Easy Street (On Repeat)
Before you read this BackBlast – please scroll to the bottom and hit play and enjoy the music to accompany this recount of the workout.
YHC had been meaning to bestow a gift to the Disney AO based on his recent move to site Q. It worked out that Lipstick had a stack of cinder blocks in the corner of his garage and I had some spray paint. Now there is even more to do at The Happiest Place on Earth!
FNGs: None
Warm Up: Good Mornings, Squat Thrusts, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, SSH and a mozy around the soccer field and back through the field, back to the flag.
The Workout: Our Q knew that the site gift was in play and decided to take full advantage. YHC opened the hatch on his family’s light blue minivan to show off the freshly logo’d cinder blocks. PAX were divided into teams of 4 and instructed to grab 2 blocks per team. A triangle course was marked by 3 cones from the corner of the soccer field. Thing-a-ma-bob called out exercises for each cone for each round. One cone had a resident block that would be used for the stations workout. A PAX was stationed at each cone until his 4th team member showed up carrying the other block. He would then take the block and move to the next cone. Each round continued through some pre-determined timeframe in which “Easy Stree” played on repeat. A buzzer marked the end of the round. The music would pause momentarily – each PAX would hope against hope that there was another song on the playlist only to be disappointed over and over again.
Round 1 – Merkins, Goblet Squats, WWII
Round 2 – Squat Thrust, Shoulder Taps, CBLs
Round 3 – Jump Squats, Curls, LBCs
Round 4 – Dry Docks, Flutter Kicks, Lunges
Round 5 – Skipped for time
Round 6 – Jump Squat, Burpees, Squat Thrusts
Mary: In teams, 1 PAX completed Murder Bunnies, while 3 Squat Hold / Plank Hold – repeat until all PAX complete a round of Murder Bunnies
Announcements: NE Wake CSAUP
The Deacon – F3 NE Wake’s CSAUP to take place on Saturday September 18, 2021 – Mark you Calendars: ~10 miles of fun that include 6 AOs including the Falls Lake Dam and Mt. Thrashmore
T-Claps (Recognition): Thing-a-ma-bob and Tubetop for making the journey. Extra claps to T-bob for his leadership. Claps to all in attendance for helping me stash the new attraction.
- For all PAX that attended today, that they may get this song out of their heads.
- Bondo – wife’s checkup
- Kosher – getting back out in the world for work. Upcoming travel.
- FRAM – friend recovering from multiple back-to-back medical issues
Now… Please enjoy the melody of Easy Street for the next 10 hours or MORE