
Officer, I Can Explain

As YHC was pulling into the Ting lot, an HSPD truck turned around and followed in behind me. YHC played it cool and planted the flag and gathered up my headlamp and vest. Officer Clarke explained Bacon asked him to drop off some sweet blinky lights for running. Thanks Bacon! We chatted with the officer while the last few PAX rolled in and everyone got a light. YHC has a few extras if anyone reads this and wants one, hit me up. We told officer Clarke to head over to Womble at about 6:15 to look for some suspicious Pokemon character who was running a workout that may be named later (TBD) and he headed out with a little confusion. A quick count off and explanation of the route and we were off.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Chat with officer Clarke

The Workout:
There was a 3.5 and a 5+ mile route. We took a moment of silence as we passed by Veterans Park in memory of fallen soldiers. The 6 was picked up and all PAX made it back. Well, Coal Ash’s ankle might say otherwise.
This is the route we ran :D

Mary: Not today

Picnic 6/26, Dauber collecting money for HSPD first aid kits

T-Claps (Recognition):
Bacon and HSPD for the blinky lights.

UTI’s grandmother, unspoken, injured PAX, fallen soldiers.

YHC took us out.

No EC + 3 miles. Did ya even post bro?

FNGs: Salt Lick
Warm Up: 8 Good Mornings.   If you wanted to warm up ya should have run EC.
The Workout:  We ran.  3 or 5 miles.
Mary: Calf stretches
Announcements: Picnic
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Heidi battling thyroid cancer.  Jeff (Pablos friend who had a heart attack)

May 14 2021 – KungPOW (Wescott) QIC POTS

May 14 2021 – KungPOW (Wescott) QIC POTS


POTS, Pumpkin Spice, Blue Hen, Labatt, Flanigan, Deadbolt, Mookie





 Warm Up:

Good Mornings


Fazio Arm Circles

 The Workout

 Mosey’d to church parking lot.

Station 1 (3 rounds)

 Curls for the girls (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Overhead press (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Triceps Extensions (with Rock)

Sprint to Yellow Fire hydrant complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Station 2 (3 rounds)

 Merkins (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Squats (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Lunges (10)

Side steps (side hustle) complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

 Station 3 (3 rounds)

 Side step with squat (10)

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Side straddle hop’s (10)

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

  • Step ups on the curb

Lung walk complete with 5 burpees and sprint back

Pledge of Allegiance:

Lead by Double D


Guantanamo’s for all.


 JoCo CSOP coming up soon


Military and First responders.


Getting Dirty at The Nut

It’s always great to come back to The Nut where YHC once had the honor of being site Q. It was good to see some of the usual suspects including a few new(ish) guys YHC hadn’t met.

Dahmer was the first on the scene and ready to roll for some EC so the two of us headed out and quickly ran into the 12 Oaks crew doing EC. Great work!

Warm Up:

Mosey around the parking lot
SSH x 20 IC
Frankensteins x 10 IC
Good Mornings x 10 IC
Daisy Pickers x 10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 fwd/ x 10 rev IC
Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
Hillbillies x 10 IC

The Workout:

The Main Event was a “Dirty McDeuce” which consisted of 4 stations with 3 exercises at each: 1 arm exercise, 1 leg exercise, and 1 ab exercise for a total of 12 exercises. Pax counted off into groups of 4 and since there were 12 of us, it worked out perfectly to have 3 HIM per group. Each group went to the station corresponding to their number to begin the workout. Traveling between stations was done by jogging a full lap around the parking lot. Round 1 was 10 reps for each exercise, round 2 was 15 reps, and since time was running short, we went back to 10 reps for round 3. All groups completed all three rounds and then we went straight into…


American Hammers x 20 IC
Homer to Marge x 20 IC

YHC went 1 minute over time so next time we will have to end a minute early to compensate.


JOCO CSAUP Sat., May 22nd
Memorial Day Murph
Bed Build in June
5k for HS Police Officer the same day

T-Claps (Recognition):

Great to run with Dahmer during EC and T-Claps to Flanigan, Moby, and the other 12 Oaks crew members for EC as well.


Pax that are injured
Those that are traveling
Family members who are sick

2nd F was at Panera and although no one else came from The Nut, YHC caught up with those returning from The Nest.

Great work out there, HIM. It’s always an honor to lead.

May 12 2021 – Possum Trot (Action Park) QIC POTS

May 12 2021 – Possum Trot (Action Park) QIC POTS


Sprinkler, POTS, Blue Hen, Labatt, Flanigan, Redenbacher, Breach, Rollback, Moby





 Warm Up:

 Good Mornings


Fazio Arm Circles

 The Workout

2 to 3 rounds through all Stations.

Mosey to;

Station 1 (The Hill)

3 Repetitions

  • 5 Burpees OYO (at bottom of hill)
  • Crawl up the hill.
  1. 10 Erkins on guardrail.
  2. 10 Dips on guardrail
  3. 10 Derkins on guardrail
  • Run down to entrance and back to bottom of the hill.

