
10 Sheepdogs become Dragon Warriors

FNGs:None today
Warm Up: EC was our warm up then right to the Workout, because I had a lot planned and only 45 minutes to execute!
The Workout: Went with a Kung Fu Panda theme and decided to do workouts inspired by the 5 main styles in the movie and finish with a customized exercise made for this AO.

3 merkins to kick off each segment


  • side straddle hops x20
  • Fozzy arm circles forward then reverse, seal claps, overhead claps, overhead claps, seal claps, arm circles reverse then forward with no breaks

3 merkins


  • plank snake agility around the parking lot
  • Indian snake run

3 merkins


  • 11s with monkey humpers and Monkey ladders(goofballs) all in cadence

3 merkins

Tiger (55 deconstructed burpees split between two sets of 11s)

  • 11s with squats and plank jumps forward and backĀ 
  • 11s with merkins and squat jumps (this one in place, no rest in between)

3 merkins

Praying Mantis

  • 4 minute embrace the suck meditation hold

3 merkins

Panda/Dragon Warrior

Bear Crawl Ring of Fu

  • Bear crawl clockwise in a big circle; 1st pax calls out a number and then on his ā€œupā€ everyone jumps up and throws that many wing chun strike combos in cadence; then Back to bear crawling the circle and repeat with the next pax until all pax have gone and are sufficiently smoked

T-Claps (Recognition): 4 Pax for EC, My 3yr anniversary
Prayer: Graduates, leadership, the direction of the country, the police and military, recent losses

All Business at the Nest

The temp was much warmer than yesterday – in the mid 50’s, which is just about perfect for what we do in the gloom. There wasn’t much mumblechatter this morning so it was all business for the most part throughout the workout. Not totally sure what to attribute that to, but we’ll say it was the intensity of the beatdown that limited our ability to chat it up.

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in some high knees and butt kickers along the way.
Frankensteins x10 IC
Good Mornings x10 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC – forward and reverse
SSH x25 IC
Imperial Walkers x10 IC
Hillbillies x10 IC

The Workout:

Thang 1: Mosey around the parking lot for a pyramid with the following four exercises: 1) Spiderman Merkins x10; 2) Freddy Mercuries x15 ICĀ ; 3) Prisoner Squats x25; 4) Scorpion Dry Docks x10 each leg:
  • Exercise 1, run a lap around the parking lot
  • Exercises 1, 2, run a lap
  • Exercises 1, 2, 3, run a lap
  • Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, run a lap
  • Exercises 2, 3, 4, run a lap
  • Exercises, 3, 4, run a lap
  • Exercise 4, run a lap
Thang 2: Partner up for Dora and Mosey over to the pavilion. Partner 1 exercises while partner 2 runs a lap around the track:
100 shoulder tap merkins
200 step-ups
300 LBCā€™s (aka Mary)
We had to stop there as time had expired and the PAX were spent. 600 calories burned makes for a great start to the day – plus another 400 for those who did EC = 1k. Great work gents.
Included in the workout at no additional charge.
MULE this Sat. – See Slack/ FB for details
Wrightsville is coming soon.

T-Claps (Recognition):

Beater and Marky Mark for joining YHC for EC. It’s always good to have someone to run with.
Beaterā€™s friend going through a tough time – lost his uncle and having issues at work.
Several PAX nursing injuries as they train for upcoming races.
Virus outbreak – pray for those affected and infected.
Until next time…SYITG

Pulled Some Fire Hose For A Barn Burner

I pulled in at South Park around 5:00 am to set-up. One vehicle in parking lot. Could not tell who it was. Looked back at 5:05 and they were off. I got everything in place and the vehicles started rolling in. I was worried that we may have too many PAX and not enough props. It all worked out. So, I made mention that we may have a Fire Drill. Comment made, what is a Fire Drill? I stated it was a surpriseā€¦show up and he did not (Dauber). 14 PAX showed up for a barn burner of exercises and some fire hose workouts with no water this time.

FNG: None

Warm Up: Moseyed a lap around the track. Circled up for the following: SSH-25, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Moroccan Night Clubs, Fazio Arm Circles, Daisy Pickers and we are off to the workout.

