlebell flows and figured we should do that.  I do apologize for getting gassed during the workout.  I blame myself and a little bit of Dumbo for getting into that situation.  Huge congrats for Skidmark for finally getting his Fritter.  I had the shirt ready for him for some time.

EC: Skidmark, Pikachu, 187, Dumbo, Axe, Dawgpound, Lucky

FNGs: Nope

Warm Up:
Circle Up for the following
Side Straddle Hop
Fazio Arm Circles
Good Morning

The Workout:
The first Flow:
The first flow is supposed to be done with two kettlebells but we only have one each so we modified it.
4 Merkins
3 Each Arm Bent over Row
2 Squats
1 Each Shoulder Press

We did the flow 4 times

Recover on the Midget love Handles

The Second Flow:
Right Arm Row
Right Arm Kneeling Clean
Right Arm Press
Stand Up
Rack and switch Arm

We did 5 Reps each arm.
2 Rounds with Midget Love Handles and Around the world in between

The Third Flow:
Start in a squat
Bicep Curl
Stand Up
Bell over head
Tricep Press

We did 10 Reps of the following

We then took the bells for a walk around the loop.  With the bell press overhead.  We switched arms half way.

Circled up at the far end of the parking lot.
5 One Arm Kettlebell Swings Right Arm
5 One Arm Kettlebell Swings Left Arm
10 Two Arm Kettlebell Swings

Walk back with the bell press overhead.  Switch half way

We then repeated The third flow, Second flow and first flow


Three rounds of the following
Little Baby Turkish Get Ups
Homer to Marge with bell on pelvis
Homer to Marge with bell over head
Low Slow Flutters with bell over head


Fitness Test at Paradise City
Crab legs is doing a fantastic thing where he is going to a ball game at each MLB park.  He will be interviewing other folks with ALS to get their stories out there.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Skidmark, Pikachu and 187 did 5 ECs and 5 Posts with their own breath takers.


Crab legs and his travels
All unspoken
Pax and their Parents going through tough times
Getting Pax Healthy

Laps for Days

22 PAX came out for Purple Cobra beatdown by YHC. 8 PAX showed up for an EC run before what turned out to be a run-centric workout. We had it all, burpees, hills, running, what more could you ask for? Boogie EH’d his 2.0 to come out this morning, so a quick disclaimer for the FNG and we were off.

EC: 187, Axe, Dahmer, Dawgpound, Full House, Plex, ShamWow, Warbucks

FNGs: Iceman – Boogie’s 2.0, training to prepare for Air Force > Top Gun > Iceman.

Warm Up:
Mosey to Goodwill lot and circled up for:
SSH x30 IC
Morrocan night club x10 IC
Sir Fazio arm circles x10 forward/x10 backward
Steve Earle x15 IC
Mountain climbers x10 IC

The Workout:
PAX got into groups of 3 (1 group of 4) and repeated a lap with 4 stops for exercises, starting with 10 reps at each station, decreasing by 1 after each lap.

Station 1. Burpees – bottom of Lassiter Rd (Fun for all)
Station 2. Underdogs (rows) – on guardrail at top of Lassiter Rd (ShamWow wasn’t a fan as the guardrail gave him a boo boo)
* Bootcamp workouts in general consist of a lot of pushing exercises and very little pulling. I add these to try and balance out the workouts. Here is a good article on having a balanced bootcamp workout. The blog has a lot of ideas for those Q’ing and want to do something different.
Station 3. Monkey humpers – sidewalk at Sunset Lake (did these on the road to give passerby’s a show)
Station 4. Pattycake merkins – Goodwill parking lot (these were interesting with 3)

Groups got in 5-6 rounds before being out of time.

Mosey back to start.

ShamWow led some plank holds and shoulder taps until all were back.
Absolution: Groiners (legs out and back for 1,2), down to chill cut (3,4), chill plank jack (5,6), back up to plank (7,8)
Gas pump – Start in the LBC position and straighten your legs to the Dolly position and then back to the LBC position.
LSF x20 IC
Homer to marge x10 IC
right leg up x7 IC
left leg up x7 IC
LBCs x30 IC

Special Co-Q at Disney on Thursday.

T-Claps (Recognition):
8 for EC, good work fellas.
Good work put in by all today!

Warbucks dad with back issues, injured PAX.

YHC took us out.

#Paradise City

EC: Aquaman, Lipstick, Snausage, UTI EC EC, Wiggley

FNGs: Welcome Baby Daddy and Snausage

Warm Up: Started with one lap around while stoping at 2 of the 4 corners for exercises. SSH’s, Daisy Pickers and Good Mornings are what got us all going.
The Workout: Split up into 2 groups for Indian Runs, faster group picking up the 6 at the end. Stopping at each corner for 5 fast pace SSH’s IC, right into 10 Merkins (5 reg, 5 diamond), 15 LBC’s IC and finishing off with 20 Squats. This was done at every corner until Mary called us in for dessert.

Mary: Chill Cut while the 16 of us gave a 10 count. Flip over for a 20ct IC of Box cutters into Boat Canoes that may have lasted longer than I really wanted them to, (Feeling those aaaaannd I hope you are too!). Into Protractors until YHC didn’t want anymore…..Have a Nice Day!

Announcements:FB, Slack
T-Claps (Recognition):All who raced this last weekend.
Prayer:YHC took us out!