
Soggy GP

FNGs: None

Warm Up: SSH, Hillbillies, imperial walkers, good mornings, WMH, daisy pickers.
 The Workout: Grab a coupon (15-35lb weight plate) Curls, Triceps, Shoulder Press, Rows, Wonder Bra, Bus Driver, Ground Pounder.

dips & Urkins 

basketball around the world w exercises – Frankenstein a, mountain climbers, squats, hallelujah , America Hammers 

Mary: Mosey to the flag

Announcements:Road Pick up today meet Womble, 

T-Claps (Recognition): Socrates VQ

Prayer: Cobbler flies back to Chicago today, Health of several PAX

Ground Pounder 5/21/22

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Good mornings x10, Merkins!  X15, Willie Mays Hayes x10, Daisy pickers x10, Side straddle hops x20, Sir Fazio arm circles x10 forward, x10 backward, Merkins!  x15

The Workout: Mosey to the big rock pile. Pick a medium-big rock of your choice.
Curls for the girls, Wonder bras, Rut Rows, Overhead Tricep press, Ground Pounders, Rock Squats, Repeat all sets.
On your six: WW1’s, Box cutters, Low slow flutters
Repeat Rock sets and on your six sets.
Mosey to Small Circle of Rock. Pick 2 nearly identical small rocks you can hold in one hand
Overhead punches with rocks 20 on my count. Lateral arm raises 20 on my count. Repeat.
Mary: LBC’s x10, Leg Raises: 6 inches, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, 45, 6 inches, Plank hold count to 60 to finish off the workout.
Announcements: Memorial Day Murph.
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Pumpkin Spice took us out with prayer.

Thunder YOGA w/ 19 PAX

FNGs:  Welcome Jukebox, future patrolman who loves to sing.  Thanks for bringing this young man out Pumpkin Spice.  Good to see your college basketball playing, former HS Hawk XC star, Cobbler, out to the gloom too.
Warm Up:  many PAX participated in VC.  Bike ride +10 miles.  PAX moist.
The Workout:  YOGA, much needed.  Look, I will simply attach a pic of the movements we executed.  Special thanks to Cancun who provided the play by play and color commentary of all the moves attempted.  I tried finding the prisoner terminology he used on this sheet I downloaded from the internet but was unable to locate the verbiage.  I will defer to Cancun for his intimate experiences.  Quite flexible for a 6’4” 260 pound dude.  Awesome.  The much anticipated spread Eagle was executed flawlessly by many.  Only a few PAX let out some flatulence.
Mary:  lots of stretching, balance stuff.  Full 45 mins of pure awesomeness IMO.
Announcements:  CSAUP, Murph, bed build, 5Ks, see Slack/FB
T-Claps (Recognition):  Happy Birthday Cancun!  All PAX killing it during May challenge.  Remember to listen to your body and REST.
Prayer:  Interrupted by geese, goslings and churlish children, YHC chided them and finished up in thoughtful, loving prayers only a seasoned parent could pull off.

Honored to lead – Dauber.

Young Grasshopper

FNGs: Adam is a 21 year old Ohio State Buckeyes fan who works in the field of oncology and enjoys martial arts and long walks on the beach – Welcome “Grasshopper”

9 HIMs showed up this morning at GP.  Pikachu posted barefoot having doubled down.  


20 Fozzie Arm Circles, 10 Good Mornings, 10 Daisy Pickers, 10 Windmills, 10 Emperial Walkers, 10 Hillbillies, 10 Moroccan Night Clubs

The Workout

Mosey to the wall of pain

3 sets of 45 ct wall sits (Al Gore, Moroccan and Prisoner style). Pikachu forgot how to count to 5 again and Doc was up to his antics with his unconventional methods as well. 

2 sets of 30ct Ascending Testicles

Mosey to the Rock Pile (Rotate rocks b/w sets). YHC suggested large but not XL rocks however 90% of the PAX chose not to listen and selected boulders.  YHC had to ask the PAX what XL rocks look like if these are just large.

  • 4 sets of 20’s – Curls for the girls
  • 4 sets of 20’s  – Overhead Tri-press
  • 4 sets of 10’s – Ground Pounders (they don’t count if the rock doesn’t touch the ground)

Move it up to the parking lot for 4 sets Rock Press; 3 sets of 10 Extended Rock Windshield Wipers

Partner up for 4 sets Rock Planks & Rock Crab Planks.  One partner planks while the other lunge walks/Frankensteins to the speed bump and back.

Return the Rocks and circle up at flag

Aik’n Abs

  • 20 LBCs
  • 10 3 ct Pickle Pounder
  • 10 WWIs
  • 20 H2Ms (10 standard, 5 single leg)

Aik’n Arms

  • 15 Shoulder Tap Planks
  • 15 Merkins
  • 15 Plank Jacks

Aik’n Legs

  • 10 – 3 ct High Knees
  • 10 – 3 ct Split Jacks

Split Jacks pushed young Grasshopper over the edge and he had to take some time to recover during COT. 

