FNGs: Enron (friend of Kosher’s)
Warm Up: 5 burpees OYO for a late arrival. Side Straddle Hop x15, windmills (aka Don Quixotes) x10, Hillbillies x10, Imperial Walkers x10, Fozio Arm Circles, 10 forward / 10 back, seal claps x10, overhead claps x10
The Workout: PAX mosied over to the far parking lot.
Thang 1: Diamonds: different exercises at the four corners of the parking lot. Increase by 5 each round.
Shoulder taps x5, squats x5, Merkins x5, WWIIs x5
Next round was a 10 count, then 15, 20 and finally 25.
Mosied over to the amphitheater.
Thang 2: People’s chair with each PAX doing a 5 count down the line for 40 in all. Switch to balls to the wall, with the same count. Two rounds of this and then we mosied over to the rock pile, taking a short cut behind the playground.
Thang 3: rock work. PAX were told to grab a “medium” rock. Exercises were Curls for the Girls x10, triceps x10 and Wunderbras x10. Dropped our rocks and rotated a random number to the left, repeat. We did this for four rounds before we mosied back to the tennis courts for Mary.
Mary: American Hammers x10, LBCs x10, Box Cutters x10, Freddie Mercuries x10, Homer to Marge x10, Pickle Pounders x10, Australian Snow (Sweat) Angels x10
Announcements: Half Marathon on Saturday, Breach’s TedTalk is 11/17.
T-Claps (Recognition): Kosher for bringing out his friend and Enron for making the trek from North Raleigh.
Prayer: Lots of PAX have family members that need healing right now.