The Workout: Moseyed to where the props(stations) were staged and explained what was about to take place. It was complete silence especially when PAX saw the PALLET. M4life was even quiet, I know thatā€™s rare!

1stĀ  partner did station while the other did the following exercises and they would rotate until that station was finishedā€¦move onto next station. Rinse and Repeat for almost 4 rotations all the way through

Merkins, LBCā€™s, Squats and towards the end whatever you had left.

1st Station, 100ā€™ 3ā€ fire hose drag from one end of the parking lot to the other

2nd Station, Farmers carry with 44lbs each arm

3rd Station, 150ā€™ 3ā€ fire hose on your shoulder. Run from one end to the other of parking lot

4th Station, More tractor weights (1) lunges one end to the other of parking lot

5th Station, Rotational Hose slams around a tree with 1 3/4″ fire hose

6th Station, 100ā€™ 3ā€ fire hose drag from one end of the parking lot to the other

7th Station, The most fun for all PALLET PUSH with 50ā€™ 1ā€™ Ā¾ā€ hose on pallet. You guessed it from one end to the other. It was rough so we had partner push it back to starting area.

8th Station, Tractor Weights John Q form one end to the other of parking lot.

Mary: I knew it was too good to be true M4life started bumping those gums.

Low slow flutter, Box cutters, Downward dog, Leg and pigeon stretches, Have a nice day

Announcements: Check Facebook and Slack

T-Claps (Recognition): EC: Beater by himself. Gamecock for running to AO from his house. Great job to all. It was a tough work out!

Prayer: Beater, Uncle and Cousin Palliative Care called in. Modify sister-in-law broke her back (Molly), passing of Wiggly Dad, Fedex co-worker 50lb box fell on his head, still out of work, Forceps Family

It was a Honor to Lead! Sprinkler

Ultimate Frisbee

13 PAXĀ  for some fun!

EC:Ā Buttermilk, Norm, Martini, R-22, Beater and Breach

FNG– None

Warm Up:

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies and 5 burpees OYO due to a tardiness

The Workout:

We broke off into teams, light color vs dark color shirts. It was very hard to see the frisbee this morning. I think the dark team won…just saying. Once the frisbee hit the groundā€¦many times these exercises followed: merkins, lunges, diamond merkins, SSH and mountain climbers.

After talking with Yosimite I had the frisbee. Made contact with a few PAX and I had one that had conesā€¦Great, everything was covered. Not exactly, HIM showed but forgot the cones! Not calling any names.

Mary: No time left.

Announcements: Buttermilkā€™s Church, Hope Community (Mina Project) is having a fundraiser. Selling boxes of cookies home-made. Support this worthy cause by sending Buttermilk message for order. Discussions of the safety of PAX playing ultimate since itā€™s so dark. Several are exploring some other options. More information to follow.

Prayers: Forceps Family, Armpits brother-in- law has MS/not doing well, Norm travel mercies rest of the week and Unspoken

Pre-Leap Day Leaps!

14 PAX for Sheepdog on Friday 2-28-20

EC: Lipstick, 187, Pikachu, Shredder, YHC

FNGs: None
Warm Up: SSH, Goofballs, Frankensteins, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Daisy Pickers, Good mornings
The Workout: PAX formed up and ran Black Snake style to front parking lot. After 10 plank jacks, the PAX paired up, and leap frogged from to one end of the parking lot. 10 Hurpees OYO and then leap frog back to starting point, with 10 plank jack break in the middle. Leaping frog style takes longer than you would think, so leaping was briefly put on hold as PAX Black Snaked to playground for the main event: Dora with one partner lapping the mini-track – 100 Dive Bombers, 200 Frog Crunches, 300 Jump Squats
Mary: Embrace the suck! Circle of PAX held horse riding pose for 3 minutes.
Announcements: Blue Ridge Relay teams are forming, looking at a 9 and 12 team to get filled, watch for slack updates. Memorial Service Saturday 12-2pm, 2F at Harvest Moon to follow workout.
T-Claps (Recognition): @Fanny Pack @Tetanus @Dovetail @Breach @Gump @Sprinkler @Beater @UTI @Farva @Pikachu @Lipstick @187 @Shredder
Prayer: Family for Forceps, Beater, Wiggly, Pikachu

Uturn DRP

FNGs: None
Warm Up:

Circled up for the following.

