
Let’s Just Get the Math Right

Today marked YHC’s 200th post this year. Apparently, I also posted at Sheepdog for my 100th post earlier this year. See what I did there…I have not been down to Sheepdog for a couple months now and man…that site has changed. A new middle school will be going up and as we drove in Hardy said, “This is a weird time to build a school…will anyone be in it?” I agree. But also, I’m so glad, that I didn’t intend to Q any Thangs on the large field because, well…it ain’t there no more! The pre-blast promised 200 reps of something or some things, plus a fire hose. So, YHC thought I would have a bit of fun initially with this promise. 7 PAX and a pooch for a penchant for making “fragrant” contributions along the way posted at Sheepdog  and put in strong work!

FNG’s: none

Warm Up: SSH IC x30, Good Mornings x10…quick mosey and then Frankenstein’s x10 IC and then the smell of some effervescent Pooch poop, so YHC called 10 burpees and then a move on. Upon the mosey to the next spot, YHC called 10 more burpees and some PAX said, “there’s no way this is the 200…there will be a Mutiny at Sheepdog!” I wanted to string everyone along a bit. Honestly, I’m not sure how you could work 200 burpees into a workout but I’m sure there’s always a way with F3. At this point, Shredder also commented that if YHC called this, during the Mutiny, there would be some close-quarter combat. Coming from Shredder, I really did not want any part of that! finished with 10 ct. IW’s and HB’s.
The Workout: Immediate rush to the benches for 20 irkins, 20 step-ups, and 20 dirkins. YHC then paused before calling the mosey to see if PAX thought perhaps this was the workout. Mosey to the back of the school where PAX came upon a fire hose at the far end of the blacktop. The Thang here was each PAX takes a turn carrying/running/walking/moseying/sprinting with fire hose from one end of the lane to the other. All the while, other PAX were completing an OYO running set of 200 merkins, 200 squats, and 200 dips. We got through about 4 rounds for all PAX on the fire hose before YHC called a “circle-up”. In F3…we pick up the 6…always. YHC asked the PAX how many of each exercise they may have had left. We went with whomever had the highest number and then the entire group would bang out the rest of the reps to complete that set. We did this for the merkins, dips, and squats. During this time, it was difficult to pick up the math to finish reps…16-Bit was bent on getting the math right! Who does what…who does how many, etc.
Mary: When YHC asked if there were any combatives today, the experienced site Q’s replied that they had done enough. So on to Mary. 50 LBC’s IC, 25 WW1’s, 13 H2M, 12 Pickle Pounders. Have a nice day!
Announcements: HS Half Nov. 14th. Holly Springs PD has their Angel Tree up and ready. Martini is a point of contact for this. Sheepdog and the Nest will serve as drop off sites for these items. Dovetail garage sale on Nov. 14th…all serious offers will be accepted! He moves and needs help on Nov. 15th. Breach will bring the TEDTalk on Nov. 17th.
T-Claps (Recognition): Martini completed a half on birthday number 40…did it in almost 10 less minutes than his goal. Great work brother!
Prayer: Dovetail’s move, Noah’s Ark and Lipsync, 187 and his M, YHC and his M, dealing with some recent, recurring, and worsening health issues. Shredder took us out.

A Few of my Favorite Things

6 for EC! Probably some kind of Sheepdog Record. Shredder, Sparky, Dovetail, Fumunga, Martini, and Quiver for 2 miles.


Warm Up:

  • Body circles
  • Indian run: Jog/high knees/butt kickers/karaoke
  • Samson stretch
  • Lunge pulse
  • Inch worm, jump legs forward, then back pedal to start

The Workout:

Bikes, books, guns, keyboards

After each “favorite thing,” sprint from one end of the lot to the last median, then a jog once around the lot.


Start laying down, do 10 hollow body rocks (start on back, roll to your front, always keeping head, arms, and legs of the ground, like rolling in the mud), push to plank on the last, then “check the action” with a 10-count of shoulder taps, then “fire”with 10 jumps (legs forward into crouch, hands don’t move). Made mention that an AK mag holds 20 to 30 rounds, so they can be greatful they only had to fire 10.


Alternatively, do reps of 3, and rinse and repeat for as many Pax as there are (use a multiplier if there’s 3 or less)


Clickety-Clack (building custom keyboards)

Start at one median, go to the next.

Fancy feet for a Pax-count of 10, then smash the enter key with a frog jump. Continue through each pax.