Announcements:  Megan Smiles Charity Event still needs volunteers (July 20th & 22nd).  Greenville’s Sasquatch CSAUP end of July

Prayer Requests:  Pumpkin and his family of 7 are flying to the land of weed (Coloroado) for a 2 week workcation.  3rd Cousin’s Father-in-law passed away at the young age of 63. Prayers for Double D and his family as his father passed away this week. Forceps house is back on the market as contract fell through.

YHC took us out.

Two Big Bowls of Quinoa – aka 1776 workout

First, WTF is quinoa. Second, I had to ask Alexa how to spell it.

Happy Independence Day!

5 for 7.4 mile EC: Pikachu, Cobbler, Warbucks, H1N1, Skidmark

Several others for 2 mile EC

39 Pax posted this morning.

FNGs: Welcome Oboe and Snowden
The Workout:

T-Claps (Recognition): American Eagles: Popinski, H1N1, Yogurt, Banana Seat, 187, Pikachu, Lipstick was on his way.
Prayer: Warbucks and family, Thank you for the freedoms and our first responders, 243 years ago men sacrificed their lives to fight for the freedom we have today, good to Noah’s Arc back out, safe travels this weekend

All My Favorites

It was a warm night at Thunder with what may have been the hottest day of the year. At the 1900 mark Q made everyone squat hold while he gave a disclaimer and made sure all medical paperwork and life insurance were up to speed. There was a reminder to modify as needed and make sure we keep an eye on the 6.

EC: Pikachu, Skidmark. Crosby and John Deere did a pre-workout run but the heat was a little too much and decided to modify.

FNGs: None
Warm Up: 10 burpees OYO. Mosey to 1st corner at soccer field and 5 cc SSH. Mosey to Second corner and do 5 cc SSH & 10 merkins. Mosey to third corner for 5 cc SSH, 10 merkins, 15 cc plank jacks, Mosey to amphitheater and do 5 cc SSH, 10 merkins, 15 cc plank jacks, and 10 cc Imperial walkers and 10 cc hillbillies

The Workout: Box jumps x 10, dips x 10, box jumps x 15, dips x 15, box jumps x 10, dips x 10.

Mosey to playset for 7’s with pullups and merkins

Mosey to area near the flag for burpee bullring. One pax goes in the middle and selects someone to race to 5 burpees. Pax on the outside do side strattlehops. Loser runs to a bench and returns while winner joins the circle. All Pax went two times.

Mosey to the hill on the bottom side of the soccer field. Bear crawl races up the hill. Winner does 3 merkins. All others do 5. Rinse and repeat x 5.

Mary: Hold plank for 5 minutes. During 5 minutes did each arm up 1x, peter parkers, pickle pounders, side crunches. When Q noticed most pax were on their knees we took a quick break.

Back to plank for 5 more minutes. This time is was a straight hold with Q asking pax the F3 mission, core principals, and motto. Sets of 5 merkins at various times. One set of clock merkins with stops at 12, 9, 6, and 3. Ended when most Pax on their knees.

Announcements: Beta AO Wednesday joint Q with Carpex. Will run a couple more times. Convergence tomorrow 0704 at Womble

T-Claps (Recognition): Hot

Prayer: Tom’s family from 187’s neighborhood, Crablegs, Shredder.

Butt holes and shoe holes but no squat holds

FNGs: Cobbler

EC: 187, Axe, Chips, Dawgpound, Dumbo, Emeril, Lipsync, Liquid Force, Pablo. 3 other PAX did some form of EC – Sidmark was out when YHC arrived at 5:05. M4L and Pikachu both ran from home to Ting.

Warm Up: 10 x Good Mornings, 30 x SSH, 10 x IW/Hillbillies, Bat Wings (10 arm circles forwards and 10 reverse, 10 seal claps, 10 overhead claps, 10 seal claps).

The Workout: Scout run to the green way across the street (1 mile there). The PAX were unfamiliar with a Scout Run and apparently YHC isn’t good at explaining thing because this was a ball of nonsense running through the neighborhood. The idea is that we form a LINE and the person at the front sprints as far as they like and then returns to the back of the LINE. We will try this again!

Launching from the top of the cul de sac we did Triple Nickle. PAX perform 5 big boy sit ups at the top of the hill and then run to the bottom and do 5 burpees. Rinse and repeat 5 times. A small group of PAX finished early so in lieu of a squat hold they did a 6th round. (1.2ish miles on the hill).

Mosey back to the parking lot to see if the hot chick Mary was going to be there today. It wasn’t in the cards again but my suspicion is that the high humidity had her hair all frizzy and she didn’t want to come out. Perhaps something else came up. Either way, we have a few minutes to kill before we name the FNG.

Mary: 20 x merkins, 30 x homer to marge, 30 x American hammer, 10 x boat canoes, 20 x merkins

Announcements: Take it to the interwebs!

Prayer: Chips has a co-worker that recently had a heart attack. He was sort of in decent shape but not too good. The comparison to Emeril was made.

As we are closing out a couple of PAX revisited elementary health class to remind us that we all have a hole in our butts. #OnlyInTheGloom! The FNG had a rather used pair of shoes on today resulting in the name Cobbler and thereby saving Schnuckles for the next unsuspecting FNG.

It’s always an honor to lead you men. I’ll try to do better next time!