EC: @Reddenbacher, @Emeril, @Deadbolt – Ran EC in reverse.
FNGs: Mike Sheridan – Now known as Alamo
Warm Up:
Jog to soccer field. SSH, Good Mornings, Windmills, Daisy Pickers
The Workout:
Originally I was going to utilize the @Deadbolt special and do four corner repeats in the big parking lot followed up with some Abyss training. But during my EC run I came up with a new plan to keep everyone moving (Pakistani Runs) and hitting all the great rides Disney has to offer.
Ride 1 – Started at the soccer field after warmups. Balls to wall on the fence, run to midfield 15 Merkins, run to the other fence Preachers Chair. Back to midfield for Merkins. Noticed someone standing near the bathrooms waiting on us and as we got closer realized it was @Crablegs. 5 burpees for everyone.
Ride 2 – Next stop the abyss. One line Pakistani Run partner up on the way. 1 partner LBC’s at the top while the other partner ran down into the abyss and did 10 star jumps. Back to the top and swap.
Round 2 partner 1 did squats while partner 2 ran down and did Merkins. Swap. Core work while we waited for the 6.
Ride 3 – One line Pakistani Run to the Big Parking Lot. 4 corners. Corner 1 at the start 3 burpees. Jog/run to corner 2 6 burpees. Lunge walk corner 3 9 burpees. Jog/run to corner 4 12 burpees.
Core work while we waited on the 6.
Ride 4 – Mosey to the hill behind the big parking lot. Partner up again. Partner 1 run to the top of the hill while Partner 2 did Prisoner Get Up Squat Jumps (PGUSJ), one of my new favorite exercises that @Dawgpound introduced to us last week.
Ride 5 – Mosey to the stairs behind the school. 5 Turkish get ups. Run up stairs and around to the football field benches near the ticket booth. Dips until the 6 showed up. @Dawgpound ran us thru some of the best Russian Dips ever.
Pakistani run back to the big parking lot because @Midget for Life left his sweatshirt. FNG was pretty tired at this point so @Dumbo stopped to provide encouragement while Pax ran ahead to parking lot entrance and did more Squats followed by the @Nemo special Goofballs led by @Midget for Life. FNG caught his breath so finished the Pakistani Run back to the flag.
Downward dog calf stretches. Pigeon.
Thursday 1/30 4pmish – Help Snap move out of his office into storage down near @Pikachus house
Long Ass ATT run – 2/22 7am
Brought Mike into the circle to name him. After he gave us his background info I was ready to call him Hump Day but @Dumbo asked one more question. “What was your first job?”. Mike’s answer was “I worked at a rental car agency”. @Dumbo appropriately named him Alamo
Feb 2nd – Greenhouse build at HS Food Pantry. HC for a count. Don’t want to overwhelm the kid running it.
T-Claps (Recognition):
All the Pax for continuously encouraging Mike/Alamo throughout the workout. I heard so many Mike, Mike, Mike… that thought for sure we’d name him Hump day. Special thanks to @Midget for Life and @Dumbo for working with him.
@Dumbo for going to Central Prison on Tuesday to meet with those in prison and helping to run a bible study. While there he found out they’ve been doing F3 3 times a day.
Prayer: @Quiver has a family friend that is 70 and was just diagnosed with ALS, @Crablegs, men at Central Prison, @Snap, @Wallaby