Mosey to;

Station 2 (The rock pile)

3 Repetitions

  1. 20 Curls for the girls
  2. 20 Tricep extensions
  3. 20 Overhead press

Mosey to;

Station 3 (Concession stand)

3 Repetitions

  1. 20 Step ups
  2. 20 Prisoner squats
  3. 20 Side steps with squat

Back to Station 1


Guantanamo’s for all.


May Challenge in full swing

Pledge of Allegiance:

Led by Sprinkler


Double D’s Mother-in-law

Noah’s Arch family

Sprinkler’s daughters’ friend

Military and First Responders


Dawgpound Celebrates 4 years

EC:There was 22 plus people running EC. So yeah I don’t have the names here.
FNGs:Pile Driver
Warm Up:

Circled Up and bounced while I went over the Disclaimer. Did a count off to have an understanding on how many Pax where there.

Mosey to the field and circle up.
Bat Wing
Fazio Arm circles Forward
Fazio Arm circles Backward
Seal Claps
Overhead Claps
Good Mornings
1 Burpees
2 Burpees
3 Burpees
4 Burpees
5 Burpees

The Workout:

Moseyed to the Bus Drop off. We split up into pairs and then a pair took one of the three islands.

Run in opposite directions around the island. When you met your partner do 7s counting down of Broke Back Shoulder Tap Merkins. Every time you meet you decreased the number. We went down to 1. Once that was wrapped up we did laps around the island. Partner A did bear crawls and Partner B did Lunge walks. When Partner A needed a break Partner B took over the bear crawls and Partner A did lunges. After one lap we switched to Gorilla Walks and Lunges.

Mosey to the wall for mobile balls to the wall. The pax waiting held their Squat Hold. As pax held balls to the wall and moved down the length of the wall.

Moseyed to the playground and split up in three groups. One group went with Emeril to the hill. One group with Flanigan to the play ground and the last group with me to the wall. The hill group was the timer. 5 trips up the hill running backwards. The folks against the wall held squat while lifting up one leg and switching. The playground group did pull ups. Once the 5 trips where completed group one went to the wall. Group 2 to the hill and group 3 to the playground. Repeat until all groups ran the hill.

Then we made our way up the stairs. We then found our original partners and wheelbarrow to the flag pole/stop sign.


Circled up for Mary:
Did a modify Onnit 6 minute Abs:
Plank Hold
Peter Parkers
Mountain Climbers
Big Boy Sit-ups
Freddie Mercuries
Russian Twists

T-Claps (Recognition):

All unspoken prayers

1st Monday Ultimate x2

33 Pax showed up for Ultimate under the Ting lights.  2 FNGs and several Kotters.


Mike Synnott; Olaf (Curling with Dauber, Ice, Frozen, Elsa!?!, Olaf!)

MJ Salamanca; Beer Pressure (Macho Nacho’s neighbor, Shredder EHed after a couple beers, Peer Pressure, Beer Pressure).

Warm Up:

Light mix of SSH, Good Mornings, HBs, IWs, SFAC, and Squated Morrocan Night Clubs.

The Workout:

Pax counted off by 4 and split into two teams.  1s and 2s on field 1 and 3s and 4s on field 2 for F3 style Ultimate Frisbee.  Every time the frisbee dropped Pax knocked out an exercise; merkins, burpees, squats, star jumps.  The scoring team called out the penalty exercise, which both teams partook.


A couple more Good Mornings to stretch us out.

Announcements: 2nd F Panera, May Challange, Bed Builds.

T-Claps (Recognition): Lots of EC this morning & several Kotters (welcome back).

Prayer: Injured and sick Pax, our country, Pax leadership in the community, and a selfish request from YHC for God to fix the media!

Building B.O.M.B.S on the Abyss

A balmy morning at the Happiest AO on Earth. YHC wasn’t sure to expect with only 1 HC (U.T.I) and 1 other EC’er (Emeril). So to my surprise after getting back from EC…the whole Fritter Foundation and a huge clown car of 12 Oaksers pulled in! 17 Men gathered at Disney to take a ride to the dark corner known as “the Abyss”. I love this place!

FNG’s: none
Warm Up: SSH x40, Good Morning x a lot, 10 Burpees OYO, Windmills x 10, Sir Fazio’s x 12 (F/R)
The Workout: A mosey over to the Abyss, PAX partnered up for some BOMBS. 1 Partner descends into the darkness, completes 10 Star Jumps, while PAX on top do AMRAP exercise and then switch roles. Exercises were: Burpees, Outlaws, Merkins, Big Boy Sit Ups, and Squats. Plank hold for the 6.

We then moseyed over to the high school where a couple of divergent hills lay before us. At the meeting point of said hills, we did Shoulder Taps IC x10, and Hand Release-Release Merkins x 10 IC. We then used the same partner groups to run to the top of each hill, return, and meet in the middle where we did Shoulder Taps x10 IC as a team for round 1, then did the Hand Release-Release Merkins x 10.

