
Keep Brandon’s Friends and Family in your Prayers

PAX of 27 at Paradise City

@Pikachu, @Buford, @Blue Hen, @Deadbolt, @Foghorn, @Yellow Card, @Midget for Life, @CHiPS, @Emeril, @UTI, @187, @Crosby, @Peak Week, @WebEx, @Skidmark, @Foghorn, @Bernie, @Foot Fault, @Pablo, @Breach, @Forceps, @Axe, @Brexit, @Hasselhoff, @Peeping Tom, @Kid Cracker, @OCR

½ mile jog warmup with – Karaoke, fast feet on the curb, T-Claps to let the group catch up

½ mile jog with – x25 Morrocan night club squats, SSH x 46 in honor of Patch’s Birthday, x10 Hillbillies, x10 Imperial Walkers, x25 Mountain Climbers

The Workout:

Partner up.

Partner 1 – Lunges

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 perfect form Merkins


Partner 1 – Bear Crawl

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 perfect form Merkins


Partner 1 – Duck Walks

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 10 Burpees


Partner 1 – Crab Walk

Partner 2 – Run to steps, climb them and perform 25 LBC’s


x 10 Good Mornings

x 10 Windmills

Legs crossover into a stretch

x 10 WWII’s

x 10 each leg cross over sit-ups


Ruck Friday night.  ~14 miles.  See Midget for details.

Thursday – Kenny’s Grave starting back up.  Banana Seat has the Q

July 28th @ Ting Park – F3 group going to a baseball game.  See Forceps for details

Buford – Prayers for his friend Brandon and Brandon’s family.

John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

Humid humid feels like rain

8 pax got sweaty in the humidity at U-Turn. Nice run. Deadbolt is a NRFC (nice relatively firm commit) for sunrise tomorrow. A nice breeze just blew through ahhhh.

Annoincements: 4th of July Convergence at Disney. Mumble chatter of a 2nd F at M4L after. UTI doing sprint Tri at Harris Lake on the 14th. Go cheer him on.

Prayers: Be safe