
Q By Committee at TBD

With no taker to the Q Sheet at TBD, YHC grabbed the Q with the intent of helping other fellow PAX step up and lead anyway by directing the workout. They did a fine job! A return of a Kotter in Big Perm came down to Womble this morning ready to work. Took him a few minutes to remember the lingo…but then he jumped right in leading series of counts like a pro. Welcome back to the Gloom…Big Perm!

FNG’s: None
Warm Up: All pax called out various exercises including SSH x40, Good Mornings, Windmills, Frankenstein’s, Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers.
The Workout: Asked Big Perm a question, “Run or Rocks?” Run it was. We ran up to the ball fields area and circled up for PAX choice exercises. 25 count merkins, 25 count squats. Continued on. PAX then called 20 burpees (much to discontented grumbles) and 20 Squat Jumps. Asked PAX if we want to “run or wall?”  Wall it was. 20 count each pax People’s Chair, 15 count each pax BTTW. We moseyed on. Next exercises were IC Mountain Climbers and Shoulder Taps. Continued the mosey to the other parking lot. I will say, the roughness of this parking lot might be a close second to that of Possum Trot as we found. YHC asked a pax, “run or rock”. This time, it was rock, so we performed a rock circle of various exercises with and without rocks with various counts that included: Shoulder Press, LBC’s, LSF’s, Boat Canoes, American Hammers, Curls for the Girls, Bus Drivers, Tricep Extensions, Rock Spanks, Rut Rows, Ground Pounders. These exercises were all devised by the PAX, including a break from format by Oboe, who called a lengthy rock push/lunge walk series. Beware of giving others power…

Rock return and mosey to ball fields sidewalks again for a circle of more SSH. The question wall or run was answered with run. So let’s run back to Mary.
Mary: Pax called exercises of: H2M, Pickle Pounders, Peter Parkers, LBC’s, and BB Sit-ups.
Announcements: Hygiene Ruck by Breach, Thursday evening…check Slack.
T-Claps (Recognition): Big Perm for the mighty return. All the PAX for giving us all a solid workout!
Prayer: 187 and his M…for strength and restoration/healing. YHC took us out. Honor to lead, honor to be led!

I Didn’t Know You Were a Plumber

Some workouts just have so many 1-liners that you really can’t name all of them…but the title of this BB is one of them! Why? You Ask. Well, it’s because one of the coupons of pain YHC brought today was literally a bag filled to the brim with wrenches. See…awhile back, Shamwow came up with this 5 week challenge of who could Q the best beatdown at Disney. 5 Spots were taken fast, 1 by YHC. The workouts so far have been tough and all have taken a different angle on how to deal out the pain in some unique ways. So I knew YHC had to cook up something a little special today. So my fellow PAX helped me clean out my garage of various heavy coupons for a beat down on the big field at Disney. We put this stuff to great use today! YHC got to the AO very early because I had no idea how long it would take to unload and set this stuff up in the field of darkness. But…it was my pleasure to put in extra effort today to cook up something special.

EC: A 4 mile route run by Dahmer, Full House, Shamwow!, Nemo, and YHC.

FNG’s: None…but they really missed out.

Warm Up: Quick mosey around the parking lot and then a circle up for Good Mornings, Sir Fazio’s, Seal Claps, Hillbillies, Overhead Claps, Windmills, Frankenstein’s, standard Merkins x12, Prisoner Squats x12…and off to the field.
The Workout: On the field the Pax would find stations, each with a coupon. Some larger than others…some very large. We would rotate through these stations doing AMRAP exercises while the “timer” PAX performed heavy bag flips from 1 cone to another and back again. That’s 1 station. Stations were:

100 lb. heavy back flips about 40 yards and back.

18 lb. kettlebell figure 8’s

15 lb. single arm shoulder press with garden block

30 lb. bag of wrenches deadlift

Recover on the fire house carry (2-3 passes of 40 yards)

25 lb. dumbbell curls for the girls

25 lb. dumbbell wonderbras

5 lb. dumbbells in each hand fast 1-2’s

25 lb. kettlebell swings

100 lb. heavy back chain drag about 40 yards and back

A few others used a large rainbow painted rock (thanks my 2.0 Julia) and a jump rope that were there for extra playing.

We completed two full rotations through all stations.

Mary: WW2 x30, Box Cutters x15, H2M x15, WW1’s x30. 5 last Good Mornings to stretch it out.
Announcements: Donate to Momma’s House Thanksgiving Meal Fund through PayPal. Thursday night hygiene product ruck. Check Slack and either Breach or Sprinkler for details.
T-Claps (Recognition): Big Perm…second post in a row. POTS for showing us the way by lifting and carrying the heavy back (instead of dragging). Nemo for showing on-time to EC.
Prayer: Pray for 187’s M and health issues. Full House took us out! Honor to lead men. Thanks for playing today.

Big Perm @ Nutcracker

Warm Up: SSH x 15, Imperial walkers x 15, Hillbillies x 15, Rose Pickers x 15, Good mornings x 10
The Workout: partner up for 100 hand release merkins, 200 lunges, 300 LBC in cadence/ Partner jog 100 yards and back while hitting agility ladder both to and fro

Sumo squats x 30      Irkins, durkins,dips and step-ups x 10 (3 sets)
Mary: American hammers, pickle pounders, Homer to marge, windshield wipers
Announcements: check slack, Fill up Q sheet
T-Claps (Recognition):
Prayer: Crablegs

Hot one…

FNGs: Nope
Warm Up: The usual
The Workout:  Bullseye took the Q for YHC at U-Turn over the weekend for a what would be a hot morning for sure. Routes included, per usual, 3, 5, 5+ – “The U-Turn”
Mary: Nope.
Announcements: Check Slack and FB
T-Claps (Recognition): Boy George for pushing the Q Bullseye for a PR on the Strava segment to Starbucks!