
A Nest with Four Corners

FNGs: none

Warm Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Willy Mayes Hayes, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Seal Claps, Overhead Claps

The Workout: Thing 1: Four Corners
Four corners, four exercises, one at each corner. Squats, merkins, WWIIs and mountain climbers. We did a few rounds of that before heading to the picnic shelter for

Thing 2: Urkins, Durkins, Dips, Wall Sits
A few rounds of that and YHC was done.

Mary: A little popcorn Mary.

Announcements: Sign up to Q!!!

Prayer: The family of the founding pastor at Enough’s church, our country

Flocking to the Nest

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Lunges, Side Shuffle, Inch Worms, World’s Greatest

The Workout: Balance Lunges, Calf Raise Squats, Single Leg RDLs, People’s Chair, Chin-ups, Step-Back Lunges, Alternating Side Lunges, Pull-ups, Single Leg People’s Chair, 3-Way Lunge, Sneaky Lunge Walks, Chair Broga, Iso-Toe Lunges, Duck Walks, Calf Raises, Max Rep Pull-ups, Single Leg Bobby Hurley’s

Mary: Stretched out the legs after the beatdown that just occured

Announcements: None

T-Claps (Recognition): None

Prayer: Fumunga’s college friend and his family after losing their father to ALS, Carnival’s daughter Nora as she will be starting a immunotherapy regiment tomorrow, H1N1’s 2.0’s as they will be on a mission trip to Costa Rico

05.07.2024 The Nest 1:4 ratio

Warm-up: SSH, Sir Fazio Arm Circles (forward and back), Cherry Pickers, Good Mornings, Willie Mayes Hayes, Mosey Lap

Main Event: This morning was especially designed to get long reps of several exercises. At each corner of the block around the park we did a 1:4 ratio exercise except for the Berp & Merk station cause that would have really sucked.  Corner 1: Berp & Merk which was a burpee with the merkin portion of the burpee increasing each time.  Going to 10 so round 1 was a regular burpee, round 2 burpee with 2 merkins, round 3 burpee with 3 merkins etc.  Corner 2: Lt. Dan Taylors.  1:4 ratio of squats to lunges all the way up to 10 squats and 40 lunges.  The goal was to not be able to feel your legs at the end.  Corner 3: Jack Webb, ol’ jack made us do 1:4 merkins to air press up to 10 merkins and 40 air presses. Corner 4: Last but not least was Captain Thors.  These bad boys rounded out the morning with a 1:4 ratio of big boy sit-ups and American Hammers.  So up to 10 big boys and 40 American Hammers to feel that burn deep down inside.

COT: @Finkle’s brother and family during separation from wife and moving out etc. @Nemo loosing mom to cancer.  Prayers for him and the family during this tough time.  On going court case that @Enough is part of with NC State Health plan.

8 Dark Knights conquered the Dragon at the Nest

PAX:  @Firstblood, @Haggis, @K I T T Y L I T T R, @Rico, @H1N1, @Griswold @Enough, @Finkle

Q Extraordinare: @Finkle

Event 1: Batman’s -> a fantastic way to kick off.  We did a short little mosey around the park and stopped at the brick wall behind the dugouts. Started with 50 bat wings, 10 sec hold x8 of balls to the wall, 50 overhead claps, 10 sec hold x8 of balls to the wall, 50 air presses, and 10 sec hold x8 of balls to the wall.  Since @Rico was still smiling I figured we would stay for a round of people’s chair.

Event 2: Welsh Dragons (modified) -> in the center field we did 10 sets of 10 bear crawls followed by 1 merkin & 1 plank jack with increasing in number of exercises.  Meaning ending with 10 merkins and 10 plank jacks (in cadence of course).

Event 3: We finished off the morning with 2 circuits of exercises using some of Finkle’s favorite toys.  Cindy and her big sister, a jump rope, exercise cube, exercise ladder, and 8lb weighted exercise ball.  This completed the trifecta.  Exercises for 1st circuits were timer ran around the parking lot, chest press with big sister, curls for the girls with Cindy, WW1’s with weighted ball, roll the dice for your exercise, jump rope, and squats.  2nd circuit exercises were rut rows with big sister, overhead press with Cindy, American hammers with weighted ball, roll dice for your exercise, jump rope, and lunges.  But alas we ran out of time to complete 2nd circuit.

Mary: none

COT: @FirstBlood and decisions about college to attend in fall, praise that @H1N1 didn’t get kidnapped while across the pond in England.


Shelter Tabataaaaa

FNGs: none

Warm Up: warm-o-rama

The Workout: Tabata with 5 rounds, 5 sets, 30s on 10s rest. Brought some classic rock to bring the energy!

