3RD F LEADERSHIP MEETING – The Lost February Meeting
These notes have been sitting on my PC waiting to be posted to a backblast for a month now… my bad
Bacon, Wiggly, Abe, Dahmer
EC: Abe
Blood Drive – Abe
EC: Abe
Blood Drive – Abe
- Abe to poll the PAX for interest
Invite FiA to our next meeting – UTI
- Square – Tuesday, February 16th, 8pm
- Shield Locks – FML, Dawg\Emeril
- Challenge
- Need a Virtual representative
February 13th – first available, next would be March
Capital Area Disc League
Building kiosks – 6×6 posts, 2-3 guys set posts, pour concrete, set up kiosk
If we don’t have someone who knows how to do this, town can provide someone for this
3 of these : pecan grove apartment complex, 12 oaks greenway, jones park disc golf
We have time on these but it would be good to knock it out
Tee Pads – railroad ties, gravel screening, horse trail mat to keep in place. Adding in amateur pads (10-
12) to be built around pro pads, disc golf guy is expert here
Town will have everything staged, we just have to build everything (town will also bring supplies but
depending on numbers we could need to bring rakes/gloves etc)
Plant Trees (Hole 1B) – leeland cyphers around water tower
Small Bridges (Hole 4) – 2 2x8s, putting 2×4 on top to go over small ravines, anti-skid paint on bridges
Benches – Replace rotted wood
Rock Piles – filling out tee pads
Signs – replace signs around tees, directional signs
- Do we encourage\recruit guys to host one of these?
Mama’s House
- Brass tax – financial support for their move.
- Read announcement – anything can be done
- LED – Other opportunities to help out
- Dauber NFL Squares
- Curry with the Murrays
Truth in Nature
- Anyone feel led.
Police Youth Explorers
- High School aged kids that might be good to introduce
- Talk about F3, get them into a workout
Wellcheck Program
- Outreach for 65+
- Yardwork, etc
- Q-School
- QSheet Sign-up
Prayer Requests
- Pumpkin Spice Mr Terrific – and families Covid
YHC Took us out