Downhill MTB (Bikes)

Freddy Mercury, starting slow and speeding up, then pop up and do 6 box jumps burpees

Books (C.S. Lewis, LOTR)

Orc squats: deep squat, hands on the ground, clean and jerk, landing with hands overhead, in a deeper squat). 20 reps.

Lewis – Mere Christianity – dynamic tension: front, side, down, up. Go through twice, recover for 20 sec, then twice more.


45° defense. Start with hands up in disarming position. Block punch by stepping close at a 45° angle. Don’t want to be too far away from attacker. As you step, punch to floating ribs, then follow with an elbow to the GB20 pressure point.


Round robin. Homer to Marge, low slow flutter, crab cakes, Freddy Mercury, LBCs, boat canoes


  • Dovetail moving on 15th, help needed
  • Ultimate on Monday, 5:30am @ Womble (lit field!)
  • Gather angel tree stuff @ Sheepdog for HSPD. Check Slack.
  • 2 good Ted Talks so far, see Slack for recordings. Breech up next
  • Dovetail moving on 15th, help needed


  • Fumunga expecting a girl!
  • Fumunga’s and Quiver: people passing from COVID
  • Quiver just celebrated 19th anniversary
  • Noah’s ark
  • Shredder’s tests to discover what’s up so he can continue exercising
  • Dovetail’s move and wrist



Not so Terrible Twos

Sparky and Dovetail in the house. Turned it into a good co-Q.

Warm Up:

Circles, working down the body; SSH, then seal hops, then cross-legs; Frankensteins, and a short mosey

The Workout:

Sparky named these “Poppy Squats” (poppin’ a squat). Wide legs, 4-count down, then back up, but don’t lock out the knees, so you stay in constant tension.
Pulse Lunges in cadence
Box jumps
Spiderman pushups with travel across the knee wall.

Sparkly took over from here, being considerate of Dovetail’s broken and torn wrist with some Homer to Marge, Hello Dollys, Freddy Mercury, and then some traveling squats in cadence, and finally some slow bicycles followed by side planks.

Dovetail led through the circuit for a second time, then to the parking lot for suicides, one person in plank hold while the other sprinted by two parking spots, then jogged backwards, and switched. Went 2-4-6-8-10-8-6-4-2.


Broke down wing chung punches and blocks


We swapped off for Mary with Butterfly sit-ups, Not-quite-lazy-boys, and heel pulse-ups, then lying-down hillbillies, and ending with pushups while Dovetail modified by doing pickle pounders.


Our country, citizens, and eventual president.
Dovetail found a house in AZ, but we have to be out of ours in Fuquay by Nov. 18, but kids have school until Dec. 18, and so far no place to stay for the interim. Prayers that works out, as well as AZ school decision. Finally, Dovetail’s MRI came back and showed a torn ligament and probably also a fracture, so it’s a bad time for the wrist to be not up to par.

I said MLarge

FNGs: Macho Nacho (Frenchie’s friend) and Floss (Logan – Dovetail’s son)

11 HIMs posted to GP on a beautiful day.  YHC brought the music box & a basketball. 

Warm Up:

20x3ct SSH, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Daisy Pickers, 10 Hillbilly’s,

The Workout

Mosey to the Rock Pile for Circle of Rock: (Rotate rocks between exercises).  YHC said to grab MLarge rocks but we had some serious boulders in the mix

2 sets of 10x3ct of each exercise:  Curls for the Girls, Overhead Tricep Press, Wonder Bras,  Rutrows, and Ground Pounders

4 sets of 10x3ct Standard Press, 10x3ct  Windshield wipers, 10x3ct Box Cutters, 2 sets of 10x3ct Rock Spanks (with and without consent),

Mosey to the Basketball Court

Heavy Hoops:

Each PAX rotated between taking shots and exercises: shoot from 3 designated free throw areas. 2 attempts at each location followed by 1 attempt at a layup. Miss all 3 shots and add a 2Ct OYO Burpee penalty.

Rest of PAX perform exercises till 1 shot is made from each of the 3 location.

SSH, Standard Plank Hold,  Supermans, Plank Jacks, Lunges, High Knees, Squats, American Hammers, Squats, Shoulder Tap Planks.   OYO Burpees based on your personal penalty.

