Rock Swap Fail
Great group out there today. Solid EC as a bunch of us stuck together on a strong pace. After almost 4 years, and countless times posting at PT when it was the only show in town on Wed, this was the first time I took the Q.
FNGs: None today, so no extra points for any PAX
Warm Up: Jog around tennis courts, circle up for exercises. All you need to know is we did Good Mornings and we did ICx20. Several other typical moves to prepare for workout.
The Workout: Moseyed around courts to select a rock that would be a good challenge with focus on bi/tri and Wonder Bras. We lined up at one end of the lot and we did bis/tris ICx20, then a run to far end where we did tempo squats ICx10. Back to rocks and repeat. Did this 3 times. Next we lined up across from an accountability partner and we did Wonder Bras ICx20, followed by a shoulder burn holding out on 10 count – Fazio 10 forward, 10 count hold, Fazio 10 reverse, 10 count hold, Seal Claps ICx10, 10 count hold, Overhead Claps ICx10, 10 count hold. Recover on the Michael Phelps. Repeat. Shredder pulled a rock swap and delivered his slightly heaver rock to me, and Cancun quickly joined the swap by trading out with me and dropping a behemoth at my feet. Staring down at that thing I had to decide if another round was in order, or if time was ticking and it was time to return the rocks. Truth be told, the plan was to be done, and so I stuck to it, but I did Cusak that piece of shit back to the pile as a show of good faith. By the way, very little chance I was gonna survive another round of Wonder Bras with that thing. Returned the rocks and moseyed down to the field house and did alternating BTTW and tempo dips. 3 rounds and nice job by Pots going 1 handed. Circled up for a quick set of SSH ICx50. Moseyed back to tennis courts lined up at one end and did merkins ICx10, Bear Crawl across court 1, shoulder taps ICx0, Bear Crawl across court 2, Nipplers ICx10, Bear Crawl across court 3, Plank hold 10 count. Lots of action out there today, lots of constant movements, very few recovery. Ended up logging 1 mile even while moving our way around the park.
Mary: Multiple rounds of LBC, Homer to Marge, 6 Hold and Low Slow Flutters
Announcements: Picnic, Fram on Q at TB, Warbucks on Q at Disney, Shredder preparing for Memorial Day Murph
T-Claps (Recognition): Everyone, all PAX really put in the effort this morning. We kept moving and worked hard start to finish.
Prayer: Fram shared upcoming travel to reconnect with family he has not seen in 2 years. Tend to forget how the pandemic might have isolated some folks and led to these long gaps in sharing time together. Shredder took us out.