Bounce while YHC explained the format for today’s run. Ā The 3 milers will start at 6:25 and will be lead by Sprinkler. Ā The 5 milers will go out together and will have three pick ups. Ā The first one being in 12 Oaks at the circle. The idea here is that this would be a long pickup but should be safer than Old Apex Holly Springs road. Ā The second pickup would be at the corner of Irving and Green Oaks. Ā The last pick up would be at the end. Ā The hope/goal was that all pax would finish at roughly the same time.

Foot traces in both directions
Hip Openers

The Workout:

We ran. Ā Seriously for Uturn what do guys put in this section.


Cirlced up for runners pose, and pigeon stretch.


Next Saturday is the ATT Long ass run.
Holly Springs Food Cupboard will be held the second week of October

T-Claps (Recognition):


Q Source Message of the day:

Q 1.1 DRP (Daily Red Pill)

The daily commitment to accelerate Fitness, Fellowship and Faith

A man can not get right on their own.

ā€œGoing it alone, the Mascot is doomed to fail because no man can disengage the death grip he holds on his own status quo.Ā  Absent a Disrupter, a man willing and able to create a disturbance in his enervated life, he will remain just as he is, clinging to the capsized boat of his life and incapable of initiating the Movement required to Get Right.ā€

Mascot is a symbol of a something rather than the something itself.

The first disturbance the Disrupter makes in the life of the Mascot is to elicit Commitment.

The mascot has to commit to Movement, not just its appearance.

He must decide to turn Pro rather than continue life as an Amateur

The HIM knows that proper personal alignment requires the constant honing that can only be done through daily practice.Ā  His focus Is on Preparedness.

An Amateur will start each day with the Blue Pill and live a life of seeming rather than being.

No man is too far wrong to Get Right.Ā  It takes just one small movement.Ā  The decision to take the Red Pill.Ā  To commit to your acceleration. Ā 


Forceps and his family

Sheepdog – burnā€™in love šŸ”„ā¤ļø

Pax of 11 for some burning love at sheepdog.

FNGs: Strawberry Hill (works at Mason Jar Brewing, not a huge fan of beer, first alcoholic drink was Booneā€™s Farm…and there ya go)

EC: Martini, Mr. Terrific, Shredder

YHC provided the disclaimer and promised some misery ahead.

Warm Up: Old Beater got us rolling with some F3 classics; oh wait… 5 burpees oyo for late pax….., then, mossy to the back, Ā SSH, squats, Ā moroccan night clubs, IW&HB, Good Mornings, Indian run to the front, followed by karaoke Indian runs, then Frankensteinā€™ Indian runs. Ā Last warm up, more burpees.

The Workout: YHC jumped in with a burning ring of fire. 10 pax circled up with 1 pax as the runner. The runner took one loop, setting the time for everyone else.
4 of the 10 had stations, which included, weighted squats, 25 pound ground pounders, jump rope, and standard Merkins/LBCs. All remaining pax did wing Chung striking starting with singles then doubles then five count. Packs rotated as each runner returned.

The mumblechatter was classic as Old Beater entertained the group with his retelling of his recent snip snip, which somehow included hairnets, a significant amount of iodine, and as he says it, really big paper towels. or, was it a lot of paper towels. Gump jumped in with a ā€œback in my day……ā€, which evidently was 1948. Ā It was all pretty funny but did not quite alleviate the burning everyone fell in their shoulders and lats.

Mary: Ā Jumped into a speed round of Mary with low slow flutters, box cutters, LBCā€˜s, and crabcakes.

COT: Pax have some homework this week. Be sure to follow through on your commitment. You never know what it may mean to somebody else.

Announcements: ATT next weekend. Ā lots of 3rd F opportunities coming up. Big and small.
T-Claps (Recognition): Farva for bringing an FNG!