Mosey to the Wall of Pain

55ct People’s Chair (5 ct down the line), 10x3ct Aussie Ass Smackers, 30ct People’s Chair (Al Gore style), 30ct Ascending Testicles, 10x3ct Peoples Chair (Moroccan Night Club style),  30ct BTW

Mosey back for COT for some stretching.

30 ct Pigeon Pose, Calf stretches, 10×3 ct Willy Maze Hays, 10×3 ct Boat Canoes, 20 ct Cobras

Announcements: Donate to Give2Give: F3 Nation fundraiser for planting new groups across the country.

Prayer Requests:  Prayers for Dovetail and his family as they look for a new home in Arizona.  Prayers for our country, our country’s leadership especially for Trump and his family who are managing through COVID.

Sheepdog 9/25/20

FNGs: none.
EC: only Shredder for a soggy jog.
Warm Up: Mosey to the front to find some cover. SSH, Sir Fazio Arm Circles F&B, squared moroccan night clubs, Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies. Finished the warm-up with Wall of Defense and Muay Thai strikes.
The Workout: Wall sit for a 60 count. Then, one Pax set the duration with 50… scratch that, 100 (thanks Dovetail) Wing Chun style strikes. Other Pax lined up down the brick knee-wall for tons of fun!  Erkins, modified squats, LBCs, TUT Diamond Merkins, crab Cales,Low Slow Flutter, 1 leg Homer to Marge. Ended on Capoeira push-ups.
Mary: More LBCs, Giant Cockroach, “Not Peter Parker’s.” Dovetail wrapped us up with some active stretching.
Announcements: TEDtalk on 9/29 at 8:00.
T-Claps (Recognition): Boo Boo, 2nd post.
Prayer: Dovetail’s move to AZ.

Soft Knees

It was great to catch up with so many Pax I haven’t seen in a while. There was some uncertainty about the amount of Pax that would show based on previous numbers so I was quite surprised when the amount of cars in lot kept getting bigger. We even managed to get Lipstick out of his holiday slumber over on Melody Lane. My legs were sore this morning so the amount of running and leg work would be minimal which is bad news for shoulders and arms.

EC: Fanny Pack, Skidmark

FNGs: One today thanks to some quality EH Wednesday by Dovetail, Shamwow (who whipped out is goldendoodle), and Skidmark. Plus who doesn’t love a free workout. Welcome Boo-Boo
Warm Up: IW x 10, Hillbillies x 10, Fozio Arm Circles x 10 F/R, SSH x 49 in cadence. Don’t ask.
The Workout: I made sure bring out my some of my favorites this morning. Jack Webbs and Burpees. Oh ya there was an abbreviated merkin clock in there too.
Mosey to the rock pile and the Pax were instructed to grab a rock they could lift over their head about 300 times. We were going to preform these in the grass but a majority of Pax started to mosey into the parking lot so I figured why not. Knee pads were required for some.
Jack Webbs at 1:3 Merkin:shoulder press up to 10 merkin:30 should press
Jacob’s Ladder 1(1 rep up to 7) with burpee rock jumps. So a burpee and when you come up you grab your rock and press it over your head. A variation of mosey to one end of parking lot and back between sets.
Back to Jack Webb’s because of course we have to come back down.  Start with 9 merkins:27 shoulder press and work back to 1:3. I think at this time Mary was requested. Apparently they have never seen how I do Mary.
Finish with 8 and 9 Burpee rock jumps.
Return rock
Mary: We arrived at the tennis courts at 0606. Plank hold with a variation of exercises until 0615. Exercises included Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Peter Parkers, Side Crunches, and a merkin clock at 12, 9, 6, and 3. Quizzed Pax during plank hold on the 5 core principles and the mission of F3 (Fanny Pack led the charge).
Announcements: No mulch, Look for TED talk this week
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Nemo and his family, Dovetail moving to Arizona, Members of the community battling depression, anxiety, and deteriorating mental health.

40 Year Old Happy Meal

4 times as many Pax as last week. Strawberry Hill back for the first time since March (by his own admission). Workout brought football and baseball to the gloom.

Warm Up:

Arm circles and Michael Phelps; the main thang would be enough of a warm-up and time would be short.

