Even the Odds Rev3

FNGs: None
Warm Up: Met at normal AO start.  Mosey down to Sheepdog Track. Circled up for SSH, Imperial/Hillbillies, SFAC, Good Morning, and Daisy pickers.  Anticipation was high as most of the first time PAX had heard through the SLACK machine and by reputation how brutal of a beating this can be.  Several PAX were on their 2nd and 3rd round of this 1-hour long beatdown of U vs U but were still anticipating the special kind of suck it brings. YHC read the rules and tweaked how the “points” are scored.
The Workout: The ODD numbers must be done in order of sequence.  1,3,5, etc. the EVEN numbers can be done in any order you choose.  Once you start the exercise you must complete that exercise before moving on to the next number (Even or Odd). The timer is set for one hour.  You must keep track of your points for a total tally at the end of the hour.  If the exercise is not completed before the timer runs out, you do not get ANY points for completion. During the workout, the PAXs that are running can pick up any man’s six on any of the EVEN exercises.  (*note* If you are bear crawling and get tired you cannot walk around the track to complete the 400m. It’s a 400m bear crawl…not a 100-meter bear crawl and 300-meter walk).

Mary: Too tired to do it.
Announcements: F3 Xmas party.
T-Claps (Recognition):  Any HIM that showed up for this beating for their first time: Shredder, Farva, Duece, LED, 2 Dollars, Sunshine, Banana Seat  Several guys have done it twice:  Maybeline, Nemo, and Lipstick  Guys who have done it three times. Breach, Cupid, and YHC.
Prayer: Tough times during the holiday season for many men and families. Reach out.