Last Call for Q School

10 PAX for the final scheduled March 2024 Q school hosted at Downtown Train.

Why Q school? This is to help with F3 formality (uniform) across all regions so if you attend an AO in New York or Texas it’ll still be close to the same structure.

3 main topics to cover – How to Q? Why to Q? (new exciting things) Are you ready to Q?

Sample structure for warm up with some discussion:
Disclaimer, warmup, workout (the thang), Mary, CoT – 45 mins total time, get a watch. Assign a sweeper if you have a large group of FNG’s.
Bring a Flag if you plan to Q. If you don’t have one, ask site Q to bring one.

Conduct WU and have guys take turns with exercises. SSH, Good Mornings, etc.

Be ready for CoT with announcements and prayer requests/praises

Review during workout:
Cadence Count
Form and rep count
Know your PAX limitations if possible
Site Q duties
Q sheet, pre-blast, backblast
Exicon, backblast from other regions, winky, Co-Q

Thang 1:
Partner up in parking deck
P1 does Australian Mtn climbers
P2 runs to opposite long side and back
3 rds with different merkins after each rd

Thang 2:
P1 holds squat while P2 does 10 dirkens with feet on partners legs
Leg pushes abs
Patty cake merkins
Rinse and repeat

Various exercises

Thanks everyone for coming out. Now sign up to Q.

BS Out!