The Workout:

Run 25 yards, do 25 merkins
Run backwards to Goal then run to the 50 and do 50 squats
Backwards to Goal Line run to the 75 and do 75 Mountain Climbers
Run backwards to the goal line and run to the hundred and do 100 SSH.
Rinse and repeat for the Double Quarter Pounder.
– 25 butterfly situps
– 50 jumping lunges, scale to squats
– 75 shoulder taps
– 100sec horse stance

Make a baseball diamond. Count off by fours.
Home plate: timer; 15 burpees
First Base: AMRAP twinkle toes until relieved.
Second Base: AMRAP capoeira push-ups until relieved.
Third Base: AMRAP J-Los until relieved.
Continue until all Pax have done the Burpees.


Self-induced Pressure points with common objects (pens, spoons, etc)


Freddy mercury, Moguls, box openers, side crunches, plank pounders


No mulch this weekend


Gary(friend of Quiver), 70, on ventilator with COVID; Dovetail’s wife (get to a good place mentally)

It’s the Humidity That Gets You

Pax of 1 this morning. Must be the cold.


No, but I have been out of town for 2 weeks
Warm Up:

None, jumped right into the main thing
The Workout:

Not sayin’, cause I’m going to do it again next week. Teaser: lots of sports have been cancelled of late, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do a little football and baseball, by which I mean exercises that are vaguely related to some sport, somehow, either in name or setup.

Heavy stretching
T-Claps (Recognition):

Dovetail’s wife. Dovetail’s parents considering a cross-country move. God to use this pandemic to strengthen families and our nation. Everyone affected by the hurricane in the Gulf.

The Usual Suspects – Sheepdog 7/31/2020

Sorry for the late BB – Busy Friday & Weekend

EC:  Shredder, Norm, Mr. Teriffic, Martini

PAX:  The usual suspects –> above plus 16-Bit and Dovetail

FNGs: Not Today
Warm Up:  Mosey to the back of the school.  Circle up for SSH, Sir Fozie Arm Circles, Good Morning, Windmills, Daisy Pickers, Imperial Walkers and Hillbillies
The Workout: Recess – Circuit around the playground

Station 1:  People’s Chair

Station 2:  LBC’s

Station 3:  Step Ups

Station 4:  Merkins, Derkins, Erkins (PAX Choice)

Station 5:  ABS – PAX Choice

One PAX at each station while the one PAX took a lap around the track.  When he returned everyone rotated.

Made it through 3 complete rounds.

Shredder handled teaching combatives.

Mary:  No time
Announcements:  Openings on the Q sheet, Mulch
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer:  Mr. T’s cousin’s family recovering from COVID, Dovetail’s injured wrist

“Wow, these really are gold!”

It was a search for treasure.

Gold, specifically.

Sorry for the late BB post here, YHC had a whirlwind of a time since the AO, and only now getting back in front of the computer after a trip to Beech Mountain and a day of downhill mountain biking.

Warm Up:

Shredder, Mr. Terrific, and Fumunga for EC.

Side straddle hops, Moroccan night clubs, Frankensteins, and trunk twists, then mosey to the first stop.

The Workout:

Workout consisted of five stations (we only completed 4 before time), each station holding hidden treasure in the form of a small stack of gold playing cards. One man was chosen (or volunteered) to hunt, while everyone else held a squat. Once the treasure was found, the 5-6 cards dictated the exercises thusly:

♦ – 3 reps, ♠ – 6 reps, ♣ – 9 reps, ♥ – 12 reps

  • Ace: One-arm merkins
  • 2: Thighmaster – hold lunge position, pulse up and down in cadence. Suit count for each leg
  • 3: Travoltas – side plank, other arm points up, then shoots through arm
  • 4: Freddy Mercury
  • 5: Failure to Launch – squat hold for 10-count, then explode upward, land in a squat
  • 6: Shrimp-on-the-Bar-B – plank position, crunch arm and opposite leg
  • 7: Sterkin – step up each leg, then erkin. That’s 1 rep
  • 9: Not Quite Lay-Z-Boys – on your six, arms and legs up, extend and lean back as much as possible until you roll back or touch the ground. That’s 1 rep.
  • 10: Twinkle Toes – squat hold with calf raises, in cadence
  • Jack: J-Los – Elbow plank hold, hips rotate side to side to kiss the ground
  • King: King of Hearts – karaoke suicides


Sitting kick defense – front kick (remember to thrust hips forward!), twist kick (hips shift out L, R leg kicks to the outside, then switch legs), side fall turn kicks


Mulch signups


Mr. Terrific’s wife’s roommate tested positive for COVID; general continued health for the PAX