It was a warm night at Thunder with what may have been the hottest day of the year. At the 1900 mark Q made everyone squat hold while he gave a disclaimer and made sure all medical paperwork and life insurance were up to speed. There was a reminder to modify as needed and make sure we keep an eye on the 6.
EC: Pikachu, Skidmark. Crosby and John Deere did a pre-workout run but the heat was a little too much and decided to modify.
FNGs: None
Warm Up: 10 burpees OYO. Mosey to 1st corner at soccer field and 5 cc SSH. Mosey to Second corner and do 5 cc SSH & 10 merkins. Mosey to third corner for 5 cc SSH, 10 merkins, 15 cc plank jacks, Mosey to amphitheater and do 5 cc SSH, 10 merkins, 15 cc plank jacks, and 10 cc Imperial walkers and 10 cc hillbillies
The Workout: Box jumps x 10, dips x 10, box jumps x 15, dips x 15, box jumps x 10, dips x 10.
Mosey to playset for 7’s with pullups and merkins
Mosey to area near the flag for burpee bullring. One pax goes in the middle and selects someone to race to 5 burpees. Pax on the outside do side strattlehops. Loser runs to a bench and returns while winner joins the circle. All Pax went two times.
Mosey to the hill on the bottom side of the soccer field. Bear crawl races up the hill. Winner does 3 merkins. All others do 5. Rinse and repeat x 5.
Mary: Hold plank for 5 minutes. During 5 minutes did each arm up 1x, peter parkers, pickle pounders, side crunches. When Q noticed most pax were on their knees we took a quick break.
Back to plank for 5 more minutes. This time is was a straight hold with Q asking pax the F3 mission, core principals, and motto. Sets of 5 merkins at various times. One set of clock merkins with stops at 12, 9, 6, and 3. Ended when most Pax on their knees.
Announcements: Beta AO Wednesday joint Q with Carpex. Will run a couple more times. Convergence tomorrow 0704 at Womble
T-Claps (Recognition): Hot
Prayer: Tom’s family from 187’s neighborhood, Crablegs, Shredder.