1) walkout, reverse lunge

2) irkins, pulse squat jumps

3) dips, side straddle hop

4) balls to the wall, step ups

5) burpees, wall sit

Mary: light stretching

Announcements: none

T-Claps (Recognition): those for EC and PC

Prayer: Rico’s housing search, Gamecocks company layoffs 

X Marks the spot – Day 2 of Finkle’s 6 pack

PAX: @Finkle, @Martini, @Warbucks, @H1N1, @Gamecock, @Haggis, @1st Blood, @Mohawk, @Loafer

Warm-up: Mosey around main parking lot, followed by Good Mornings, ‘Y’ nots, Imperial Walkers, Michael Phelps and Sir Fazio Arm Circles.

Main Event: We traveled from the parking lot down to the cross section of Raleigh St. and S Ennis St.  Where they converge is the X for the exercise.  We jogged one street light up all four ways 3x each doing an exercise at each end and then coming back to the intersection did another prescribed exercise.  Exercises were

Round 1: SSH in middle, then merkins, squats, lbc’s, reverse lunges.

Round 2: fox hole merkins in middle, wide merkins, pickle pounders, Freddie Mercury’s, American Hammers.

Round 3: Homer to Marge in middle, diamond merkins, burpees, sumo squats, WW2’s and then a mosey back to the parking lot for COT.

COT: Prayers for H1N1’s small group that is supporting a family for the holidays, safe travels for Finkle’s daughter and her beau, Loafer’s daughter is having surgery in January, “Dr.” Gamecock’s neighbor is recovering from a stroke and the needs surrounding that situation.

Bermuda Triangle

FNGs: None. Welcome back kotter Haggis!

Warm Up: normal warm-o-rama

The Workout: Bearmuda triangle around the parking lot. x20 reps at each station with a travel mode in between. Round 1 upper body (merkins, dips, bttw) with bear crawls. Round 2 legs (sumo squats, fast feet, wall sit) with lunge walk. Round 3 upper body (triangle merkins, Mike Tysons, wall climb) with air press mosey. Round 4 legs (deadlift, calf raises, wall homer to Marge) with side squat walk. 

Mary: some light stretching

Announcements: Christmas party, food pantry collections 

T-Claps (Recognition): Amelia Earhart 

Prayer: H1N1 daughter, Haggis birthday, gamecocks son


Give Yourself Goosebumps!

FNGs: None

Warm Up: Warm-o-Rama

The Workout: Choose your own adventure! 25 spots were marked in chalk on the parking lot. Each spot has a mystery exercise and the PAX chose which direction and number they would move to next. We continued until you hit a ‘GOOSEBUMPS’ which triggered 10 burpees and an end to that path. Goals was to find the mystery number that had the ‘good ending’. We had time after finding the ending to complete all exercise markers. 

Mary: Ab exercises throughout the workout

Announcements: Clean up

T-Claps (Recognition): H1N1 for hitting all the goosebumps

Prayer: Safety for children as they travel and have events away from home. Kristin (Gamecock’s daycare) health and fathers’ failing health. 

X Marks the Spot at the Nest

PAX: @Finkle, @Gamecock,  @H1N1, @Particle Board, @K I T T Y L I T T R, @flair

Warm-up: We got the party started with some Hillbillies and Imperial Walkers in cadence, followed by some good morning’s, and downward dog in to chaturanga updogs.

Main Event: We  played a favorite game of X-Marks the spot.  We started off with 20 SSH in cadence at the ends of the X and once we came to our intersection of Ennis St and Raleigh St we stopped and did 10 merkins.  Once all four parts were complete we changed up the exercises to squats on the ends and sumo squats at the intersection.  Got in about 2.5 miles standard.

Mary: Not today, ran out of time.

COT: @K I T T Y L I T T R: shared updates on adoption process, @H1N1: shared parenting woes for his son @Messi needing wisdom for upcoming decisions, @Finkle: prayers for oldest 2.0 who is in Guatemala working with kids and single moms.

Tabataaaaa and Puddles

FNGs: none

Warm Up: normal warm-o-rama

The Workout: tabata with 5 sets of 2 pairs, 30 seconds on and 10 second rest each time. Ssh and walk outs, squats and imperial walkers, merkins and around the world lunges, big boy situps and mountain climbers, 6″ hold and high knees.

Mary: none today

Announcements: picnic Saturday

T-Claps (Recognition): all for driving through the rain!

Prayer: Rubiks cousin, Finkles daughter, travel protections, Yosemite’s arm infection