3 Indian run lines back to the flag for Mary. Lot’s of picking up the 6…great work men!
Mary: Monkey Humpers IC x 20, Hand Release-Release Merkins x 20, Monkey Humpers x 10 IC, Hand Release Merkins x 10. Pickle Pounders x 10 IC, LSF’s x 20 IC, LBC’s x 20 IC, Homer to Marge x 20 in varied cadence.
Announcements: Sign up end today for the May Main Event.
T-Claps (Recognition): The PAX for showing up. YHC can tell you it gives great confidence to a Q when a crowd shows up!
Prayer: Wallaby and his M. Shamwow! with injuries. YHC took us out. A great day and an honor to lead!

Anniversary at the Nut (all men invited!)

Today marks 4 years since Tonka (welcome back!) picked me up and drove me to a M4L Q at Disney.  Speaking of M4L….he HC’d for today’s workout but apparently got lost coming to the South Side.  To celebrate the anniversary, I even logged into the neighborhood FB page and put up a recruitment post.  It was worth it as we had an FNG join us in 30 degree temps for his first post!

FNGs: Hurts a Little (Ask Da Business what the alternative was…)
Warm Up: Disclaimer was given and we were off.  Quick lap, SSHx20, Imperial Squat Walkers, Fazio Arm Circles got us started.  Had to end with Devil Burpees x 5 (these will reappear….)
The Workout:

Part1: Wheelbarrow (yes, we touched ankles.  I don’t think anyone breathes from an ankle…) up the main lot.  Every parking space, add a merkin (1x, 2x, 3x, etc).  When you get tired, swap with partner and reset count to 1.  *Except*, every swap is an extra burpee (1, then 2, etc).  I think most teams made it to the top around 6 or 7 burpees.  Come back down until last group finishes.  Pretty sure I saw one team almost all the way back to the start…

Part2: Pullups & BTTW

Part2.1: Pullup bars were frozen, no go.  Head to hill and do a little homage to M4L’s intro workout for me.  11’s on the hill, squats at the top, burpees at the bottom (run backwards, of course).  Ended with a circle of burpees.

Part 3: BTTW with a Irkin/Dirkin/Dipx5 timer.  Repeat-o

Part 4: Bat Flipping time!  I promised Pikachu some bat flipping opportunities, but he wanted to go stand still or something this morning.  8x Devil Burpees set the pace — line up in order how you finished.

Split into 4 “equal” teams based on order of finish.  Relay race: last guy to finish ran to 1st light pole, 2nd to 2nd pole, and first guy to finish ran the whole lane.  Winning team didn’t have to do burpees.
Repeato, only flip order.  Nice job by the FNG here!

Recover on the very slow mosey.

Bear crawl back to the start.
Mary: Circle of Mary, 10 count each

Announcements: ?
T-Claps (Recognition): Great job seeing Tonka & an FNG out this morning.
Prayer: Peak Weak had a client die of cancer unexpectedly; only a few months from initial diagnosis to his passing; leaves behind family and small kids.  Heartbreaking.

Good to be with you all for 4 years.  Looking forward to a better year than 2020.

DB and M4L 2020-21 Reunion tour kickoff

I love Disney.  It’s always been one of my favorite AOs.  I remember the beta opening and Co-Site Qing it with Kid Cracker.  So much to do, well lit, away from homes and no cars.   🙂  So that’s why this morning, M4L and I decided to leave those grounds and head for a dimly lit, residential street with more cars that I counted on!

We wanted to bring back an old favorite – the Jamison Park hill.  Jamison Park was the original 12 Oaks (look it up) and it was great to see 7+ pax from the 12 Oaks hood make the journey to the east side for our Beat Down.

I planted the Shovel Flag on this 35 degree, cold, damp, foggy morning as 25 #HIM showed up in various clown cars.

FNGs: None

Warm Up: At 5:30 on the dot – we were off.

  • Mosey out of the soccer field parking lot and head to Middle Creek High School.
  • Stop at first intersection – Merkins x 20
  • Hand Release Merkins x 20
  • Mosey to end of road near Jamison Park entrance
  • I forgot what we did
  • Quick disclaimer to use your inside voices and we entered Jamison Park

The Workout:

Thang 1:  Pakistani Dora

  • Gather at the bottom of that big ass hill (At Jamison Park Drive and Wesley Ridge)
  • Partner up for Pakistani Dora – one partner runs hill – other partner does reps with cumulative counts
    • Turkish Get up x 100 (audible to 75)
    • LBC x 200
    • Squats x 300
  • It sucked but great effort
  • Even great effort by the White Accord that was paralyzed for several minutes by the sheer amount of man candy beside her car


Thang 2:  The 7-11

to celebrate M4L’s first job in America – we moseyed to the half pipe for a round of 7-11s

  • In the half pipe – do a set of 7s with Squats one one side – Star Jumps on the other side (6-1, 5-2, 4-3, 3-4, 2-5, 1-6)
  • When you cross in the middle at the bottom – do 11 merkins (every time)

Jail break to flag


Bondo will be turning double Respect on Saturday so he led us in Mary

  • Side plank dips
  • Pickle Punders


  • Social tonight at bombshell – HIM only – so M or 2.0
  • BBQ

T-Claps (Recognition):

  • Praise to Bondo son for coming thru surgery


  • Peakweek co-worker
  • Fanny M
  • 187 M
  • Breach Mother

Here was namorama:

Breach took us out with a great message