Prayer: Forceps and all Pax that are dealing with struggles.

Frosty Foursome (+7)

At least 6 for EC, pax of 11 for a frosty AO led by Yosemite, Norm, Dovetail, and Shredder. A foursome first? Dovetail had said the night prior that coordination wasn’t necessary as he bet nobody was doing the same thing he was. Well, overlap occurred. But it was a good time nonetheless.

Warm Up

Yosemite led warm-up and the first section of the main thing, starting with a Mosey with butt kickers and high knees mixed in, followed by a generous helping of SSH, windmills, Daisy pickers, and Sir Fazzio arm circles.

The Workout:

11s with Bonnie Blair’s and wall sit seal claps to the front and up.

Norm then took over with:
Partner 100s – Erkins, Derkins, Dips. One partner racks up reps while the other runs the track

Dovetail took the next 10 mins:
12-9-6-3 Quick-HIIT with 3 levels
Wall-sit kicks (alternating legs)
Clap merkins OR Hand raise Merkin OR merkin
Butterfly situps OR big boy situps OR LBC in cadence
Box jump overs OR box jumps OR step-ups
Derkin walk on one wall, erkin walk on the other, with frog jumps between (only did this once for the sake of time)


Shredder led this section with the concept of trap-and-attack, defending against an attacker who has planted one hand near the throat, the other hand readying a haymaker. Talked about also using the surrounding environment as a weapon.

No time, mixed into the thang anyway.


Mr Terrific’s dad’s upcoming surgery
Shredder’s co-worker Danielle – single mom, cancer, daughter in hospital with mental health issues
Ole Beater’s “snip-snip” surgery

Circle of Broken Cinder Blocks

EC: Norm, Yosemite, Finkle, Dovetail, Martini, Beater

FNGs: one, welcome Depends

Warm Up:Ā  Quick lap with Butt Kickers, L/R skips, high knees, Arm Stretches (R over L, L over R, R elbow, L elbow), Good Morning, Daisy Pickers, SSH, 5 x Burpees

The Workout: YHC brought some broken cinder blocks and bricks from the torn down Gold Leaf building (new Aviator Brewery site) and placed them in a tight circle.Ā  Had 11 Pax so spread them out so everyone had something to use for ascending Circle of Pain.Ā  Each Pax chose a spot, began the 10 exercises starting at 1 working our way up to 11 each, after each round Pax moved to the left.Ā  Count and order was a little off at times (sorry fellas) but we all killed it, great work gents!

Exercises:Ā  Curls for Girls, Wonder Bra (said Jack Web’s but YHC doesn’t know proper exercises, will work on this), Bus Drivers, OH Press, Tri Extensions, Rut Ro’s, Squat, Ext. Squat, OH Squat.Ā  Note: there was one cinder block was partially full of cement…T-Claps for FNG killing it on the last round, hope he comes back.

Bear crawl to Mary spot, roughly 50ft

Mary:Ā  LBC’s, Mary Annette’s {WW1’s L/C/R = 1} (??), Box Cutters, Low Slow Flutter, Boat Canoes, American Hammers

Prayer:Ā  Sprinkler’s family, Norm’s friends (one with miscarriage, another with baby in womb with under developed lungs), unspoken

What is this, a glow run?

Whether it’s training or Shield-Lock, or the combination of both, there was a strong showing of 34 PAX for U-Turn. After warming up, the group disbanded into a large bobbing body of neon light. A thought come to me, ‘What is this, a glow run’?…. A pretty cool sight!

Warm Up: Mosied around parking lot, side shuffling between lots,Ā  then circled up for SSH 30x IC, mountain climbers 15x IC, Daisy pickers 15x IC, right over left and contra leg stretches, inner thigh stretches(some called it groin stretches).

The Workout: 3 mile, 5 mile, and multiple PAX with more mile routes. Picking up the six and good convos.
Mary: Nowhere to be found
Announcements: Nope
T-Claps (Recognition): Martini for pushing hard with EC and long route ME. To everyone picking up the six.
Prayer: Fumunga prayer request for a friend.